(Topic ID: 26437)

Pinball in movies or TV shows? Name a game you have seen in the background?

By Jackontherocks

12 years ago

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#4251 1 year ago
Quoted from Oneironaut:

the movie Feast - 2005[quoted image]

Mylstar's Jacks to Open

#4252 1 year ago
Quoted from Oneironaut:

the movie Feast - 2005[quoted image]

Jack's to Open

1 week later
#4253 1 year ago

In Miss Congeniality (2000), there's an Independence Day and Starship Troopers in the background of a bar, about 14 minutes in.

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#4254 1 year ago

Can’t tell what machines these are but there are pinball machines in the new Five Nights at Freddy’s movie trailer-

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#4255 1 year ago
Quoted from johnnyutah:

Can’t tell what machines these are but there are pinball machines in the new Five Nights at Freddy’s movie trailer-
[quoted image]

I think the one on the right might be Card Whiz (Gottlieb 1976) and the center one looks like a Jacks Open or Lucky Hand (Gottlieb 1977).

ED: Pretty sure the one on the left is a Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973).

#4256 1 year ago
Quoted from johnnyutah:

Can’t tell what machines these are but there are pinball machines in the new Five Nights at Freddy’s movie trailer-
[quoted image]

Quoted from TopMoose:

I think the one on the right might be Card Whiz (Gottlieb 1976) and the center one looks like a Jacks Open or Lucky Hand (Gottlieb 1977).
ED: Pretty sure the one on the left is a Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973).

Does this help any?Screen Shot B 2023-06-28 at 12.10.50 AM (resized).pngScreen Shot B 2023-06-28 at 12.10.50 AM (resized).png

#4257 1 year ago
Quoted from TopMoose:

I think the one on the right might be Card Whiz (Gottlieb 1976) and the center one looks like a Jacks Open or Lucky Hand (Gottlieb 1977).
ED: Pretty sure the one on the left is a Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973).

All look right to me. There's another off to the right that is more visible earlier in the trailer. Not exactly hard to ID the Genie. No idea on what's next to it.

genie (resized).pnggenie (resized).png

#4258 1 year ago

I was able to take my own screen shot, zoom in and lighten the image - you can make out more of the backglass and cabinet art here.
Pretty sure it's Jumping Jacks, Jacks Open/Lucky Hand and Card Whiz.

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#4259 1 year ago

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Season 12, Episode 4 (first air date: Jan 25, 2017) - At station WCYZ, the dressing room before going live to defend their company, Frank's Fluids, that is selling Wolf Cola to terrorists. Machines only visible in the reflection. One on the left can't make out. This was the best I can get for pictures. Any help on what the bigger one in the reflection is please?
Thanks in advance everybody!
Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia (resized).JPGIts Always Sunny In Philadelphia (resized).JPGIts Always Sunny In Philadelphia-2 (resized).JPGIts Always Sunny In Philadelphia-2 (resized).JPG

#4260 1 year ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Season 12, Episode 4 - At station WCYZ, the dressing room before going live to defend their company, Frank's Fluids, that is selling Wolf Cola to terrorists. Machines only visible in the reflection. One on the left can't make out. This was the best I can get for pictures. Any help on what the bigger one in the reflection is please?
Thanks in advance everybody![quoted image][quoted image]

Looks like a rethemed Black Knight 2000.

#4261 1 year ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Season 12, Episode 4 - At station WCYZ, the dressing room before going live to defend their company, Frank's Fluids, that is selling Wolf Cola to terrorists. Machines only visible in the reflection. One on the left can't make out. This was the best I can get for pictures. Any help on what the bigger one in the reflection is please?
Thanks in advance everybody![quoted image][quoted image]

The one on the left (as seen in the mirror) might be a High Speed 2.

#4262 1 year ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Here's the Ozempic commercial with two pins in the background. Can't really tell what pins they were (or if they were faked up overlays) because the background is blurred.[quoted image][quoted image]

You’re telling me I can play pinball AND lose weight???

I just saw the commercial too and I can’t make out the backglasses, but since every other arcade game has a generic overlay too, I bet the backglasses are fakes as well.

1 week later
#4263 1 year ago

The Littlest Hobo - The Secret of Red Hill

I can't name them, lol.

#4264 1 year ago
Quoted from ImNotNorm:

The Littlest Hobo - The Secret of Red Hill
I can't name them, lol.
[quoted image][quoted image]

Pop bumper placement and colors, this one could be Solar City:

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#4265 1 year ago

Another shot shows a Night Rider to the right of the Solar City.

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#4266 1 year ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Season 12, Episode 4 (first air date: Jan 25, 2017) - At station WCYZ, the dressing room before going live to defend their company, Frank's Fluids, that is selling Wolf Cola to terrorists. Machines only visible in the reflection. One on the left can't make out. This was the best I can get for pictures. Any help on what the bigger one in the reflection is please?
Thanks in advance everybody!
[quoted image][quoted image]

Guardians in the recent S16 E7 episode

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#4267 1 year ago

A Jack-Bot in the background of 13 Going on 30

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#4268 1 year ago

Thank you. I saw the episode -filmed at Corbin Bowl (in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley) no less and was trying to see if they showed clips of pins and glad you found one

Quoted from briyau15:

Guardians in the recent S16 E7 episode
[quoted image]

#4269 1 year ago

Pawn Stars (S19E01 - Pawn Jam)

Pearl Jam signed pinball themed poster.


#4270 1 year ago

Does this count?

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#4271 1 year ago

Bally Supersonic and Globetrotters in the horror nightmare that is Possession (1981).

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#4272 1 year ago
Quoted from Oneironaut:

Does this count?[quoted image]

Well the "ROCK STAT" pinball was actually a Gottlieb wedge head.

#4273 1 year ago

S03E04 of Taxi.

Williams Fun Fest and Bally Night Rider EM in a bar scene with Alex.

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#4274 1 year ago

Saw the movie 'Before Sunrise' mentioned in its own thread but its never been called out here before. Two strangers meet on a train and decide the spend the night walking around Vienna just discussing life, part of which takes place in a bar playing an Atari Spaceriders.

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#4275 1 year ago

2003's "Pact With the Devil" starring Malcolm McDowell. The main dude in the movie has a Getaway pin in his cool pad full of exercise equipment and a jukebox etc. Only watched it for a couple of minutes but the machine was in several shots, maybe he even plays it, I dunno.

** found a better pic of the game when I skipped thru the movie on Freevee to see if the game is in it more. He's a 'pretty boy' type of character and I didn't see him play the game - he just has a photographer chick come over and snap a few shots of him posing with it, oh brother what a fraud. Also it was noted that the date was supposed to be 1990 in the scene, but the game wouldn't be built for another two years.

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#4276 1 year ago

Episode 6 of American born chinese in the bowling alley-

Right looks like a Meteor with a custom BG and left a Galaxy with a custom BG?

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#4277 1 year ago