(Topic ID: 200141)

JJP Pirates of the Caribbean Official Owners and Fan Club!

By goren1818

6 years ago

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#12001 4 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Jack, JJP Jack? Or is this some other Jack?

Theeee. Jersey Jack.

I'm not BS'ing. Caller ID showed PinballSales.com. I let voicemail get it. I immediately listened to the message and it was Jack G. and wanted to discuss my POTC. I hit redial and he picked up right away.

#12002 4 years ago

I also got a call from jack on his cell. Refunding me for the playfield as well.

Good on him. Great decision.

#12003 4 years ago
Quoted from kcZ:

wanted to discuss my POTC.

how bad was your chipping

#12004 4 years ago
Quoted from 3pinballs:

how bad was your chipping

not bad, covered up by the updated posts. Since this was going to be one of my forever games, I thought I should have some extra insurance and get a playfield.

#12005 4 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Really ?
LTG : )

Hah, really! I knew the name pinballsales.com but couldn't recall why. I thought maybe it was a reseller who also happened to be named Jack who was taking care of their customers. I maybe only had a few calls from JJP, you being one, and I think only once or twice did I see that caller ID, makes sense now. Just didn't put those two together.

Well, this is quite interesting. As you may all recall Jack specifically told me on a phone call that he would not be giving special treatment to anyone, that if he refunded or gave away playfields he would have to do it for everyone. Welp, guess we'll see what happens since it's a bit of a guessing game as to what JJP does quietly.

#12006 4 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

s you may all recall Jack specifically told me on a phone call that he would not be giving special treatment to anyone, that if he refunded or gave away playfields he would have to do it for everyone. Welp, guess we'll see what happens since it's a bit of a guessing game as to what JJP does quietly.

Jack who?

Sorry, could not help myself.

#12007 4 years ago
Quoted from kcZ:

not bad, covered up by the updated posts. Since this was going to be one of my forever games, I thought I should have some extra insurance and get a playfield.

Wow! I am in the same situation as you. I contacted and submitted a support form and have emailed back and forth with Steve. Honestly, I would be willing to pay some amount for that spare playfield because I figure I am going to need it in the future, but $550 was out of the question . Given that I have been able to mostly hide the damage, I was going to live with the situation however it turned out, but it was likely going to stop me from future JJP purchases. POTC is an absolute keeper. I would figure out how to swap the playfield rather than get rid of the game.

I have hope now. I am excited for you. Congratulations! Perhaps things have turned around.

#12008 4 years ago

duplicate ... oops

#12009 4 years ago

When he called me I asked him, are you cool with me talking about this publically?

He says, absolutely go ahead, so it's not a secret at all.

#12010 4 years ago

Wow! Looks like I got hosed relatively speaking buying my spare playfield months ago from a pinsider.

But my current playfield is holding up pretty well. Knock on wood.

Glad others are getting taken care of!

#12011 4 years ago
Quoted from BC_Gambit:

Wow! Looks like I got hosed relatively speaking buying my spare playfield months ago from a pinsider.
But my current playfield is holding up pretty well. Knock on wood.
Glad others are getting taken care of!

I'd still accept the free playfield from JJP. At least it cuts your hosing in half.

#12012 4 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

I'd still accept the free playfield from JJP. At least it cuts your hosing in half.

And you can, in theory, do the swap yourself...though I’d personally kick that can many years down the road. Let the next buyer take it on, now that you can effectively take playfield wear off the table on a deal.

I’m sure at least one person will do it right away, though...whoever that is, please document it very thoroughly for the benefit of the community.

#12013 4 years ago

Just wanted to report my experience too...late last week I sent an email to my distributor as I'm seeing some very minor bubbling and I wanted to make sure I was on record reporting the issue in case it worsened. I did tell them that I felt the current discounted playfield option was not acceptable to me and asked if there was anything they could do for me. I got email on Tuesday afternoon morning that they had just spoke to Jack and that he was going to send me a free playfield, consistent with what others are reporting. However, my distributor did say that it may take up to a month and just wanted to give me the heads up. I wonder if these newer playfields will utilize whatever new clear method/solution they reach? I don't mind waiting AT ALL if it means the free replacement playfield is genuinely fixed. Kudos to Jack for personally responding to people.

Although my POTC LE will be with me for a long time, I'm very happy with this solution and the peace of mind it gives me. I realize that a playfield swap will be quite expensive later on, but that is something that I can worry about and at least plan for in the future.

As a huge GNR fan, a new machine done by the POTC team with FULL access to all the assets is something I am EXTREMELY interested in. Fingers crossed this playfield stuff can TRULY be put to bed and put the focus back on the games and the rumors!

#12014 4 years ago
Quoted from zaphX:

And you can, in theory, do the swap yourself...though I’d personally kick that can many years down the road. Let the next buyer take it on, now that you can effectively take playfield wear off the table on a deal.
I’m sure at least one person will do it right away, though...whoever that is, please document it very thoroughly for the benefit of the community.

Honestly, aside from the prep work, the swap on this game is not going to be that bad for someone who is mechanically inclined. Having playfields side by side makes it cake. The fact that nothing is stapled to the playfield makes it easier. Not much to solder at all, in fact you could do it without soldering. All the daughter boards with plugs makes it simple. It's all the prepping of the holes, installing t-nuts properly, etc. which will take the most time I imagine. I just had basically all the upper playfield mechs off the game and put it back together in under an hour. Older games (I just did DE JP and TOM) are much more labor intensive. But a great time to do the black pop bumper swap and fix the little things (map t-nut, use starposts to start, mylar all the proper places, cliffys right away).

I don't see a reason to do it now either. If gameplay isn't affected just wait and see what happens. So far the test with the post on the new playfield seems ok, definitely not bunching up that I can see.

#12015 4 years ago
Quoted from Galooch:

Just wanted to report my experience too...late last week I sent an email to my distributor as I'm seeing some very minor bubbling and I wanted to make sure I was on record reporting the issue in case it worsened. I did tell them that I felt the current discounted playfield option was not acceptable to me and asked if there was anything they could do for me. I got email on Tuesday afternoon morning that they had just spoke to Jack and that he was going to send me a free playfield, consistent with what others are reporting. However, my distributor did say that it may take up to a month and just wanted to give me the heads up. I wonder if these newer playfields will utilize whatever new clear method/solution they reach? I don't mind waiting AT ALL if it means the free replacement playfield is genuinely fixed. Kudos to Jack for personally responding to people.
Although my POTC LE will be with me for a long time, I'm very happy with this solution and the peace of mind it gives me. I realize that a playfield swap will be quite expensive later on, but that is something that I can worry about and at least plan for in the future.
A GNR (I'm a huge fan) machine done by the POTC team with FULL access to all the assets is something I am EXTREMELY interested in. Fingers crossed this playfield stuff can TRULY be put to bed and put the focus back on the games and the rumors!

I really wish we had a definitive answer on the formulation of the replacement playfields (are they the same batch? same process?) along with a definitive answer on the issue (does it just need more cure time?). Because the replacement playfield I got is definitely harder than the one that is in the game. It would be good to have some conclusive statement to settle everyone's mind.

#12016 4 years ago

So I accidentally found out that hitting both flipper buttons right when a chapter is selected (while the ball is still being thrown around in the starmap) will drop the up post. This allows the ball to keep moving as it comes out. As a result, I have not had one SDTM since. I also use this at the start of Stranger Tides multiball so that I can get started on the inner loop shots right away before the next ball comes into play.

Apologies if this has already been posted as search didn't return much or if this was common knowledge. I was excited when I found out because those SDTM drains were so frustrating.

#12017 4 years ago

If he's sending playfields for those of us with severe bubbling then my faith in JJP has been restored and I'm back in on WW.

Can anyone with bubbling and no chipping confirm they are getting a replacement playfield at no charge?

#12018 4 years ago
Quoted from jarozi:

If he's sending playfields for those of us with severe bubbling then my faith in JJP has been restored and I'm back in on WW.
Can anyone with bubbling and no chipping confirm they are getting a replacement playfield at no charge?


#12019 4 years ago

Awesome! That's all I ever asked them to do.

#12020 4 years ago

Wow. If they are really stepping up and doing that then props. It wasn't without a battle but hopefully this is a trend for manufacturers being more on the hook for this stuff. I'd hope JJP makes an announcement.

#12021 4 years ago

I think is great news... honestly, I've been laying low and haven't been outspoken.

I've owned my PoTC LE for about 4 months. I have light pooling around some posts, and I've not played my game for nearly 2 months. My thinking is/was to allow the clear to get harder, to minimize more pooling and eventually chipping.

I'm a big JJP FanBoy as I've purchased 6 of his pins. I decided not to buy Wonka and may sit out on GnRs. Still not sure how I feel about this situation.

#12022 4 years ago
Quoted from Kerry_Richard:

I think is great news... honestly, I've been laying low and haven't been outspoken.
I've owned my PoTC LE for about 4 months. I have light pooling around some posts, and I've not played my game for nearly 2 months. My thinking is/was to allow the clear to get harder, to minimize more pooling and eventually chipping.
I'm a big JJP FanBoy as I've purchased 6 of his pins. I decided not to buy Wonka and may sit out on GnRs. Still not sure how I feel about this situation.

Yelobird posted a thread about ironing down the pooling on Wokna. Might take a look at that if that is the only issue you have. It's all speculative, but maybe an option. I've been meaning to look under one of the other posts that had pooling (under the BP) to see if the starpost/washer situation had done anything to push the clear back down.

#12023 4 years ago

Not sure if this has ever been posted about (I don't recall it) or if it's even a thing, but I did a thing so here it is. Someone just messaged me about a huge gap between the BP and the ramp. I recalled that I did this little "fix" to prevent the front/back motion on the BP. The tolerances are just too much on the various mounting bits and it lets the BP move front to back, which I don't think it needs. I just put a few washers on the pin to move it as far forward as it could go. I don't know the size, I can measure tomorrow. I just grabbed a few washers that I had in my washer bin, ideally I think nylon makes the best for less wear.

Not sure if this solved the issue KornFreak28 has with the gap (image attached) but it seems like it would be the most reasonable way to get the BP closer to the ramp. My BP has virtually no front to back movement now.

It's a bit tricky to get the washers on there and get the pin installed, definitely a pain each time you remove it. I'll make a small 3D printed washer to go there if I can't find one that fits right, if anyone needs/wants it.

Gap (resized).pngGap (resized).pngRamp (resized).pngRamp (resized).pngWashers (resized).pngWashers (resized).png

#12024 4 years ago
Quoted from KornFreak28:

Thanks guys! I got the HF lift cart, but I find it difficult to wedge it under the cab when the front legs are on the ground. I do plan on immediately putting it to use as soon as it’s resting on the stool to help support the load. I just hope the stool can withstand that minute or so while I get the cart in place

Seems like you're doing it the hard way.
I have to move my machines on my own so I can't use any other method with jjp machines as they are just too damn heavy for me.

Have the machine on its back as it was shipped.
Put on front legs.
You should be standing between the front legs.
Have cart in front of you at its lowest setting. Lift pedal should be facing you. Put on carts brakes.
Pull machine towards you.
Put your foot on the cart's pedal to stop it from moving forward while the pin's base levers on the edge of the cart.
Put the pins front legs on the ground. You should be able to gently hold the pin by pushing down on the lock bar corners.
Pin will be partially on the cart already just on an angle.
Start pumping that foot pedal.
Put on rear legs.

#12025 4 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Not sure if this has ever been posted about (I don't recall it) or if it's even a thing, but I did a thing so here it is. Someone just messaged me about a huge gap between the BP and the ramp. I recalled that I did this little "fix" to prevent the front/back motion on the BP. The tolerances are just too much on the various mounting bits and it lets the BP move front to back, which I don't think it needs. I just put a few washers on the pin to move it as far forward as it could go. I don't know the size, I can measure tomorrow. I just grabbed a few washers that I had in my washer bin, ideally I think nylon makes the best for less wear.
Not sure if this solved the issue kornfreak28 has with the gap (image attached) but it seems like it would be the most reasonable way to get the BP closer to the ramp. My BP has virtually no front to back movement now.
It's a bit tricky to get the washers on there and get the pin installed, definitely a pain each time you remove it. I'll make a small 3D printed washer to go there if I can't find one that fits right, if anyone needs/wants it.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Thanks! Looking at your pic, it looks like you installed the washers from the inside? Can you take a pic the rear top pin/white spacer area to see how much gap you have? My machine sat inside the box for close to 4 months. Wondering if this caused the BP to move back? Sorry, I’m very new at this machine.

#12026 4 years ago

Anyone know the easiest way to install mini playfield left flipper rubber? Hoping I don't need to remove much to do so. Thanks.

#12027 4 years ago
Quoted from wheels:

Anyone know the easiest way to install mini playfield left flipper rubber? Hoping I don't need to remove much to do so. Thanks.

Just take off the two nuts on that left plastic trim piece and life it away from the flipper.

#12028 4 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Just take off the two nuts on that left plastic trim piece and life it away from the flipper.

Tried that, but it's very tight! Don't want to bend to the point it breaks. Tried sliding under, but my rubber is a bit thick. (Not trying to make inappropriate joke here!!) Tempted to slide a little Vaseline on here! Am I missing something?

#12029 4 years ago

Lift the plastic off once you get the nuts off as much as you can,,,then just work it in there, it will go. I did mine no issue.

#12030 4 years ago
Quoted from kidchrisso:

Lift the plastic off once you get the nuts off as much as you can,,,then just work it in there, it will go. I did mine no issue.

Thought I tried that. Just 2 top-side nuts, correct? Plastic seems fairly inflexible. Really don't want to break. Thinking I may have to completely remove BP?

#12031 4 years ago

Need some help this morning please. I'm putting back the Black Pearl ramp after installing Cliffy's into the MAP hole.
Getting the ramp back on properly is being a pain. The wiring at the bottom of the ramp at the Gold Targets seems like it would get hit
by balls? Can anyone show me a pic of this area of theirs? Any guidance on reinstallation would be appreciatd.

It seems like I have to push down (flex the metal end tab) on the ramp a great deal to deal the wood screws at the bottom in place?
Do you bottom out these wood screws? Sorry for the questions. This was over 24 hours ago and a thousand steps back when I took it off, and I failed
to take pics of this area.
Thanks in advance! - Murphy

IMG_3888 (resized).jpgIMG_3888 (resized).jpg
#12032 4 years ago

Ohio pinball show is finishing up. It was a great show and a big turn out. I have a few more shooter rods left . If anyone needs one last call !
20190908_090637 (resized).jpg20190908_090637 (resized).jpg

#12033 4 years ago
Quoted from MurphyPeoples:

Need some help this morning please. I'm putting back the Black Pearl ramp after installing Cliffy's into the MAP hole.
Getting the ramp back on properly is being a pain. The wiring at the bottom of the ramp at the Gold Targets seems like it would get hit
by balls? Can anyone show me a pic of this area of theirs? Any guidance on reinstallation would be appreciatd.
It seems like I have to push down (flex the metal end tab) on the ramp a great deal to deal the wood screws at the bottom in place?
Do you bottom out these wood screws? Sorry for the questions. This was over 24 hours ago and a thousand steps back when I took it off, and I failed
to take pics of this area.
Thanks in advance! - Murphy

Got them tucked in as best I could and the ramp locked down and "tuned" to ball the ball down the left side without hanging up. Let me know if this is pretty much how yours is? Thanks!

IMG_3889 (resized).JPGIMG_3889 (resized).JPG
#12034 4 years ago

Ya that wire can be a pain. When I reinstalled mine I tucked it like you have in your picture. Only thing I had to worry about was the gold targets being stuck closed from pressure of wire. To test start a game and if you are getting gold every time you hit a flipper one of those switch’s is stuck closed (prolly from wire).

#12035 4 years ago

Question for anyone who has installed cliffys on POTC - I'm going to install a set, and while it is mostly straightforward I have some concern on the MAP hole area.

That area has a mylar which is wrinkled on the right side of the hole - most POTC machines seem to be the same in this area.
For folks who have cliffy'd this, what did you do? Did you remove the mylar? Lay the cliffy on top of it? Snip away some of the mylar to remove the "bubble?"

#12036 4 years ago
Quoted from zaphX:

Question for anyone who has installed cliffys on POTC - I'm going to install a set, and while it is mostly straightforward I have some concern on the MAP hole area.
That area has a mylar which is wrinkled on the right side of the hole - most POTC machines seem to be the same in this area.
For folks who have cliffy'd this, what did you do? Did you remove the mylar? Lay the cliffy on top of it? Snip away some of the mylar to remove the "bubble?"

Remove the Mylar (especially if bubbling). Not doing so will put enough pressure on the Cliffy that it won’t sit flush and will impact the ball.

#12037 4 years ago
Quoted from evh347:

Remove the Mylar (especially if bubbling). Not doing so will put enough pressure on the Cliffy that it won’t sit flush and will impact the ball.

^^ that

#12038 4 years ago

Thanks guys!

#12039 4 years ago
Quoted from evh347:

Remove the Mylar (especially if bubbling). Not doing so will put enough pressure on the Cliffy that it won’t sit flush and will impact the ball.

Absolutely remove it ... just make sure the clear and ink don’t come with it.

#12040 4 years ago

Here's a video on the washer thing. I'm going to print out a washer that fits there for myself along with a protector plate for the backboard where the actuating arm bushing rubs (mine is starting to wear the wood down). I'll add the BP actuating kit to the store if anyone wants it.

#12041 4 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Here's a video on the washer thing. I'm going to print out a washer that fits there for myself along with a protector plate for the backboard where the actuating arm bushing rubs (mine is starting to wear the wood down). I'll add the BP actuating kit to the store if anyone wants it.

Thanks for the explanation. Awesome video! I’ll get some along with other stuff I want from your store. Thanks!

#12042 4 years ago

harryhoudini I bet those smaller clear washers where from the sling plastics.

#12043 4 years ago
Quoted from Soulrider911:

harryhoudini I bet those smaller clear washers where from the sling plastics.

Where? They are much too large to fit under the narrow sling posts.

#12044 4 years ago
Quoted from statsdoc:

Absolutely remove it ... just make sure the clear and ink don’t come with it.

Does that apply to all mylar (Tortuga, The Depths etc?) Or just that troublesome one at MAP with the bubble?

#12045 4 years ago
Quoted from zaphX:

Does that apply to all mylar (Tortuga, The Depths etc?) Or just that troublesome one at MAP with the bubble?

My comment was a little “tongue-in-cheek”. I just removed the MAP mylar, but I did remove it very carefully especially the parts that were still firmly attached. I did not remove the other mylars.

#12046 4 years ago
Quoted from zaphX:

Does that apply to all mylar (Tortuga, The Depths etc?) Or just that troublesome one at MAP with the bubble?

I only removed the lifted Mylar by the map hole, the rest I left in place.

#12047 4 years ago
Quoted from statsdoc:

My comment was a little “tongue-in-cheek”. I just removed the MAP mylar, but I did remove it very carefully especially the parts that were still firmly attached. I did not remove the other mylars.

Quoted from arzoo:

I only removed the lifted Mylar by the map hole, the rest I left in place.

Appreciate it guys!

#12048 4 years ago
Quoted from arzoo:

I only removed the lifted Mylar by the map hole, the rest I left in place.

Why are you guys removing the mylar though? I just unboxed mine and I noticed some hints or what it looks like mylar in some areas. Are you guys removing that? Why?

I wanted to install better mylar but not sure if the factory one needs to be removed first? I wanted to install mylar on my slings, and all the kickouts just like I did with my old Metallica. It worked out great. I do plan on removing the BP very soon to install cliffy's, dremel out the bracket that sticks out of the loop ball guide, and all that other good stuff. Besides cliffy's what else did you guys do back there with the BP off the game? I also plan on reflowing solder to the BP wires just to be on the safe side.

#12049 4 years ago
Quoted from KornFreak28:

Why are you guys removing the mylar though? I just unboxed mine and I noticed some hints or what it looks like mylar in some areas. Are you guys pulling that off? Why?
I wanted to install better mylar but not sure if the factory one needs to be removed first? I wanted to install mylar on my slings, and all the kickouts just like I did with my old Metallica. It worked out great. I do plan on removing the BP very soon to install cliffy's, dremel out the bracket that sticks out of the loop ball guide, and all that other good stuff. Besides cliffy's what else did you guys do back there with the BP off the game? I also plan on reflowing solder to the BP wires just to be on the safe side.

Only to install Cliffy's. I would absolutely not remove mylar for any other reason. And specifically, only the MAP cliffy due to the bubble that would keep it from laying flat.

#12050 4 years ago

Just got my cliffys as well. Are you removing Mylar even if it is still perfect and laying flat?

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