(Topic ID: 26437)

Pinball in movies or TV shows? Name a game you have seen in the background?

By Jackontherocks

12 years ago

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#951 6 years ago

For years my brothers and I would quote the opening line in Mick Jagger's accent: "A'right... Let's do it." We still find that movie hilarious.

BTW: Lost World and Paragon make a very well-thought out pair.

#952 6 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

God what a pile of shit that movie was. Had a great trailer at the time, I was working at the movie theatre then, and we were pimped for it coming out. *Thud*

It even has a cool premise! Just horrible execution

#953 6 years ago

Wife spotted Rudy in the trailer for Insidious 2. Got her trained well. Lol


#954 6 years ago

Bally's Space Time shows up in this episode.Then in the very same scene Nip it reappears.

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#955 6 years ago

Gottlieb's 1965 PARADISE in the 2010 Rolling Stones Documentary 'Stones in Exile' shot 1971 in France.

Paradise Stones in Exile (resized).JPGParadise Stones in Exile (resized).JPG

#956 6 years ago

Beyond - Season 2. SS, FG and Taxi.

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#957 6 years ago

The wife watches "All in the Family" at bed time & saw Archie Bunker playing a Bally's Night Rider at Kelsey's Bar.

She now wants a Night Rider...

#958 6 years ago

Williams STARDUST in german TV-Show 'Musikladen' aired in January 1979.

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#959 6 years ago

Gottlieb's "300" in german movie TREFFER from 1983 with Guido Gagliardi and Dietmar Bär.

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#960 6 years ago

I have seen Pinbot twice recently.
In Tom Hanks 1988 movie - Big.

And in a drug commercial too.

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#961 6 years ago
Quoted from TopMoose:

For years my brothers and I would quote the opening line in Mick Jagger's accent: "A'right... Let's do it." We still find that movie hilarious.

Holy cow....I could have written this exact same post. My brother and I had to turn it off right after this scene, it was such a steaming pile of crap. But even after 20+ years I'll say "let's do it" in that stupid accent and he'll crack up.

#962 6 years ago

There is a pinball machine in one of the new Progressive Insurance commercials. There one where the man cave is slowly turning white. The machine is shown for a fraction of a second and then it turns white. What is the game?

#963 6 years ago
Quoted from konjurer:

There is a pinball machine in one of the new Progressive Insurance commercials. There one where the man cave is slowly turning white. The machine is shown for a fraction of a second and then it turns white. What is the game?

Black Knight 2000...but the backglass is changed. Somebody posted about it earlier in the thread. That game has been used in a few things.

#964 6 years ago
Quoted from Colsond3:

Black Knight 2000...but the backglass is changed. Somebody posted about it earlier in the thread. That game has been used in a few things.

Good memory. I posted and pin was identified as a rebranded Black Knight.

#966 6 years ago

Everybody loves Raymond - "confronting the attacker"

Robert faces off with a young punk playing a Jack Bot pinball machine in a convenience store.

#967 6 years ago

The film White Lightning has a Gottlieb Rack-A-Ball being played on a porch.

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#968 6 years ago
Quoted from dirkdiggler:

Wife spotted Rudy in the trailer for Insidious 2. Got her trained well. Lol

Saw this too, thought it was for the new Insidious, not the old one. Just saw the Last Key in theaters. I hate scary movies but the gf loves them. No clue why women love scary movies so much.

#969 6 years ago

In the movie Sideways about an hour in when Miles is in the pool hall bar there are two pins appears one is Gilligans Island.

#970 6 years ago

Same drug commercial as Pinbot - Getaway and another.


#973 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

Yes, but I added the visual.

Mike feels much cooler now.

#974 6 years ago
Quoted from Colsond3:

Mike feels much cooler now.

You should see his actual game play during the commercial - he's pretty into it.

#975 6 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

Yes, but I added the visual.

I added a link to the commercial AND to an additional video.

#976 6 years ago

Movie "The Doctor" with William Hurt
Looks like he is playing a Black Knight

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#977 6 years ago
Quoted from girloveswaffles:

I added a link to the commercial AND to an additional video.

Well +2 for you for doing so, so I guess that puts you ahead of me on this one.

#978 6 years ago

Saw a Williams Zodiac while watching Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.

#979 6 years ago

Blair Witch 2

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#980 6 years ago