Update on the “IO-board 1 missing” error:
I used 3 different USB cables: no effect. All 3 different brands and 2 out of 3 were high quality shielded, ferrite core etc. But no effect.
I stabilised the end of the cable and the connector on the IO-board with a cable and a plastic spacer like the ones you use to route cables under the playfield, but once again no effect.
Changed all IO-boards in different locations and even bought a fifth and tried that one also: no effect.
If any Alien owner has a flawlessly stable running Alien please let me know how to do This. I just played 4 games and 3/4 the error occured which meant end of game.
I would like to play This game one evening without errors and maybe try to get to “All out war” but in This condition that might never happen.