(Topic ID: 217394)

The Munsters Hype (Because every evening its Halloween)

By Macca101010

6 years ago

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#6701 5 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

actually 16 coils plus the visor motor.
More than the most Stern Pro.

Yes and no, You can take away 5 coils just for visual effect without physical effect on ball or the gameplay, So 11 coils + a motor

#6702 5 years ago
Quoted from westofrome:

AFM has at least 17 (plus the motor)
Ball trough
Auto plunge
2 flippers
2 slings
3 pops
4 Martians

Nice and a good game for sure! How many does Batman 66 have for comparison?

#6703 5 years ago
Quoted from westofrome:

AFM has at least 17 (plus the motor)
Ball trough
Auto plunge
2 flippers
2 slings
3 pops
4 Martians

You forgot the one that kicks the ship when it blows up

Edit... I guess we can count the orbit gates as they have coils to open and close also

#6704 5 years ago
Quoted from Thunderbird:

Nice and a good game for sure! How many does Batman 66 have for comparison?

Who cares. Go to the BM 66 thread and ask them.

#6705 5 years ago

How many chucks could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

#6706 5 years ago
Quoted from Kiwipinhead:

You forgot the one that kicks the ship when it blows up
Edit... I guess we can count the orbit gates as they have coils to open and close also

LOL you’re right, so that’s 20.

#6707 5 years ago

Equally as important as the coil questions

#6708 5 years ago

FYI rock fantasy in middletown ny just got in a pro. gonna head there soon!

#6709 5 years ago

LOL - thats the best ever - hahahahaha
back on track.

Hope this game is fun as some are saying

#6710 5 years ago

The coil count threads are even dumber than the dimple threads lmao. Can someone please start an Official coil count thread so we can talk about Munsters on this one? A coil count thread would allow people to go and see how many coils every game has and that would help people decide which games that they should buy.

#6711 5 years ago
Quoted from Who-Dey:

Can someone please start an Official coil count thread

200px-Count_von_Count_kneeling (resized).png200px-Count_von_Count_kneeling (resized).png
#6712 5 years ago
Quoted from Who-Dey:

The coil count threads are even dumber than the dimple threads lmao. Can someone please start an Official coil count thread so we can talk about Munsters on this one? A coil count thread would allow people to go and see how many coils every game has and that would help people decide which games that they should buy.

Think there actually is one somewhere....

#6713 5 years ago
Quoted from Who-Dey:

The coil count threads are even dumber than the dimple threads lmao. Can someone please start an Official coil count thread so we can talk about Munsters on this one? A coil count thread would allow people to go and see how many coils every game has and that would help people decide which games that they should buy.

Top 100 games should be based on cool count alone

#6714 5 years ago
Quoted from westofrome:

AFM has at least 17 (plus the motor)

18, at least... theres a coil operated gate too.

#6715 5 years ago
Quoted from bigd1979:

Think there actually is one somewhere....

That wouldn't surprise me

#6716 5 years ago


#6717 5 years ago

LE’s ship yet or are we all just here masturbating still?

#6718 5 years ago

If you want more coils, buy a Munsters Premium.

Or even better buy a Pro and then buy a few coils from Pinball Life:


090-5032-ND Flipper Coil For Stern


I could buy a Munsters Pro and 10 extra coils from Pinball Life for about $5650 - Bargain!!

#6719 5 years ago
Screenshot_2019-02-05-22-34-16-1 (resized).pngScreenshot_2019-02-05-22-34-16-1 (resized).png
#6720 5 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

I will never understand why people are incabale of acknowledging a game is good,

From the guy who rated Metallica a 1 & plenty of other excellent games 3 or lower. You absolute hypocrite.

#6721 5 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

From the guy who rated Metallica a 1 & plenty of other excellent games 3 or lower. You absolute hypocrite.

Mehtallica still Sucks

#6722 5 years ago

Metallica and Maiden best pins ever so when is Slayer.

#6723 5 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

Mehtallica still Sucks

Looking at how you've rated machines your opinion means absolutely nothing

#6724 5 years ago

All pinballs are great i mean if you only had an EM and never played anything else you would love it spoiled Gen for sure so sad to see.

#6725 5 years ago
Quoted from britrex1:

Looking at how you've rated machines your opinion means absolutely nothing

But hey, maybe his drawn "proof" picture that Alien is the flowiest game of all time will change your mind?!

#6726 5 years ago

Munsters in fun.

Ok now at least one of the last 8 posts says something about Munsters.

#6727 5 years ago
Quoted from EricHadley:

LE’s ship yet or are we all just here masturbating still?

I prefer to call it a successful solo date.

#6728 5 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

Mehtallica still Sucks

Come on that's a bit far fetched. Metallica is a cool game and now completed code rocks.
Even I would purchase one again down the track.

And to be correct from memory, I sold my Metallica to purchase a CC. (Big mistake on my behalf)
Should have kept Metallica

#6729 5 years ago
Quoted from westofrome:

AFM has at least 17 (plus the motor)
Ball trough
Auto plunge
2 flippers
2 slings
3 pops
4 Martians

Don't forget the coil that smacks the main saucer around...lol. And the rather nicely dangerous high voltage box behind the backboard to power the strobe. Same layout as Munsters and you won't see "Attack Mars" in a few days on a three ball game... at least most of us won't.

oops somebody already got that one. Still... it PROVES the game qualifies as fun!

Hobbit looks like it has half a V8 engine under the PF yet I seem to enjoy the bare bones AFM more... there's probably something wrong with me though.

#6730 5 years ago
Quoted from britrex1:

Looking at how you've rated machines your opinion means absolutely nothing

Since Hilton hates great games and loves shitty games, that doesn’t bode well for Munsters. If he likes it, it probably means it’s terrible. Sorry Stern, you’ve got the wrong shill on this game!!!!

#6731 5 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

Since Hilton hates great games and loves shitty games, that doesn’t bode well for Munsters. If he likes it, it probably means it’s terrible. Sorry Stern, you’ve got the wrong schill on this game!!!!

No the only reason he like it is because i said he hates all Stern games and then he said that's not true and that he likes Munsters. If i wouldn't have said that he would be saying Munsters is horrible right now. Lol

#6732 5 years ago
Quoted from EricHadley:

LE’s ship yet or are we all just here masturbating still?

Been told my LE will be here in UK this month!

Stern must make European games, Pro’s & LE’s, ship them first as the boat takes about 4-6 weeks to get here

#6733 5 years ago

Has anyone else noticed the weird arc shading 2/3 of the screen in a lot of the clips? It's mostly visible in the end of game clips (but not on all of them), but it's in some of the clips in the game, too. I thought maybe it was supposed to be simulated TV glare, but given that it's on clips without the TV in the gameplay part, I don't think that's it. It's pretty obvious and once you see it, you can't unsee it. The area to the left of it is lighter with less contrast in both pictures (and everywhere it appears on clips). Here's two examples...

clip-with-circle (resized).jpgclip-with-circle (resized).jpgclip-with--circle-2 (resized).jpgclip-with--circle-2 (resized).jpg

If you're having trouble seeing it, here's where to look (it's in the same location in all clips it appears in, which makes me think it's a semi-transparent graphic element that was mistakenly left on):
clip-with--circle-2-HELPER (resized).jpgclip-with--circle-2-HELPER (resized).jpg

#6734 5 years ago

TAF to Munsters is like
Weed to Crack.

#6735 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Has anyone else noticed the weird arch shading 2/3 of the screen in a lot of the clips? It's mostly visible in the end of game clips (but not on all of them), but it's in some of the clips in the game, too. I thought maybe it was suppose to be simulated TV glare, but given that it's on clips without the TV in the gameplay part, I don't think that's it. It's pretty obvious and once you see it, you can't unsee it. The area to the left of it is lighter with less contrast in both pictures (and everywhere it appears on clips). Here's two examples...
[quoted image][quoted image]

At first I thought you had lost your mind Vic

But I can see it now and your right you can’t unsee it, weird thing to have in the video.

#6736 5 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

At first I thought you had lost your mind Vic

Jury's still out on that one, but that's beside the point.

#6737 5 years ago
Quoted from britrex1:

Looking at how you've rated machines your opinion means absolutely nothing

I never looked at his ratings but wow did it change my mind on his opinions. To say Stargate is one of the best games ever and rate high, then calls Star Wars LE a turd and the hyperloop a joke-sorry Hilton but your taste are very different from mine and it goes to show that everyone has an opinion-whether good or bad. I did get a good chuckle when I looked at your ratings (: Your opinion just went out the window for me-nobody calls Star Wars a turd and has a leg to stand on.

#6738 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Has anyone else noticed the weird arc shading 2/3 of the screen in a lot of the clips? It's mostly visible in the end of game clips (but not on all of them), but it's in some of the clips in the game, too. I thought maybe it was supposed to be simulated TV glare, but given that it's on clips without the TV in the gameplay part, I don't think that's it. It's pretty obvious and once you see it, you can't unsee it. The area to the left of it is lighter with less contrast in both pictures (and everywhere it appears on clips). Here's two examples...

Very odd, but yeah.. very visible too.

#6739 5 years ago

*since moderation has made it apparent that only positive opinions are now allowed on certain games (yes I was actually moderated for saying I think Metallica sucks), I have deleted all ratings.

Hopefully this now complies with the "no opinion on a game unless it is positive" mantra. So much for having an opinion and rating a game for my own fun of rating it. The whole ratings thing has been a joke for years now, so no real reason to even rate games here.

*this is not a public complaint about moderation, merely pointing out that I was moderated above for sharing my personal opinion on a game.

#6740 5 years ago

I can completely understand someone personally not liking any game, but to say something flat out sucks there has to be some really fundamental game breaking issues or something.. which it does not. Leaving a 1 rating for a game like Metallica just shows either you never gave it any time or played a very poor example of the game. You remind me of the people that go on Yelp and rate restaurants 1 star because you ordered fish when you don't like fish...

#6741 5 years ago
Quoted from valgalder:

I can completely understand someone personally not liking any game, but to say something flat out sucks there has to be some really fundamental game breaking issues or something.. which it does not. Leaving a 1 rating for a game like Metallica just shows either you never gave it any time or played a very poor example of the game. You remind me of the people that go on Yelp and rate restaurants 1 star because you ordered fish when you don't like fish...

I previously used the whole spectrum of 1-10 to rate games. Some games will inevitably be at the bottom of the list while others are at the top. Of the hundreds of games I have played, Metallica is at/near the bottom in my opinion.
I am not allowed to share my constructive thoughts on why I dont care for it here it appears or may be moderated for doing so. Needles to say I have played many versions of the game and I loathe playing it and will no longer waste my time playing it unless I have to in competition.

I mean it is still pinball, but side by side I will pick almost any other game to play over it.

#6742 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Has anyone else noticed the weird arc shading 2/3 of the screen in a lot of the clips? It's mostly visible in the end of game clips (but not on all of them), but it's in some of the clips in the game, too. I thought maybe it was supposed to be simulated TV glare, but given that it's on clips without the TV in the gameplay part, I don't think that's it. It's pretty obvious and once you see it, you can't unsee it. The area to the left of it is lighter with less contrast in both pictures (and everywhere it appears on clips). Here's two examples...
[quoted image][quoted image]
If you're having trouble seeing it, here's where to look (it's in the same location in all clips it appears in, which makes me think it's a semi-transparent graphic element that was mistakenly left on):
[quoted image]

Even if it was simulated tv glare it doesn't look right. It has to be done on purpose but slight chance display issue. Do all games look like that?

#6743 5 years ago

You are allowed to personally not to like a game.
Saying it sucks is not the correct whay to say it.

If you let 100 people vote, Metallica will be high in the list of good games.
So this probably means it doesn't suck

- beautiful
- smooth ramps
- lacks ball interaction / toys
- lacks good fun software... I understand the strategy in it, and what is there works ok, but for me it just doesn't click. It's more like you just shoot what you haven't played it... and when playing a longer ball... and having multipliers up, yes you should then cash the jackpots.

The game misses clear instructions/shots or combo's so you can see you are building your superjackpot. You can see it now, but it should be more in your face (with the current jackpot value, the possible value addition for the next set of shots to be made), it should have a little more strategy, for example extending a timer to the running mode to build the associated jackpot higher and higher.
But then not being able to cash when playing the mode.. So you have a reason to decide to continue the mode or not.
Continue (time extend) means building higher jackpots, but more risk to drain and miss out on the jackpots. And being farther away from munster madness as you stay longer in one mode.

I think with small changes like this, you can create a fun risk vs award style of game.
You can make it explode, or you can lose it all.

#6744 5 years ago
bHqjzuu (resized).jpgbHqjzuu (resized).jpg
#6745 5 years ago

It’s funny how people lose their cookies over a pinball game. If you don’t like it after you tried it, then dont play it or buy it. I’m just glad they started making pinball machines again. If they made a pinball machine themed off farts I’d play it.

While I’ll probably never buy this game, but Ill try it out and see. I own 2 Borgs already so who knows?

Aren’t people really complaining because they just can’t afford every pinball machine made? Let’s face it, I’ve never played a pinball machine I wouldn’t take home if somebody offered it for free. Well maybe all except Judge Dredd ‍♂️

Anyway, still waiting for somebody local to carry this machine so I can get some time in it. Then I’ll come back here and officially complain cuz I didn’t get it for free

#6746 5 years ago
Quoted from jawjaw:

Even if it was simulated tv glare it doesn't look right. It has to be done on purpose but slight chance display issue. Do all games look like that?

All the affected clips are like that every game. Pretty sure it has to be a mistake, but was hoping someone else with the machine would confirm it on theirs, too.

#6747 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

All the affected clips are like that every game. Pretty sure it has to be a mistake, but was hoping someone else with the machine would confirm it on theirs, too.

I'm guessing it's an attempt to make the tv glass appear "rounded" like a real CRT. Not my cup of tea, but it appears pretty subtle.

#6748 5 years ago
Quoted from Lamprey:

I'm guessing it's an attempt to make the tv glass appear "rounded" like a real CRT. Not my cup of tea, but it appears pretty subtle.

I would totally buy that if it were on every TV clip, but it's not. Plus, if it were a suggestion of the tube curve it's in the wrong place.

#6749 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

I would totally buy that if it were on every clip, but it's not.

So you have a hard time believing Stern didn't do a great job on an early coded game?

Hopefully some feathering is on the next update

#6750 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

I would totally buy that if it were on every TV clip, but it's not.

Oh, is that arc there when the tv isn't on the screen?

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