(Topic ID: 26628)

New Predator Info Thread

By SkitBPinball

11 years ago

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#5001 10 years ago
Quoted from spfxted:

It's also your right, if you feel you have been treated unfairly, to drop out.

Lol. Thanks. I mean it. You have done exactly what almost every other poster in this thread has done when commenting to me about an opinion I have. Are my opinions, "Mainstream"? I do not know. What I do know, to which I can link numerous posts supporting this, is that "Why don't you drop out" comment is something I can count on being thrown my way...just about every time...lol...since last Christmas 2012.

TOo funny. Thank you for the chuckle

#5002 10 years ago

Lol, if I were the type of man to push this further...I just might be in a position where I could, "one up you"... if that is really your intent on your posts (to challenge)?

I might surprise you

#5003 10 years ago
Quoted from playboywillis:

You know what irony means?
It's funny to me that you started this exact same shit a few months ago and you got your way, and now that you're not, you're throwing a tantrum. I don't know what makes you think you're entitled to demand things from a business, but in case you haven't noticed, we all want the same thing here. I just notice that it seems everybody but one person here is going about it a different way. But, with all of the "I" and "Me" in your posts, I doubt you'll ever truly understand what everyone's trying to tell you.

This is one funny post from you. So many claims...yet no excerpts? Hmmm. Indeed. I remember you from last x-mas time frame. Same banter now as was then. I am a person that has an opinion like any other member here. Unfortunately, I end up receiving insults...time and time again. All you hidden (behind the pc monitor) folks talk so bold and insult me (and others...I have been contacted by other members here that go through this bs)...shame.

Hahaha..."throwing a tantrum"...you just took this to a new level of thread created BS! Total fabrication. Ha.

#5004 10 years ago

Shut up!

#5005 10 years ago

Yeah...shut up!

#5006 10 years ago

Again...SHUT UP!

#5007 10 years ago
Quoted from navajas:

What about big heavy fleshy boobs? Or, a $100 bill every time you put your hand in your pocket?

Yes, both better!!!!!!!

#5008 10 years ago

Kevin we need a thread rescue here ASAP!


#5009 10 years ago

Funny how Whysnow and Blond (moderator) expressed the exact same request for Build order update (Blonde with a ditto") as I have. Yet...a few members chose to attack me in a singular fashion for the same comment. Shame. I can link it or you (reader) can back read as I have just done. Lol...the exact same request from whysnow and a ditto from a Pinside moderator directly afterwards...I was a couple days before with the same request that started this whole thread BS mess.

Unreal but I guess some folks live for this stuff and pick out a target as they desire at the time...such a shame.

#5010 10 years ago

This thread has become like Under the Dome. Everything has gone to shit.

#5011 10 years ago
Quoted from Pinballdad:

Unreal but I guess some folks live for this stuff and pick out a target as they desire at the time...such a shame.

I see a lot of people agreeing it would be nice to get an update, some partial agreement but taking some issue with your tone/tact, some ambivalence, some antagonism, and whole, whole lot of you hollering about being attacked. Maybe it's not what you're asking, but how it's being written?

Want to see how I do it? Check it out:

"I don't have much money. It sure would be nice to know how far up I've moved on the list from 161 so I can better plan my purchase. I haven't heard anything back from Kevin about this issue. Anyone else in the same boat?"

Someone might respond:

"Who cares? I've got rows of pinball machines and I use $100 bills like you use paper napkins. It's done when it's done and you'll get it when your name comes up."

And I could respond two ways, sort of:

"What the hell is your problem you aggressive rich fascist a-hole!? How dare you? I'm just sitting here minding my own business (computer) and you have to come rub your money shitting high life all up in my face?! Look, I have a right to know, I'm a paying customer (money) and this matters to me. Why the hate? Why bring me down (emotional) when I'm just asking a question!? Do you have some agenda (parenthesis) here or are you just a pure ignorant hate machine (Bon Jovi)!?!?"

Or, I could say:

Nothing, and wait for an answer from someone who mattered.

#5012 10 years ago

I want my mommy!

#5013 10 years ago
Quoted from Pinballdad:

Funny how Whysnow and Blond (moderator) expressed the exact same request for Build order update (Blonde with a ditto") as I have. Yet...a few members chose to attack me in a singular fashion for the same comment. Shame. I can link it or you (reader) can back read as I have just done. Lol...the exact same request from whysnow and a ditto from a Pinside moderator directly afterwards...I was a couple days before with the same request that started this whole thread BS mess.
Unreal but I guess some folks live for this stuff and pick out a target as they desire at the time...such a shame.

Wait a sec... Please try not to pull me into your shitstorm and veiled threats.

Quoted from Pinballdad:

Lol, if I were the type of man to push this further...I just might be in a position where I could, "one up you"... if that is really your intent on your posts (to challenge)?
I might surprise you

Not cool to make these sort of insinuations on ANY member!

If you can't realize you may have been asking for some of the same things that I and BlondeTall have asked for, but you have done so in an ENTIRELY different way.

Back on topic, I just got an email back from Kevin regarding SkitB stuff (not-Predator related) and they are alive and doing fine.

#5014 10 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

Back on topic, I just got an email back from Kevin regarding SkitB stuff (not-Predator related) and they are alive and doing fine.

Note to self, don't jump.

#5015 10 years ago

But Bondetall has boobs! So she can do whatever she wants.

#5018 10 years ago

I just agreed that an update would be nice. I have since run out of money and space, so they can take as long as they need, but just an idea of which month/quarter/year it may be ready and/or start to ship to people and a general idea of how far down the list would be good. I know they are busy, I know they haven't run off with my money, and I'm basically putting Predator 'on hold' in my mind for now until there's another update at this point anyway. I've got Martians to kill, gofers to whack, and a T-Rex to feed in the meantime.

Thanks Bangerjay. Good to know that boobs are magical around here. Apparently "nothing is better."

#5019 10 years ago

Damn straight

#5020 10 years ago

Maybe some cake would make everything better.


#5021 10 years ago
Quoted from bangerjay:

Maybe some cake would make everything better.

No thanks I don't like chocolate or dudes!

#5022 10 years ago

Relax Chris, it's banana flavored. Boom

#5023 10 years ago


#5025 10 years ago

Ill race you to

#5027 10 years ago

5000 image.jpgimage.jpg

#5028 10 years ago

we are over 5000 posts!

TILTed post. Sign in to be able to view TILTed posts.
#5030 10 years ago
Quoted from bangerjay:

Relax Chris, it's banana flavored. Boom

I walked right into that one.....didn't I?

#5031 10 years ago

We now take a break from our currently scheduled fights to bring you something may actually interest Predator fans (Although it doesn't have to do with the pinball machine, sorry):


#5032 10 years ago
Quoted from spfxted:

The end is near!

Dude, man, you are such a dirty old man!

#5033 10 years ago


#5034 10 years ago



#5035 10 years ago

Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to realize he's just trolling for the hell of it.

#5036 10 years ago

Just read the Ain't It Cool story. Yeah, it may be a new Predator film...OR the original in 3D! I think Jurassic Park did pretty well. I also forgot about this line..."Ya cooked up a story and dropped da six of us in da meat grinda!!"

#5037 10 years ago

It's official, this thread jumped the shark again

#5038 10 years ago

Lol, for the thirteenth time.

#5039 10 years ago
Quoted from Pinballdad:

Lol, if I were the type of man to push this further...I just might be in a position where I could, "one up you"... if that is really your intent on your posts (to challenge)?
I might surprise you


#5040 10 years ago


#5041 10 years ago

Sharknado: the pinball machine. Skit B theme #2.

#5042 10 years ago



#5043 10 years ago
Quoted from oopsallberrys:

we are over 5000 posts!

Maybe it's time to change the title to "Old Predator Info Thread".

#5044 10 years ago
Quoted from o-din:

Maybe it's time to change the title to "Old Predator Info Thread".

I'm guessing with the upcoming mega update we'll have a new thread and all of this will seem like a memory of home room in highschool.

#5045 10 years ago

We DO have the Official New Info Only Predator Thread.
*there's just nothing there yet

#5046 10 years ago

I'm here, I'm alive, and things are still on schedule. I wish I could get more into it right now. For those of you hoping for an updated build number, the emails are coming together currently so expect those soon. For those of you who are still waiting on tshirts, the very last of them will be in this week and will be going out as soon as they show up. For build timing, I can only assume here, but we expect initial units to be completed and shipping out BEFORE the Chicago expo this year. Based on projections of ~10 per week, minus the 15-20 drop outs we've had since the last time build orders were stated, figuring a ballpark for your game should be fairly accurate. Thanks for everything, guys. Back to work.

#5047 10 years ago
Quoted from SkitBPinball:

I'm here, I'm alive, and things are still on schedule. I wish I could get more into it right now. For those of you hoping for an updated build number, the emails are coming together currently so expect those soon. For those of you who are still waiting on tshirts, the very last of them will be in this week and will be going out as soon as they show up. For build timing, I can only assume here, but we expect initial units to be completed and shipping out BEFORE the Chicago expo this year. Based on projections of ~10 per week, minus the 15-20 drop outs we've had since the last time build orders were stated, figuring a ballpark for your game should be fairly accurate. Thanks for everything, guys. Back to work.

Congratulations guys!

#5048 10 years ago

Were these 15-20 dropouts since the last run of dropouts were talked about or the same? Just trying to see if i'm near the top 250 now or not....I was around 15 then so maybe?

#5049 10 years ago

Thanks for the update.

Hold on everyone...


#5050 10 years ago
Quoted from SkitBPinball:

I can only assume here, but we expect initial units to be completed and shipping out BEFORE the Chicago expo this year

Thanks for the info! Much appreciated...
When is the Chicago expo, by the way?

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