(Topic ID: 26437)

Pinball in movies or TV shows? Name a game you have seen in the background?

By Jackontherocks

11 years ago

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#2201 4 years ago
Quoted from TopMoose:

Creature From the Black Lagoon.

Good eye! Now that you pointed it out it's so obvious, lol

#2202 4 years ago

French movie MADO from 1976 with SPIRIT OF 76 in a parisian bistro and a short glimpse at an older machine in a fast camera-movement.
Actors Ottavia Piccolo and Charles Denner.

Mado (resized).jpgMado (resized).jpg
#2203 4 years ago

This past CBS Sunday Morning had a piece about a remote movie club between seniors and millenials during Covid sheltering. But more importantly, the featured senior home also has pinball! It's Lake Parke Senior Living in Missouri.

CBS-Sunday (resized).jpgCBS-Sunday (resized).jpg

#2204 4 years ago

Found a nice shot of a Full House (1966) while watching a so bad it's good B movie from the same year, Curse of the Swamp Creature.
Edit- After watching the entire movie, it's terrible. The monster doesn't show up until the last 5 minutes. Only watch it if it's being riffed. You have been warned.
Curse of the Swamp Creature (resized).pngCurse of the Swamp Creature (resized).png

#2205 4 years ago

T2 in Nintendo Quest: Power Tour, episode 5

#2206 4 years ago

Opening credits of Have A Good Trip Adventures in Psychedelics on Netflix

#2207 4 years ago

American Dad Season 15 Episode 5:Sopranos (resized).jpegSopranos (resized).jpeg

#2208 4 years ago

The Fugitive S3E10 (Landscape with Running Figures: Part 2)

The Chicago Coin Match Bowler from S01E03 shows up again. And there's a Williams Nags pin (1960) with a nice closeup.

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#2209 4 years ago

Zapped, 1982 with Scott Baio. Pin is a 1973 Bally Delta Queen

zapped (resized).pngzapped (resized).png
#2210 4 years ago
Quoted from ReadyPO:

Zapped, 1982 with Scott Baio. Pin is a 1973 Bally Delta Queen

You had me at "...with Scott Baio."

#2211 4 years ago

It was almost 3:00 AM, and both Mannix and myself were winding down. He had already helped the kid that lost his stamp book and took out the bad guys and they passed the arcade.

But it was something else that caught my weary eyes. It took a few rewinds to believe what I saw.
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#2213 4 years ago

I know those guys
Don't bogart that joint fellas.

#2214 4 years ago
Quoted from pinwiztom:

Don't bogart that joint fellas.

That's exactly what the first dude was doing. I'm guessing you've seen this show before. It does make for great late night/early morning entertainment because I was too young to watch it when it first aired.

#2215 4 years ago

I think they were both partaking.
First guy (with medium length hair) in 2nd photo and long hair guy in last photo.

But exactly where was the beach boardwalk?
Bay area or LA or Orange county?

#2216 4 years ago

The first dude hit it several times then handed to to the other dude.

I'm thinking that may have been the Pike in Long Beach where they have done several episodes. Earlier when he passed the arcade there was a glimpse of what might have been an old pitch and bat.

Correction - Playland arcade still exists on the Santa Monica Pier. I played a Getaway there right before I started buying machines.

#2217 4 years ago

And Mannix likes to race around in the most badass cars.
mannixs04e20avi_snapshot_0755_20170421_202449 (resized).jpgmannixs04e20avi_snapshot_0755_20170421_202449 (resized).jpg

#2218 4 years ago
Quoted from singlebanana:

Also a Bally Rolling Stone in that arcade. Third machine, but can't ID it. Maybe someone else can (starts around 1:20) -

Yep Flight 2000

CC0AA5A7-0FB8-4977-8479-24C3DCA623DF (resized).jpegCC0AA5A7-0FB8-4977-8479-24C3DCA623DF (resized).jpeg
#2219 4 years ago

Another schlock horror movie The Driller Killer (1979)
We see a Take Five (1978). Don't see a lot of cocktail pins in movies. While I was looking at a shot of the actors playing, I noticed a Night Rider (1976) to the side of them.

It's another bad one, but it has that great late 70's NYC look to it.

The Driller Killer1 (resized).pngThe Driller Killer1 (resized).pngThe Driller Killer2 (resized).pngThe Driller Killer2 (resized).png
#2220 4 years ago

My wife was watching a presumably low-budget movie on Amazon Prime called “Legal Action” and I just happened to walk through at the right time to hear some pinball sounds and catch a glimpse of a game. “I think that’s a Maverick”. She gives me the eye roll, but rewinds it anyway. Sure enough, there’s a close-up of the playfield around the flippers and later the wire ramps and a couple of wide shots. The side of the game is painted “County/Line”, the translite is removed showing bare bulbs, and the DMD is placed face-down over the playfield in maintenance pose even as the actor plays! They went through all that trouble/visual mess to obfuscate the copyright game/movie name, but use real sounds from the game (I guess they fear Warner Bros. and Mel Gibson more than Gary Stern). Time starts ~45:25.

#2221 4 years ago

Las Vegas, S5 E5 there are three games a FireBall and what looks like a Firepower in the back and the third I don't know.

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#2222 4 years ago
Quoted from Captainhook:

Las Vegas, S5 E5 there are three games a FireBall and what looks like a Firepower in the back and the third I don't know.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

What show is this? Is it CSI:Las Vegas?

#2223 4 years ago

Anyone catch the pinball machines in the arcade in Last of Us 2? Yes they aren’t real titles but damn if they aren’t in desperate need of restoration lmao

#2224 4 years ago

Television show Las Vegas with James Caan.

Quoted from PinMonk:

What show is this? Is it CSI:Las Vegas?

#2225 4 years ago
Quoted from Captainhook:

Television show Las Vegas with James Caan.

Thanks. I was having a hard time figuring out the show since Las Vegas is used in a lot of show names!

#2226 4 years ago
Quoted from Captainhook:

Las Vegas, S5 E5 there are three games a FireBall and what looks like a Firepower in the back and the third I don't know.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

That third one is a Future Spa.

#2227 4 years ago

French movie LE SILENCIEUX from 1972
2 different Pinball-scenes with KING ROCK and HONEY, both of them brand-new at the time of the movie, plus a german "Alle Neune" Bowling-machine

#2228 4 years ago

Saw a commercial for a new show on A&E called "What's it worth?" Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.

During the teaser clip three pins were shown.


Looks like a count down on the far left. Not sure about the one in the middle and right. Anybody?

#2229 4 years ago
Quoted from ImNotNorm:

Saw on commercial for a new show on A&E called "What's it worth?" Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.
During the teaser clip three pins were shown.
[quoted image]
Looks like a count down on the far left. Not sure about the one in the middle and right. Anybody?

Bally Dixieland and Gottlieb Flying Carpet.

#2230 4 years ago