(Topic ID: 106728)

ALIEN PINBALL - Game Over, Man, Game Over

By HeighwayPinball

9 years ago

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#4951 8 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

So everything seems to be moving along nicely
Is there an updated timeline yet as to when we might see production and then shipping?
What is the goal/expectation for Alien?
Are we even gonna be in the ballpark of those guys?

Everyone not involved with Full Throttle production is working flat out on Alien.

As each day goes by, we have more and more being played and tested on the prototype.

Realistically, production before or by the summer is achievable.

#4952 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Everyone not involved with Full Throttle production is working flat out on Alien.
As each day goes by, we have more and more being played and tested on the prototype.
Realistically, production before or by the summer is achievable.

Hi Andrew,

Are we going to see more of Alien (like already been done with showing the bottom part of the playfield) before the public reveal. I other words does Fox approve partial releases of things being shown to the public?

I would approve that

#4955 8 years ago
Quoted from PinballRulez:

Hi Andrew,
Are we going to see more of Alien (like already been done with showing the bottom part of the playfield) before the public reveal. I other words does Fox approve partial releases of things being shown to the public?
I would approve that

Good question! Maybe a toy or two?

#4957 8 years ago
Quoted from jonesjb:

Good question! Maybe a toy or two?

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

The reality of this title is that FOX have said all along that they do not want everything to be revealed publicly until the game is as good as finished.

The playfield art reveal was a concession to satiate the demand to see some progress.

#4958 8 years ago

It's only 3 weeks out now. If everything is going to be shown then, it would be much better to keep the vast majority of it behind a curtain and then reveal it all at once. It's likely to convey a much better impression.

#4959 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

It's only 3 weeks out now. If everything is going to be shown then, it would be much better to keep the vast majority of it behind a curtain and then reveal it all at once. It's likely to convey a much better impression.

Still fun to get some teasers

#4960 8 years ago

Only 17 days before TPF starts. Will an Aliens prototype make it?

#4961 8 years ago

It would probably be better to say whether there is a game coming or not, rather than have everyone hopeful for the next 17 days and have it suck the wind out of the show if there is no game there.

I'm sure even if the prototype is finished sometime soon, you don't take that first prototype to be played 1000 times at a show. I'm sure it will need more tweaks before the public gets access.

#4962 8 years ago

I agree folic. I think they have more to loose than to gain by rushing a Alien prototype that isn't operating right & let the public play it.
Why not bring it & put it on display in attract mode with some Bad Ass clips playing from the movie!
Also bring a dialed in Full Throttle. All the bugs are work out & this pin is just crazy fun to shoot!

#4964 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Realistically, production before or by the summer is achievable.

That's really good news!

I'm settled in for the ride and looking forward to the rest of the journey.

#4965 8 years ago

All Heighway has said is

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

we are pushing hard to show something at the Texas Pinball Festival in March.

A playable prototype should be an unexpected bonus, IMO. Just seeing the thing together and in some kind of attract mode showing some of the display work would be more than enough.

#4966 8 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

That's really good news!
I'm settled in for the ride and looking forward to the rest of the journey.


#4967 8 years ago

I have no idea what will be shown at Texas, not my call, but I know that I won't be there either way. I was hoping to make it but I simply just don't have the free time to travel for a show now. Even one that has such a great rep, no need for everyone from Texas to tell me what I'm missing!

#4968 8 years ago
Quoted from accidental:

All Heighway has said is

A playable prototype should be an unexpected bonus, IMO. Just seeing the thing together and in some kind of attract mode showing some of the display work would be more than enough.

I agree Andrew never promised anything like the final machine, but it's evolved in expectations so he might want to get ahead of this and be more clear as the show approaches.

#4969 8 years ago
Quoted from frolic:

I agree Andrew never promised anything like the final machine, but it's evolved in expectations so he might want to get ahead of this and be more clear as the show approaches.

It's a fair point Chris.

We are not trying to raise or lower any expectations - the situation changes on a daily basis.

The questions from our side are: should we show what we have, can we show what we have and will we show what we have.

I'm not trying to talk in riddles but I can't say myself right now if the game will make it to Texas. It will be a last minute decision that I will have to make based on a number of factors at the time.

Current deadline for being able to send a game is next Tuesday.

#4972 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

I'm not trying to talk in riddles

An egg! An egg it is!

#4973 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

I'm not trying to talk in riddles but I can't say myself right now if the game will make it to Texas.

Purty please with sugar on top?

#4974 8 years ago

We will see it soon enough I guess. Summer delivery sounds great. Any previews before that are cake.

#4975 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

It's a fair point Chris.
We are not trying to raise or lower any expectations - the situation changes on a daily basis.
The questions from our side are: should we show what we have, can we show what we have and will we show what we have.
I'm not trying to talk in riddles but I can't say myself right now if the game will make it to Texas. It will be a last minute decision that I will have to make based on a number of factors at the time.
Current deadline for being able to send a game is next Tuesday.

only friendly pardners in Texas here to see any version with welcoming beers & for our amigos.

#4976 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

should we show what we have, can we show what we have and will we show what we have.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

I'm not trying to talk in riddles


It's all good, Andrew. You know me, just trying to give you some helpful advice on how things may appear from the other side. I only bring it up because I've seen how things can go if expectations aren't managed, and you end up in an unwinnable situation. Maybe you're already in it, but regardless I suggest you make things known as soon as you can so there aren't posts on the first day of the show complaining that Alien isn't there (even though it was never said it would be... you follow?)

#4977 8 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

The questions from our side are: should we show what we have, can we show what we have and will we show what we have.

I wouldn't bother a lot of the spotlight will understandably be on Ghostbusters.

Let Alien have its day when it's complete

#4978 8 years ago
Quoted from drinkduffbeers:

I wouldn't bother a lot of the spotlight will understandably be on Ghostbusters.
Let Alien have its day when it's complete

In my world and having grown up with GB's it still doesn't even come close to a theme like Aliens with relation to pinball and really anything else, show whatever you can please, best pinball theme to date my friends.

#4979 8 years ago
Quoted from drinkduffbeers:

I wouldn't bother a lot of the spotlight will understandably be on Ghostbusters.
Let Alien have its day when it's complete

GB won't be at TPF apparently.

#4980 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

GB won't be at TPF apparently.

Were did you here that?

#4981 8 years ago
Quoted from dannunz:

Were did you here that?

Either here or pinballinfo. Supposedly it'll be at the Vegas expo, and one in Italy, but not TPF.

#4982 8 years ago
Quoted from Hazoff:

In my world and having grown up with GB's it still doesn't even come close to a theme like Aliens with relation to pinball and really anything else

Completely agree......

#4983 8 years ago

I'm not personally worried about GB or any other game. There's always something else out there. Stern is going to release 3-4 games a year, it's what they do. Other companies are finally getting ready to ship some cool games. And I hope they're all good.

None of them will be like Alien. And if you prefer what we do then by all means buy it. And if not then it wasn't the right game for you. My honest feeling is that anyone reading this thread is going to think it's the right game.

I really don't know what we're going to show at Texas. But I'm confident that whether or not the game is there in some fashion that we're going to be able to share good news and start pulling back the curtain more.

It's hard to show unfinished stuff, it's not my favorite way to do things. But at the same time I'm excited to be able to share our progress, so I think it will be fun.

#4984 8 years ago

@Aurich I assume you'll go back to LE art / playfield / special bits around June / July once design work has (hopefully) completely wound up on the standard?

#4985 8 years ago

if Alien pin shows up at TPF, it may be one of the few new pins promoted.

Stern GB = sounds like it is out.
Planetary Pin R2 = they're out.
JJP ? = ?
P3 = will have some new games announced there.

#4986 8 years ago

Isn't tomorrow the deadline for sending the Alien Prototype to TPF? Fingers crossed, but I'm sure there are many of us who completely understand if they decide to delay the reveal.

I'll be happy as long as we get to see a YouTube video of Heighway's presentation at TPF. The last video from DPO Expo 2015 was really informative & Andrew does such a great job with these presentations. Hopefully there will be something new to reveal

#4987 8 years ago

Any idea on what it's going to cost to ship to the states? Website won't tell me till I put the deposit down!

#4988 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

@Aurich I assume you'll go back to LE art / playfield / special bits around June / July once design work has (hopefully) completely wound up on the standard?

Hopefully earlier, but I've learned that everything in pinball takes way longer than you think it will.

Quoted from labnip:

Stern GB = sounds like it is out.
Planetary Pin R2 = they're out.
JJP ? = ?
P3 = will have some new games announced there.

My understanding is that Rob Zombie will be there.

I talked to Jack yesterday, definitely don't expect a new pin that's not Hobbit at Texas.

That's all I know right now.

#4989 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

Either here or pinballinfo. Supposedly it'll be at the Vegas expo, and one in Italy, but not TPF.

I herd it will be their from a very reliable source.

#4990 8 years ago
Quoted from dannunz:

I herd it will be their from a very reliable source.

My spell cheek is brook to

#4991 8 years ago

An interesting article on CNN today about Bolagi Badejo who played the title character. I didn't realize he had died of sickle cell disease at only 39 years old.


#4992 8 years ago
Quoted from Hollywoodbone:

Any idea on what it's going to cost to ship to the states? Website won't tell me till I put the deposit down!

you pay shipping from the distributor in the states. not from europe

#4993 8 years ago

found these on ebay for anyone wanted to start modding up their playfield
ebay.com link: Face Hugger Alien Nostromo Collection Titans Vinyl Figure

#4994 8 years ago
Quoted from j_m_:

found these on ebay for anyone wanted to start modding up their playfield
ebay.com link » Face Hugger Alien Nostromo Collection Titans Vinyl Figure

You won't need them.

#4995 8 years ago
Quoted from Aurich:

You won't need them.

you always need more facehuggers!

I like this grow your own kit.



#4996 8 years ago

I'm guessing the guys and girls at Heighway are still working tonight ..

#4997 8 years ago

They are all working around the clock. Support even emailed me today unprompted to update their records of what revisions of everything our first run full throttle is one. Being proactive and that's awesome.

#4998 8 years ago
#4999 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

GB won't be at TPF apparently.

Marco Specialties will have 2 GB LE's on free play at TPF Boom!!

#5000 8 years ago

Can you please not post that shit in here? I don't care what he has to say about me, I'm never going to listen.

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