(Topic ID: 167576)

Batman 66 - Official Club Thread

By TigerLaw

7 years ago

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#2901 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

On the code update;I got it that Mr Lyman has been taken off the B66 for other projects! He will be doing any more code from home in his spare time!! If this is correct,it may be awhile to get to 1.0!! Anyone else hear this????Code .75 is fun!!

I won't believe this until we hear more details. This is a huge anniversary/big money game, to cut code short would kill any future hopes of repeating Stern's model to make big money on a particular title (possibly Elvira soon). Stern could take a real kick in the nutts if this was the case.....and quite frankly they should. Now, we hit 1.0 or thereabouts and I'll be more open to suggestion.

#2902 7 years ago
Quoted from taz:

I won't believe this until we hear more details. This is a huge anniversary/big money game, to cut code short would kill any future hopes of repeating Stern's model to make big money on a particular title (possibly Elvira soon). Stern could take a real kick in the nutts if this was the case.....and quite frankly they should. Now, we hit 1.0 or thereabouts and I'll be more open to suggestion.

Every time Stern does something people say they will boycott them, it doesn't happen and stern keeps selling games. I think they have learned some lessons there!

Having said that I can't see Stern being dumb enough to abandon BM66 but I could easily see them delaying it to work on something else. Stern needs to keep its production line running so I suspect that is what drives everything they do. This is a niche game for them so I would think it would be hard to keep their lead programmer tied up on it for a while.

#2903 7 years ago
Quoted from clg:

Every time Stern does something people say they will boycott them.

Watch me!

If there is any truth to code being abandoned I'll be done with Stern SW will be cancelled and as much as I want GOTG there are older games I could happily pick up instead.

#2904 7 years ago

I was worried about this when Lyman did some tidying up of the last release - I have to say though that would be a catastrophic move.

#2905 7 years ago

Abandoning BM66 would have to kill future SLE sales, its bad enough that the SLE now has nothing exclusive but it's art - topper projectors can be had at all levels, the armour at all levels, B&R topper can be had on the LE and potentially now abandoned code for $15k surely no one would take that risk again if this is how Stern leaves things?

Saying that, I do believe Lyman will once again do the code in his own time just like he did with SM, BDK, MET, TWD just a shame he has to continually finish things on his own time.

#2906 7 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Abandoning BM66 would have to kill future SLE sales

Nah it won't. Pinball people have the worst memory of any people I have ever met!!

New release - Take my money!!!

I hope BM66 isn't finished with yet ...


#2907 7 years ago

If they abandon the code and pull him off it soon, I will never buy another new Stern again. Period!
I don't care if its Elvira or whatever else they cook up. I'll be done and they could kiss my ass. Leaving us with a half baked ridiculous overpriced paperweight would be the end for me.

Now, on a happier note, let's hope that was all just unsubstantiated hearsay and more great code will be coming any day now

#2908 7 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

Nah it won't. Pinball people have the worst memory of any people I have ever met!!
New release - Take my money!!!
I hope BM66 isn't finished with yet ...

There is always a point where people get to their breaking point and say enough is enough, the best thing about this hobby is also it's biggest downfall and that is the people in it are awesome.

I have no other hobbies where I'd say 98% of people are just out and out super nice and helpful to one an other.

If Stern abandon BM66 I will abandon them I just hope other people in this hobby do the same, I love Stern and I am thankful for them keeping pinball alive and delivering some of the best games ever over recent years, but they are starting to take the p*ss out of the collectors that have kept them going and continue to keep them growing.

#2909 7 years ago

One random dude says that he heard Lyman was off of the code and now the sky is falling. Oh Pinside.

#2910 7 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Abandoning BM66 would have to kill future SLE sales, its bad enough that the SLE now has nothing exclusive but it's art - topper projectors can be had at all levels, the armour at all levels, B&R topper can be had on the LE and potentially now abandoned code for $15k surely no one would take that risk again if this is how Stern leaves things?

Good, get rid of the SLE crap, I'm all for this game ending well with great code but the cash grab from Stern on this SLE AND the LE was ridiculous.They already continue to stretch the gap on LE/Premium on other games, I feel bad for anyone involved but honestly hope the SLE model is never seen again.

#2911 7 years ago

Guess it's time for my reminder that Lyman's name is literally signed on the playfield. Don't feed trolls.

#2912 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

On the code update;I got it that Mr Lyman has been taken off the B66 for other projects! He will be doing any more code from home in his spare time!! If this is correct,it may be awhile to get to 1.0!! Anyone else hear this????Code .75 is fun!!

Another way to look at this. IF (big if) there is any truth to this rumor it could be that the next code update is 1.0 and is basically done (except for maybe some outstanding bug fixes). That could be a valid reason for Lyman to move on to support other projects.

#2913 7 years ago
Quoted from docquest:

Another way to look at this. IF (big if) there is any truth to this rumor it could be that the next code update is 1.0 and is basically done (except for maybe some outstanding bug fixes). That could be a valid reason for Lyman to move on to support other projects.

There is far too much left to be done to expect the code is going to be complete with the next release.

I agree that we shouldn't jump to conclusions based on one rumor. I don't think it's realistic to expect that Lyman will work on BM66 exclusively until it's complete, but it is realistic to expect Stern to keep the commitment to allow him to finish the code. Expecting that he will finish the code on his own time is unfair.

Someone at Stern must understand that a big part of why Premiums aren't flying out the door is that people are waiting on the code. Unlike SLE and LE buyers, there was/is absolutely no reason to buy a Premium early.

Will people stop buying Stern games if the BM66 code is abandoned? Some, but probably not enough to make a difference. JJP sees and understands the value of deep and completed code to their customer base, which is 90% home. So far, Stern just pays lip service to that crowd.

#2914 7 years ago

I am surprised we're at the end of June 2017 and the code is still so incomplete. Definitely has been a slower ride than I expected. Not sure why that is.

#2915 7 years ago

The Topper and projectors are now listed on Stern's site. Topper $400, Bat Signal Projector w/ Base $250 and Bat Signal Projector Add On $200. Is the base needed to clear the topper or why have two versions?

#2916 7 years ago

Premiums are definitely not selling because of the code. I like the art and the theme but won't be a buyer unless the code becomes a home run. Especially since it has a higher price tag. With other Lyman games it's usually 9-12 months when you get the really game changing update so I'm hoping all of the owners get it soon.

#2917 7 years ago
Quoted from frolic:

I am surprised we're at the end of June 2017 and the code is still so incomplete. Definitely has been a slower ride than I expected. Not sure why that is.

Sadly, I am not surprised at all. I was usually in early on games, but was burned with long waits one too many times. Hoping for the best, as I'd still like to own one someday. I'm waiting on Star Wars too . Hoping Stern completes code sooner than later for you guys.

#2918 7 years ago

I'm lost....what Bat signal do you need to go with the topper?

#2919 7 years ago
Quoted from thundergod76:

I'm lost....what Bat signal do you need to go with the topper?

Very confusing. The pictures for with base or without look the same. But the dimesions for the with base one look huge. Maybe the with base if for people who have no topper at all and the base is the large flat top that spans the whole top of the back box. If you look at the pic of the premium topper you can see the large flat base.

If you just want the batsignal projector but not the topper you need the wide metal base piece to mate with the existing back box screw holes to attach the topper.

So do all versions have a node board to drive it? LE owners should not need that since they have that already fpr their existing topper.

It says the topper is interactive. I wonder if it will be more interactive than the LE topper which doesnt do anything with gameplay (so far at least).

#2920 7 years ago
Quoted from thundergod76:

I'm lost....what Bat signal do you need to go with the topper?

Well, Mike obviously pointed to the site. Best I can tell, the base gets extra height so would allow clearance to hit various locations / walls/ ceilings , etc. .....both are compatible w Premium, LE, but the one with base also included SLE in compatibility, and looks more adjustable.

Plenty of room up there, and screw holes look suspiciously similar....I ordered the one w base, but also sent clarification question.

#2921 7 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

Nah it won't. Pinball people have the worst memory of any people I have ever met!!
New release - Take my money!!!
I hope BM66 isn't finished with yet ...

We are a fickle group, no doubt.

But if you want to see the biggest meltdown ever IF they drop the ball on this then stay tuned, I've already got the ice chest ready to go.

I'm chill and patient right now but I agree with Frolic, it seems to be taking a bit longer than promised.

Why? Stern is cranking out games at a fast pace right now.

Maybe just a little verbal update from them even if its a F you!

We are always just left to guess when the next code update is coming despite what Gomez promised.

#2922 7 years ago

I heard this from someone who has had experience of this kind before! As you all read,I asked if any body else had heard a rumor like that??? Who ever injected the word :abandoned: took this rumor one step further,result,anger I was just asking here people,sorry!!

#2923 7 years ago

Why can't Stern be open regarding code updates?

Rumors of a KISS update for over a year and still crickets.....

Lyman may already be working on Elvira 3 as he is on the game, allegedly.

#2924 7 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

despite what Gomez promised.

Technically it was just a statement...I don't think he made a promise....lol

#2925 7 years ago
Quoted from Manimal:

Technically it was just a statement...I don't think he made a promise....lol

Maybe he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it.

No way around it, Gomez said regular updates with the goal of ever 2 weeks until this game is finished. Stern once again has not even remotely lived up to their statements when it comes to code. I'm really liking my AS, but I waited until I had seen enough of the code to know I would be happy with it before buying. I'd love to own a awesomely coded BM66 and will buy one if that happens. My money won't be spent based on sterns BS promises though. Seeing is believing.

#2926 7 years ago


Just heard from Chas:

"The projector with the base can only be used alone. With this kit, you don't need a topper".

Hence (I have a BM66LE) I've changed my order from a "SP49" to a "SP48". hope this helps.....mark

#2927 7 years ago
Quoted from zucot:

One random dude says that he heard Lyman was off of the code and now the sky is falling. Oh Pinside.

I don't see the harm with people stating they would be unhappy if Stern left BM66 as it is to move onto other things, far too often this community is just too nice for its own good.

We all know Lyman will/would finish this game on his own time but he shouldn't have to.

#2928 7 years ago

I love the theme for this game, and it is fun to play. I was considering this a few months back as my first NIB, but the unfinished code turned me off. I went with Metallica and don't regret it one bit. Stern still pocketed my $$$.

I'm watching this pretty closely to see where the code goes. Unfortunately, I'm also waiting for the KISS code to drop.

Would love to see Stern's PR Dept provide an "official" announcement/schedule on when we intend to see new code or not.

#2929 7 years ago

I was really pleased when i saw this inside my playfield when i unboxed it, but i'm yet to receive any communication. What's the point of creating this flyer if you aren't going to bother? I believe Lyman will complete the game and it will be great. He has many skills and i respect him greatly, but why does stern always mess things up?

My thoughts are the next update should be out end of this week (25th june ish), if the normal update length is the same as previous and i'm expecting some updates to the cat woman and penguin modes to add more scene graphics and speech calls, like with the joker and riddler last month.

IMG_8678 (resized).JPGIMG_8678 (resized).JPG

#2930 7 years ago

I got that in mine as well!! I framed it,gave my info to Stern,and get regular updates!You don't,you say???

#2931 7 years ago
Quoted from MK6PIN:

Just heard from Chas:
"The projector with the base can only be used alone. With this kit, you don't need a topper".
Hence (I have a BM66LE) I've changed my order from a "SP49" to a "SP48". hope this helps.....mark

Thanks a lot for clearing that up. I took a chance and ordered the correct beacon. Just received ship notification.

#2932 7 years ago

What dealer is selling the Beacon???

#2933 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

What dealer is selling the Beacon???

Straight from Stern site....

#2934 7 years ago
Quoted from thundergod76:

Thanks a lot for clearing that up. I took a chance and ordered the correct beacon. Just received ship notification.

Yep, they fixed my order and shipped today...I'll have it Friday....almost as fun as new code....

#2935 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

What dealer is selling the Beacon???

Front page of the Stern Store

#2936 7 years ago

Hi guys
I just installed 0.75
We're on something!
Question: 90% of time my magnet will not grab the ball on batphone calls. It's really annoying. Is it only on my game or futur code will resolve this?

#2937 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

I got that in mine as well!! I framed it,gave my info to Stern,and get regular updates!You don't,you say???

What info are you getting sent?

#2938 7 years ago
Quoted from jgentry:

Maybe he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it.
No way around it, Gomez said regular updates with the goal of ever 2 weeks until this game is finished. Stern once again has not even remotely lived up to their statements when it comes to code. I'm really liking my AS, but I waited until I had seen enough of the code to know I would be happy with it before buying. I'd love to own a awesomely coded BM66 and will buy one if that happens. My money won't be spent based on sterns BS promises though. Seeing is believing.

First off I was just poking fun....hence the lol

But with that said, the complaints about Stern and broken promises, lack of communication, and everything else under the sun have been well documented here for a whole lot longer than Batman was ever under consideration. We can't have it both ways here.....either they are not dependable and never to be believed......or they are the saints that unexpectedly let us down. So realistically, if anyone really believed what Gomez said in a literal sense, then they have been living under a rock for a long time.

#2939 7 years ago
Quoted from Cheese_WizardPQ:

Hi guys
I just installed 0.75
We're on something!
Question: 90% of time my magnet will not grab the ball on batphone calls. It's really annoying. Is it only on my game or futur code will resolve this?

In my game, It has to be exactly in the center/core/middle of the magnet to answer the Bat-Phone or Alfred will answer the call, I'm playing since February,15/17 and it is easier to aim now....but here is the same.

Code 0.75 for me was honesty a very positive change compared with the game 4 months ago.


#2941 7 years ago
Quoted from Cheese_WizardPQ:

Hi guys
I just installed 0.75
We're on something!
Question: 90% of time my magnet will not grab the ball on batphone calls. It's really annoying. Is it only on my game or futur code will resolve this?

It seems to be purposely random how strongly the mag grabs on batphone answers. I perceive it to be less in .75 than in earlier versions.

#2942 7 years ago

The least Lyman can do is integrate that clip where Shame's scratching his ass.

#2943 7 years ago
Quoted from o-din:

The least Lyman can do is integrate that clip where Shame's scratching his ass.

Yeah, that is epic. I'll just be happy if we ever get Shame implemented at all. . I like where the code is going but I don't like how I've been able to select minor villains for the last three code updates but nothing happens besides a change in music. Clearly, what Lyman is planning is either complicated, or he's saving it for a giant bad ass update like he did with TWD.

#2944 7 years ago
Quoted from hawkmoon:

On the code update;I got it that Mr Lyman has been taken off the B66 for other projects! He will be doing any more code from home in his spare time!! If this is correct,it may be awhile to get to 1.0!! Anyone else hear this????Code .75 is fun!!

Stern have said this morning he's still working on it

FB_IMG_1498173128381 (resized).jpgFB_IMG_1498173128381 (resized).jpg

#2945 7 years ago

Let's all chant

Lyman F ing Sheets!

#2946 7 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

Let's all chant
Lyman F ing Sheets!


#2947 7 years ago

I hope that SLE is Lyman's and Stern gave that to him for his house, cause the guys a f'in legend!

#2948 7 years ago

I'm glad Stern at least squashed that one quickly instead of letting the wheels fall off.

#2949 7 years ago
Quoted from Macca101010:

Stern have said this morning he's still working on it

Where was that post made? It is not on Sterns Facebook page, at least I didn't see it earlier.

#2950 7 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Where was that post made? It is not on Sterns Facebook page, at least I didn't see it earlier.

It's under the BM66 accessories post discussions. Jim Harris asked if Lyman was still working on the code and Stern replied with the photo.

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