(Topic ID: 248582)

Jurassic Park (Stern 2019 & 30th) Owners Club. Welcome! To Jurassic park.....

By CoolCatPinball

4 years ago

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#351 4 years ago
Quoted from ryanwanger:

Needs Loctite, or a better t-nut. Stern is aware of the issue.
It has nothing to do with people on the assembly line not doing their job properly.

About the raptor pit problems

#352 4 years ago
Quoted from cocomonkeh:

Can someone take a pic of the S shot underneath the wire frame? I think something came loose on the one I just helped set up.

Here’s mine btw. Something seems loose

AD8435D2-5B2A-4F80-9C9D-4C11D9981B5D (resized).jpegAD8435D2-5B2A-4F80-9C9D-4C11D9981B5D (resized).jpeg
#353 4 years ago
Quoted from Hazoff:

Wizards Castle, man I loved that place. Cloverdale Mall early day when you should be in school, Hash bots and good times.

Thank God there were no long term, lasting ill effects right?

#354 4 years ago
Quoted from jorro:

About the raptor pit problems

Im sorry, I didnt see this, can more be shared?

#355 4 years ago
Quoted from pickleric:

What parts are you getting from the hardware store?

A drill bit to put a new wood screwed post into my playfield!

I kid, I'll find a new old stock post to replace it that is long enough to make it through the playfield. I debated hardcore locktite but I'm just going to leave it off of the playfield for. I may put a round mylar sticker over the hole for now.

#356 4 years ago
Quoted from OLDPINGUY:

Im sorry, I didnt see this, can more be shared?

So my one way gate in the raptor pit broke after about 4 games last night...anyone else had this issue?
I've emailed Stern already and I'm sure they will take care of it, just curious if it is a common thing or if this was a bit of a freak incident.[quoted image][quoted image]

And this

Our Raptor pit was not tightened down (at all) and the ball was getting hung up/caught in there. It wasn’t until a dozen or so games in... that we realized that the gate was never tightened down, but just hanging in there

And this

Couple things...
My ball gets stuck a lot in the raptor cage between the gate and a post rubber to the left, and the same thing happens at the one way gate above the spinner in the middle. Any solutions?

Also table is level on all 4 legsbut my glass is super hard to get in/out... best way to pry the side rails loose a little?

And there was an other one smewhere in this topic.
No serious damage but as a company this stuff is something you want to adress

All i ment is call your distro
Sure a loose post can happen, some locktite is fine but let them do it in company , im sure Stern wants/needs to know about problems to make adjustments or better processes

#357 4 years ago
Quoted from jorro:

So my one way gate in the raptor pit broke after about 4 games last night...anyone else had this issue?

Yes. Tsskinne at least

#358 4 years ago
Quoted from HighProtein:

I'll find a new old stock post to replace it that is long enough to make it through the playfield. I debated hardcore locktite but I'm just going to leave it off of the playfield for. I may put a round mylar sticker over the hole for now.

I remember looking at ours on route, and I think the post comes out beneath the flipper plate, so a longer post might end up hitting against it or not allow enough room for a locking nut to attach to. I only glanced for about 10 seconds so could be wrong about this. Will be following up as well on this.

#359 4 years ago

New code :

V0.87.0 - August 21, 2019
- Match - added Jurassic Park themed match sequence
- Bonus - Rescues scoring increased from 150K to 200K
- Bonus - Dino Captures scoring increased from 500K to 750K
- Bonus - DNA Combo scoring increased from 250K to 400K
- Left Inlane Up-Post - fixed an issue where the post would come up when starting Feed T-Rex Hurry Up when it was not supposed to
- Helicopter Shot - plunged shot filter will now only filter out the first shot
- Attract Mode - updated attract mode looping videos to have more variety and added more beauty shot videos
- Attract Mode - Last Game Scores and Game Over screen have been finalized
- Spinner - scoring base value for spins increased from 5K to 30K
- Super Spinner - multiplier decreased from 3X to 2X
- Super Spinner - perk will now boost +2X instead of +1X
- Super Spinner - activation sound updated
- Super Spinner - super spinner spin sound updated
- DNA Combos - each combo now awards 1M + 1M times number of DNA Combos collected
- DNA Combos - award text for display effect re-laid out and added explanation text
- Smart Missile - scoring increased from 5M to 15M point award until smart missile award functionality is finalized
- Raptor Locks - difficulty adjustments have been finalized
- Raptor Locks - music track has been added when you are one shot away from starting Raptor Tri-ball
- T-Rex Spellout - difficulty curve implemented
- T-Rex Spellout - adding instruction text
- T-Rex Event Ready - added new light shows to draw attention to T-Rex shot on left ramp
- T-Rex Feed Hurry Up - text laid out properly and added instructions to the background for what shots do
- T-Rex Feed Hurry Up - scores have been increased each shot you make a lit shot that resets the hurry up
- T-Rex Multiball - fast flashing insert for multiplier eligible shot is always flashing red
- T-Rex Multiball - added intro animation and sfx
- T-Rex Multiball - added total animation and sfx
- T-Rex Chase - added mode total animation and sfx
- T-Rex Chase - added TIME BONUS information line to mode total
- T-Rex Rampage - now scores 2M for the initial shot of the sequence and multipliers are shown in the awards
- T-Rex Rampage - initial shot now has text to explain details about combo multiplier shots
- T-Rex Encounter - added TIME BONUS information line to mode total
- King of the Island - added more text and UI icons for switch countdown to next award
- King of the Island - fixed an issue where the mode was not resetting it's award values between plays properly
- Chaos Multiball - fixed an issue where background text would disappear
- Chaos Multiball - cannot be started until other multiball's grace periods have expired (no stacking)
- Control Room Select - better selection choreography and wait for intro to complete before starting up-post warning
- Restore Power - initial spinner build display effect added
- System Boot - fixed an issue where the final shot was awarding 0 points instead of the total of all combo shots
- Advance Paddock - M-A-P spellout can now be progressed in timed modes
- Advance Paddock - now Left Ramp arrow blinks to indicate Advance Paddock is lit
- Paddock Bounty - all paddock specific dinosaur capture animations have been completed
- Paddock Bonuty - fixed an issue with the UI screens reporting the wrong paddock bounty score value
- Paddock Map - LCD looping map animation updated along with polished Truck and Path overlays
- Paddock Map - paddock info displayed with both truck's direction choices so an informed decision to shoot the truck or advance can be made
- Paddock Map - fixed an issue with spelling error for Stegosaurus paddock
- Paddock Map - first two possible paddock's helicopter shot will not time out
- Paddock Map - Ankylosaurus and Triceratops now spot the helicopter shot on trap target awards the same as Gallimimus and Brachiosaurus do
- Jurassic Perks - implemented EASIER INLANES perk
- Jurassic Perks - implemented EASIER LOOPS perk
- Jurassic Perks - implemented BOOST TIMERS perk (+8 seconds to Playfield X, mode, and multiball ball saver timers)
- Supply Drop - "Trap Lit" award now also spots the helicopter shot when you are in a paddock that is supposed to spot that shot for trap target awards
- Callouts - added Skill Shot speech
- Callouts - added followup speech for "You're Entering X Paddock" highlighting the number of rescues available
- Callouts - added award speech to all Control Room mode awards
- Callouts - added player (n) is up! speech and nag speech for inactivity
- Callouts - added time is running out callouts for timed modes
- Callouts - added fossil collection speech
- Callouts - added more jackpot callouts for multiball modes
- Sound Effects - many new sound effects added throughout the game
- Shaker Motor - adding more shaker motor events and choreographed shakes timed to many display effects
- High Score Tables - fixed an issue with a Minimum High Score adjustment value being lowered to keep all High Score adjustments in range
- High Score Tables - the above fix will cause all High Score values to be reset to factory default
- High Score Enter Initials - LCD interface updated to add Jurassic Park themed fonts and backgrounds
- High Score Enter Initials - music added during initials entry and sound effects adjusted
- Audits - game audits have been added for all Paddock Enter / Completions

- Adjustment Changes:
- added 'T-REX - SPELLOUT STARTS HURRYUP' - defaults to YES, which will start the Feed T-Rex Hurry Up on spellout completion, change to NO to always allow a choice of which T-Rex mode to start via Truck
- added 'T-REX - SPELLOUT DIFFICULTY' - defaults to MEDIUM, controls how hard and how many times the Truck needs to be hit to award a letter
- changed 'RAPTOR TARGET INIT. COMPLETIONS' - defaults to 1 raptor target set completion to light raptor lock

- System - Updated to V2.33

V0.86.0 - August 7, 2019
- Fixed an issue for european coin door not triggering switches properly
- Fixed an issue with the coin door gi not lighting in attract mode

V0.85.0 - August 5, 2019
- Initial release.

#361 4 years ago
Quoted from sk8ball:

No prob! To answer a couple rules you guys seem unclear about...
Mini wiz mode King of the Island is at the Spinosaurus paddock. Capturing the T-Rex is not a mini wiz but boosts timers for 2X scoring, Ball save during multiballs, all modes.
Paddock capture difficulty- The green and yellow paddocks require you to only hit the "Set Trap" targets to light capture while the orange and red paddocks require setting the trap AND hitting the helipad to light capture. If you visit the Spitter paddock as your 2nd paddock you must hit the helipad before capture. It's a tough paddock but the reward perk is 2x super spinner. A regular super spinner is 2X lit spinner value so you can stack the spitter perk with 2x playfield and super spinner and max spinner for 8X lit spinner value (roughly 2 mil a spin)
The carnivores have special abilities. The ability of the spitter is to freeze rescues for 5 seconds when it comes within one space of a rescue. This is why a couple of the rescue shots you guys hit didn't award a rescue. You will know when the rescue light turns solid that that victim is temporarily incapacitated.
Other carnivore traits include:
T-rex- super speed
Spinosaurus- can jump from left side to right and vice-versa
Raptor- two raptors are active at once in the paddock, both must be captured
Compys- can't be slowed
Pteranodon- can fly directly to rescue shots
2X playfield scoring is lit via supply drop collect
Escape target is lit via roll-over in the pop area

This clears up a lot of our questions. Thank You.

#362 4 years ago

This game rocks and I've only played the Pro. Best release in a long time and can't wait to play with the new code.

#363 4 years ago
Quoted from Peanuts:

New code :
V0.87.0 - August 21, 2019
- Match - added Jurassic Park themed match sequence
- Bonus - Rescues scoring increased from 150K to 200K
- Bonus - Dino Captures scoring increased from 500K to 750K
- Bonus - DNA Combo scoring increased from 250K to 400K
- Left Inlane Up-Post - fixed an issue where the post would come up when starting Feed T-Rex Hurry Up when it was not supposed to
- Helicopter Shot - plunged shot filter will now only filter out the first shot
- Attract Mode - updated attract mode looping videos to have more variety and added more beauty shot videos
- Attract Mode - Last Game Scores and Game Over screen have been finalized
- Spinner - scoring base value for spins increased from 5K to 30K
- Super Spinner - multiplier decreased from 3X to 2X
- Super Spinner - perk will now boost +2X instead of +1X
- Super Spinner - activation sound updated
- Super Spinner - super spinner spin sound updated
- DNA Combos - each combo now awards 1M + 1M times number of DNA Combos collected
- DNA Combos - award text for display effect re-laid out and added explanation text
- Smart Missile - scoring increased from 5M to 15M point award until smart missile award functionality is finalized
- Raptor Locks - difficulty adjustments have been finalized
- Raptor Locks - music track has been added when you are one shot away from starting Raptor Tri-ball
- T-Rex Spellout - difficulty curve implemented
- T-Rex Spellout - adding instruction text
- T-Rex Event Ready - added new light shows to draw attention to T-Rex shot on left ramp
- T-Rex Feed Hurry Up - text laid out properly and added instructions to the background for what shots do
- T-Rex Feed Hurry Up - scores have been increased each shot you make a lit shot that resets the hurry up
- T-Rex Multiball - fast flashing insert for multiplier eligible shot is always flashing red
- T-Rex Multiball - added intro animation and sfx
- T-Rex Multiball - added total animation and sfx
- T-Rex Chase - added mode total animation and sfx
- T-Rex Chase - added TIME BONUS information line to mode total
- T-Rex Rampage - now scores 2M for the initial shot of the sequence and multipliers are shown in the awards
- T-Rex Rampage - initial shot now has text to explain details about combo multiplier shots
- T-Rex Encounter - added TIME BONUS information line to mode total
- King of the Island - added more text and UI icons for switch countdown to next award
- King of the Island - fixed an issue where the mode was not resetting it's award values between plays properly
- Chaos Multiball - fixed an issue where background text would disappear
- Chaos Multiball - cannot be started until other multiball's grace periods have expired (no stacking)
- Control Room Select - better selection choreography and wait for intro to complete before starting up-post warning
- Restore Power - initial spinner build display effect added
- System Boot - fixed an issue where the final shot was awarding 0 points instead of the total of all combo shots
- Advance Paddock - M-A-P spellout can now be progressed in timed modes
- Advance Paddock - now Left Ramp arrow blinks to indicate Advance Paddock is lit
- Paddock Bounty - all paddock specific dinosaur capture animations have been completed
- Paddock Bonuty - fixed an issue with the UI screens reporting the wrong paddock bounty score value
- Paddock Map - LCD looping map animation updated along with polished Truck and Path overlays
- Paddock Map - paddock info displayed with both truck's direction choices so an informed decision to shoot the truck or advance can be made
- Paddock Map - fixed an issue with spelling error for Stegosaurus paddock
- Paddock Map - first two possible paddock's helicopter shot will not time out
- Paddock Map - Ankylosaurus and Triceratops now spot the helicopter shot on trap target awards the same as Gallimimus and Brachiosaurus do
- Jurassic Perks - implemented EASIER INLANES perk
- Jurassic Perks - implemented EASIER LOOPS perk
- Jurassic Perks - implemented BOOST TIMERS perk (+8 seconds to Playfield X, mode, and multiball ball saver timers)
- Supply Drop - "Trap Lit" award now also spots the helicopter shot when you are in a paddock that is supposed to spot that shot for trap target awards
- Callouts - added Skill Shot speech
- Callouts - added followup speech for "You're Entering X Paddock" highlighting the number of rescues available
- Callouts - added award speech to all Control Room mode awards
- Callouts - added player (n) is up! speech and nag speech for inactivity
- Callouts - added time is running out callouts for timed modes
- Callouts - added fossil collection speech
- Callouts - added more jackpot callouts for multiball modes
- Sound Effects - many new sound effects added throughout the game
- Shaker Motor - adding more shaker motor events and choreographed shakes timed to many display effects
- High Score Tables - fixed an issue with a Minimum High Score adjustment value being lowered to keep all High Score adjustments in range
- High Score Tables - the above fix will cause all High Score values to be reset to factory default
- High Score Enter Initials - LCD interface updated to add Jurassic Park themed fonts and backgrounds
- High Score Enter Initials - music added during initials entry and sound effects adjusted
- Audits - game audits have been added for all Paddock Enter / Completions
- Adjustment Changes:
- added 'T-REX - SPELLOUT STARTS HURRYUP' - defaults to YES, which will start the Feed T-Rex Hurry Up on spellout completion, change to NO to always allow a choice of which T-Rex mode to start via Truck
- added 'T-REX - SPELLOUT DIFFICULTY' - defaults to MEDIUM, controls how hard and how many times the Truck needs to be hit to award a letter
- changed 'RAPTOR TARGET INIT. COMPLETIONS' - defaults to 1 raptor target set completion to light raptor lock
- System - Updated to V2.33
V0.86.0 - August 7, 2019
- Fixed an issue for european coin door not triggering switches properly
- Fixed an issue with the coin door gi not lighting in attract mode
V0.85.0 - August 5, 2019
- Initial release.

Sweet! I'm working late, but I'll do a stream of the new code some time after 10PM EDT.

#364 4 years ago
Quoted from u2sean:

I remember looking at ours on route, and I think the post comes out beneath the flipper plate, so a longer post might end up hitting against it or not allow enough room for a locking nut to attach to. I only glanced for about 10 seconds so could be wrong about this. Will be following up as well on this.

You are correct. The post terminates directly behind the flipper plate.

#365 4 years ago

Here's my attempt at some instruction cards while I wait for my Premium JP!

JP2 Card 1.jpgJP2 Card 1.jpgJP2 Card 5.jpgJP2 Card 5.jpgJP2 Printable.jpgJP2 Printable.jpg
#367 4 years ago

I am ridiculously excited to watch the SDTM unboxing.

Are all of the wizard modes already coded in?

#368 4 years ago
Quoted from sk8ball:

No prob! To answer a couple rules you guys seem unclear about...
Mini wiz mode King of the Island is at the Spinosaurus paddock. Capturing the T-Rex is not a mini wiz but boosts timers for 2X scoring, Ball save during multiballs, all modes.
Paddock capture difficulty- The green and yellow paddocks require you to only hit the "Set Trap" targets to light capture while the orange and red paddocks require setting the trap AND hitting the helipad to light capture. If you visit the Spitter paddock as your 2nd paddock you must hit the helipad before capture. It's a tough paddock but the reward perk is 2x super spinner. A regular super spinner is 2X lit spinner value so you can stack the spitter perk with 2x playfield and super spinner and max spinner for 8X lit spinner value (roughly 2 mil a spin)
The carnivores have special abilities. The ability of the spitter is to freeze rescues for 5 seconds when it comes within one space of a rescue. This is why a couple of the rescue shots you guys hit didn't award a rescue. You will know when the rescue light turns solid that that victim is temporarily incapacitated.
Other carnivore traits include:
T-rex- super speed
Spinosaurus- can jump from left side to right and vice-versa
Raptor- two raptors are active at once in the paddock, both must be captured
Compys- can't be slowed
Pteranodon- can fly directly to rescue shots
2X playfield scoring is lit via supply drop collect
Escape target is lit via roll-over in the pop area

Quoted from sk8ball:

No prob! To answer a couple rules you guys seem unclear about...
Mini wiz mode King of the Island is at the Spinosaurus paddock. Capturing the T-Rex is not a mini wiz but boosts timers for 2X scoring, Ball save during multiballs, all modes.
Paddock capture difficulty- The green and yellow paddocks require you to only hit the "Set Trap" targets to light capture while the orange and red paddocks require setting the trap AND hitting the helipad to light capture. If you visit the Spitter paddock as your 2nd paddock you must hit the helipad before capture. It's a tough paddock but the reward perk is 2x super spinner. A regular super spinner is 2X lit spinner value so you can stack the spitter perk with 2x playfield and super spinner and max spinner for 8X lit spinner value (roughly 2 mil a spin)
The carnivores have special abilities. The ability of the spitter is to freeze rescues for 5 seconds when it comes within one space of a rescue. This is why a couple of the rescue shots you guys hit didn't award a rescue. You will know when the rescue light turns solid that that victim is temporarily incapacitated.
Other carnivore traits include:
T-rex- super speed
Spinosaurus- can jump from left side to right and vice-versa
Raptor- two raptors are active at once in the paddock, both must be captured
Compys- can't be slowed
Pteranodon- can fly directly to rescue shots
2X playfield scoring is lit via supply drop collect
Escape target is lit via roll-over in the pop area

Quoted from sk8ball:

No prob! To answer a couple rules you guys seem unclear about...
Mini wiz mode King of the Island is at the Spinosaurus paddock. Capturing the T-Rex is not a mini wiz but boosts timers for 2X scoring, Ball save during multiballs, all modes.
Paddock capture difficulty- The green and yellow paddocks require you to only hit the "Set Trap" targets to light capture while the orange and red paddocks require setting the trap AND hitting the helipad to light capture. If you visit the Spitter paddock as your 2nd paddock you must hit the helipad before capture. It's a tough paddock but the reward perk is 2x super spinner. A regular super spinner is 2X lit spinner value so you can stack the spitter perk with 2x playfield and super spinner and max spinner for 8X lit spinner value (roughly 2 mil a spin)
The carnivores have special abilities. The ability of the spitter is to freeze rescues for 5 seconds when it comes within one space of a rescue. This is why a couple of the rescue shots you guys hit didn't award a rescue. You will know when the rescue light turns solid that that victim is temporarily incapacitated.
Other carnivore traits include:
T-rex- super speed
Spinosaurus- can jump from left side to right and vice-versa
Raptor- two raptors are active at once in the paddock, both must be captured
Compys- can't be slowed
Pteranodon- can fly directly to rescue shots
2X playfield scoring is lit via supply drop collect
Escape target is lit via roll-over in the pop area

Can someone designate this as a Key Post for easy reference to this information?

#369 4 years ago
Quoted from EaglePin:

Can someone designate this as a Key Post for easy reference to this information?

How is that done?

#370 4 years ago

Was just thinking that the bony flipper bats would look good on this game painted up right

#371 4 years ago
Quoted from EaglePin:

Can someone designate this as a Key Post for easy reference to this information?


People that have pinside “editor” can mark key posts.

#372 4 years ago

‪New Code, Uh, Finds a Way - https://twitch.tv/owlnonymous‬

2EF20031-89C2-43CE-9E1C-F03893319825 (resized).jpeg2EF20031-89C2-43CE-9E1C-F03893319825 (resized).jpeg
#373 4 years ago
Quoted from f3honda4me:


People that have pinside “editor” can mark key posts.

Thank you sir

#374 4 years ago

nice job on the streams btw. Very clear, big focus on the actually PF which is good - I like the layout.

#375 4 years ago
Quoted from ZMeny:

Jurassic Park: an sdtm unboxing


#376 4 years ago

Im feeling real good about picking up this game.

I played a couple hours today, all alone in the Lounge, and found myself a bit in awe about
the variety of mode, rules, and shots....It simply grabbed me by the balls, and gave me much more than
1 more game feeling.

Multiballs are well earned, not given out, and I played 2.

Holy Crap, trying to keep balls in focus with the upper flipper and the 5? possible shots from it,
was an insane rush!
Must upper flipper games dont have so many different fast flowing shots that way.

Im going to wait for the next run...let them get some changes out with flipper post, QC, etc....

Now, what to move out??? WH2O?, ICB? a bunch of slots? Thats the tough part.

(Wonka also ate some quarters for the first time, but after hearing, "shoot Augustus Gloop" a couple times,
I knew what I preferred...pretty game, though).

#377 4 years ago

How hard is it to shoot the top left Dino ramp? That is a long way back (which is a good thing - up for a challenge). Love having the 2 main ramps at completely different lengths.

#378 4 years ago
Quoted from cooked71:

How hard is it to shoot the top left Dino ramp? That is a long way back (which is a good thing - up for a challenge). Love having the 2 main ramps at completely different lengths.

That is actually the easiest shot in the game.

#379 4 years ago
Quoted from cooked71:

How hard is it to shoot the top left Dino ramp? That is a long way back (which is a good thing - up for a challenge). Love having the 2 main ramps at completely different lengths.

pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
#380 4 years ago

Just unboxed my game tonight and I’m loving it so far. Right ramp and right orbit are tough shots though.

#381 4 years ago

Jurassic Park Pro flyer available :

#382 4 years ago

Jurassic Park Premium flyer available : https://sternpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Jurassic-Park-PREM-Flyer.pdf

#384 4 years ago

Watched movie last night and glad Stern didn't get all the assets.

Game is much better as it is, and with Keith's coding, is going to be a classic

Didn't like the tilt sound initially but love it now!

Only thing stopping me buying is the playfield issues.

I want a nice playfield, without band aid washers - is that too much to ask?

#385 4 years ago
Quoted from Shapeshifter:

Watched movie last night and glad Stern didn't get all the assets.
Game is much better as it is, and with Keith's coding, is going to be a classic
Didn't like the tilt sound initially but love it now!
Only thing stopping me buying is the playfield issues.
I want a nice playfield, without band aid washers - is that too much to ask?

Couldn't disagree more. Watched the movie recently and it's still amazing. This approach of taking an amazing movie and making your own story out of it is stupid and is just a way for Stern to save money.

Keith designed such an amazing layout it's a shame it's not combined with the assets of a movie classic. The call outs on this game just aren't good neither is the generic art. I actually just bought a DE JP bc that to me is still the true JP pin so if something can be said about this it's that you truly can own both JP pins and not be overboard bc Stern JP is just that in spirit.

That being said I'm still excited to play and own the premium bc Keith did that good of a job and the super light jurrasic park "wrapper" Stern applied is enough for me but to say you're happy it was done this way is absolutely crazy. Maybe you're a distributor too ; ) The shilling game is reaching an all time high recently so wasn't sure!

Btw I really hope this is not a sign of things to come bc combine this with jjp's recent change in strategy of less is more, this just isn't a good pattern for Pinball.

#386 4 years ago

Code update went well. Game over animation added to the visuals along with many code polishes.

#387 4 years ago
Quoted from delt31:

Couldn't disagree more. Watched the movie recently and it's still amazing. This approach of taking an amazing movie and making your own story out of it is stupid and is just a way for Stern to save money.
Keith designed such an amazing layout it's a shame it's not combined with the assets of a movie classic. The call outs on this game just aren't good neither is the generic art. I actually just bought a DE JP bc that to me is still the true JP pin so if something can be said about this it's that you truly can own both JP pins and not be overboard bc Stern JP is just that in spirit.
That being said I'm still excited to play and own the premium bc Keith did that good of a job and the super light jurrasic park "wrapper" Stern applied is enough for me but to say you're happy it was done this way is absolutely crazy. Maybe you're a distributor too ; ) The shilling game is reaching an all time high recently so wasn't sure!
Btw I really hope this is not a sign of things to come bc combine this with jjp's recent change in strategy of less is more, this just isn't a good pattern for Pinball.

I get those who like the movie are disappointed.

I guess I am so used to Stern cutting costs, that I was trying to see the positives.

I am not a fan of the movies, they are just decent to me.

I do though love Keith's designs and code, and dinosaurs are just timeless aren't they?

It's the shots that sold me straight away on this game. Nothing else comparable really.

I love Maiden but this might shoot even better.

#388 4 years ago
Quoted from delt31:

Couldn't disagree more. Watched the movie recently and it's still amazing. This approach of taking an amazing movie and making your own story out of it is stupid and is just a way for Stern to save money.
Keith designed such an amazing layout it's a shame it's not combined with the assets of a movie classic. The call outs on this game just aren't good neither is the generic art. I actually just bought a DE JP bc that to me is still the true JP pin so if something can be said about this it's that you truly can own both JP pins and not be overboard bc Stern JP is just that in spirit.
That being said I'm still excited to play and own the premium bc Keith did that good of a job and the super light jurrasic park "wrapper" Stern applied is enough for me but to say you're happy it was done this way is absolutely crazy. Maybe you're a distributor too ; ) The shilling game is reaching an all time high recently so wasn't sure!
Btw I really hope this is not a sign of things to come bc combine this with jjp's recent change in strategy of less is more, this just isn't a good pattern for Pinball.

I agree, however i see some kind of upside atleast with going the animated route. and that is that they can design the"movie" so it better fits with gameplay.
Also with your own animation you can probebly prolonger the lifetime enjoyment of the pin, cause there might be another upcoming story/mission etc, in the same way computergames work.

#389 4 years ago
Quoted from ZMeny:

Jurassic Park: an sdtm unboxing

hands down the best unboxing video ever! I love his reaction to the first game.... I've never bought a NIB but I'm heavily leaning towards it.. just got a quote from the closest distributor.

#390 4 years ago
Quoted from NoQuarters:

Code update went well. Game over animation added to the visuals along with many code polishes.

So, total amateur question here, but if I have a brand new SD card ready to go, what's involved in updating the code? Layman's terms, I'm no computer guru

#391 4 years ago
Quoted from CoolCatPinball:

So, total amateur question here, but if I have a brand new SD card ready to go, what's involved in updating the code? Layman's terms, I'm no computer guru

Well put SD card away and get a USB stick with like 8GB, files are smaller than that but may as well be safe, and it is super easy. Download code, move two files to the usb stick, turn off game, put in stick, turn on game, follow display instructions

#392 4 years ago

I played this game both at Pinburgh and now last night at My Parents Basement (Comic Book / Pinball Bar) in Atlanta. Loved playing it at Pinburgh and love it even more with the new code .87 on it. This game shoots awesome and is going to be an all time modern Stern classic. The paddocks are not really traditional "modes" per say, and when you add in the control room modes and the T-Rex events, the balanced feel of everything is really coming together. I am for sure getting a Premium.

#393 4 years ago
Quoted from Tsskinne:

Well put SD card away and get a USB stick with like 8GB, files are smaller than that but may as well be safe, and it is super easy. Download code, move two files to the usb stick, turn off game, put in stick, turn on game, follow display instructions

Well, hellz bellz.... its USB?!?! Why was I thinking SD? Does the stick need to be formatted any certain way or anything? The closest thing I've done to this is adding code for a color DMD on an older stern. Sounds very similar

#394 4 years ago
Quoted from CoolCatPinball:

Well, hellz bellz.... its USB?!?! Why was I thinking SD?

The actual code for gameplay is installed on an SD card that the Spike Motherboard uses. To update the code you use a USB memory stick.

#395 4 years ago
Quoted from delt31:

Couldn't disagree more. Watched the movie recently and it's still amazing. This approach of taking an amazing movie and making your own story out of it is stupid and is just a way for Stern to save money.
Keith designed such an amazing layout it's a shame it's not combined with the assets of a movie classic. The call outs on this game just aren't good neither is the generic art. I actually just bought a DE JP bc that to me is still the true JP pin so if something can be said about this it's that you truly can own both JP pins and not be overboard bc Stern JP is just that in spirit.
That being said I'm still excited to play and own the premium bc Keith did that good of a job and the super light jurrasic park "wrapper" Stern applied is enough for me but to say you're happy it was done this way is absolutely crazy. Maybe you're a distributor too ; ) The shilling game is reaching an all time high recently so wasn't sure!
Btw I really hope this is not a sign of things to come bc combine this with jjp's recent change in strategy of less is more, this just isn't a good pattern for Pinball.

I'm hoping someone will give us a sound mod ala Cleland for example, where it puts the movie callouts into places that make sense. If not I'll have to try and use pinball browser to do it myself I guess haha.

#396 4 years ago
Quoted from Shapeshifter:

Watched movie last night and glad Stern didn't get all the assets.
Game is much better as it is, and with Keith's coding, is going to be a classic
Didn't like the tilt sound initially but love it now!
Only thing stopping me buying is the playfield issues.
I want a nice playfield, without band aid washers - is that too much to ask?

U gotta be kidding me....there is no doubt if Stern had more assets it would improve the game experience....they didn't get the assets because Stern was too cheap or the cost was out of whack.

#397 4 years ago
Quoted from f3honda4me:

I'm hoping someone will give us a sound mod ala Cleland for example, where it puts the movie callouts into places that make sense. If not I'll have to try and use pinball browser to do it myself I guess haha.

So i was in this camp too - mentioned the same about pinbrowser and I'm sure that will definitely help but there is much more missing then just voice clips. I've played this game a good amount now and just looking up and around the cabinet, you think it's dinosaur planet vs Jurassic Park. The animations are good but looking around the playfield and especially the animations with those weird looking people - it's going to forever be missing those faces you're yearning to see - like in the DE game, that translite is right in your face and brings everything you want. The DMD just amplifies it with great dots of the action (color DMD being a must). Even the crappy art on the PF it still tells you that JP story with all the characters represented.

On a positive note, this JP approach by stern really convinced me to get a DE JP b/c you can truly own both games and play Stern for the shooting aspect knowing you're getting a watered down, barely there JP movie experience so when you're frustrated with that - I jump right to DE JP which is the exact opposite. OK shooter but JP in its FULL glory.

Can't complain about having two JPs but for folks to defend Stern's obvious cash savings and spinning it - just stop.

#398 4 years ago
Quoted from OLDPINGUY:

Now, what to move out??? WH2O?, ICB? a bunch of slots? Thats the tough part.

Slots of course!

#399 4 years ago
Quoted from delt31:

So i was in this camp too - mentioned the same about pinbrowser and I'm sure that will definitely help but there is much more missing then just voice clips. I've played this game a good amount now and just looking up and around the cabinet, you think it's dinosaur planet vs Jurassic Park. The animations are good but looking around the playfield and especially the animations with those weird looking people - it's going to forever be missing those faces you're yearning to see - like in the DE game, that translite is right in your face and brings everything you want. The DMD just amplifies it with great dots of the action (color DMD being a must). Even the crappy art on the PF it still tells you that JP story with all the characters represented.
On a positive note, this JP approach by stern really convinced me to get a DE JP b/c you can truly own both games and play Stern for the shooting aspect knowing you're getting a watered down, barely there JP movie experience so when you're frustrated with that - I jump right to DE JP which is the exact opposite. OK shooter but JP in its FULL glory.
Can't complain about having two JPs but for folks to defend Stern's obvious cash savings and spinning it - just stop.

But after seeing how incredibly successful JJPOTC was on such limited IP, I actually wonder if this isn't going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise in the long run. I am starting to think there is such as thing as "too much IP" integration, and it detracts from the game. In a couple months we may be talking about how the lack of IP is one of this pin's strongest assets, just like it was with JJPOTC.

#400 4 years ago
Quoted from OLDPINGUY:

Im feeling real good about picking up this game.
I played a couple hours today, all alone in the Lounge, and found myself a bit in awe about
the variety of mode, rules, and shots....It simply grabbed me by the balls, and gave me much more than
1 more game feeling.
Multiballs are well earned, not given out, and I played 2.
Holy Crap, trying to keep balls in focus with the upper flipper and the 5? possible shots from it,
was an insane rush!
Must upper flipper games dont have so many different fast flowing shots that way.
Im going to wait for the next run...let them get some changes out with flipper post, QC, etc....
Now, what to move out??? WH2O?, ICB? a bunch of slots? Thats the tough part.
(Wonka also ate some quarters for the first time, but after hearing, "shoot Augustus Gloop" a couple times,
I knew what I preferred...pretty game, though).

Art, what other games do you have in your collection? The info isn’t visible on your page.

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