(Topic ID: 284330)

** The Next Spooky Pin(s) **

By SantaEatsCheese

3 years ago

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“Will Spooky's Next Game In Production Be TNA 2.0?”

  • Yes 65 votes
  • No 239 votes

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#7151 2 years ago
Quoted from digitaldocc:

9k plus shipping is a big decision that I would rather make after seeing and hearing some gameplay footage.
Can you help us out Spooky Luke?

Agree, need to at least see it play personally. I know many don't, but I don't think it too much to ask.

#7152 2 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Thousands and thousands of dollars that Spooky missed out on.

Spooky didn’t lose out on anything. They sold every single R&M, and I’m sure these will sell out as well.

#7153 2 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Someone has to say it, it’s kind of important. Think about how mad people were about Munsters. That really hurt confidence in Stern. A lot of people swore off buying NIB games to wait until code developed. Some of those games had to then be purchased on the secondary market for higher price tags. Then the manufacturer lost those dollars. Same thing with RaM. People waited cause they weren’t sure about rules/code...once it developed and it was clear the game had heavily developed code those people had to buy spots secondarily for crazy markups. Thousands of dollars. Just sayin’

Ultimately, I think where we may disagree is that deeper rules equals more fun. I'll take a few fun modes over a game with multiple unoriginal modes. The "whack-a-mole" hedge mode sounds like a lot of fun. I also just look at the inserts and see there are knife inserts and blood inserts at most shots. That tells me there is good potential. Hopefully we get some more details, but I'm not sure spamming the same comment over-and-over is the best way of getting attention.

#7154 2 years ago

I understand the pros and cons to this but... Personally I think in the future they should put a CAP of exactly "666" for horror themed pins as the Collector Edition numbers and the rest of the total run can be an unlimited blood suckers / standards.

s-l400 (resized).jpgs-l400 (resized).jpg
#7155 2 years ago

Do those in-lanes remind anyone else of pitch and bat games? I think those are seriously cool.

#7156 2 years ago
Quoted from lpeters82:

Ultimately, I think where we may disagree is that deeper rules equals more fun. I'll take a few fun modes over a game with multiple unoriginal modes. The "whack-a-mole" hedge mode sounds like a lot of fun. I also just look at the inserts and see there are knife inserts and blood inserts at most shots. That tells me there is good potential. Hopefully we get some more details, but I'm not sure spamming the same comment over-and-over is the best way of getting attention.

I like deep rules but tend to not enjoy complicated or excessive multiplier and scoring rules that need studying to master. Avengers / Star Wars being the examples that come to mind. I am sure most people (who dont seek out the rules) don't understand the Meeseeks multipliers on R&M . i very rarely pay attention to those either.

Fun depth is more related to supplemental modes, along with variable outcomes and rewards for completing modes. IMO

#7157 2 years ago

Not more “fun” more game....more content, more to do, more to explore etc. I’ve said my piece hoping to engage in conversation about it as this is something that buyers tend to get disappointed with after owning a new game for a month or so. Noone wants address the elephant. So yeah, I’ll quit it.

Quoted from lpeters82:

Ultimately, I think where we may disagree is that deeper rules equals more fun. I'll take a few fun modes over a game with multiple unoriginal modes. The "whack-a-mole" hedge mode sounds like a lot of fun. I also just look at the inserts and see there are knife inserts and blood inserts at most shots. That tells me there is good potential. Hopefully we get some more details, but I'm not sure spamming the same comment over-and-over is the best way of getting attention.

#7158 2 years ago
Quoted from FlippyD:

I won't be surprised if neither is available from Spooky past the first two hours... But they'll be around at extreme markup prices for months and years to come!

I'm even more extreme in my prediction: I honestly think Halloween will sell out in the first 30min (assuming no technical issues with the website that delays orders).

And if we're wrong and these machines don't sell out in the first couple of hours, then I think it'll take a few months to sell out. In other words, the big demand rush will hit right when orders go up because people learned their lesson from R&M. Once that immediate rush ends, the vast majority of demand will have completed their orders (or missed out), and if any units remain after the rush, then demand will be a slow trickle, with perhaps a spike when orders open to non-FANG members.

#7159 2 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Someone has to say it, it’s kind of important. Think about how mad people were about Munsters. That really hurt confidence in Stern. A lot of people swore off buying NIB games to wait until code developed.

Monsters???? Man, You must be new.
Say it with me.
Ghostbusters!!!!!!! Where’s the code?????
How many years we waited.
Second in line would be Kiss.

#7160 2 years ago

Rules don't have to be super deep as long as the core gameplay loop is fun and the toys and shots are enjoyable, see people still paying big bucks for AFM and MM.

And even if this game is simpler, that's fine too. TNA is super shallow but people love it because it's easy to understand and difficult to master.

But I'm seeing a few different multiballs, some modes specific to each of the upper playfields, and some various Jack-o-Latern modes hinted at. And I like the tease of the wizard mode being something sorta like Alien Invasion on TSPP where you're trying to relock all the balls. It seems to have enough content to keep most players interested. Bowen is somewhere in the rafters to suggest ways to keep the player interested in doing all the different things.

#7161 2 years ago

Charlie said on the Super Awesome Pinball Podcast that the total number of games combined is fixed at 1,750. The actual allocation will be order based. So there could be 1000 UM’and 750 Halloween’s or vice versa’s. I think Spooky’s guess will play out

#7162 2 years ago

At least the code eventually came for GB hahaha. Took a long time but the game is a blast at current V. Munsters on the other hand...couple of modes, hardly any AV assets and a single wiz mode? Yikes.

Quoted from arcademojo:

Monsters???? Man, You must be new.
Say it with me.
Ghostbusters!!!!!!! Where’s the code?????
How many years we waited.
Second in line would be Kiss.

#7163 2 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Charlie said on the Super Awesome Pinball Podcast that the total number of games combined is fixed at 1,750. The actual allocation will be order based. So there could be 1000 UM’and 750 Halloween’s or vice versa’s. I think Spooky’s guess will play out

Based on the email from Spooky, the numbers are locked at 1250 Halloween's and 500 UMs.

#7164 2 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Charlie said on the Super Awesome Pinball Podcast that the total number of games combined is fixed at 1,750. The actual allocation will be order based. So there could be 1000 UM’and 750 Halloween’s or vice versa’s. I think Spooky’s guess will play out

No it's 1250 Halloween and 500 UM. The variability is how many are base, mid tier, and collector tier within the 1250 and 500. You can buy whichever you want until the spots are sold out.

#7165 2 years ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

TNA is super shallow but people love it because it's easy to understand and difficult to master.

I think people are REALLY misusing the word "shallow" these days. People are using "shallow" to describe games with amazing rules, just because they're not math-chess tomes that you need to get a degree in to enjoy a game. Shallow used to mean that a game pretty much had NOTHING going on...no nuance, no real thought put into the rules...it "worked", basically. Like DE BTTF...the only real rules in that game are 1. Hit the drops 2. Lock ball 3. Repeat 4. Multiball....and that's it. TNA, while a simple layout, has SOOOOO much nuance in it & a brilliantly written ruleset that works perfectly with that playfield. The rules are leagues beyond what we traditionally called "shallow". Shallow as an insult...a moniker so we knew that a game was shitty & would get boring quickly.

#7166 2 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Charlie said on the Super Awesome Pinball Podcast that the total number of games combined is fixed at 1,750. The actual allocation will be order based. So there could be 1000 UM’and 750 Halloween’s or vice versa’s. I think Spooky’s guess will play out

That's not what he said in the thread. UM is 500 locked.

#7167 2 years ago

No one needs to order the first day, let alone the first hour to get one of these pins. Just RELAX people. Plenty to go around.

(My F5 button thanks you.)

#7168 2 years ago

Which pin will sell out first? Ultraman or Halloween?

My money is on Ultraman selling out day 1... and early.

#7169 2 years ago

Does RnM have 2 different art packages on the standard and BSE?

#7170 2 years ago
Quoted from Kkoss24:

Does RnM have 2 different art packages on the standard and BSE?

no, just the butter cabinet was the upgrade

the trim was different color too...

#7171 2 years ago
Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

Which pin will sell out first? Ultraman or Halloween?
My money is on Ultraman selling out day 1... and early.

Don't mean to pick on you here, however read it many times that one will "sell out" before the other. We all do realize one is 500 qty, while the other is 1250. 2.5 times the amount so yea let's go way out on that limb and say Ultrman will sell out before Halloween

#7172 2 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

I think people are REALLY misusing the word "shallow" these days. People are using "shallow" to describe games with amazing rules, just because they're not math-chess tomes that you need to get a degree in to enjoy a game. Shallow used to mean that a game pretty much had NOTHING going on...no nuance, no real thought put into the rules...it "worked", basically. Like DE BTTF...the only real rules in that game are 1. Hit the drops 2. Lock ball 3. Repeat 4. Multiball....and that's it. TNA, while a simple layout, has SOOOOO much nuance in it & a brilliantly written ruleset that works perfectly with that playfield. The rules are leagues beyond what we traditionally called "shallow". Shallow as an insult...a moniker so we knew that a game was shitty & would get boring quickly.

Disagree then. The loop is hit the keypad standups to light a reactor, shoot the scoop to start a reactor, get the ball into the core for a bit, then hit the destroy target(s). Then repeat 8 more times. That is shallow to me. But I also think they're a very good set of rules because of how focused they are. They are elegantly simple and let you focus more on just playing than trapping up to consider a half dozen options that you could be doing.

I don't think it's controversial to say TNA is shallow compared to its modern peers. I don't see much point in comparing it to the depth of thirty year old games.

I guess maybe shallow has a negative connotation compared to "simplistic," but shallow is fine if the loop is fun.

#7173 2 years ago
Quoted from wcbrandes:

Don't mean to pick on you here, however read it many times that one will "sell out" before the other. We all do realize one is 500 qty, while the other is 1250. 2.5 times the amount so yea let's go way out on that limb and say Ultrman will sell out before Halloween

1250 Halloween. Lets say 250 are going overseas. That leaves 1000 domestic.

1000/ 50 states= 20 Halloween pins per state.

Yeah... they should last a good month or two before selling out...

#7174 2 years ago
Quoted from wcbrandes:

Don't mean to pick on you here, however read it many times that one will "sell out" before the other. We all do realize one is 500 qty, while the other is 1250. 2.5 times the amount so yea let's go way out on that limb and say Ultrman will sell out before Halloween

Totally agree with you. However, If both pins were an unlimited run, I would think that Halloween would ultimately sell more pins than Ultraman.

I am 100% rooting for Spooky but I will be pleasantly surprised if Spooky sells all of the Halloween pins by the end of the month.

#7175 2 years ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

Disagree then. The loop is hit the keypad standups to light a reactor, shoot the scoop to start a reactor, get the ball into the core for a bit, then hit the destroy target(s). Then repeat 8 more times. That is shallow to me. But I also think they're a very good set of rules because of how focused they are. They are elegantly simple and let you focus more on just playing than trapping up to consider a half dozen options that you could be doing.
I don't think it's controversial to say TNA is shallow compared to its modern peers. I don't see much point in comparing it to the depth of thirty year old games.
I guess maybe shallow has a negative connotation compared to "simplistic," but shallow is fine if the loop is fun.

It's like on a Steamy hot summer day. Sometimes it is more enjoyable to sit in a shallow pool with a drink in hand than diving/swimming around and doing all that work to stay afloat.

#7176 2 years ago

Sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam before but I've never had the opportunity to play a Spooky pin. Is the Clearcoat/Butter $995 option worth adding on, or not really?

#7177 2 years ago
Quoted from Beechwood:

1250 Halloween. Lets say 250 are going overseas. That leaves 1000 domestic.
1000/ 50 states= 20 Halloween pins per state.
Yeah... they should last a good month or two before selling out...

-You are failing to take something major into account. We have reached a saturation price point. Too many games coming out too close together at astronomical prices. There are literally people waiting to see this reveal before deciding this or something else (and not just this release). While I think these will sell well...there are lots of options out there that probably require less wait time for anyone on the fence about these 2 themes.

#7178 2 years ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

Disagree then. The loop is hit the keypad standups to light a reactor, shoot the scoop to start a reactor, get the ball into the core for a bit, then hit the destroy target(s). Then repeat 8 more times. That is shallow to me. But I also think they're a very good set of rules because of how focused they are. They are elegantly simple and let you focus more on just playing than trapping up to consider a half dozen options that you could be doing.
I don't think it's controversial to say TNA is shallow compared to its modern peers. I don't see much point in comparing it to the depth of thirty year old games.
I guess maybe shallow has a negative connotation compared to "simplistic," but shallow is fine if the loop is fun.

I don’t disagree with the sentiment (other than there is other nuance in the game like the Denesi lock/Multiball, keypad rules, the increasing difficulty, etc) …but in recent years, there’s a faction of people who now insult almost any great game as “shallow” if it’s not Math Chess. It’s just the wrong term to use for great games.

#7179 2 years ago
Quoted from Perspex:

Sorry if this has been discussed ad nauseam before but I've never had the opportunity to play a Spooky pin. Is the Clearcoat/Butter $995 option worth adding on, or not really?

That’s on you. Do you want the cabinet to look normal or like a playfield?

#7180 2 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Charlie said on the Super Awesome Pinball Podcast that the total number of games combined is fixed at 1,750. The actual allocation will be order based. So there could be 1000 UM’and 750 Halloween’s or vice versa’s. I think Spooky’s guess will play out

This is just plain wrong.

#7181 2 years ago

It sucks, but my wife has decided she needs to see more gameplay to make sure it's not a 100% trap and shoot game without flow like Alice Cooper was. Hopefully there will be some gameplay video.

#7182 2 years ago
Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

I am 100% rooting for Spooky but I will be pleasantly surprised if Spooky sells all of the Halloween pins by the end of the month.

It will be interesting to see when it sells out as Halloween is a more widely known theme than R&M (certainly for the major pinball buying demographic).

Ultraman will be sold out tomorrow.

#7183 2 years ago

Well the news of the machine hit bloodydisgusting webpage. So I think Halloween will be sold out tomorrow rather quickly.

#7184 2 years ago
Quoted from arcademojo:

Monsters???? Man, You must be new.
Say it with me.
Ghostbusters!!!!!!! Where’s the code?????
How many years we waited.
Second in line would be Kiss.

Wheel of Fortune

#7185 2 years ago
Quoted from Perspex:

Is the Clearcoat/Butter $995 option worth adding on, or not really?

Up to you.

If your Spooky pin is in a row of games where you can't see the sides, maybe not.

If your Spooky pin is visible from the sides. A show piece of your collection. Then the butter cab is to die for and well worth it.

LTG : )

#7186 2 years ago

Doing math sucks in pinball and I agree with the bonus x gripes (a la Star Wars) when I think of shallow vs deep I just consider how many unique modes and the complexity and variety of the rules within the modes. IMDN JP DP are the best of the modern rulesets imo, they are non linear and you can choose different pathways to achieve different gameplay outcomes and scoring opportunities. It definitely helps the games feel fresh every time you play which I think is critical for a smaller home collection.

Quoted from Rarehero:

I don’t disagree with the sentiment (other than there is other nuance in the game like the Denesi lock/Multiball, keypad rules, the increasing difficulty, etc) …but in recent years, there’s a faction of people who now insult almost any great game as “shallow” if it’s not Math Chess. It’s just the wrong term to use for great games.

#7187 2 years ago
Quoted from Zablon:

-You are failing to take something major into account. We have reached a saturation price point. Too many games coming out too close together at astronomical prices. There are literally people waiting to see this reveal before deciding this or something else (and not just this release). While I think these will sell well...there are lots of options out there that probably require less wait time for anyone on the fence about these 2 themes.

I respectfully disagree. Few games out this year and demand just keeps coming. I will bet you a wooden nickel that they sell out in 1 day. (HWN)

#7188 2 years ago
Quoted from Beechwood:

It's like on a Steamy hot summer day. Sometimes it is more enjoyable to sit in a shallow pool with a drink in hand than diving/swimming around and doing all that work to stay afloat.

Yeah, TNA is a lot easier to play hammered than messing with the infinite stones on AIQ.

Quoted from Rarehero:

I don’t disagree with the sentiment (other than there is other nuance in the game like the Denesi lock/Multiball, keypad rules, the increasing difficulty, etc) …but in recent years, there’s a faction of people who now insult almost any great game as “shallow” if it’s not Math Chess. It’s just the wrong term to use for great games.

Then what do you want to call it? It's just semantics to convey that there isn't a whole lot to the rules to learn. TNA is one of the simpler games this past decade, along with Munsters and The Beatles (and the Jetsons and Dominoes). Led Zeppelin somehow manages to be shallow and math chess at the same time.

#7189 2 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

That’s on you. Do you want the cabinet to look normal or like a playfield?

Seems like it isn't worth the money if you had the cabinet in a line up of pins, as you would never see it. Unless you just want the bragging rights? Maybe butter cab will be the true LE? The FOMO Topper is the only thing making me want the CE

#7190 2 years ago
Quoted from LOTR_breath:

If I had to assign numbers to it. I would say maybe 40-50% of the pinball market had no idea what R&M was. Ultraman, more like 98%.

Quoted from Beechwood:

No one needs to order the first day, let alone the first hour to get one of these pins. Just RELAX people. Plenty to go around.
(My F5 button thanks you.)

Jokes on you. My purchasing software on my Vic20 will guarantee me spot #2. Aww yeah, Motorola 816 bit power baby.

#7191 2 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Doing math sucks in pinball and I agree with the bonus x gripes (a la Star Wars) when I think of shallow vs deep I just consider how many unique modes and the complexity and variety of the rules within the modes. IMDN JP DP are the best of the modern rulesets imo, they are non linear and you can choose different pathways to achieve different gameplay outcomes and scoring opportunities. It definitely helps the games feel fresh every time you play which I think is critical for a smaller home collection.

I’m really loving my JP & the rules. They’re great! They work perfectly with that design. I also love my Iron Man which is way simpler, but it totally rules & is super addicting. If I ever whittled my collection down to a small one, it would definitely include games like TNA & Iron Man….but that’s me. Everyone has different needs. Not everyone needs or wants ultra deep, even in a small collection. Good is good. Depth as a “must” is subjective.

#7192 2 years ago

Tired of sitting on the fence. Its starting to hurt!! Show us some gameplay!!!

#7193 2 years ago

I'm extremely jealous of those of you who love either theme or have space for large collections. I'd be buying either of these versions if the theme warranted space in my small 4 pin collection, or if I had room for more pins that could be further down my priority list.

One of you operators in the Seattle area need to pick this up so I can play it on location

#7194 2 years ago
Quoted from Morgoth00:

Seems like it isn't worth the money if you had the cabinet in a line up of pins, as you would never see it. Unless you just want the bragging rights? Maybe butter cab will be the true LE? The FOMO Topper is the only thing making me want the CE

Different strokes…I think Spooky’s regular cabs look awesome, colorful, and smooth. Good enough for me. Some people need the top of the line or they cry. Only you know what works for you.

#7195 2 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

Different strokes…

Whatcha' talkin bout "Willis artwork".

#7196 2 years ago

I can't buy without seeing a proper gameplay video, and Charlie, being the super nice reasonable guy he is shouldn't expect anyone to.

#7197 2 years ago

Absolutely, I keep three deep games at home and the rest on location. I love to play them all but the tough ones to master tend to stay where I can play anytime...and focus without bar distractions.

Quoted from Rarehero:

I’m really loving my JP & the rules. They’re great! They work perfectly with that design. I also love my Iron Man which is way simpler, but it totally rules & is super addicting. If I ever whittled my collection down to a small one, it would definitely include games like TNA & Iron Man….but that’s me. Everyone has different needs. Not everyone needs or wants ultra deep, even in a small collection. Good is good. Depth as a “must” is subjective.

#7198 2 years ago
Quoted from Kevlar:

I can't buy without seeing a proper gameplay video, and Charlie, being the super nice reasonable guy he is shouldn't expect anyone to.

Yeah, maybe the for sale date was a little too soon. We could have waited another day or 2 before buying.

#7199 2 years ago
Quoted from Kevlar:

I can't buy without seeing a proper gameplay video, and Charlie, being the super nice reasonable guy he is shouldn't expect anyone to.

Thing is, as many have said, it probably won't matter one bit.

#7200 2 years ago
Quoted from mpdpvdpin:

Thousands and thousands of dollars that Spooky missed out on.


They set a Price and had a limit for production and Sold Out.

They didn't miss out on a dime.

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