(Topic ID: 106728)

ALIEN PINBALL - Game Over, Man, Game Over

By HeighwayPinball

9 years ago

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#14451 7 years ago
Quoted from Manimal:

I have expressed a LOT of doubt here.....and yes you responded to my messages, but you started by PM'ing me first, and kept responding with advice to pull my money no matter what I said. I can take care of my own finances and if there is a lesson to be learned, then I am big enough to do that on my own as well.

I sent you 4 brief messages, or 3 if you count one as 2 parts. Only the latter 2 did I offer my opinion on the potential merits of your pursuing a refund or not. I only mentioned you requesting one or not after you talked about your decision one way or the other, and had no intention of raising it when I sent the first message. I signed off with, "Of course, your money though".

Good luck.

#14452 7 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

I've heard the number 76 for Full Throttle thrown around by several people, but I'm not sure of the source. Under 100 Full Throttles in any event.

That is even worse than I expected, and does not make me feel any better. Time to take off the rose colored glasses.

#14453 7 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

number 76 for Full Throttle thrown around by several people, but I'm not sure of the source. Under 100 Full Throttles in any event.

They had at least 2 batches of 60 games from my understanding. I got a game in the second batch so I would think 120 at least.

#14454 7 years ago

Well, if they are any left overs after the dust settles, I'll take an Alien kit for my FTh cabinet ...

#14455 7 years ago

I heard the same as tigerlaw, in the 70s.

#14456 7 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

They had at least 2 batches of 60 games from my understanding. I got a game in the second batch so I would think 120 at least.

Perhaps my numbers are just what came into North America then, I really don't know...all second hand stuff, but the 76 number has been tossed around by many.

#14457 7 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

all second hand stuff

Like the last 300 posts in this thread!

#14458 7 years ago

Well.... not everyone prefers first hand bullshit

#14459 7 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

They had at least 2 batches of 60 games from my understanding. I got a game in the second batch so I would think 120 at least.

I would doubt it. I don't think there have ever been 'batches' of any size. If there had, surely containers would have gone to the US?

#14460 7 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

Like the last 300 posts in this thread!

Point taken. Here is some first hand information then. Click on quote to know when it was posted.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

We are nearly at the stage where we can show you some backglass art and sideart - and as soon as we get official approval, we will post images here.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

We want to show a working version of Alien within the first quarter of 2016 - and this could even be in January.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

At our last team meeting, we all agreed on a schedule that should see Alien Pinball complete by mid August. Pending approval by Fox of the finished game, then we expect to start production in September.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Essentially, nothing has changed, and we feel we are on schedule (…)Subject to a speedy approval, we still intend to start manufacturing games in September this year, with the first games shipping out by the end of October 2016.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

The plan is to begin production in September and to begin shipping games by the end of October

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Part of this challenge is ramping up the production processes over the coming weeks to meet our target of producing 100 games a month by the end of this year. We have hired the necessary people with the knowledge and experience to make this happen.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Shipping as many Alien games this year, as possible, is our number one objective.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

Everyone in the company, and involved with the company, is working flat out to release the first 20 Alien Pinball Standard Edition games in early December. 10 more games are due to follow before our 2 week Christmas/New Year shutdown (16th December - 2nd January).

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

The 20 Standard Edition games should now be ready to ship within 2 weeks of us returning on 2nd January.

Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

SEs will start shipping in January. Kits will definitely start shipping in February, but could still make the end of January. LE production starts January and will ship in February

#14461 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

I would doubt it. I don't think there have ever been 'batches' of any size. If there had, surely containers would have gone to the US?

Christ man, we got it. You doubt everything and are PM'ing people to bail. I am basing my info on personal experience and going through the process of getting the game. Everything was shipped air freight, not sure what "containers" you are looking for...are you picturing a ship lumbering across the ocean?

Give it a rest and go out and enjoy your life. Cheers and good health.

#14462 7 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

Ad hominem, blah blah blah.

Everything was shipped air freight, not sure what "containers" you are looking for...are you picturing a ship lumbering across the ocean?

Yes, "a ship lumbering across the ocean". That is precisely what one would expect if they were doing batches or specific production runs of that number? Stern, JJP & even DP have all done it. I assume CGC did full containers for larger external markets too, and certainly will with how popular AFMr is looking.

What ever deal Andrew was (or is) getting on air freight, it's never going to be close to as economical as sending containers of machines, which is what you'd expect with these numbers, when going to the US.

Ocean freight is how the vast majority of consumer and bulky goods reach their destinations in long distance international trade.

Indeed, this is the first time I've heard someone state (claiming knowledge of the situation) that there have been batches or runs of any size at all.

#14463 7 years ago

I know that it st least is 87 games in the world. And I have number 85.

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#14464 7 years ago
Quoted from Olaa:

I know that it st least is 87 games in the world. And I have number 85.

Looks photoshopped to me...

#14465 7 years ago
Quoted from Olaa:

I know that it st least is 87 games in the world. And I have number 85.

I'm not sure that is relevant. Your machine carries the address that they've been gone from for a year or so, so was presumably early. Much later ones have had lower numbers.

#14466 7 years ago
Quoted from Manimal:

To add some fairness to all of this...how many of you reading are getting PM's from RubberDucks urging you to withdraw your funds? He/She may fully have our best interests at heart, but I have to question getting multiple e-mails really trying to get me to pull my money, even after I said I fully accepted the risk. This may very well be the beginning of the end, or maybe Heighway will surprise us all, but whatever decision you make, do it with an open mind and do what YOU want to do, not what someone else is urging you to do.

It does seem strange to me whatever the circumstances with heighway, that ducks is willing to throw so much caution to the wind with DP, but for heighway he is beating the drums of war. He preaches patience and calm with DP, basically saying they aren't broke and things will work out, but for heighway he is sending PM's and telling people the sky is falling. I'm not sure what the truth is with either company, but his obvious bias is clear and somewhat concerning.

#14467 7 years ago
Quoted from Procrastinator:

It does seem strange to me whatever the circumstances with heighway, that ducks is willing to throw so much caution to the wind with DP, but for heighway he is beating the drums of war. He preaches patience and calm with DP, basically saying they aren't broke and things will work out, but for heighway he is sending PM's and telling people the sky is falling. I'm not sure what the truth is with either company, but his obvious bias is clear and somewhat concerning.

You seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth, and of course caution is more warranted with DP as there is far less information. Also, haven't I been the one saying recently that even if DP agree to the headline terms offered by ARA, that the outcome is anything but a formality or necessarily positive? I just haven't gone along with the mob every time.

Also, I clearly remember that you were claiming my statements were fantastical and out of bounds yesterday, and I knew nothing of what I was talking about. You continued to make error ridden statements, and shortly thereafter you were proved wholly wrong when another poster said that Andrew had e-mailed him saying that the HW Paypal account indeed had been suspended.

Yet here you are trying to do exactly the same thing a day later.

I certainly see some clear and concerning bias.

Yesterday, for people who don't want to go back:

Quoted from Procrastinator:

Whatever the circumstances, your assumption that their PayPal account is suspended is way out of bounds. Do you have any proof of their suspended account? I get over 10 mil in PP payments a year, and having a truly suspended account is a rare thing. Hell, if you receive over a mil in payments, it's a whole different ballgame in how your funds are held, accessed, and disputed. It's clear you don't have a clue, at least on the PP side.
I do think it's funny though, you say the sky is falling at heighway, but for DP you are a constant defender. Not sure the connection, but definitely a little backwards taking everything at face value.

Quoted from Procrastinator:

im not making any assumptions, I'm talking about what I know for a fact. I know PayPal, and their rules. I simply said for larger accounts, there is a whole different process then joe blow running $5k through his account yearly. I wouldn't dare defend or pontificate on the inner workings of a company I know nothing about, you however, don't seem to have an issue.
Lastly, you have every right to "obstruct" a refund request, or drag it out as long as you can. Is it good business? No, but they clearly even stated it when they sent the email saying refunds would take up to 60 days as production has started. Either way, they have the right to drag it out as long as possible under PayPal, or whoever the payment processors rules are.
As a business owner, I sympathize with heighway, as it's all about the turns and trying to survive when starting a new project. I know the frustration of being maybe 6 months out from stability, but having to weather the storm to make it to shore. It's not easy and I respect any company trying to do it. Luckily in my industry we don't have a group of "insiders and experts" talking on a forum daily about the inner workings of a company. Either way, I hope they can make it through this tumultuous period and get their game to the mass market.

Quoted from chrisnack:

Someone pinged me about this so I thought I'd respond. His response was not way out of bounds.
Yes, my dispute locked their account. Andrew emailed me about it. I assume that's why they refunded half and not the full amount, that might have been what they needed to get it unlocked. Buts that's an assumption on my part. But I have no other logical reason as to why they refunded half but not the full amount.

#14468 7 years ago

It has the latest software 1,41. Didn't need to uppdate. And I bought it a few month ago.

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#14469 7 years ago

I had back and forth during the ordering process as far as timing which is where I get my numbers from--I missed being in the first group of games and got mine ordered/paid for/delivered from the second group. These were the numbers I was given. Do I have 100% knowledge? No. Do you have any knowledge? Who knows?

I personally didn't document on pinside every communication I had with Heighway. Perhaps that's why you haven't heard of any "batches"? If I had posted it at the time would that have helped you out?

I had a very positive experience with Heighway. If you are to believe the hysteria that has taken place in this thread over the past month then that may have changed. My guess, changes slowed them down, money isn't coming in which slowed them further and hysterical people PM'ing everyone to bail out is going to create a catch-22 so things will be worse.

I bought a game after they had produced and shipped 60 games. Maybe people should keep their powder dry. These first world problems are a killa.

#14470 7 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

I had back and forth during the ordering process as far as timing which is where I get my numbers from--I missed being in the first group of games and got mine ordered/paid for/delivered from the second group. These were the numbers I was given. Do I have 100% knowledge? No. Do you have any knowledge? Who knows?
I personally didn't document on pinside every communication I had with Heighway. Perhaps that's why you haven't heard of any "batches"? If I had posted it at the time would that have helped you out?
I had a very positive experience with Heighway. If you are to believe the hysteria that has taken place in this thread over the past month then that may have changed. My guess, changes slowed them down, money isn't coming in which slowed them further and hysterical people PM'ing everyone to bail out is going to create a catch-22 so things will be worse.
I bought a game after they had produced and shipped 60 games. Maybe people should keep their powder dry. These first world problems are a killa.

I don't disbelieve your testimony. It could be correct, or not. I'm just saying it doesn't seem to make sense given economics of transport / logistics, and the spasmodic delivery / availability of FThs (and now Aliens).

#14471 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

You seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth, and of course caution is more warranted with DP as there is far less information.
I do however remember that you were claiming my statements were fantastical and out of bounds yesterday, and I knew nothing of what I was talking about. You continued to make error ridden statements, and shortly thereafter you were proved wholly wrong when another poster said that Andrew had e-mailed him saying that the HW Paypal account indeed had been suspended.
Yet here you are trying to do exactly the same thing a day later.
I certainly see some clear and concerning bias.

You mistake my comments as genuine concern, as I don't have a vested interest in either company. I do however hope both are successful and figure out their issues. As an unbiased observer, the contrast in your comments deserve some questioning. Either way, I'm sure your motives for defending one and trying to expose another are completely on the up and up. I made some generalized comments which you are trying to spin, but I don't have the time nor concern to engage further. It's clear you have a lot of emotions and time built into investigating these companies and I hope things work out for you.

#14472 7 years ago
Quoted from Procrastinator:

Whatever the circumstances, your assumption that their PayPal account is suspended is way out of bounds. Do you have any proof of their suspended account? I get over 10 mil in PP payments a year, and having a truly suspended account is a rare thing. Hell, if you receive over a mil in payments, it's a whole different ballgame in how your funds are held, accessed, and disputed. It's clear you don't have a clue, at least on the PP side.

Say again?

#14473 7 years ago
Quoted from Procrastinator:

You mistake my comments as genuine concern, as I don't have a vested interest in either company. I do however hope both are successful and figure out their issues. As an unbiased observer, the contrast in your comments deserve some questioning. Either way, I'm sure your motives for defending one and trying to expose another are completely on the up and up. I made some generalized comments which you are trying to spin, but I don't have the time nor concern to engage further. It's clear you have a lot of emotions and time built into investigating these companies and I hope things work out for you.

Your comments speak for themselves, hence why I quoted them ... also, you're spinning false narratives from my posts and don't quote them, presumably for a reason. I'd rather not quote them and clog up the thread, having already said my piece ... however you continue to do it. So here, my initial post which prompted you to respond, then subsequent ones. Afterwards, it was confirmed by the customer seeking a refund whom I'd responded to initially, that the Paypal account had been frozen.

Quoted from rubberducks:

I think it's a bit late in the day for honesty to make a tangible difference to the outcome, sadly. See below.

If PayPal and the payment processor WorldPay accounts aren't permanently shuttered now, they're almost certainly already suspended, at this point. The above is not an isolated case and has happened repeatedly. At least in this case resolution was fairly 'swift'. In some cases Andrew has fought credit card chargebacks and managed to string them out for months, not days or weeks. PP are definitely flawed and very open to criticism on many fronts, but in situations like this they are often better.
For anyone thinking this is just some contravention of terms of service, or something else that can be explained away, it is not. It can be seen to constitute fraud.
Additionally, operationally, if a company cannot meet its obligations and is insolvent, then it must voluntarily declare bankruptcy (if a third party doesn't force it) so that it may either enter administration or be liquidated. Amongst other reasons, this is to prevent pyramids forming or becoming worse.
If it can be shown that the company was traded past the point where directors knew that the company was insolvent, or that insolvency was inevitable, it is classified as insolvent / negligent trading (officially Wrongful Trading in the UK). Directors, and Andrew is the only one despite having other shareholders, can face very large fines and other penalties. In this case, the accounts from the year to the end of March '16 show the company to be deeply insolvent and virtually worthless.
The warning signs have been there for a long, long time. It is difficult to argue that these are merely just 'warning signs' now.

Quoted from rubberducks:

It's folly to assume it hasn't been. Assuming you haven't obstructed valid refund requests and Paypal haven't ruled against you, why would you have issues? Also, you do realise that according to their accounts, it would be incredible if their PP account is in remotely the same ballpark as the one you claim to have. It'd be in the same danger of closure, suspension or funds being witheld as ALL small PP accounts are.
You make an awful lot of assumptions here. If HW had millions going through their PP account, do you think cash flow would be an issue?
Further, you choose to completely ignore the legal obligations I mention wrt to solvency. That's the big issue, not PP status.
You, as others, imagine that my saying the situation is not black and white with DP (in any sense) amounts to white knighting for them. I would be surprised if little positive comes from the apparent takeover negotiations with ARA any time soon.
Edit: I've taken a deliberately contrarian view in the DP thread because people are constantly one way or the other. Prevailing thinking currently seems to be that the two parties can just agree to a takeover and everyone will live happily ever after, if pride is just swallowed. I think it highly unlikely that even if a deal is reached swiftly, production will resume with speed & efficiency, and DP/ARA would have plain sailing. Hopefully I'm wrong ... anyway I don't see how DP are relevant to this, seeing as their problems appear to relate to poor management of third party manufacturing.

Quoted from rubberducks:

HW's accounts are a matter of public record. You are exactly defending and pontificating about something you appear to know very little about, despite there being information for you to consider.
There is no provision under UK law to drag out valid refund requests for more than the mandated 14 calendar or 10 working days. Terms state 21 days on the website. Emails often say 30. Most recently Andrew said 30-60**. Some people have had to wait much longer. None of those are legal. Again, you're making assertions that are shaky at best.
Your latter statement appears fair, but this has been going on for a long time now.
You guys can go back to bickering now. I just wanted people to know what the facts of the matter are and what is expected of companies by the law. If you choose to ignore it, so be it.
** "due to production" - I don't see how that has anything to do with it, unless it's a tacit admission of insolvency.

#14474 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

Your comments speak for themselves, hence why I quoted them ... also, you're spinning false narratives from my posts and don't quote them, presumably for a reason.

because I don't care enough. Calm down

#14475 7 years ago

"Do you have any proof of a suspended account". I prefer facts, not a bunch of internet psychics. I never even said they don't have a suspended account, just said it was rare. I'm gonna step out of this, I have no interest either way, but it's clear you and some others are emotional about this whole thing , understandably. Once again, I hope things work out for you guys since you seemingly have so much of your lives wrapped up in someone else's pinball company.

#14476 7 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

I requested a refund of my deposit yesterday.
Originally Andrew PM'd me here after reading something I posted about SE shipping times. He was great... we went back and fourth and I was happy with his responses so I sent a deposit. Woot!
Around a month, month in a half ago I was excited and had a Heighway neon sign made so I shot him a message showing it off. Then a few weeks later my son asked if we were still getting the SE in the timeframe Andrew stated so I shot him a quick message about that(again, very nicely worded with excitement bubbling over). Then Pinfest happened and I was absolutely thrilled with Alien! So again I shot Andrew a little message about how awesome the game played and also that I've been into the arcade hobby for 20 years so getting a game that may need attention is no big deal. We just want one!!!
Finally after about a week of sending that message I noticed Andrew hadn't signed onto Pinside since May 5th so I emailed him the last message.
Nothing. No reply to any of those messages. He was quick to message me when I was on the fence with the game. And he went back and fourth for a day with me to put my mind at ease about ordering one.

So I emailed him, Jay, and someone else that was CC'd to my original receipt yesterday. Again, very nice email. Regretful and apologetic even. I don't expect a reply so a PayPal claim will be filled next week(and if that fails, I will open a CC claim).
Really, REALLY like Alien and would love to have one here eventually. Just not at this time due to all the silence... that and there is only so much time you have to file a PayPal claim...

#14477 7 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

So I just went to PayPal to see what the actual claims procedure was. The first part of it is "establishing email communication" so I figured what the heck, I'll do that.
Well shit on a shingle...
PayPal instantly came back with they are "no longer able to communicate with Heighway Pinball" so they took me right to the actual claim form.
This don't look good...
Ok, now I went to the claim details page and it looks like PayPal must have some way of communicating since they said they are waiting to hear back from Heighway Pinball. If they don't hear back by June 7th they will move forward(hopefully that means initiate the refund).
Looks like they skipped over the "Dispute" and the "Escalation" steps.

#14478 7 years ago
Quoted from DerGoetz:

Quoted from JeffF:
So I just went to PayPal to see what the actual claims procedure was. The first part of it is "establishing email communication" so I figured what the heck, I'll do that.
Well shit on a shingle...
PayPal instantly came back with they are "no longer able to communicate with Heighway Pinball" so they took me right to the actual claim form.
This don't look good...
Ok, now I went to the claim details page and it looks like PayPal must have some way of communicating since they said they are waiting to hear back from Heighway Pinball. If they don't hear back by June 7th they will move forward(hopefully that means initiate the refund).
Looks like they skipped over the "Dispute" and the "Escalation" steps.

I missed that. Well, I'll check out**. It looks like others have rather more pertinent information than the legal stuff I brought up originally.

Good luck everyone.

**as I was expecting to before the 'LE' thing popped up.

#14479 7 years ago
Quoted from Manimal:

To add some fairness to all of this...how many of you reading are getting PM's from RubberDucks urging you to withdraw your funds? He/She may fully have our best interests at heart, but I have to question getting multiple e-mails really trying to get me to pull my money, even after I said I fully accepted the risk. This may very well be the beginning of the end, or maybe Heighway will surprise us all, but whatever decision you make, do it with an open mind and do what YOU want to do, not what someone else is urging you to do.

That is a creepy thing to do. Pinball eats its own apparently Wtf.

#14480 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

I missed that. Well, I'll check out**. It looks like others have rather more pertinent information than the legal stuff I brought up originally.

Lol. Good job. Mission accomplished.

#14481 7 years ago
Quoted from DerGoetz:

PayPal instantly came back with they are "no longer able to communicate with Heighway Pinball"

While I agree that does not look good (at all) it still isn't proof of a suspended account.

#14482 7 years ago

Rubberducks as you may know him, is subject to a Heighway NDA, shows what kind of guy he is morally if he's PMing people telling them to get refunds. I'm paid in full and don't have a machine, I know that machines have gone out the door this week though.

#14483 7 years ago
Quoted from mufcmufc:

Doxxing, is subject to a Heighway NDA, shows what kind of guy he is morally if he's PMing people telling them to get refunds. I'm paid in full and don't have a machine, I know that machines have gone out the door this week though.

So, more ad hominem, doxxing, no rebuttals, and probably knowingly, or depending on what Andrew has told you - who else would** - (not?) false claims.

Andrew was extremely specific about what the NDA I signed when I visited the factory covered, at the beginning. He was even helpful enough as the visit continued to say exactly what, when mentioned, should not be discussed.

I haven't breached that. None of it relates to what I brought up, none of it relates to what I brought up with the poster I offered advice to. The vast majority is in the public realm now anyway as it was simply stuff which hadn't been revealed, but now has. It's simply not relevant.

This didn't stop Andrew from insinuating that I had breached NDA, and that he was "letting me get away with it", as a parting shot after he'd reluctantly issued me a refund, months ago now. Strangely he had never complained of a breach, or come close to it, prior, and just made the vague swipe rather than being specific. I didn't hear from him again, haven't and was glad to be shod of any communication with him - hence my silence.

Given the post about the status of his Paypal account by another user, it would appear he has rather bigger fish to fry than me.

**Andrew appears not to take his responsibilities regarding customer confidentiality very seriously (I visited as a customer), despite waving around NDAs. Indeed, what caused me to lose all confidence and request a refund was managing to leak the list of non paid in full pre-orders to everyone on it, shortly after my visit - in an e-mail warning about possible fraud attempts using their address.

#14484 7 years ago
Quoted from Astropin:

While I agree that does not look good (at all) it still isn't proof of a suspended account.

theres-nothing-to-see-here (resized).jpgtheres-nothing-to-see-here (resized).jpg

#14485 7 years ago
Quoted from mufcmufc:

Owen Clipsham or Rubberducks as you may know him, is subject to a Heighway NDA, shows what kind of guy he is morally if he's PMing people telling them to get refunds. I'm paid in full and don't have a machine, I know that machines have gone out the door this week though.

I think.in fairness you need to also disclose your involvement with heighway

#14486 7 years ago

Hey everybody.

I can tell you that Alien is a nice game and the Sound Effects, Videos and also lights are very well done.
The Software which i have is 0.95 and not totally final.

The ruleset (which i have then documented) is very well done and you can find it a lot of posts before.
I will work further when i have a bit more time.

As you have seen here on pinside are some people posting that they have got already a games, but as all of you know not everybody is posting here on pinside, so i assume some more games are shipped as we can read here.

Nevertheless we all now also that the company is not producing the already 100 units a month which Andrew mentioned in the past.
But I am a lot in contact with the people from the factory and there will be very positive news coming to the public most propably next week .

So lets keep the feet a bit down and wait on the news next week

#14487 7 years ago

Nothing better than good news, cheers to that!
I would love to see this ending on a 110% positive note for everyone involved.

#14488 7 years ago

Thank you to those who have emailed me to let me know about the latest comments on Pinside.

There has been a lack of communication on our side because a lot is going on behind the scenes - and we are hoping to make a significant announcement within days.

We apologise for this lack of communication but everything will become clear shortly.

You should know that there are some Pinsiders here with ulterior motives - with an interest in bringing our company down.

We would ask for a little more patience please, until our announcement is made.

Thanks for reading.

#14489 7 years ago

"You should know that there are some Pinsiders here with ulterior motives"

We know

#14490 7 years ago
Quoted from epotech:

I think.in fairness you need to also disclose your involvement with heighway

I know Andrew, I have known him for about 10 years. I have no "involvement" with Heighway the company at all. I think you know Phil, that, I am more than fair when it comes to my dealings with people. I want my game as much as everybody else, that's paid in full. I lost money on Predator where no games were delivered. The current slow situation isn't looking great, but, for someone to actively be trying to bring down a company, it doesn't benefit you, me or anyone. I know games have been delivered to customers this week but I also know it needs to happen faster for us all to have piece of mind.

#14491 7 years ago

Good for you for speaking up. I hope the news coming is great and can change the tone here. I am really looking forward to my game and hope you shipping the games that need to go out happens a long with your good news.

#14492 7 years ago

Hello Andrew, great to hear from you.

Could you please send Melissa and Chris at Cointaker a new computing unit pre-loaded for my FTh LE?
My pin has been bricked for months now and I would like to get playing again. As you are planning to ship them 5 games right now anyways it would be great would you ship the unit with these 5 machines and invoice Chris for it.
Thank you

#14493 7 years ago

Games will equate to more sales and a happier thread.

#14494 7 years ago


#14495 7 years ago
Quoted from mufcmufc:

I know Andrew, I have known him for about 10 years. I have no "involvement" with Heighway the company at all. I think you know Phil, that, I am more than fair when it comes to my dealings with people. I want my game as much as everybody else, that's paid in full. I lost money on Predator where no games were delivered. The current slow situation isn't looking great, but, for someone to actively be trying to bring down a company, it doesn't benefit you, me or anyone. I know games have been delivered to customers this week but I also know it needs to happen faster for us all to have piece of mind.

If stating verifiable information of public record, and the legal status surrounding it is in your opinion trying to bring down a company, I assume you must think the former is rather serious and may amount to the latter.

I've had enough.

#14496 7 years ago
Quoted from HeighwayPinball:

You should know that there are some Pinsiders here with ulterior motives - with an interest in bringing our company down.

Worth repeating.

#14497 7 years ago

Re: pending news

I bet its a cash infusion from an investor. What could they announce about the game that would require waiting so much? Certainly not more editions to order

#14498 7 years ago

A cash infusion is the only announcement I want to hear.

#14499 7 years ago
Quoted from flynnibus:

Re: pending news
I bet its a cash infusion from an investor. What could they announce about the game that would require waiting so much? Certainly not more editions to order

Agreed. It's the only thing it logically could be, it isn't going to be something about the CT container shipping or anything like that. It would be phenomenal news if he is bringing in an equity partner and has all the details ironed out and what not.

Let's hope the discussions pan out and what not, I've seen a lot of cash infusion type deals (if that is indeed what this is) fall apart at the last minute due to security concerns and last minute re-trading asks).

#14500 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

I've had enough.

I hope you mean it. We are all ( or vast majority) grown adults, and responsible for our personal actions and decisions.

A lot of us have " connections" and can google anything we want. We are now in it, and no sense restating the challenges over and over. This is nothing like the Predator or Jpop bullshit, but has its own, real dynamic. Games are getting out...way too slow...but they are getting out....and people are loving them. More than what can be stated regarding the other situations.
We shall see....

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