(Topic ID: 26437)

Pinball in movies or TV shows? Name a game you have seen in the background?

By Jackontherocks

11 years ago

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#2801 3 years ago
Quoted from VALIS666:

Amazing story Dennis, thanks. I hope the museum puts it on the floor one day.
So has any collector owned or even seen the giant-sized The Time of Your Life machines?

I've been looking for one for years. Probably all trashed.

#2802 3 years ago

Nightmare City (1980)

The artwork appears to be Jumping Jack or Jack in the Box (Gottlieb 1973), but I didn't know there was a one player version. Was it exclusive for Europe?

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#2803 3 years ago
Quoted from sunnRAT:

Nightmare City (1980)
The artwork appears to be Jumping Jack or Jack in the Box (Gottlieb 1973), but I didn't know there was a one player version. Was it exclusive for Europe?
[quoted image]
[quoted image][quoted image]

Spanish manufacturer Maresa made a 1-player version called Jumping Jack.

#2804 3 years ago
Quoted from sunnRAT:

The artwork appears to be Jumping Jack or Jack in the Box (Gottlieb 1973), but I didn't know there was a one player version. Was it exclusive for Europe?

Quoted from TopMoose:

Spanish manufacturer Maresa made a 1-player version called Jumping Jack.

Looks like a match to me.

jack (resized).jpgjack (resized).jpg
#2805 3 years ago

Makes sense also because the movie was filmed in Spain.

#2806 3 years ago

Another one from the Route 66 TV series...

"Man Out Of Time" (S3E03 - 10/5/1962): A Flipper Clown (Gottlieb, 1962) in a Chicago-area amusement park arcade (filmed on location).

#2807 3 years ago

Q: Into The Storm - Episode 1 (2021)

#2808 3 years ago
Quoted from SonicZone:

In the 1959 Otto Preminger film "Anatomy Of A Murder," there's a powered-off World Champ (Gottlieb, 1957) in the bar Jimmy Stewart's character investigates.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

We can see the same pinball in the movie, but in another place, at 8'30.


anatomyofamurder01-big (resized).jpganatomyofamurder01-big (resized).jpg
#2809 3 years ago

The Final Level: Escaping Rancala on Amazon Prime. A low budget Tron knockoff about getting sucked into a video game. The Arcade from "10 years ago" has a lot of pins in it -including a modern Black Knight Sword of Rage.
Star Wars Episode I
NBA Fast Break
Grand Lizard
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Premium)
Black Knight
and one more on the end I can't quite make out...

Screenshot 2021-03-22 173740 (resized).jpgScreenshot 2021-03-22 173740 (resized).jpgScreenshot 2021-03-22 173850 (resized).jpgScreenshot 2021-03-22 173850 (resized).jpg
#2810 3 years ago

and one more scene with the "reopened" arcade ten years later with a Dr. Who and another pin that has been painted blue on the side ...

Screenshot 2021-03-22 175612 (resized).jpgScreenshot 2021-03-22 175612 (resized).jpg
#2811 3 years ago
Quoted from ReadyPO:

The Final Level: Escaping Rancala on Amazon Prime. A low budget Tron knockoff about getting sucked into a video game. The Arcade from "10 years ago" has a lot of pins in it -including a modern Black Knight Sword of Rage.
Star Wars Episode I
NBA Fast Break
Grand Lizard
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Premium)
Black Knight
and one more on the end I can't quite make out...[quoted image][quoted image]

I think that’s a Lost World Jurassic Park, rather than a Godzilla.
The one on the end might be a late 80’s or early 90’s Bally, with speakers at the top of the backbox.

#2812 3 years ago
Quoted from sunnRAT:

Nightmare City (1980)
The artwork appears to be Jumping Jack or Jack in the Box (Gottlieb 1973), but I didn't know there was a one player version. Was it exclusive for Europe?
[quoted image]
[quoted image][quoted image]

Quoted from TopMoose:

I think that’s a Lost World Jurassic Park, rather than a Godzilla.
The one on the end might be a late 80’s or early 90’s Bally, with speakers at the top of the backbox.

You are correct. That is a Lost World:
pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png

#2813 3 years ago
Quoted from TopMoose:

I think that’s a Lost World Jurassic Park, rather than a Godzilla.
The one on the end might be a late 80’s or early 90’s Bally, with speakers at the top of the backbox.

You are correct, sir.

#2814 3 years ago
That is a Lost World: pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
I also see a Centipede cabinet with Millipede graphics and a 60 in 1 board running.

#2815 3 years ago
Quoted from TopMoose:

I think that’s a Lost World Jurassic Park, rather than a Godzilla.

Yep sure is. I must be thinking Stern's next release in a week or two

#2816 3 years ago

From "House of Games" (1987):
First picture at 11:12
2nd pic at 40:49
Stern "Meteor" and 2 more not ID'd yet.

#2817 3 years ago
Quoted from DCP:

From "House of Games" (1987):
First picture at 11:12
2nd pic at 40:49
Stern "Meteor" and 2 more not ID'd yet.
[quoted image][quoted image]

Panthera and Hot Hand. Someone’s loyal to classic Sterns.

#2818 3 years ago

House of Games is fantastic. I need to watch it again.

#2819 3 years ago
Quoted from sunnRAT:

House of Games is fantastic. I need to watch it again.

It really is great. I also recommend The Spanish Prisoner - another twisty Mamet con game with a killer cast.

#2820 3 years ago

Mystery game in Justified S05E02. The Wire's Avon Barksdale threatening a pot dealer with a closer shot from a few moments later.

justiwhatnow (resized).jpgjustiwhatnow (resized).jpg

Usually a lot easier to determine what a game is even after show producers try to obscure things. But the combination of the towel over the backbox in the wide shot and whatever they did to the front of the machine in the closer one have me stumped. Any ideas on what games with yellow cabs would have identifying marks where the coin door should be?

Edit - adding close up from the first image:

Untitled-2 (resized).jpgUntitled-2 (resized).jpg

#2821 3 years ago
Quoted from Beatnik-Filmstar:

Mystery game in Justified S05E02. The Wire's Avon Barksdale threatening a pot dealer with a closer shot from a few moments later.
[quoted image]
Usually a lot easier to determine what a game is even after show producers try to obscure things. But the combination of the towel over the backbox in the wide shot and whatever they did to the front of the machine in the closer one have me stumped. Any ideas on what games with yellow cabs would have identifying marks where the coin door should be?
Edit - adding close up from the first image:
[quoted image]

Clearly a home pin like fireball.

#2822 3 years ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Clearly a home pin like fireball.

Thought it might be, but the cab is too deep to be fireball home edition. Off to check a few others

Edit - looking closer, I think might be it after all. The home fireball has the same two rows of three bolts along the front side.

#2823 3 years ago
Quoted from Beatnik-Filmstar:

Thought it might be, but the cab is too deep to be fireball home edition. Off to check a few others

Look at the picture- The 3/6 screws that hold the lockbar are present and shooter rod and start button are in correct spots. Might be an early version but my money is Bally home pin.

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#2824 3 years ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Look at the picture- The 3/6 screws that hold the lockbar are present and shooter rod and start button are in correct spots. Might be an early version but my money is Bally home pin.
[quoted image]

Yeah - edited my post earlier. Had briefly looked at the home version before the original post and for some reason the body didn't look as deep. Looked again after your first post and those 3x2 bolts are kinda dead giveaway.

Edit - maybe it's the black/dark parts running up the corners that threw me off. Not sure, but there's no ignoring those bolts.

#2825 3 years ago

Could also be another Bally home edition
Galaxy Ranger.

#2826 3 years ago

"Call My Agent" S03E03
CallMyAgentS03E03 (resized).JPGCallMyAgentS03E03 (resized).JPG
CallMyAgentS03E03b (resized).JPGCallMyAgentS03E03b (resized).JPG
Can someone help identify the game ?

#2827 3 years ago

Fast Draw (Gottlieb 1975)

#2828 3 years ago
Quoted from Beatnik-Filmstar:

Mystery game in Justified S05E02. The Wire's Avon Barksdale threatening a pot dealer with a closer shot from a few moments later.
[quoted image]
Usually a lot easier to determine what a game is even after show producers try to obscure things. But the combination of the towel over the backbox in the wide shot and whatever they did to the front of the machine in the closer one have me stumped. Any ideas on what games with yellow cabs would have identifying marks where the coin door should be?
Edit - adding close up from the first image:
[quoted image]

Dunno. If it's a Fireball homepin, they re-did the backglass. Even though it's blurry, doesn't have any things that seem to line up to fireball home.

#2829 3 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Dunno. If it's a Fireball homepin, they re-did the backglass. Even though it's blurry, doesn't have any things that seem to line up to fireball home.[quoted image]

Redoing the backglass is very common.

#2830 3 years ago
Quoted from matiou:

"Call My Agent" S03E03
[quoted image]