(Topic ID: 26437)

Pinball in movies or TV shows? Name a game you have seen in the background?

By Jackontherocks

11 years ago

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#851 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

New Nissan Titan commercial. Someone needs to identify for me.

Flip Flop?

#852 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

New Nissan Titan commercial. Someone needs to identify for me.

Bally Flip Flop

flip (resized).jpgflip (resized).jpg

#853 6 years ago

I spotted a Pinbot today in an episode of Bill Nye the Science guy (momentum). Yes, I still watch BNtSG on Saturday mornings...

#854 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

New Nissan Titan commercial. Someone needs to identify for me.

Flip Flop.

#855 6 years ago

A german Documentary called MACHT FLIPPERN FREI from 1973.
Lots of machines can be seen.
Both Operators and Players are getting bashed in a bad way. The worst point of this Film is the narrating voice, an awful cynical woman which sounds like a female Prison-Director.
German Operators stood up against this and it became a big Issue.

Anyway, enjoy the nice Pictures.
If the Link doesn't work search for MACHT FLIPPERN FREI DOKUMENTATION 1973 and you will find it immediately.

Here you can see 2 Screenshots

agg. (resized).jpgagg. (resized).jpg

agg (resized).jpgagg (resized).jpg

#856 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

New Nissan Titan commercial. Someone needs to identify for me.

Bally Flip Flop
Edit: Never mind, I'm way slow.

#857 6 years ago

Yesterday my family ate dinner at a local BBQ joint. There was a TV within view of our table tuned to HGTV. A show apparently called "Fixer Upper" was on. I had zero interest (and the lady's ridiculous makeup was frightening), and was eating dinner with the family anyway, so I wasn't watching.

At one point, suddenly, my 6-year-old daughter yelled, "There's 'Sky Kings'!!!"

I glanced up at the TV, and catch a glimpse of a pinball machine (seen only from the side of the cabinet) -- sure enough, it was a Sky Kings alright. We have one (the first machine I owned), so my daughter had recognized the artwork immediately.

From the looks of the scene, it appeared the people were in an antique shop to find stuff to decorate the house they were working on.

It was on 10/17, after 5pm eastern, if anyone wants to do some digging to find this to grab a screenshot. According to HGTV's website, this episode was Season 4 Episode 2 ... there are some clips here (http://www.hgtv.com/shows/fixer-upper/episodes/after-recent-adoption-family-finds-space-to-thrive) but I don't have time right now to watch the clips there to see if that moment is included. I'll try if I can find some time!

#858 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

New Nissan Titan commercial. Someone needs to identify for me.

Looks like Flip Flop to me.

#859 6 years ago

German Movie 'Aufforderung zum Tanz' from 1976.

In an Arcade -

In a Bar .

Tanz-4 (resized).jpgTanz-4 (resized).jpg

Tanz-3 (resized).jpgTanz-3 (resized).jpg

Tanz-2 (resized).jpgTanz-2 (resized).jpg

Tanz-1 (resized).jpgTanz-1 (resized).jpg

#860 6 years ago

German Movie 'Der Arzt von St-Pauli' from 1968.
2 short Scenes from an Arcade in Hamburg.
and some more

Pauli-4 (resized).jpgPauli-4 (resized).jpg

Pauli-3 (resized).jpgPauli-3 (resized).jpg

Pauli-2 (resized).jpgPauli-2 (resized).jpg

Pauli-1 (resized).jpgPauli-1 (resized).jpg

#861 6 years ago

Not a real pinball machine but still pinball in the generic of Hell's Kitchen

image001 (resized).pngimage001 (resized).png

#862 6 years ago

The Thing (1982 movie with Kurt Russell) has a Heat Wave in their game room. My kids were watching Rescue Bots and Chase was playing pinball. The documentary of Pearl Jam playing Wrigley field for 3 dates in August 2016, against the backdrop of the Cubs run to the World Series win, Eddie Vedder was being interviewed in a room that had the Chicago Cubs pinball machine in the background.

#863 6 years ago

Been meaning to see if you guys found these ones yet.. The friends episode where they play pingpong. Looks like




EDIT: also


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#864 6 years ago

Cleverman, season 1, episode 1 has a Champion Pub.

#865 6 years ago

French Movie 'Adieu l'Ami' from 1968 with Charles Bronson and Alain Delon.
Williams MERRY WIDOW in a french Bistro

williams merry widow. (resized).jpgwilliams merry widow. (resized).jpg

williams merry widow (resized).jpgwilliams merry widow (resized).jpg

#866 6 years ago

German Movie 'Nordsee ist Mordsee' from 1976
Williams JUBILEE in a german Snack-Bar.

williams jubilee (resized).jpgwilliams jubilee (resized).jpg

#867 6 years ago

German Movie 'Die Vorstadtkrokodile' from 1977.
with Gottlieb's BIG INDIAN.

Gottlieb Big Indian (resized).jpgGottlieb Big Indian (resized).jpg

#868 6 years ago

Progressive Mancave Commercial - Need help with ID (pin in upper left).


#869 6 years ago

That's a BLACK KNIGHT 2000

#870 6 years ago
Quoted from Mardi-Gras-Man:

That's a BLACK KNIGHT 2000

A rebranded one anyway!

#871 6 years ago

Back To The Future scene when Marty is filming Doc in the mall parking lot on how to run the Delorean. When he finds out it runs on Plutonium, he asks Doc where he got it. Doc days "I traded some Lybian Nationalists a bag of old pinball parts".

#872 6 years ago

German Movie 'Die Sache is gelaufen' from 1985.
Gottlieb's Haunted House at 'Fuxbau' in Hofheim-Taunus with american Actor/Singer Peter Lampert-Lancaster

Hofheim Fuxbau (resized).jpgHofheim Fuxbau (resized).jpg

#873 6 years ago

French Movie 'les 400 Coups' from 1959
A Woodrail in a french Bistro

400 (resized).jpg400 (resized).jpg

#874 6 years ago

French Movie 'Coup de Tete' from 1978.

Gottlieb's Vulcan - Royal Flush - Sinbad (SS)
in a french Bistro.

Freidel-2 (resized).jpgFreidel-2 (resized).jpg
Freidel-1 (resized).jpgFreidel-1 (resized).jpg

#875 6 years ago

German TV-Series "PS Feuerreiter" from 1978
Gottlieb's BRONCO and SURF CHAMP at a youth-club in Darmstadt

Feuerreiter Kowalj Hamlet. (resized).jpgFeuerreiter Kowalj Hamlet. (resized).jpg

Feuerreiter Kowalj Hamlet (resized).jpgFeuerreiter Kowalj Hamlet (resized).jpg

#876 6 years ago

At around 39min mark Dom DeLuise is playing?? Close encounters. He has 61000 you hear scoring sounds but I see no ball no flipper action he actually is just leaning on machine nowhere near flipper buttons.

If you never saw it Hot Stuff is worth a watch.

Love the music. Wonder why Burt wasn't in this one.

#877 6 years ago
Quoted from CNKay:

» YouTube video
At around 39min mark Dom DeLuise is playing?? Close encounters. He has 61000 you hear scoring sounds but I see no ball no flipper action he actually is just leaning on machine nowhere near flipper buttons.
If you never saw it Hot Stuff is worth a watch.
Love the music. Wonder why Burt wasn't in this one.

Yes! saw it on "Movies!", They show it every now and then.

#878 6 years ago