(Topic ID: 271489)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Club(Stern 2020): Cowabunga! It’s Pizza Time!

By Tuxedomask23

4 years ago

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  • Latest reply 30 hours ago by Mcgringoloco
  • Topic is favorited by 337 Pinsiders


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“Which model are you going to purchase”

  • Pro 288 votes
  • Premium 170 votes
  • LE 120 votes

(578 votes)

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#11101 10 months ago
Quoted from WombatPinball:

So this just happened! Game was about an hour long! Was 4 Krang shots away from beating Final Battle. Was able to get to Cowbunga for the first, and probably only time ever!!! Beyond jacked up right now!!!! Let’s Goooooo!!!!
Also, this is a pro, not an LE, don’t be fooled by the backglass!
[quoted image][quoted image]

Killer score! How do you get to Cowabunga? I am only aware of the Final Battle.

#11102 10 months ago
Quoted from IdahoRealtor:

Killer score! How do you get to Cowabunga? I am only aware of the Final Battle.

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#11103 10 months ago

Is that an actual backglass? Where’d you get it?

#11104 10 months ago
Quoted from Tommy_Pins:

Is that an actual backglass? Where’d you get it?

It is an actual backglass but not mirrored like the actual LE. I purchased it from another pinsider. He had an LE and made a backup in case anything ever happened to his original. When he sold his machine, he didn’t need the backup anymore and I purchased it from him. Best decision ever because the LE backglass is 100% the best one of the three!

#11105 10 months ago
Quoted from WombatPinball:

LE backglass is 100% the best one of the three!

I prefer the pro
I will say the mirroring on the original LE Is cool.

#11106 10 months ago
Quoted from freddy:

I prefer the pro
I will say the mirroring on the original LE Is cool.

I still have the Pro translite as well in case I ever wanna change it up. While it’s better than the premium, I just can’t help but feel like the LE captures the spirit of the turtles better. We’re all entitled to our opinions though!

#11107 10 months ago

Did any of you guys put additional mylar on your TMNT? I'm thinking about adding this little guy to the area where the ball drops down from the wire form on the left https://www.pinballlife.com/die-cut-ball-drop-protective-playfield-mylar.html

#11108 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Did any of you guys put additional Mylar on your TMNT? I'm thinking about adding this little guy to the area where the ball drops down from the wire form on the left https://www.pinballlife.com/die-cut-ball-drop-protective-playfield-mylar.html

I had put Mylar in a few spots on mine pro (then premium when I upgraded)
basically any ball drop where there's not already Mylar (like on the pro the ramp where it' hits the playfield)
and the ball return wire form drops. as well as on the premium there are more places where the ball drops on the playfield.

#11109 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Did any of you guys put additional mylar on your TMNT? I'm thinking about adding this little guy to the area where the ball drops down from the wire form on the left https://www.pinballlife.com/die-cut-ball-drop-protective-playfield-mylar.html

you might want to hold off a bit though on that mylar as it's a square and if I recall correctly it needs to go over a rollover.
I'm actually literally working last night on a low cost solution for adding mylar to roll over lanes (die cut) with an easy install applicator. as this is a problem that a few games have and I think could help operators a lot (they can put them on all the rollover like over the "pop bumper" lanes that get tons of wear to protect their investments and they are basically super cheap since it's just mylar. I had found the cutting and application of the mylar really is the headache. which is why I am designing these die cut ones with super easy applicator.

I'll give you guys a sneak peek at the applicator. I'd be willing to give you a free one and some free die cut rollover mylars if you wanted to give me feedback and post your thoughts on my product when they are done (I'm hoping to finish tonight the tweaks to the applicator)

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#11110 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Did any of you guys put additional mylar on your TMNT? I'm thinking about adding this little guy to the area where the ball drops down from the wire form on the left https://www.pinballlife.com/die-cut-ball-drop-protective-playfield-mylar.html

I recently added Mylar to the center of the playfield just below the flippers after touching up a small chip on the playfield there. I noticed some dimples in the surrounding area so I wanted to avoid anymore issues. I assume someone had an airball (probably during a multiball) and it happened to land just right and caused the small chip.

#11111 10 months ago
Quoted from brzezicki:

I had put Mylar in a few spots on mine pro (then premium when I upgraded)
basically any ball drop where there's not already Mylar (like on the pro the ramp where it' hits the playfield)
and the ball return wire form drops. as well as on the premium there are more places where the ball drops on the playfield.

Good idea, I forgot about where the ball drops from the plastic ramp on the pro. I'll check to see if mine doesn't have mylar there.

#11112 10 months ago
Quoted from Cwells3290:

I recently added Mylar to the center of the playfield just below the flippers after touching up a small chip on the playfield there. I noticed some dimples in the surrounding area so I wanted to avoid anymore issues. I assume someone had an airball (probably during a multiball) and it happened to land just right and caused the small chip.

Man, my pro is so dimpled-up lol I hate it, but what can I do... I had TONS of air balls on the "Dimension X" stand up targets before I put a plastic guard above them. I still get air balls, but not as much. I turned down my flipper power too because the speed of the ball hitting those targets is causing havoc on the playfield.

#11113 10 months ago
Quoted from brzezicki:

you might want to hold off a bit though on that mylar as it's a square and if I recall correctly it needs to go over a rollover.
I'm actually literally working last night on a low cost solution for adding mylar to roll over lanes (die cut) with an easy install applicator. as this is a problem that a few games have and I think could help operators a lot (they can put them on all the rollover like over the "pop bumper" lanes that get tons of wear to protect their investments and they are basically super cheap since it's just mylar. I had found the cutting and application of the mylar really is the headache. which is why I am designing these die cut ones with super easy applicator.
I'll give you guys a sneak peek at the applicator. I'd be willing to give you a free one and some free die cut rollover mylars if you wanted to give me feedback and post your thoughts on my product when they are done (I'm hoping to finish tonight the tweaks to the applicator)[quoted image]

You know, from what I can see on my pro, the ball drop on the left wire form is technically over the rollover, but all the dimples around that area indicate that it is actually hitting right below the rollover many times. Whereas the ball drop on the right wire form is more directly over the rollover, and I don't see any dimples below the rollover on that side. Yeah sure, I would try one! I'm new to this so I would have assumed that they would put these on all machines stock... They didn't have pre cut mylar for rollovers on pinball life so I guess they aren't commonly sold?

#11114 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

You know, from what I can see on my pro, the ball drop on the left wire form is technically over the rollover, but all the dimples around that area indicate that it is actually hitting right below the rollover many times. Whereas the ball drop on the right wire form is more directly over the rollover, and I don't see any dimples below the rollover on that side. Yeah sure, I would try one! I'm new to this so I would have assumed that they would put these on all machines stock... They didn't have pre cut mylar for rollovers on pinball life so I guess they aren't commonly sold?

yeah usually in the past (maybe 2008+) Stern has put them on any game with a ball drop that I've personally seen, but I've noticed a few recent games they don't have them always. (Foo fighters and TMNT definitely) so I always check them now, I was really surprised there was no mylar on the ball shooter "ramp" where it lands on plunge. They had a huge one on Godzilla in the same area. If I recall Rush is the same way and doesn't have any. I think foo fighters has some on the left to right crossover, but I have to check, long story short is they seem to be inconsistently recently in their application of the mylar for areas like that.

I never saw any pre-cut ones at pinball life, which is one reason I decided to make these, the problem besides though the actual cut though is the actual placement of them. it's super hard to put on mylar that exact in small spaces with your fingers. (you basically need to remove everything on the playfield above it). you really neeed a tool to easily and precisely put them on in small spaces like lanes or the back area. where you cannot get unrestricted access to your hands and eyes I figured these would be helpful to router operators mostly that want to keep their games looking great for resale and need an easy quick method that's very in-expensive. Home users have other solutions (Cliffies' super thin metal rollovers (highly recommended) and ninja camp TPU rollovers (Also highly recommended) (I use both on my own games) But those are not really options for route operators for multiple reasons, and some home users don't like them for various reasons.

I also figure people who are really anal and want to put these on any rollover they have not just ball drops might like these as they'll be super cheap relative to other solutions and don't' have really any appearance difference) PM me directly and send me your address and once I finish and test mine I'll send you a applicator and a few die cut mylars for you to try. right now I"m on my 5th minor change to the applicator to make it as easy to use and provide perfect results. I think this one I'm making today will be the one that will work.

#11115 10 months ago
Quoted from brzezicki:

yeah usually in the past (maybe 2008+) Stern has put them on any game with a ball drop that I've personally seen, but I've noticed a few recent games they don't have them always. (Foo fighters and TMNT definitely) so I always check them now, I was really surprised there was no mylar on the ball shooter "ramp" where it lands on plunge. They had a huge one on Godzilla in the same area. If I recall Rush is the same way and doesn't have any. I think foo fighters has some on the left to right crossover, but I have to check, long story short is they seem to be inconsistently recently in their application of the mylar for areas like that.
I never saw any pre-cut ones at pinball life, which is one reason I decided to make these, the problem besides though the actual cut though is the actual placement of them. it's super hard to put on mylar that exact in small spaces with your fingers. (you basically need to remove everything on the playfield above it). you really neeed a tool to easily and precisely put them on in small spaces like lanes or the back area. where you cannot get unrestricted access to your hands and eyes I figured these would be helpful to router operators mostly that want to keep their games looking great for resale and need an easy quick method that's very in-expensive. Home users have other solutions (Cliffies' super thin metal rollovers (highly recommended) and ninja camp TPU rollovers (Also highly recommended) (I use both on my own games) But those are not really options for route operators for multiple reasons, and some home users don't like them for various reasons.
I also figure people who are really anal and want to put these on any rollover they have not just ball drops might like these as they'll be super cheap relative to other solutions and don't' have really any appearance difference) PM me directly and send me your address and once I finish and test mine I'll send you a applicator and a few die cut mylars for you to try. right now I"m on my 5th minor change to the applicator to make it as easy to use and provide perfect results. I think this one I'm making today will be the one that will work.

if anyone is interested how these work here's a video of how to install them.

#11116 10 months ago
Quoted from brzezicki:

if anyone is interested how these work here's a video of how to install them.

Very cool, looks easy enough! PM sent!

#11117 10 months ago

New best on Half Shell Challenge!!!

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#11118 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Did any of you guys put additional mylar on your TMNT? I'm thinking about adding this little guy to the area where the ball drops down from the wire form on the left https://www.pinballlife.com/die-cut-ball-drop-protective-playfield-mylar.html

Check out my post https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-club2020-cowabunga-its-pizza-time/page/217#post-7555726

I installed cliffys to protect the thin edge of clear coat where the ball drops on it. They've been working great.

#11119 10 months ago
Quoted from WombatPinball:

So this just happened! Game was about an hour long! Was 4 Krang shots away from beating Final Battle. Was able to get to Cowbunga for the first, and probably only time ever!!! Beyond jacked up right now!!!! Let’s Goooooo!!!!
Also, this is a pro, not an LE, don’t be fooled by the backglass!
[quoted image][quoted image]

Congrats man! Never got to Cowabunga!

How did you find an LE back glass?

#11120 10 months ago
Quoted from acons017:

Congrats man! Never got to Cowabunga!
How did you find an LE back glass?

Thanks!! I didn’t think I was ever going to get there either!!

I found a buyer that was selling his LE awhile back. He made a backup of the backglass just in case anything ever happened to his original. This one is not mirrored but still looks amazing!! When he sold his TMNT, he didn’t need the backup anymore, so he sold it to me. I got really lucky because this is my favorite artwork that Yeti did for this project!!

#11121 10 months ago

If anyone is looking to add a topper, but doesn’t want to pay the price for Stern’s version, here is another option. This is the 24” wide version but he will make other sizes also. The topper was $200 and the magnetic mount was an extra $20. I messaged the seller a couple months ago (Etsy) and asked him if he would make a custom topper for a TMNT pinball machine. I sent him a picture of the Stern topper as a starting point. This is what he came up with.

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#11122 10 months ago

That looks awesome! The characters really have the original comic feel. If they weren't directly taken from that and colorized.


I know a lot of people have used a Krang action figure mod for the Pro. Has anybody tried using this one from Super7? Also sold on Sideshow.
Might be harder to light up the same way. But I think it looks a little more livelier and colorful.


LOL nevermind. I just looked at the details. It's much larger than the other one used for the mod.

#11123 10 months ago
Quoted from Cwells3290:

If anyone is looking to add a topper, but doesn’t want to pay the price for Stern’s version, here is another option. This is the 24” wide version but he will make other sizes also. The topper was $200 and the magnetic mount was an extra $20. I messaged the seller a couple months ago (Etsy) and asked him if he would make a custom topper for a TMNT pinball machine. I sent him a picture of the Stern topper as a starting point. This is what he came up with.
[quoted image]
[quoted image][quoted image]

Wow. That guy did a great job. How is it powered?

#11124 10 months ago
Quoted from Cwells3290:

If anyone is looking to add a topper, but doesn’t want to pay the price for Stern’s version, here is another option. This is the 24” wide version but he will make other sizes also. The topper was $200 and the magnetic mount was an extra $20. I messaged the seller a couple months ago (Etsy) and asked him if he would make a custom topper for a TMNT pinball machine. I sent him a picture of the Stern topper as a starting point. This is what he came up with.
[quoted image]
[quoted image][quoted image]

wow thats really nice

#11125 10 months ago
Quoted from IdahoRealtor:

Wow. That guy did a great job. How is it powered?

It is powered by a usb cable. You can just plug it into a power adapter and use the outlet inside the back box.

#11126 10 months ago

I literally bought this and it arrived hours ago. How weird!

#11127 10 months ago

What is the guy’s Etsy page?

#11128 10 months ago


He’s signageman on Instagram if you have it.

#11129 10 months ago

Finally got around to installing 3 Ravspec flipper fans and the aluminum flipper bushings. I don’t install the whole flipper assembly on any of my games, just the bushings. Wow what a difference. I can backhand the left ramp all day, shot accuracy is consistent after playing for an hour and more. Had a super fun time playing TMNT last night.

#11130 10 months ago

It really is a beautiful machine and I play it more than JP or Godzilla. The challenge makes me realize that I would probably like other hard games, like TWD, which I've never tried.

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#11131 10 months ago

For a limited time, our half shell shooter rods are on sale for $60!!


#11132 10 months ago
Quoted from mikespins:

For a limited time, our half shell shooter rods are on sale for $60!!
https://pinside.com/pinball/market/shops/1378-flipmods/08717-tmnt-half-shell-shooter-rod[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

If you like challenging games try bond 60th!

#11133 10 months ago

Any modders that you guys know of that could take this mini TMNT arcade that runs on battery and mod it so that it runs off of the pinball machine? I think it would look cool in the game if it was always running.

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#11134 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Any modders that you guys know of that could take this mini TMNT arcade that runs on battery and mod it so that it runs off of the pinball machine? I think it would look cool in the game if it was always running.
[quoted image]

We’ve done it for stranger things with the dig dug. If you want to send it to me, I can take a look at it.

#11135 10 months ago
Quoted from Lermods:

We’ve done it for stranger things with the dig dug. If you want to send it to me, I can take a look at it.

Cool, I'll send you a DM.

#11136 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Any modders that you guys know of that could take this mini TMNT arcade that runs on battery and mod it so that it runs off of the pinball machine? I think it would look cool in the game if it was always running.
[quoted image]

That is super cool! This mini arcade is up for preorder at BigBadToystore. Though at nearly 18 inches (and the price is a bit eye watering!), I don’t think it would fit anywhere on the playfield. Might be a good topper option though?

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#11137 10 months ago
Quoted from Lermods:

We’ve done it for stranger things with the dig dug. If you want to send it to me, I can take a look at it.

Sweet! Can't wait to see what to come up with, you guys are talented.

#11138 10 months ago
Quoted from BaxterStockman:

I know a lot of people have used a Krang action figure mod for the Pro. Has anybody tried using this one from Super7? Also sold on Sideshow.
Might be harder to light up the same way. But I think it looks a little more livelier and colorful.
LOL nevermind. I just looked at the details. It's much larger than the other one used for the mod.

20230305_201425 (resized).jpg20230305_201425 (resized).jpg
#11139 10 months ago
Quoted from Thor_Odinson:

Any modders that you guys know of that could take this mini TMNT arcade that runs on battery and mod it so that it runs off of the pinball machine? I think it would look cool in the game if it was always running.
[quoted image]

That's a cool idea. You'd have to find something to tap off of and set up a voltage regulator board (there's some pretty cheap options out there--I think I got like a pack of 5 for $10 on ali. ) check the voltage on the batteries, for instance if it's 2xAA it would be 3v you'd need. Then you'd have to dial the potentiometer to 3v dc using a multimeter. This is where I can't help though, on a pre led game it would be easier to find that (esp. if you've since led'd). On the newer sterns, I wouldn't tap off of anything that's currently getting used myself. It might be too much of a draw on the power supply. I'm sure there's somewhere you can tap 3v safely though. Maybe search out other people have tapped similar things in other games. Something like one of those mini tv's.

Just say the next post :/

Quoted from Lermods:

We’ve done it for stranger things with the dig dug. If you want to send it to me, I can take a look at it.

Yeah, these guys are good. Would save you a lot of time and frustration.

#11140 10 months ago
Quoted from plasticbugs:

That is super cool! This mini arcade is up for preorder at BigBadToystore. Though at nearly 18 inches (and the price is a bit eye watering!), I don’t think it would fit anywhere on the playfield. Might be a good topper option though?
[quoted image]

That's really nice looking. I don't like that this is 1/4 scale though, most of the higher end mini arcades from places like New Wave Toys are 1/6 scale I believe, so this one would be oversized for most people's collection. Plus, the 1/6 scale pairs well with people who collect Hot Toys figures.

#11141 10 months ago
Quoted from System-J:

That's a cool idea. You'd have to find something to tap off of and set up a voltage regulator board (there's some pretty cheap options out there--I think I got like a pack of 5 for $10 on ali. ) check the voltage on the batteries, for instance if it's 2xAA it would be 3v you'd need. Then you'd have to dial the potentiometer to 3v dc using a multimeter. This is where I can't help though, on a pre led game it would be easier to find that (esp. if you've since led'd). On the newer sterns, I wouldn't tap off of anything that's currently getting used myself. It might be too much of a draw on the power supply. I'm sure there's somewhere you can tap 3v safely though. Maybe search out other people have tapped similar things in other games. Something like one of those mini tv's.
Just say the next post :/

Yeah, these guys are good. Would save you a lot of time and frustration.

I actually saw a photo online someplace of this mini arcade on the pop bumper where Krang would be on the premium, but it wasn't turned on. They might have had a picture tapped to the screen and had it lit up to make it look like it was on, but I can't remember. Having a running arcade would be cool. It's too bad that they don't make a better TMNT in this smaller scale. Ideally, I would like to have the arcade play longer clips of the video game, almost more like on one of those mini TV screens where you can import you own files.

#11142 10 months ago

I've been putting a lot of time on my Turtles recently and the thing that is bugging me is how the EB have very little adjustability. I have my EBs set to starting 3 episodes (2 is too easy) and get 47 slices (so if you complete the pizza eating contest you'll get an extra ball much like a video mode on a 90s game.) I have the EB percentage turned down to 1% because I hate getting random extra balls in games - I much prefer skill based EBs. Is there any way to adjust it so that after getting the first 2 EBs, I can get another one without having to play through all the modes again? I'm finding it very difficult to make it to Final Battle/Cowabunga with just the 2 EBs. Would be nice if there was another way to get an extra ball that's skill based

#11143 10 months ago
Quoted from data_eastside:

I've been putting a lot of time on my Turtles recently and the thing that is bugging me is how the EB have very little adjustability. I have my EBs set to starting 3 episodes (2 is too easy) and get 47 slices (so if you complete the pizza eating contest you'll get an extra ball much like a video mode on a 90s game.) I have the EB percentage turned down to 1% because I hate getting random extra balls in games - I much prefer skill based EBs. Is there any way to adjust it so that after getting the first 2 EBs, I can get another one without having to play through all the modes again? I'm finding it very difficult to make it to Final Battle/Cowabunga with just the 2 EBs. Would be nice if there was another way to get an extra ball that's skill based

Set replay to EB?

#11144 10 months ago

Hi All
I'll be joining the club. One of the triangle decals on the apron is missing. Does anyone know where I can get a set of the triangle decals (both left and right) for a Pro or Premium (or have a spare set)?? Please hit me up if so.
Thank you

#11145 10 months ago

I'm willing to reproduce, but I need 300dpi scans or better of the Premium apron plastics. They will need to be backlit when scanning so that the art comes through, and if anyone is able/willing to help please PM me.

#11146 10 months ago

TMNT fabric glass covers now available in my Pinside store for $50. Great way to keep the game clean and it looks amazing when not in use. Cheers.


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#11147 10 months ago

So I have a question for TMNT owners and players, Pro or Premium/LE?

I ask because I initially got to play a TMNT pro at an arcade. I had a great time and really enjoyed it and considered if I wanted to get one. I had thought the premium would be even better but then recently I played it and didn't enjoy it as I thought I would. I felt the shooter ramp leading into the plastics meant the ball gets dropped and is still bouncing on the playfield just as it gets to the upper flipper and makes the side loop/ramp shot really frustrating. Also the increase in items in the upper playfield area more crowded and harder to see things.

I still had enjoyment playing the machine but it just didn't come off as great. What are your thoughts? Is there something better I could be doing or am I better off playing the pro and avoiding the annoyances?

#11148 10 months ago
Quoted from MadMagic7:

So I have a question for TMNT owners and players, Pro or Premium/LE?
I ask because I initially got to play a TMNT pro at an arcade. I had a great time and really enjoyed it and considered if I wanted to get one. I had thought the premium would be even better but then recently I played it and didn't enjoy it as I thought I would. I felt the shooter ramp leading into the plastics meant the ball gets dropped and is still bouncing on the playfield just as it gets to the upper flipper and makes the side loop/ramp shot really frustrating. Also the increase in items in the upper playfield area more crowded and harder to see things.
I still had enjoyment playing the machine but it just didn't come off as great. What are your thoughts? Is there something better I could be doing or am I better off playing the pro and avoiding the annoyances?

All my pins are prem except for turtles the pro is just better plays fast and more flowly. It's just a better set up, it's the reason the pro is ranked higher then the prem. Theres a place i go to in LA called revenge of, they have an insane collection of pins and all them are prem or LE's, all with toppers it's insane. The place has 26 pinball machines. The only one that is a pro is turtles in the entire place. I'm almost always a prem guy but the pro on turtles is just better.

It's the reason you can still go on various sites and easily get a prem but you can't find NIB pros anymore, and it's too bad since they retired TMNT.

#11149 10 months ago
Quoted from SuperNinjaMonkey:

All my pins are prem except for turtles the pro is just better plays fast and more flowly. It's just a better set up, it's the reason the pro is ranked higher then the prem. Theres a place i go to in LA called revenge of, they have an insane collection of pins and all them are prem or LE's, all with toppers it's insane. The place has 26 pinball machines. The only one that is a pro is turtles in the entire place. I'm almost always a prem guy but the pro on turtles is just better.
It's the reason you can still go on various sites and easily get a prem but you can't find NIB pros anymore, and it's too bad since they retired TMNT.

I'm going to respectfully disagree.
I had both the pro and the premium and I upgraded from the pro to the premium and like it MUCH better, while the changes are subtle and probably not woth 2.65K difference I think they are important

here's what I liked about the premium over the pro
1) premium doesn't launch to the pop bumpers it launches to the left flipper. While you can launch the pro to the left flipper I don't like having the pop bumpers able to hit at launch, to me having the pop bumpers get easily hit removes a otherwise semi tough shot and makes it kind of a "gimme" and slows the game start too. having it not go there actually makes the pop bumper basically a new "shot" that the pro doesn't have because you never need to shoot it.

2) The ramp that launches the ball around it just cool and feels good, also it makes the left flipper to center ramp a bit easier

3) the glider diversion! this is my favorite thing, the glider adds a little more play and flexibility
4) the glider "power up" shot, here you shoot from the right to the left ramp and it will redirect back to the right flipper so you can kind of "loop" these shots which is fun and is another way of getting's points/shots as when you want to "cash" out you can hit the glider and then hit the right lane to cash out.

I love turtle both pro and premium but pro seemed a little "weak" not many shots and some where EXTREMELY hard (center ramp and lair), I found the pop bumpers annoying with the pro and it seemed like a waste. the premium removes the annoynance, speeds up the game and actually adds effectively a shot as you have to shoot them now (which is not super easy) to get them.

this doesn't mention the spinner which goes two ways... not really sure that adds much
or the 8 ball multiball
or whatever is special about the lair in the premium that I don't really get.

basically numbers 1-4 above I think are subtle but add a lot tot he game.
I also think long term the premium will have better resale value (I dont' usually sell my pins so that doesn't bother me) or trade value esp now they are not made.

just my 2 cents. there's a lot of cheap premiums out there and if you can get one Id' get it in a heartbeat over the pro.
for me I basically traded my pro with 1500K plays + $1000 to upgrade to a less than 100 play premium and got the insider connected. for that price it was a no brainer. for 3K I dont know. but with the deals on premiums I'd get a premium if you can.

#11150 10 months ago
Quoted from Freeplay69:

TMNT fabric glass covers now available in my Pinside store for $50. Great way to keep the game clean and it looks amazing when not in use. Cheers.
https://pinside.com/pinball/market/shops/1505-duke-pinball/09247-tmnt-glass-cover-[quoted image]

beautiful, I ordered (along with 4 other games) I hope you continue to make others!

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