(Topic ID: 163185)

;-) *THE~NEXT~STERN* ;-)

By frankmac

7 years ago

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#48151 22 days ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

As a person who use to sell collectibles & comics for a living, I responded to people who would ask me "Will those (specific comics/collectibles) be worth something in the future?", my answer was you should be buying it if it brings you joy and happiness. If it goes up in value, great. If it doesn't or it drops in value, if it still gives you happiness, who cares. If you think you will get upset if it drops in value, ask yourself the reasons you are buying it in the first place and maybe rethink your choice.

100% agree

#48153 22 days ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

They said no more LE runs after the original run is sold out. So any special re run will be pros or premiums. I would imagine no limit.

Hopefully not a premium at an LE price point or higher.

#48154 22 days ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

As a person who use to sell collectibles & comics for a living, I responded to people who would ask me "Will those (specific comics/collectibles) be worth something in the future?", my answer was you should be buying it if it brings you joy and happiness. If it goes up in value, great. If it doesn't or it drops in value, if it still gives you happiness, who cares. If you think you will get upset if it drops in value, ask yourself the reasons you are buying it in the first place and maybe rethink your choice.

Worthy of being pinned to the top of the site in huge bold letters!

#48155 22 days ago

My son just turned 4 and had a Sonic themed birthday. While looking for stuff for his birthday I realized how popular Sonic really is. I could definitely see a Sonic pinball working great and also spanning a large demographic. (I'd rather see a new Mario or Nintendo universe though).

#48156 22 days ago
Quoted from Cdonnerusmc:

My son just turned 4 and had a Sonic themed birthday. While looking for stuff for his birthday I realized how popular Sonic really is. I could definitely see a Sonic pinball working great and also spanning a large demographic. (I'd rather see a new Mario or Nintendo universe though).

Well while every other store is leaving SF Nintendo just announced opening a store in SF

#48157 22 days ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

They said no more LE runs after the original run is sold out. So any special re run will be pros or premiums. I would imagine no limit.

Problem is they are no lying at all. Jurassic Park was just a new different LE. The same will continue on

#48158 22 days ago
Quoted from pinball2020:

As a person who use to sell collectibles & comics for a living, I responded to people who would ask me "Will those (specific comics/collectibles) be worth something in the future?", my answer was you should be buying it if it brings you joy and happiness. If it goes up in value, great. If it doesn't or it drops in value, if it still gives you happiness, who cares. If you think you will get upset if it drops in value, ask yourself the reasons you are buying it in the first place and maybe rethink your choice.

Great Post!

Stern should never have joined up on the collectable game with LE's at all.

As a person who use to sell collectables you surely get the rare mentality. Stern wanted and portrait their LE's as rare, only to un-rare them later on LOL. That is the issue I have from them. I simply will not buy LE's anymore, knowing they will just un-rare them someday.

I enjoyed them as collectables, til they weren't.

Now we can sit back and see how bad losing the collectors hurts Stern, I don't think they care at all, they are driven about making a buck today and tomorrow doesn't matter.

#48159 22 days ago
Quoted from JohnTTwo:

Great Post!
Stern should never have joined up on the collectable game with LE's at all.
As a person who use to sell collectables you surely get the rare mentality. Stern wanted and portrait their LE's as rare, only to un-rare them later on LOL. That is the issue I have from them. I simply will not buy LE's anymore, knowing they will just un-rare them someday.
I enjoyed them as collectables, til they weren't.
Now we can sit back and see how bad losing the collectors hurts Stern, I don't think they care at all, they are driven about making a buck today and tomorrow doesn't matter.

I think making a limited number of a specific edition of a game is fine. I think Stern can make ‘other’ LEs of a game later if they want. It may or may not be ‘better’ than a previous LE.

#48160 22 days ago
Quoted from iceman44:

I’ve never had a Metallica. Will likely grab one after the initial NIB run.
I hope everybody gets what they want while it’s available.
Just don’t know who is gonna keep buying NIB. There might be a few for me down the road
Stern gotta feed the 500 employee beast.
Every other company in America has gotten the “cost efficiency” memo the past two yrs
And none of these guys have any pricing power any more.

There are only three ‘out of production’ games left that I would want NIB. Tron, BM66 and Munsters. Two of those three I had the opportunity to buy at the time and just couldn’t pull the trigger. Woulda coulda shoulda. Now, if Stern reruns these games and causes the prices to come back to earth on used…I will buy used. Just can’t justify the NIB price on a premium these days, particularly for those titles. Tron maybe, if they put the Daft Punk in it…but otherwise I’m done with NIB.

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#48161 22 days ago
Quoted from digitaldocc:

Let's take Bond 60th and put an lcd screen in it. Change artwork to highlight Bond women and price it like a pro. They would sell lot hotcakes. The 60th has a great playing playfield but it really should have been an alternative to a pro model instead of the illusion of scarcity price.

Supposedly the story for Bond 60th was that the franchise license was expensive, so they negotiated to have the 60th as the super pricey edition to help cover that cost for the pros. License costs might be unworkable to downgrade 60th to a pro tier model. Not sure if there's anything that would stop Stern narrowing it to a simpler license (just the Bond name and not other movie assets or character likenesses), or even reskinning the whole layout to something besides Bond.

#48162 22 days ago

How bout trading places..

IMG_5636 (resized).jpegIMG_5636 (resized).jpegIMG_5637 (resized).jpegIMG_5637 (resized).jpeg
#48163 22 days ago
Quoted from Billygrippo:

How bout trading places..
[quoted image][quoted image]

Once you play pinball with no lumalegz, you never go back baby!

#48164 22 days ago
Quoted from pinmister:

-Ok Ok Ok
So I just got done watching all the WICK movies back to back again. By the third movie it really started to get ridiculous with the over the top shoot em up scenes and the fact that he never gets shot in the head from hitman that are five feet away was almost humorous at times. I really liked how he lifted up his thin Kevlar suit like batman to protect his head from bullets. I need to get me an imaginary Kevlar batman suit
I like to get into the movies for new pins-so I know what the heck is going on with mode progression.
[quoted image]

No different than any movie (aka any superhero movie with over done special effects and everyone has special powers that can’t be killed) made into a pin these days, 90% and that’s being too nice suck but we always hope for a great pin

#48165 22 days ago
Quoted from Cdonnerusmc:

My son just turned 4 and had a Sonic themed birthday. While looking for stuff for his birthday I realized how popular Sonic really is. I could definitely see a Sonic pinball working great and also spanning a large demographic. (I'd rather see a new Mario or Nintendo universe though).

Sonic Spinball was a fun game back in the day.

#48166 22 days ago
Quoted from Jackontherocks:

No different than any movie (aka any superhero movie with over done special effects and everyone has special powers that can’t be killed) made into a pin these days, 90% and that’s being too nice suck but we always hope for a great pin

One has super powers and one is just trained well in real life-apples and oranges. The operator scene was also funny to me. Let's do it the old fashion way and use a typewriter-send it upstairs via a bank tube, and then let's have the official stamp put on it to make it official before the announcement is made-check-check and check

I wonder if Jerry had to repledge his loyalty to the high table?

Jerry (resized).jpgJerry (resized).jpg
#48167 22 days ago
Quoted from sleepygtr:

With all these black-and-white games coming out, the time is NOW for Motörhead!! Imagine if you will, Orgasmatron multi ball!

Did someone say orgasmatron?


#48168 21 days ago

Orgazmo? And Scott Baio is not Sancho. I... am Sancho.

pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
#48170 21 days ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

They said no more LE runs after the original run is sold out. So any special re run will be pros or premiums. I would imagine no limit.

If they release it in July, it will be perfect timing for them to crank out a 40th anniversary Ride the Lightning LE.

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#48171 21 days ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

They said no more LE runs after the original run is sold out. So any special re run will be pros or premiums. I would imagine no limit.

If you're talking about Metallica Vault, I wouldn't be so sure. It might be just a new LE and Premiums. No pro...

#48172 19 days ago

It will be the PremLEium

#48173 19 days ago

Knapp says code name “Rodeo” is X-men. Would make more sense to me if that was Pokémon considering you “Gotta catch em all”

#48174 19 days ago
Quoted from nickrivers:

Knapp says code name “Rodeo” is X-men. Would make more sense to me if that was Pokémon considering you “Gotta catch em all”

X-Men also doesn't seem like a theme Jack would be big on. I still want to think Pokemon is coming before X-Men '97.

#48175 19 days ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

It will be the PremLEium

Isn’t that an Etherium shitcoin?

#48176 19 days ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

X-Men also doesn't seem like a theme Jack would be big on. I still want to think Pokemon is coming before X-Men '97.

Maybe he is on both but X-Men is first.

I think he could have a lot of fun with a new X-Men game.

#48177 19 days ago
Quoted from kool1:

Maybe he is on both but X-Men is first.


#48179 19 days ago

I wonder if Jack picked "Rodeo", as in this is not my first Rodeo.

#48180 19 days ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

X-Men also doesn't seem like a theme Jack would be big on. I still want to think Pokemon is coming before X-Men '97.

I'd say that about X-Men in the general sense but it being based on the 97 series seems like something a 90's kid would be into.

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#48181 19 days ago

Jack on X-men would free up Elwin for a King Kong table.

#48182 19 days ago
Quoted from MasterBlaster:

There are only three ‘out of production’ games left that I would want NIB. Tron, BM66 and Munsters. Two of those three I had the opportunity to buy at the time and just couldn’t pull the trigger. Woulda coulda shoulda. Now, if Stern reruns these games and causes the prices to come back to earth on used…I will buy used. Just can’t justify the NIB price on a premium these days, particularly for those titles. Tron maybe, if they put the Daft Punk in it…but otherwise I’m done with NIB.

Love BM66. Great Lyman game. Sold Munsters, fun while it lasted and better after code update.

Never got into Tron myself.

What they do with Met will be interesting. Not NIB

#48183 18 days ago

As a Met owner it would be interesting to see what they do if integrated with video. Just keeping with the theme of the game while
not using band member on stage footage. I prefer the dmd of what it is but certainly doing some sick video integration based on
some of the playfield components would be cool. What they did with Aerosmith was pretty neat. They can certainly do a lot more here with Met.
Love this game.

#48184 18 days ago
Quoted from Zen_Monkey:

Jack on X-men would free up Elwin for a King Kong table.

ZERO interest in X Men.

Would sell GZLE to get KONG Elwin game

#48185 18 days ago
Quoted from iceman44:

ZERO interest in X Men.
Would sell GZLE to get KONG Elwin game

What if they set a trap? B&W Godzilla this year then King Kong comes out with LE that is the B&W version, those who bought the B&W Godzilla might feel more obligated to get an LE so they match.

#48186 18 days ago
Quoted from Zen_Monkey:

Jack on X-men would free up Elwin for a King Kong table.

Since Elwin's like 3 machines ahead, that likely is already done. Hoping Elwin's on Tony Hawk/Bones Brigade.

#48187 18 days ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Since Elwin's like 3 machines ahead, that likely is already done. Hoping Elwin's on Tony Hawk/Bones Brigade.

How solid are you that a Tony Hawk/ BB Pin is/will be in development ?

#48188 18 days ago
Quoted from PinBalt:

How solid are you that a Tony Hawk/ BB Pin is/will be in development ?

There's a lot of talk, so pretty confident, I mean Elwin's pinside handle is sk8ball for god's sake. If ANYONE is doing a skateboard pin in the 2020s, it has to be him. The only question is if it's JUST Tony Hawk (maybe based on Pro Skater) or Bones Brigade starring Tony Hawk.

Doing JUST Tony Hawk would be fine, but a bit of a letdown. I really want Rodney Mullen skate zen callouts, especially, and adding in a CAST of legendary skaters for Tony to play with and spice up the commentary and tricks would be so much better. Hopefully we'll see by the end of next year. I'm tired of Elwin monster pin themes (Dinos, Godzilla, Jaws, and the rumored Kong). Tony Hawk/Bones Brigade could be incredibly awesome with Elwin's talent for design and apparent passion for the sport.

#48189 18 days ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

There's a lot of talk, so pretty confident, I mean Elwin's pinside handle is sk8ball for god's sake. If ANYONE is doing a skateboard pin in the 2020s, it has to be him. The only question is if it's JUST Tony Hawk (maybe based on Pro Skater) or Bones Brigade starring Tony Hawk.
Doing JUST Tony Hawk would be fine, but a bit of a letdown. I really want Rodney Mullen skate zen callouts, especially, and adding in a CAST of legendary skaters for Tony to play with and spice up the commentary and tricks would be so much better. Hopefully we'll see by the end of next year. I'm tired of Elwin monster pin themes (Dinos, Godzilla, Jaws, and the rumored Kong). Tony Hawk/Bones Brigade could be incredibly awesome with Elwin's talent for design and apparent passion for the sport.

Pretty sure that wraps up the giant creatures themes from successful franchises anyways. Gremlins? Too small. Jurassic, Godzilla, Kong, and Jaws be it.

#48190 18 days ago
Quoted from MiniPinHead:

Pretty sure that wraps up the giant creatures themes from successful franchises anyways. Gremlins? Too small. Jurassic, Godzilla, Kong, and Jaws be it.

Super exclusive ad from the Pinside Marketplace!
#48191 18 days ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

There's a lot of talk, so pretty confident, I mean Elwin's pinside handle is sk8ball for god's sake. If ANYONE is doing a skateboard pin in the 2020s, it has to be him. The only question is if it's JUST Tony Hawk (maybe based on Pro Skater) or Bones Brigade starring Tony Hawk.
Doing JUST Tony Hawk would be fine, but a bit of a letdown. I really want Rodney Mullen skate zen callouts, especially, and adding in a CAST of legendary skaters for Tony to play with and spice up the commentary and tricks would be so much better. Hopefully we'll see by the end of next year. I'm tired of Elwin monster pin themes (Dinos, Godzilla, Jaws, and the rumored Kong). Tony Hawk/Bones Brigade could be incredibly awesome with Elwin's talent for design and apparent passion for the sport.

Well I hope you are right! It seems like such an obvious fit for pinball - Ramps, Ollies, Ride the rails, Jump shots, etc. Collect SKATE letters/ Video tapes. I remember games like Skate or Die and 720 in the arcade. I think that it would be a killer theme for him and could tap both nostalgia of the 90's skating/ video gaming and music. Going to my Pinball altar and praying that it comes true. Anyone check if Stern has license ?

#48192 18 days ago

How silly of me to forget about the worms!

Just to play devil's advocate, I'm all for Dune being a pin that needs to be done, but I don't think of the Worms as the focus of Dune, unlike Godzilla, King Kong, Jaws ("Bruce"), and the dinosaurs of the aforementioned movies. If the focus of Dune became the worms there'd be some serious blowback from the mainstream audience pining for more about the characters and story. You can see where it'd be tempting to focus on the worms, though, as creatures do help create an interesting atmosphere and cool mechs.

Back to even more supporting the notion. The T-Rex chewed the ball. [Mecha] Godzilla stuck the ball. Jaws took hits from the ball. King Kong will probably smash or spin the ball. Maybe the worm would eat or swallow the ball (e.g., spice it up), and be the hero we need

#48193 18 days ago
Quoted from MiniPinHead:

Back to even more supporting the notion. The T-Rex chewed the ball. [Mecha] Godzilla stuck the ball. Jaws took hits from the ball. King Kong will probably smash or spin the ball. Maybe the worm would eat or swallow the ball (e.g., spice it up), and be the hero we need

How about you get the ball to perfectly ride a moving worm, or it swallows the ball. That and a floating Baron, done better than Bond-on-a-stick, and we've got a deal! Add to this the first ever pinball with built-in 'Odorama', so we get to smell the spice from time to time..! (Actually, those ideas are not half that bad! Hey Stern DOES need to innovate!)

Having said that, imo, Dune Part Two one of the greatest Sci-fi film ever, on par with movies such as Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Matrix, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.. Dune, one day, will make some fantastic theme based pinball!

#48194 18 days ago
Quoted from Saltimbanco:

Dune, one day, will make some fantastic theme based pinball!

.. BUT -- and i'll die on this hill -- it should be based on the 1984 film. the assets from Lynch's version are just far more suitable for a pin: better music, better quotables, better aesthetic. its eccentricity would make it much more compelling world to play in.

#48195 18 days ago
Quoted from woodpost:.. BUT -- and i'll die on this hill -- it should be based on the 1984 film. the assets from Lynch's version are just far more suitable for a pin. its eccentricity would make it much more compelling world to play in. plus it has better music, better quotables, better aesthetic.

Woodpost buried next to Custer…

#48196 18 days ago
Quoted from woodpost:

.. BUT -- and i'll die on this hill -- it should be based on the 1984 film. the assets from Lynch's version are just far more suitable for a pin: better music, better quotables, better aesthetic. its eccentricity would make it much more compelling world to play in.

If only you could have said Jodorowsky's..!

#48197 18 days ago
Quoted from Zen_Monkey:

What if they set a trap? B&W Godzilla this year then King Kong comes out with LE that is the B&W version, those who bought the B&W Godzilla might feel more obligated to get an LE so they match.

Two GZ Zen?

#48198 18 days ago
Quoted from woodpost:

.. BUT -- and i'll die on this hill -- it should be based on the 1984 film. the assets from Lynch's version are just far more suitable for a pin: better music, better quotables, better aesthetic. its eccentricity would make it much more compelling world to play in.

I mean Toto and Brian Eno on the soundtrack?
Custom 3D sculpt of Kyle's hair? Patrick Stewart battle Pug bash toy? Piece of Stings codpiece on the LE apron?

I WANT to live in that world but we don't.

(It will be an excellent audio mod)

#48199 18 days ago

Oh man a Tony Hawk game would be so good

#48200 18 days ago
Quoted from Saltimbanco:

…Add the first ever pinball with built-in 'Odorama', so we get to smell the spice from time to time..! (Actually, those ideas are not half that bad! Hey Stern DOES need to innovate!)…

That’s actually a pretty fun idea. My “mod” idea would be just to stick a cinnamon-scented air wick in the service outlet. Let the spice flow

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