Edit December 2023: Spooky reveals the next game is going to be Looney Tunes and Texas Chainsaw Hamburger!
Edit December 2022: Spooky reveals the next game is going to be Scooby Do!
Edit July 2021: Spooky pulls a surprise double reveal and launches the incredible looking Halloween and Ultraman ON THE SAME DAY!
Which Pin(s) will Spooky reveal next time!
Original Post: As a happy Spooky customer and FANG club member, I am looking forward to seeing what they have on offer for 2021. Rick and Morty production seems to be catching up after being shut down for months over COVID. If they are in the 440s now (out of 750) and building 15 per week, that would imply they are on track to meet their goal of getting all 750 games out within 18 months of announcement, despite the great dumpster fire of 2020. Spooky confirmed there would be a Total Nuclear Annihilation 2.0 in a standard body pin some day https://www.thisweekinpinball.com/gnr-standard-gameplay-celts-gameplay-charlie-emery-talks-clear-coats-new-cgc-game-coming-soon-twip-11-2-20/. If Spooky wraps up production of Rick and Morty sometime in June, that would imply they would be ordering parts for games sometime in the next few months, and making an announcement and taking orders sometime in May or June. So the question is… what will Spooky announce? If they did TNA 2.0 immediately and were making 15 per week, they would make 450 by the end of the year. I’m not sure there is enough demand to keep that game on the line for 6 months as there are already 550 in the wild (it’s a great game BTW). In any case, Spooky would need to announce a new game sometime in 2021 to keep games on the line. This begs 3 questions:
1. When will Spooky announce their next game that may or may not be TNA 2.0?
2. What do you think Spooky’s next game will be if it is not TNA 2.0?
3. What do you want Spooky’s next game to be?
Edit: Topic title changed to make more sense long term.
Edit 2021 0629- Next game announced is Haloween!!! What game comes after Haloween?