(Topic ID: 167575)

Batman 66 by Stern new info


7 years ago

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Topic index (key posts)

26 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #1 Flyer announcing Batman 66 Posted by GAP (7 years ago)

Post #4163 Photo of the Batman 66 playfield via Stern Posted by dmbjunky (7 years ago)

Post #4193 Photos of the SLE Cab Posted by cavalier88z24 (7 years ago)

Post #4194 Photo of LE Cab Posted by cavalier88z24 (7 years ago)

Post #4264 Clear photo of the entire SLE Posted by DCFAN (7 years ago)

Post #4449 Video from the Stern tour at Expo 2016 Posted by KingBW (7 years ago)

Post #4974 Batman 66 Product and Feature Matrix Posted by KLR2014 (7 years ago)

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#30 7 years ago

how is this working for international customers?

1 week later
#1373 7 years ago

How could you forget Anne Hathaway!

IMG_5908 (resized).JPGIMG_5908 (resized).JPG

#1928 7 years ago

They are only stupid if they don't sell and it's clear they are going to sell out. Stern is a business that has a lot of operating capital so raising extra cash like this is a no brainer. Also it's an anniversary both of stern and batman so let's not base the entire future of their strategy on just this one machine. In my mind it shows how great pinball is as a hobby that even without seeing the machine people are willing to buy on faith - why is that? Well basically because last few machines stern put out absolutely rocked the house - yes the playfield issues are a concern but will be resolved I'm sure. If you can't afford these NIB then just wait because they come down in price. I've ordered an LE and am looking forward to it!

#2011 7 years ago
Quoted from someoneelse:

If this goes on there will be no overseas business any more. I know round about a dozen "I'll buy any new Stern pin" guys that used to be in on just about any release. The interest has slowed down significantly since GoT and the general attitude towards BM66 is extremely negative, not nearly as mixed as in the states. I don't know anyone even remotely interested in buying it which is a first.
You need to take into account that in general people in Europe react much more sensitive to manipulative marketing strategies like artificial scarcity.

i think the above is a load of old codswallop. I know plenty of people interested, infact I'm one of them and have ordered a LE. UK dealers can't get machines quickly enough.


#2014 7 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

UK market is minute though.

indeed, but so is each individual european country... I think its hard for anyone to tell what the overseas real demand is.

2 weeks later
#3243 7 years ago

i've a theme for a pinball table. Its called "guess what Stern are doing". It has a wizard mode that when you hit it vibrates the table until it comes of its legs. Multi-ball is fired off when you lock the ball in the "We've irritated someone on Pinside Lock feature" and Double Super Jackpot is when you play higher or lower on the LCD on the price of the next Stern table. A life size Gary Stern pops out when you complete the I'd buy that for a dollar mode.

now can we get back to batman info

My guess is that those pictures aren't the artwork but are being used as inspiration for the artwork...

#3407 7 years ago

So I think this should be used as the bat mobile artwork...

batmobile (resized).jpgbatmobile (resized).jpg

#3735 7 years ago

Most of the people whining here aren't even getting an SLE - this place is nuts lol - If those that thought they where part of the 30 now can get out of if knowing that its 80. I've got an LE on order (and paid the deposit) if they change the numbers on that i'll be out.

Looking at Stern's behavior I'd say they are doing everything they can to bring cash in which worries me a little...


#4545 7 years ago

Video with George Gomez talking about the table that I shot, the video that is not the table

#4546 7 years ago
Quoted from teekee:

Yep, gotta agree with this but might just be the death of JJP. Stern has the money to pull off something risky like this but not JJP... hope he survives this!
The game play better be awesome since that's the only hope!

I don't think anyone has a clue about the financials of either of those companies.

I think the problem with JJP is that they built something huge up whilst forgetting about ball and flippers. Stern presented something that is more or less finished apart from the code. JJP looks like a good game but at a price that doesn't square up. Batman we still actually don't know how it plays.


#4874 7 years ago
Quoted from Aurich:

The new spinning toy seems interesting, but since they wouldn't let anyone play it and didn't have a video who knows.
Honestly I'm just grateful Stern made the reveal so blah, it helped Alien out.

1 week later
#5274 7 years ago

wow people still whinging about the price.

1 week later
#5530 7 years ago
Quoted from labnip:

Still hoping SLE has extra gameplay code

Have on several occasions said this is not the case. The play fields are identical.

#5622 7 years ago

Bring back the dots!

#5657 7 years ago

So I heard LE before Xmas for sure, SLE a few before xmas most after xmas...

#5681 7 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

I was told the SLEs will be shipped before Xmas.
I was kindly offered one by Stern ... I ended up declining the offer. I was all keen to bring one to NZ to share with the punters. Unfortunately $25,000+ NZ for a pinball machine is a little outside my comfort zone, so Gary says it will be passed on to the next on the list.

I was also offered a SLE and Gary said at expo about the SLE's above.

1 week later
#5829 7 years ago

no and latest rumour is that none of the machines are going to ship until after christmas!

#5845 7 years ago

heard it from a couple of distributors

#5942 7 years ago

flyers for the machine are up in sterns Facebook page and looks like play video coming soon!

#5945 7 years ago

like the show

#6037 7 years ago

My distributor is saying end of Jan for my LE so would expect shipping just before Xmas which means next week for manufacturing I'd guess?

#6039 7 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Cancel your order Neil, we don't want more than one LE in England

Lol - i've promised a few a games on it to some folks to stop them whinging about the price. I think that's worth buying the machine for that alone! I think Lee has one on order also

#6059 7 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

How many £££s is the LE in the UK?


1 week later
#6268 7 years ago
Quoted from kpg:

IMO, the only reason people want the $15K BM66LE right now is because they always buy the top-of-the-line Stern upon first release, no matter the theme. They just want the latest and greatest.. in a couple years, I don't think there will be big demand for a $15K price tag. That's crazy.
Anyone think people would be buying a Walking Dead SLE right now for $15,000 because it had a cool topper, side artwork, and some bling powdercoat? Really? REALLY? I don't think so. Seriously sit and think about that.. if TWD had an SLE that was $15K in 2014... and all it had was a limited 80 pin run.. and some extra bling that could be purchased on any pinball mod site for a few hundred bones to put on a $6500 Premium... would YOU pay that $15K or more still, right now in almost the year 2017. No.. FUCK no.
It's current market value of $15K is only driven by hype and the fact it's new. Like a car dealership that marks up an MSRP +$25K for "market demand" and cheap ass aftermarket parts. So impatient fools with too much money pay over sticker to be the first one on the block. Same thing will happen to these SLE's.

its worse outside the US with the exchange rate not so good. I was going for an SLE but the exchange rate moved in a way that just made it insane and a absolute loss in the future, not that concerns me (being a car nut!), but the value of it just wasn't there, thankfully my dealer made me see the sense it it too I'm looking forward to the LE though - and I think this game is going to rock.


#6432 7 years ago

Me too - can't wait! I think this game is going to be a hit!

#6565 7 years ago

cat woman fixed in production.

#6567 7 years ago

indeed very cool.

#6636 7 years ago
Quoted from woz:

I wonder if it was the same guy that did the Dialed In reveal at Expo? I still feel sick thinking about that video stream...

Nah That was a JJP employee and the reason it was so bad is I kept shoeing him out of the way of my stream from expo

#6670 7 years ago

other thread some dood has posted a picture of his at home!

#6863 7 years ago
Quoted from jar155:

but it's still not custom.

of course its custom!

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