(Topic ID: 248582)

Jurassic Park (Stern 2019 & 30th) Owners Club. Welcome! To Jurassic park.....

By CoolCatPinball

4 years ago

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#21451 14 days ago
Quoted from umk298:

Thanks, I'll definitely give that a try since the issue still seems to be happening (albeit rarely) after I taped the bottom one.
I unscrewed the right ramp habitrail and re-positioned it to hug the orbit, which fixed the ball bounce issue there. Thanks again to EaglePin for sending me the pictures of his machine for that.
The stuck ball issue with the one-way gate at the bottom of the bumpers still happens after I bent the right side of the gate a bit to make it more flush with the post rubber next to it, but it is a little better and doesn't happen as frequently now. I guess I'll still have to play around with it to see if there's anything else I can do to make it better.
I appreciate all the advice & input that I've gotten from everyone.

Regarding the ball stuck issue at the one-way gate at the entrance to the pop bumper area, I solved that problem with a piece of rubber (can't remember for sure, but it's either 1/8" or 1/4" thick with adhesive on one side). I cut out an appropriate shape and stuck it onto the pf, as shown in the pics - ball hasn't gotten stuck there ever since (several months now). In both pics, look for the rubber (black) on the pf right below the right, lower corner of the one-way gate. And yes, getting the correct shape of the rubber and location on the pf did require a lot of trial & error, but it's working very well now. Also, it can't be seen from the player's position. Originally I tried bending the gate, but was never satisfied with the results.

IMG_4996 (resized).jpgIMG_4996 (resized).jpgIMG_4997 (resized).jpgIMG_4997 (resized).jpg
#21452 14 days ago

there are a few places in JP where the ball can kinda sit idle next time it happens ill try to fix it but a lttle nudge frees them; ;i think there about 2 or 3 places ball can sit still one is behind T rex ramp; one is inside the amber area and i forget the 3rd

#21453 13 days ago
Quoted from WillM:

Anyone install the Pingrafixx Holografixx art blades? I'm looking for some feedback and any installed pics.

Am waiting for a replacement blade from joeraptor2003 for over two months and have yet to receive it. Was initially told it was going to be sent after a month, but over two months later am still waiting...

#21454 13 days ago
Quoted from umk298:

Also, just for a laugh, check out the sticker on the bottom of my playfield........good job, Stern...
[quoted image]

The TREX mouth was referred to as JAWS which was why the used that code name...

#21455 13 days ago

Thanks Pinopinballmods for this beautiful mods its awesome and give the game a real felling .
This mods is incredibly made with great detail, like the light in the cockpit
The documentation for the helicopter mods Augusta is really well-done and easy to read.
Once again, thanks for your great work

17162904644006530426168915480293 (resized).jpg17162904644006530426168915480293 (resized).jpg
#21456 12 days ago
Quoted from Oise64:

Thanks Pinopinballmods for this beautiful mods its awesome and give the game a real felling .
This mods is incredibly made with great detail, like the light in the cockpit
The documentation for the helicopter mods Augusta is really well-done and easy to read.
Once again, thanks for your great work
[quoted image]

Hi Oise64 enjoy your mod. I m happy if you are satisfied of it

#21457 12 days ago

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.

Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.

And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.

So give the no's on why not to get the game.

FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

#21458 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.

The big potential no for Jurassic is that if you're not at least a decently good player, all you'll see is the first couple dinosaur paddocks over and over, you won't get deeper into the game structure like winning control room and T-rex modes for the fossil collection. How good are you at Godzilla? If you can win two monster modes in a game at least somewhat regularly, then you'll be good enough to enjoy Jurassic.

The no for Jurassic Premium specifically is that the T-rex head doesn't really add anything to gameplay and can just be annoying to adjust and maintain. Also the raptor pen wall doesn't really help gameplay either and just deflects balls towards the outlanes.

I'm near you and I have a JP Pro that I'd be willing to trade either temporary or permanently, though I don't really want a STTNG. Any chance you'd be willing to temp trade Venom for JP for a month or two?

#21459 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

There are more mechs and assemblies that you’ll have to adjust and quality control to get the game dialed in on a Prem vs Pro, or on JP in general vs other Sterns. Might as well cut bait on an old Elwin and get the latest in Jaws. Everyone likes to feel like they’re playing the latest and greatest, so might as well forget about the old and get in with the new.

#21460 12 days ago
Quoted from vikingerik:

The big potential no for Jurassic is that if you're not at least a decently good player, all you'll see is the first couple dinosaur paddocks over and over, you won't get deeper into the game structure like winning control room and T-rex modes for the fossil collection. How good are you at Godzilla? If you can win two monster modes in a game at least somewhat regularly, then you'll be good enough to enjoy Jurassic.
The no for Jurassic Premium specifically is that the T-rex head doesn't really add anything to gameplay and can just be annoying to adjust and maintain. Also the raptor pen wall doesn't really help gameplay either and just deflects balls towards the outlanes.
I'm near you and I have a JP Pro that I'd be willing to trade either temporary or permanently, though I don't really want a STTNG. Any chance you'd be willing to temp trade Venom for JP for a month or two?

Thanks for info.

No we are not good players - just being honest. I am decent at GZ though (not lately as I cannot seem to hit any of my shots for some reason).

At the moment we would not be interested in loaning out Venom we play it far too much right now. I would have to talk the wife into loaning out much of anything other than STTNG or perhaps Alien.

Quoted from MiniPinHead:

There are more mechs and assemblies that you’ll have to adjust and quality control to get the game dialed in on a Prem vs Pro, or on JP in general vs other Sterns. Might as well cut bait on an old Elwin and get the latest in Jaws. Everyone likes to feel like they’re playing the latest and greatest, so might as well forget about the old and get in with the new.

Oddly enough we are not big fans of Jaws which is sad as its my wife's favorite movie. We did not like the Pro at all (seemed way too stripped for us). Premium was better but didn't wow us. The game is fine but we don't love it - maybe we would in a home environment. I dunno.

#21461 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Thanks for info.
No we are not good players - just being honest. I am decent at GZ though (not lately as I cannot seem to hit any of my shots for some reason).
At the moment we would not be interested in loaning out Venom we play it far too much right now. I would have to talk the wife into loaning out much of anything other than STTNG or perhaps Alien.

JP is a hard game. You would also take a nasty hit on whatever you sell as the market for used games has come crashing down the past few months. Nothing is selling unless it's a rock bottom pre pandemic price.

#21462 12 days ago
Quoted from Reaper802:JP is a hard game. You would also take a nasty hit on whatever you sell as the market for used games has come crashing down the past few months. Nothing is selling unless it's a rock bottom pre pandemic price.

Yeah I know. We are going to take a hit on any game period. Sucks but that is life and we have to accept it.

#21463 12 days ago

Jurassic Park can be a really frustrating game. There are numerous tough shots and managing the Jeep constantly gets old quick. Until you get good at the game you’ll be playing the same starting paddocks and accidentally activating t-Rex multiball (never when you want it) over and over again.

With that said, once it clicks and you start to advance further in the game, it really starts to shine and those modes are a ton of fun to play. It’s a game I love but also sometimes hate haha.

#21464 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

Quoted from GCS2000:

Thanks for info.
No we are not good players - just being honest. I am decent at GZ though (not lately as I cannot seem to hit any of my shots for some reason).
At the moment we would not be interested in loaning out Venom we play it far too much right now. I would have to talk the wife into loaning out much of anything other than STTNG or perhaps Alien.

Oddly enough we are not big fans of Jaws which is sad as its my wife's favorite movie. We did not like the Pro at all (seemed way too stripped for us). Premium was better but didn't wow us. The game is fine but we don't love it - maybe we would in a home environment. I dunno.

Don't get JP if you don't want to get better at playing pinball. Owning & playing JP improved my play more than any other game I've owned so far.

#21465 12 days ago
Quoted from EaglePin:

Don't get JP if you don't want to get better at playing pinball. Owning & playing JP improved my play more than any other game I've owned so far.

Always want to get better. Will that happen ehh probably not. My wife will not change her ways, she double flips, doesn't nudge, etc etc but loves playing.

The other games we would like to own are X-Men LE and BKSOR.

#21466 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Always want to get better. Will that happen ehh probably not. My wife will not change her ways, she double flips, doesn't nudge, etc etc but loves playing.
The other games we would like to own are X-Men LE and BKSOR.

I bet it would happen. It's a fun game. And there are some different & tough bounces in it that force you to learn where the ball is about to go a couple bounces in advance, especially off the truck. I've had my machine since the game launched and I still love playing it.

#21467 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

I would echo just about all the comments above. We also have an MMRLE, gz premium, PFSE... And JP premium. I would put the JP in between AIQ and GZ from a difficulty standpoint. JP is fun and yet different enough from GZ that you don't feel like you're playing a different version of the same game. Gz has been in my lineup for a year and it is still the all time favorite. JP has been here for a couple of months, and I'm still learning the rules - and I like that about it. Not a fan of Jaws. Bottom line: if you have the means to acquire the game, do it.

#21468 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

I've had my JP(LE) for almost 5 years now. I'm a decent player but JP is the only game in our collection that I haven't finished yet, despite my 4.2B GC score. Hence why it's still here. My wife is an average player and to this day she still claims that JP is the most adrenaline inducing pinball we've ever owned. Once you are immersed in it and understand what's going on, it's definitely a game that will increase your pulse

It's the game I find hardest to do very well on, but is the game that feels the most rewarding when you do have that "one awesome game".

I've played the pro quite a few times and always walked away disappointed. The pro feels incomplete. There's strategy with the raptor pit that can't be replaced on the Pro. The dino is the most awesome pinball toy ever IMHO. I feel it really integrates well in the game and certainly is NOT a distraction. Most complainers never owned one. It's all "I've heard that it's hard to adjust and maintain." The reality is that after almost 5k plays on ours, the only issue I've had was 1 broken wire in the mouth opto. That doesn't prevent the game or dino from working, the ball eating just doesn't work quite as well sometimes. All this to say it's not an urgent repair when/if it happens.

#21469 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.

I agree with all that has been said so far. JP is one of the favorite games in my collection, but it can be brutal if you're not a halfway decent player. I consider myself an OK player that can occasionally get lucky and go on a hot streak. For instance, I've had 2B point games on GZ but my average 'normal' game is 100-200m more often than not.

For a player of my skill level and JP, I indeed have been stuck in the first 2-3 padocks for 3-4 games in a row and intentionally hitting those control panel and helipad shots to further advance in the game sometimes seems impossible. However, JP will make you a better player. It'll teach you how to nudge and anticipate when to do so before it's not too late. You'll also get better at aiming and when you happen to have a great game and it all comes together, it's really glorious. I'd even say that it's better than GZ when it all clicks.

#21470 12 days ago

Deals to be had. Recently an Indiana dealer listed a beautiful decked out pro at a great price.

#21471 12 days ago

Don't forget you may be able to trade in your STTNG for a JP. I recently traded in my LotR and a little cash to a distributor for a HUO JP prem they had on the showroom floor. As far as difficulty, I find Iron Maiden hardest with 2 upper flippers that can both put you in danger.

Clearly Keith is inspired by Lawlor. IM has that Twilight Zone flipper layout, while JP has those Addams Family connected shots that I want to rip all day long... thing->sideRamp->swamp->chair->bearRamp->repeat versus trexRamp->pteranodonRamp->TowerRamp->Hellipad->spinner->repeat

#21472 12 days ago
Quoted from MiniPinHead:

There are more mechs and assemblies that you’ll have to adjust and quality control to get the game dialed in on a Prem vs Pro, or on JP in general vs other Sterns. Might as well cut bait on an old Elwin and get the latest in Jaws. Everyone likes to feel like they’re playing the latest and greatest, so might as well forget about the old and get in with the new.

Amen to that. My NIB JP premium is only a week old and I've literally been working on it everyday since it came, fixing/adjusting things to get it to play right. It's a new run too (November of 2023). Quality control on this one definitely leaves much to be desired.

Perfect segue into my next post about something else I noticed today with it...

Anyways...fun game but be prepared for issues/quirks.

#21473 12 days ago

Today I noticed a couple of wires sticking out the bottom of the T-Rex.

Normal? Not normal?

I'm assuming not, since I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed them before and all the pics I've looked up of other JP's don't show any sticking out either (from what I can see at least). They don't seem to have much play in them at all though and I'm not sure how they'd have popped out.

It seems to be working okay during game play.

IMG_4034 (resized).JPEGIMG_4034 (resized).JPEG
#21474 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

Only reason not to is if you aren’t a fan of the first movie…otherwise get that movie code and enjoy it even more so since that addresses the lack of integration with the standard Stern image.

The only issue I’ve has is the left ramp (T Rex) opto that’s common and mentioned many times in this thread in terms of fix.

I recently departed with my GZ Pre so take that for what you will. JP definitely has tighter shots but for me the nostalgia hits hard with that alt movie code.

#21475 12 days ago
Quoted from umk298:

Today I noticed a couple of wires sticking out the bottom of the T-Rex.
Normal? Not normal?
I'm assuming not, since I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed them before and all the pics I've looked up of other JP's don't show any sticking out either (from what I can see at least). They don't seem to have much play in them at all though and I'm not sure how they'd have popped out.
It seems to be working okay during game play.
[quoted image]

Those wires connect to the opto emitter, which you can see in the tongue of the T-Rex. If the opto is working you’ll be able to see the emitter on as it emits a reddish light.

I’d gently slide the cable from sheathed side back into the neck of the T-Rex, towards the back of the game, but leave a little slack. The wires on the opto emitter end seem to get tugged on a lot during the T-Red movements and snap off. Tread lightly.

#21476 12 days ago

ive had jurassic park and is has upped my game big time being a beginner my high score is 500 million when i first got the game i was scoring 10 million every game till i got better; now my average is about 150-200 million per game and i can notice myself getting better fast

#21477 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

Quoted from WillM:

I would echo just about all the comments above. We also have an MMRLE, gz premium, PFSE... And JP premium. I would put the JP in between AIQ and GZ from a difficulty standpoint. JP is fun and yet different enough from GZ that you don't feel like you're playing a different version of the same game. Gz has been in my lineup for a year and it is still the all time favorite. JP has been here for a couple of months, and I'm still learning the rules - and I like that about it. Not a fan of Jaws. Bottom line: if you have the means to acquire the game, do it.

Upon further review, I failed to answer in the spirit of the OP's question.
2nd attempt: Shots are very difficult. W/ GZ it feels like you'll hit a ramp or a loop or a spinner regardless. That is NOT the case with JP. Those dead posts are twice as big as they look, and they will find your ball. The truck/Newton ball always seems to be in the way when shooting the Smart Missile. Longest ball time on JP are like the shortest balls on GZ.
Bonus answer: This is a Jurassic Park owners thread. It's hard for me to sh!t on my game when I still enjoy it. Might want to go to the Jaws forum and ask, "Jay Pee, or Jay Aye Dubyah?"

#21478 12 days ago
Quoted from WillM:

The truck/Newton ball always seems to be in the way when shooting the Smart Missile.

This is intentional - the smart missile shot only activates when the truck is on the side blocking it. When the truck is on the other side, the other inlane is lit for super spinner instead.

#21479 12 days ago
Quoted from WillM:

Upon further review, I failed to answer in the spirit of the OP's question.
2nd attempt: Shots are very difficult. W/ GZ it feels like you'll hit a ramp or a loop or a spinner regardless. That is NOT the case with JP. Those dead posts are twice as big as they look, and they will find your ball. The truck/Newton ball always seems to be in the way when shooting the Smart Missile. Longest ball time on JP are like the shortest balls on GZ.
Bonus answer: This is a Jurassic Park owners thread. It's hard for me to sh!t on my game when I still enjoy it. Might want to go to the Jaws forum and ask, "Jay Pee, or Jay Aye Dubyah?"

lol I hear ya. The thing is I can get all the glowy happy go lucky orgasmic replies about how good this game is from owners. It’s the bad that you want to know about and if owner or previous owners can make negative comments and then say they still love the game then that means something.

I can certainly do this with every game we own as well

#21480 12 days ago
Quoted from vikingerik:

This is intentional - the smart missile shot only activates when the truck is on the side blocking it. When the truck is on the other side, the other inlane is lit for super spinner instead.

Is Jurassic Park hard? Yes, absolutely.

But it is hard AND rewarding.

Yes, the truck is always blocking the smart missile target, but then when you hit it, you feel like you have accomplished something.

Or when you hit T-rex ramp to spinner/loop to helipad 3-way combo and it makes that sound like a sword being drawn from a sheath and you feel like a pinball god

I contrast it with Mandalorian which is also hard, but never feels good to me. The flow is never there and even when I do have a good game, I still haven't enjoyed myself!

#21481 12 days ago
Quoted from vikingerik:

This is intentional - the smart missile shot only activates when the truck is on the side blocking it. When the truck is on the other side, the other inlane is lit for super spinner instead.

Huh, mine only activates when the truck is not in the way.

#21482 12 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

Posting the opposite of what most people do ... Tell why I should NOT get a JP Premium.
Current lineup is - GZ Pre, Venom Pre, Alien SV, MMRLE, MBRLE, CCR, Scooby, LT, and STTNG. Game would have to go to bring in JP as we do not have the space. Game leaving would most likely be STTNG, only other game we would consider letting go of would be Alien.
And yes we have played JP on location several times and like it but never been able to experience it fully due to noise and or condition of the game.
So give the no's on why not to get the game.
FYI - top game in the house is GZ but currently the most played games are Venom and MMR right now

It’s so good you will compare all your other games to it and see how they are lacking in one way or another.

#21483 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

Huh, mine only activates when the truck is not in the way.

That sounds wrong. When you truck points right, is the right arrow under the truck lit?

If not, the notch on your flipper bushing* (in red below) is probably misaligned. IIRC, some have reassmebled the mech incorrectly after taking it apart resulting in the pin thinking the truck is pointed in the opposite direction than it is. You can disassemble and change the orientation of the notch.

*it's not a flipper, but that's what the manual calls it

jp truck (resized).pngjp truck (resized).pngtruck nav (resized).pngtruck nav (resized).png
#21484 11 days ago

Reasons not to get JP listed below.

#21485 11 days ago
Quoted from vikingerik:

This is intentional - the smart missile shot only activates when the truck is on the side blocking it. When the truck is on the other side, the other inlane is lit for super spinner instead.

Mind blown!

#21486 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

Huh, mine only activates when the truck is not in the way.

Something on your truck assembly got installed opposite of how it's supposed to be oriented.

#21487 11 days ago
Quoted from scootss:

That sounds wrong. When you truck points right, is the right arrow under the truck lit?
If not, the notch on your flipper bushing* (in red below) is probably misaligned. IIRC, some have reassmebled the mech incorrectly after taking it apart resulting in the pin thinking the truck is pointed in the opposite direction than it is. You can disassemble and change the orientation of the notch.
*it's not a flipper, but that's what the manual calls it[quoted image][quoted image]

This is how my truck is pointed when Smart Miss activates and lets the shot go up to the target for smart missile. Why the hell would I want a shot that you get one shot at to be blocked???

Pinside_forum_8190239_1 (resized).pngPinside_forum_8190239_1 (resized).png
#21488 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

This is how my truck is pointed when Smart Miss activates and lets the shot go up to the target for smart missile. Why the hell would I want a shot that you get one shot at to be blocked???
[quoted image]

That is incorrect for sure. It’s supposed to be a very tight shot and not a freebie.

#21489 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

This is how my truck is pointed when Smart Miss activates and lets the shot go up to the target for smart missile. Why the hell would I want a shot that you get one shot at to be blocked???
[quoted image]

Make sure your opto interrupter on the bottom of the shaft, underneath the playfield, holding the Jeep is correctly oriented. If it's not, I'd suspect you have other discrepancies.

#21490 11 days ago

Still no update or mod for the raptor toy on the prem/LE right? I know about the trex but it seems crazy no ones offered a better version of it. I know one for the pro exists…..

Btw….JP - still my favorite game of all time.

#21491 11 days ago
Quoted from jackd104:

It’s so good you will compare all your other games to it and see how they are lacking in one way or another.

I dunno about that we like our games pretty well but who knows.

The fact is we 100% want to get one and will. The only issue is space. Gotta have a game leave before another comes in the house. And we do not want to store a game at a friends either. If its not at our house to play we aren't going to own it. That being said if I find an insane deal on a JP Pre/LE(like 7k or less) yeah I'll buy it and store it or something else in that case. Otherwise we gotta make room first.

Thanks for everyone's input. Like I said its good to hear the bad stuff too not just the hype and praise.

#21492 11 days ago
Quoted from tgarrett09:

That is incorrect for sure. It’s supposed to be a very tight shot and not a freebie.

It is a very tight shot.
If the truck was pointed in the opposite direction as I shown it would be totally blocked and impossible.

#21493 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

It is a very tight shot.
If the truck was pointed in the opposite direction as I shown it would be totally blocked and impossible.

No, it's not blocked. As mentioned, it's just very tight. You have to get it between the truck and ramp, through the gate, and hit the amber target. Watch the little video that plays when you activate smart missile. It even shows the truck oriented opposite of your photo.

#21494 11 days ago
Quoted from sllerts:

No, it's not blocked. As mentioned, it's just very tight. You have to get it between the truck and ramp, through the gate, and hit the amber target. Watch the little video that plays when you activate smart missile. It even shows the truck oriented opposite of your photo.

Interesting. Thanks for letting me know. I did take it out a couple months ago to lubricate the shaft because it was getting stuck.
Must have reversed something putting back in.
I suck at pinball and barely even hit it even in this condition. lol

#21495 11 days ago
Quoted from kciaccio:

Interesting. Thanks for letting me know. I did take it out a couple months ago to lubricate the shaft because it was getting stuck.
Must have reversed something putting back in.
I suck at pinball and barely even hit it even in this condition. lol

Went down to my machine and took a quick video of what it should look like. I missed the shot looking through the phone but you get the picture

#21496 11 days ago
Quoted from tgarrett09:

Went down to my machine and took a quick video of what it should look like. I missed the shot looking through the phone but you get the picture

And a complete miss..lol
I will have to double check mine, maybe I am trippin.

#21497 11 days ago
Quoted from tgarrett09:

Went down to my machine and took a quick video of what it should look like. I missed the shot looking through the phone but you get the picture

It’s a very tight shot but that makes it all the more ball-tingling when you pull it off. This is how “great moments in pinball” are made.

#21498 11 days ago
Quoted from jackd104:

It’s a very tight shot but that makes it all the more ball-tingling when you pull it off. This is how “great moments in pinball” are made.

It may be one of my favorite shots in pinball. It doesn’t seem possible but when you hit it, it is so damn rewarding.

#21499 11 days ago
Quoted from GCS2000:

I dunno about that we like our games pretty well but who knows.
The fact is we 100% want to get one and will. The only issue is space. Gotta have a game leave before another comes in the house. And we do not want to store a game at a friends either. If its not at our house to play we aren't going to own it. That being said if I find an insane deal on a JP Pre/LE(like 7k or less) yeah I'll buy it and store it or something else in that case. Otherwise we gotta make room first.
Thanks for everyone's input. Like I said its good to hear the bad stuff too not just the hype and praise.

The O and S shots are extremely difficult at first. I’m starting to get a hang of the S shot but still can’t hit a controlled O shot. Satisfying when it does happen though

#21500 11 days ago

How about the 4 shot skill shot? I broke down and cried the first time I hit it. I've only hit it twice. It has a name, something like The Super-nilly Smack My Willy Skill-Shot...or something like that.

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