(Topic ID: 124615)

AMH Club - A Spooky Start

By goatdan

9 years ago

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#991 6 years ago

I'm in the club! Thanks, @pinbackpacker. I see you got the magnet fixed.

There's a good number of things I want to add (plastic protectors, Titan rubber, etc.) and some tweaks to make (update the code, slingshot adjustments, scoop power), but I'm excited to really explore this game.

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#994 6 years ago
Quoted from Nevus:

Custom light board thanks to Barry Posterick. That give me an extra RGB for under the head (to light the inlane area) and under the apron. I then tied the Laseriffic topper to it as well. It's all synced to the games light show.

Is this something that he sells or a one-off? It doesn't look too bad to do myself, but if it's available for a reasonable price, I would much rather save the time. I was planning to put an OCD board in that area, but I could print a different bracket for it. I did get the topper with mine and it would be nice to have it synchronized. I'm not a big fan of the random cycling, and I don't even power the one on my RZSSI.

Quoted from Mudflaps:

That's a sweet topper.

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of toppers, but the AMH one is pretty awesome. I say that, but I now have them on 5 of my 8 games.

Quoted from Mudflaps:

Herg, congrats on a great game!

Thanks. For some reason, I thought you owned one in the past.

Quoted from Mudflaps:

I was still hankering for a Super Chexx, but I settled for a craigslist Carrom. Not as cool, but it scratches the itch.

Awesome. I hope you get to play yours more than I do. I need to invite people over more often because that's the only time I play it.

#997 6 years ago

Code upgraded from v15 to v23 - check
Fixed optos with the help of an email from Christopher at Spooky Support at 11:07 PM - check
LED OCD board installed - check

2 weeks later
#998 6 years ago

I was getting a lot of theater shots bricking off the end of the ramp, so I printed my take on Betelgeuse clothes pin.

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I do also have a question. Once in a while, the hellevator starts going up and down on it's own, and sometimes it scores a lock when the ball rolls under the ramp. I've taken the ramp loose, and the switch seems to work correctly when worked by hand. I've tried to go into switch test right after the hellevator goes nuts, and the switch is not locked closed. I can also time a shot so that it fits into the hellevator and the up and down will stop for a while, but reaching under the ramp and working the switch by hand does not cause it to stop. Any suggestions on what to check? Maybe the nuts holding the switch are too tight. Maybe it's nothing to do with that switch.

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#999 6 years ago

I think I have another issue solved. I could light Prison Lock, but not actually complete the lock. What I found was that the upper subway switch wasn't being triggered. The switch worked, but wasn't being pressed.

At least on my game, the subway is much larger than the ball, and the switch slot is off center. Mine is AMH #1, so maybe it was improved later in the run. Mine looks something like this:
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If the ball was riding the right edge of the subway, it wouldn't trigger the switch. I messed with adjusting the switch, but eventually ended up printing some ramps that clip on the edge of the subway. Like this:
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Now, I can start the Prison Ghost.

I still have to figure out why my hellavator sometimes starts going up and down repeatedly. I added some test cables that would let me play until the issue happened, the disconnect the switch, making sure the switch wasn't still closed. This did not stop the cycling. I'm wondering now if it's just binding a bit and slowing it down to the point that it times out.

#1000 6 years ago

I feel like I'm talking to myself here, but if it helps someone in the future, it will be worth it.

The up and down elevator was being caused by a ball hitting the back side of the switch actuator under the ramp. This made the game think a ball was in the elevator, but it never hit the subway switch. I made yet another 3D printed piece to block the back side of that switch.

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#1003 6 years ago

The ball would normally just trickle out of the scoop, but occasionally it would rocket out so fast you had no chance to do anything with it. I measured the scoop and found that the vertical channel was a good bit deeper (front wall to back wall) than necessary for the ball to fit. The ball was riding close to the front edge and hitting very near the top of the curve, killing it's momentum and breaking the weld on the scoop.

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As a test, I printed a shim that I stuck to the inside of the scoop with VHB tape. This shim forces the ball toward the back of the scoop where it rides the curve better and makes the kickout much more consistent. I'm not sure how I feel about the tape, but it's tough stuff and it has stayed in place for a couple of weeks now. What I'd really love to see is a redesigned scoop (Kerry?). This seems to be working for now, though, and since it's a home use game, I can keep an eye on it.

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#1005 6 years ago
Quoted from SilverballNut:

The other place is when the ball just gets stuck up by the pop bumpers. I need to get in there and see what I can add (no 3d printer here) so there isn't a place for it to just sit (there is something further back about that).

I get that occasionally as well, but not often enough to make it a high priority. I think I read that putting two rubbers on that post, one that fits correctly and another that is larger and fits over the fatter part of the post, would help. I plan to give that a try when I get my plastic protectors to install.

#1008 6 years ago
Quoted from herg:

I think I read that putting two rubbers on that post, one that fits correctly and another that is larger and fits over the fatter part of the post, would help. I plan to give that a try when I get my plastic protectors to install.

So, I tried this and on the second game my wife had a ball stick there. It's easy to shake loose, but still a bit annoying. During the same game, she had a ball stick on the right inlane switch, and it machine gunned a sound. My wife and son both looked at me like they were afraid the game was going to explode. I just told her to shake it loose.

I also added a mod that is really only a proof of concept at this point, mostly because I don't have access to v23 code. Using the v22 code, I added knocker support and installed a knocker.
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It actually works in solenoid test in v23 as well if you choose the correct "UNUSED" selection. I sent Ben a link to my code, but he says he doesn't plan to release new code at this time. I'm really hoping he'll make an exception for a small feature addition.

#1009 6 years ago

Does anyone have suggestions on how to avoid airballs from the theater ramp? I have set my flipper strength to 0, and it still plays well, but if I get a really good shot on the theater ramp, the ball will completely jump over the landing ramp and hit the side of the cabinet. Anyone put a roof on the landing?

#1014 6 years ago

I could 3D print one as well, but I think that clear PETG would be better if it could be shaped right. That said, if a 3D printable was available now, I'd use it until something better came along. Every couple of games, I get one that hits the cabinet. Often they end up riding the gap between the ramp and cabinet wall, fall off the end onto the plastics, then roll all the way out the outlane.

#1016 6 years ago
Quoted from Betelgeuse:

The hostile reaction I got on here at the time made me stop posting my fixes.

I'm surprised you let that bother you. It was obvious to me that you were not changing the game from how it was supposed to play.

Quoted from Betelgeuse:

I hope you are able to resolve the other issues you are having. AMH is a great game.

I have most of them whipped now, and the airball is the last big issue I have. I can usually get by with it, but when it drains out the left outlane, it really is a bummer. I agree that it is a great game. I traded a Scared Stiff for it, and I don't regret the decision.

#1020 6 years ago
Quoted from gottafixit:

I was working on a cover for the jump ramp a while ago but then moved and haven't gotten back to the project. I attempted to put the cover after the jump and had mixed results. I feel the cover needs to go on the small jump section of the ramp but would need to have some stand off for the ball to pass. I would love to see something clear with foot steps like the hellavator ramp cover.

It's not pretty, but here's my attempt at getting something to work. I'm curious what mixed results you had. This one seems to work well, but I haven't put a lot of games on it yet.

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One other ramp related problem I was having was at the transition from the sheet metal section to habitrail. The habitrail is inset, and if the ball was traveling fast along the left wall, it would hit the rail and cause a big hop. Often, it would jump completely out of the habitrail and go out the outlane. Another ugly attempt at a fix. Hopefully, if these work well, they can be made nicer looking.

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#1023 6 years ago

All of the AMH pictures I looked at, as well as my RZ, have a different shaped bend at the upper end of the habitrail than my AMH shown above. I decided to bend mine to match, and it appears to have fixed the hop I had previously. I was able to get rid of one of those ugly 3D printed parts. I have no idea of whether this will help anyone else, but here's a pic, just in case.

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3 weeks later
#1027 6 years ago

Still working on this thing, trying to make it perfect. The scoop really fires the ball out super fast, so I tried to drop the coil power. This resulted in balls getting stuck if two or more were in there. I thought about the geometry a while and came up with this. I dropped the subway to make the balls sit nicer so that the coil could get the bottom one out easier.

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Here's a diagram to show the before and after. I couldn't get a good picture since the playfield would have needed to be down.

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With this change, I can now set my scoop at 1 and still not have trapped balls. 0 works for a single ball, but still won't work if there's two balls in there.

I did write some code using v22 that increases the scoop power for one hit after a failed attempt, and that works nicely. Unfortunately, that's not an option for v23, and I'd rather have the v23 improvements.

#1028 6 years ago

The Hellavator servo burned up during a game last evening; what a stink! Luckily, I had an extra that PinBackpacker included with the game. I swapped it out and promptly set a new GC score. Woohoo!

1 week later
#1029 6 years ago

I ran into a pretty aggravating bug last night. I shot a ball that glanced off the target bank, starting a minion battle, then it went into the VUK, starting the Doctor Ghost. The target bank stayed down, and I couldn't progress through the Doctor Ghost. After I failed Doctor Ghost, the bank went back up on it's own, and all was well.

#1033 6 years ago

I bought some through ebay. The seller I bought from is almost out, though.


3 weeks later
#1039 6 years ago

Unfortunately, there is no distinction between speech and sfx in AMH. There IS a setting for music vs speech/sfx.

There is also code in the AV kernel (at least in v22) that automatically decreases the volume when multiple sounds are playing simultaneously. It only does this for the later played sounds, though. There is nothing that you can change about this short of building new AV code.

#1041 6 years ago
Quoted from shelby1000:

Does anyone know why sometimes when I play the game keeps saying "Dirty Pool" over and over again. I've seen somewhere in this forum that other people have had this problem. Yesterday I played an entire game where that is all it said. Then it stops doing it for awhile but it always comes back. It isn't during the appropriate animation where it should be saying it. Is there a stuck switch or a problem with the software?

Most likely the connectors for the optos are not making good contact. Those 0.1" connectors are very prone to this.

5 months later
#1058 6 years ago

My scoop was not working very well at all, and I was tired of tweaking on it. I saw in Crile1 's FS post that he had upgraded the scoop, and that later in the production run, Spooky had upgraded them as well.

So, I bought the scoop from Pinball Life (https://www.pinballlife.com/index.php?p=product&id=4579), and it is working great mechanically. The one issue I have is how to connect the switch. The new scoop comes with optos. Do newer games use optos, or do they still use a mechanical switch? Anyone willing to take a picture showing how it attaches?

#1059 6 years ago
Quoted from herg:

The one issue I have is how to connect the switch.

I ended up removing the opto and printing a bracket to mount to the same holes that held the opto. The holes in my print were not quite the right size for the screws, so I used glue for now. When this falls apart, I will adjust the hole sizes. For now, though, it is working great, and the scoop is like night and day better than the original.

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2 months later
#1060 5 years ago

Hey, guys. It's me again. I just thought I'd share what work I had done on the colorization of the DMD files in case it was useful to anyone.

To use these with a real game, you'd have to contact Spooky, buy a display, hack it into your game, and load my hacked up firmware. It's not an easy project, and it's certainly not a finished product.

For virtual pinball, I believe the animated GIFs will work by just dropping them into the project, but I don't really do virtual pinball, so I can't say for sure.

I created a really crappy webpage to host the files:

#1062 5 years ago
Quoted from extraballingtmc:

Anyone know where to buy replacement pop bumper caps?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they just standard blue caps?

#1064 5 years ago

I tried to post a few samples yesterday, but I just figured out that I had to post original size to keep the animation.


Quoted from shelby1000:

I know that I've posted this before but I'm still kind of having the same problem with the game repeatedly saying "Dirty Pool old man" over and over again. I was advised to check and reseat the opto 1 and 2 plugs under the playfield which I have done and that does somewhat take care of the problem to where it will say it less but then it always comes back. I had a small party yesterday with people playing the machine and it was just saying it all the time and people were getting so sick of hearing it. I reseated the plugs which seemed to help but then it just does it again after a bit. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this for good or do I just have to live with it? Anyone else having the same issue? Other than this the game functions flawlessly. Thanks.

I re-crimped the connections on mine, and it has been flawless since.

#1068 5 years ago
Quoted from shelby1000:

Okay I would like to try re-crimping but I'm not very experienced with electronics and the last thing I want to do is break something. If someone is able to break it down a bit for me so I don't mess up. Are you talking about using a certain type of crimping tool and using it to squeeze the opto plugs to make them fit tighter on the opto board?

You can use an IDC insertion tool to make sure the wires are pressed into the back side of the connector well. You can often get by using a small screwdriver, but it's better if you have the tool. You could also choose to use to replace them with Molex crimp connectors rather than IDC, or even direct wire like Tallon mentioned. Direct wiring them, however, it gets very difficult to work on because everything is tied together, unless you also add connectors further down the wires like Tallon also mentions.

Quoted from shelby1000:

BTW if you end up making this color DMD for AMH and plan on selling it I'm definitely going to buy one from you if the installation isn't too crazy. Those color animations look really great. So much better than just the mono chromatic green. I really like it.

Not likely. It requires new display hardware that I bought from Spooky. It's the same display that they used in RZ, but since they are no longer making games like that, they probably won't have many of those displays around any more. I would also think that there are not enough AMH games to make another run of controller boards worthwhile.

Once you get past the hardware, I had to modify the AV firmware to make it work. Charlie has said that he's OK with that, but there is absolutely no support for any of this, so you'd be completely on your own if you run into problems. The firmware also still has minor bugs in it.

#1071 5 years ago
Quoted from toyotaboy:

yes, but i believe at least one cap has a hole drilled into it. may depend on which lamps you have in them

I had to know, so I looked. It's actually worse than that. One is standard blue. One is smoked acrylic. The third has no cap.

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#1074 5 years ago
Quoted from mattosborn:

Hmmm.... Maybe I could print up some glow-in-the-dark bumper caps. Should look pretty cool with UV LEDs under them. What's up with the cap that has the screw in the middle of it?

It's hard to see from the picture, but the screw is in the normal location. The cap is not a full circle, though. It has a cutout for the ramp.

Quoted from extraballingtmc:

That’s really weird and annoying. Maybe I’ll ask Charlie about it.

Probably a good idea. He has been very helpful with that sort of thing in the past, and I'm pretty sure they do their own plastic cutting. If they don't already have one laying around, he could probably cut one for you.

#1079 5 years ago
Quoted from shelby1000:

Are you talking about the 0.156" (3.96mm) IDC Wire Insertion Tool like what they sell on pinball life? Do I use that to press the wires more?

You will need the 0.100" size, but other than that, yes. I'm not sure if Pinball Life sells one or not. I have the one in the link below, but it's overkill if you're only going to use it a few times. I think Pinbits used to sell a cheaper one that was a metal tip with wooden handle.

#1086 5 years ago

It's hard to tell from the picture, but that connector doesn't immediately jump out at me as being bad. The plastic look at bit dinged up, but the plastic is only there to hold the contacts in place.

The red wire does look like it's stripped back a bit far, so I'd probably pull it from the connector, cut the wire flush and recrimp it. I don't think it's very likely to fix your problem, though.

If you really want to replace it, you can use this IDC connector:
or this crimp and stuff connector plus contacts:

Assuming it is consistently triggering, my suggestions would be:
1. Some cameras can see the IR light coming from the IR emitter. My Samsung S5, for example, can. The emitter should be lit all the time. If you know your camera can see IR, that helps, but even if you don't know, you can try. If you do see the light, you know that half is working.
2. If you have an IR flashlight, you can shine it into the receiver to try to get it to stop triggering. If that does get it to stop, you know the receiver half is working.
3. Be sure to check all involved connectors. There are connectors that run up to the backbox as well, if I remember correctly, so be sure to check those. If it is consistently triggering, wiggle one connector at a time to see if that single connector can get it to stop. If so, concentrate on making that connection better.

#1088 5 years ago

Yes, the target bank is up at the start of the game. If you are getting false hits on the optos, it can cause the target bank to act weird. I believe the target bank is a symptom, not the cause.

1 week later
#1092 5 years ago

You asked what I would do, so I would start by using my phone to look for IR light coming out of the emitter. Some phones won't see it, but my Samsung S5 does. Look for the faint purplish light.

Next, turn on switch test to see if the switch is triggered. Mine is not, so it shows as an empty dot until I block it with my finger.

I'm not necessarily suggesting you do this next step, but it's what I would do. I used a small screwdriver to short across the opto receiver contacts to simulate the opto being closed.

Any of these steps can help to cut the problem in half by eliminating the emitter (or not), showing the opto working in situations (or not), or by showing that the receiver circuit works (or not).

#1094 5 years ago

I sent this as a response to PM, but thought it could be useful to someone in the future, so I'm posting it here also.

In switch test, there is a dot that corresponds to each switch. You can see in my video, there is one that is displayed when I block the loop with my finger. If that dot is always displayed, the loop is always triggered. If it's never displayed, it's not being triggered at all.

You won't hear any audio unless you turn it on using the enter button. So, I guess it's not clear which case you have. I would guess always triggered, as if a ball is always there.

That could be caused by either the emitter or receiver. As Ben mentioned, if your door opto works, it's much less likely that the emitter is the problem. Both emitters are on the same board and share a power source. It's still possible you could have a failed solder joint on the ghost emitter, though.

The emitter is always on if the game is on. In my video, you can see it come on a soon as I power the machine on.

1 month later
#1099 5 years ago
Quoted from extraballingtmc:

Does everyone have problems with the hellevator?

I haven't had any problems with it recognizing balls. I did have an issue where balls under the ramp would hit the back side of the switch and cause false hits, but I fixed that long ago. Make sure the lever piece that sits in the bottom of it can move freely and that the switch doesn't have to move far to trigger.

Quoted from KingPinGames:

there is a way to choose between bar and army, but i can't seem to remember right now.

I thought it just picked one at random at the start of the game. I could be wrong, though.

#1102 5 years ago

Probably a wire has come loose. Look up the lamp matrix to see whether those lamps have a row or column in common. Track the common wire back toward the backbox until you find the disconnect.

2 weeks later
#1104 5 years ago

I got tired of having a ball stuck in the pops every few games. It's too early to say for sure if this will fix it, but I made a wonky star post to try. It makes the ring slope to the left where the ball sits.

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#1107 5 years ago
Quoted from desertT1:

Good idea, but it might have a tendency to rotate. If you do a V2, try to link up with the stud holding the plastic on.

We'll see. There's not much of a moment arm, and the post resists turning more than you'd think, but it is in the pops.

Quoted from Kkuoppamaki:

That’s a great idea Herg. If it works, any plans on making it available, I have the same issue and haven’t been able to solve it

I'll certainly post the file. I guess I could add it to my website, but it would be more to ship than the post would be. I'd really want to make sure it works first.

#1110 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Neat build! Is that the newest Prusa i3?
I have support files on my personal website https://www.benheck.com/amh/
If this works out let me know and I can add it as an option!

Yeah, it's the Prusa i3 MK3, built from a kit. Much nicer than the Maker Select v2 I used before.

#1113 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Does the auto bed leveling work well? A couple friends of mine built one and had trouble with that part.
I still have the old Makerbot I used to prototype most of AMH!

Pretty well. My bed was off by up to 0.6mm from one corner to the other. The leveling was good enough to turn that into a good first layer. Since it only tests 9 locations, however, you can end up with high or low spots between the test points, and there's nothing the leveling can do about it.

I'm not usually concerned with the surface finish of the bottom as long as it stays stuck to the bed. If you were, you might be better off using a glass bed.

#1114 5 years ago
Quoted from Kkuoppamaki:

If it works, any plans on making it available

I've played about 30 games, and have had no trapped balls. I'm still not convinced it's perfect, nor that it won't spin eventually, but I think it's good enough to share the file. If you have a 3D printer, you can print this:

If you don't have a printer, I would prefer to get some more time playing with it installed before printing and shipping them.

3 weeks later
#1116 5 years ago

I'd estimate I've put 50 or so games on AMH since installing the wonky star post, and I've had zero stuck balls. The post has not turned out of position. So, if anyone wants one and doesn't have access to a printer, I'll print you one. Just pay shipping.


#1118 5 years ago

Anyone who wants one, please use the link below. It automates things like calculating shipping and printing labels. Thanks.


1 month later
#1119 5 years ago

In multi-player, does anyone else's game give players 2-4 5010 points when the ball is kicked into the shooter lane? I'm wondering if I need to check for a touchy switch or if there's a bug.

1 week later
#1120 5 years ago

It's actually doing it on every ball after player 1, ball 1. I found some code related to GLIR handling that I think might be causing it, but I'm curious whether other games do it, or if it's only mine.

#1123 5 years ago

Confirmed, it is the GLIR handling code. It's supposed to score when the ball rolls over one of the GLIR switches. The same function is used to check whether GLIR is complete, but it scores 5010, even if it wasn't ran due to a switch hit.

1 month later
#1136 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

No more updates for AMH. Only reason I did 2016 update was to boost people's opinions of Spooky's code commitment because at the time RZ sucked.
I cared then because I had a future game - now I don't. Screw it.

This really makes me sad. I hate to see hard feelings between you guys. AMH is one of my favorite games, and while the code is great, there are a few bug fixes that could be released.

3 weeks later
#1158 5 years ago

I've posted earlier about my color display project. Using the stock Chroma-Color board, it was limited to 256 colors. I got some motivation, and modified the FPGA and AV firmware to allow indexed color. It's still a 256 color palette, but I can choose that palette for each video scene instead of being limited to a single 256 color palette that was predetermined and locked into the FPGA.

Here are a few samples of the improvement:


I have had people ask, and the biggest hurdle to making this available to other AMH owners is availability of the Chroma-Color boards. Charlie says he only has a couple left, and he's keeping them for RZ warranty claims. I have gotten quotes on the boards, both from Macrofab and the factory that builds LED OCD, but the board is licensed Creative Commons, and I can't resell them unless Parker were to OK it.

The FPGA firmware, I think, is the same situation. The AV firmware was open source at one point, and I'm not even sure what the license is on it. So, in short, it would need a lot of approvals before I could even share the code.

#1163 5 years ago
Quoted from Kkuoppamaki:

Btw, thanks for the oval post by the bumpers. It’s awesome

It's working well for you? I know I haven't had a single ball trapped there since installing mine, but that's only one machine.

#1169 5 years ago

If it were only up to me, I'd gladly push forward and make this happen. It's not, though. The original designs are not mine, and I don't have permission to use them to make a batch. Specifically, the board and FPGA code says the design can't be used commercially. Even if I were to coordinate a group buy, it's still a gray area. Unless Parker says it's OK, I'm not going any further than my own machine.

Also, it's not really a "done" project. It works, but I've only colored about 75% of the videos. I got totally burned out doing that part of it. The technical parts, fun. The coloring, not so much.

#1171 5 years ago
Quoted from dung:

If you got permission what would the cost be like?

It depends on the quantity. The quote for 25 boards from my normal fabricator was about $70 each plus shipping, etc. If part of the deal was that I use Macrofab, those were a bit more. It would probably have to be in a near kit form, including the display panel and bracket. Charlie (Spooky) sold me the one I have for $250. I also had to change the DMD protector from green to clear and build a power cable.

Quoted from dung:

The unfinished part is not that big a deal, someone else might be willing to finish it if they don't have to deal with the technical hurdles.

I would love for it to work out that way.

1 week later
#1172 5 years ago

Who hasn't played Bumps in the Night? I hadn't until today. I normally go for defeating ghosts, and try to avoid minion shots since they're so dangerous. Today, I concentrated on getting to BITN for a few games. Wow, what a fun mode!

#1173 5 years ago
Quoted from boustrophedonic:

Looks awesome!!
Maybe put together an "interested" list? I would definitely love to purchase a color upgrade if it were available. There's got to be enough past & future Spooky customers out there to get them motivated to try to make this happen.

I know boustrophedonic has seen the thread, but for anyone following this thread that may miss the other:

Basically, I spoke with Charlie, and I have the green light for a single run of boards. This is the only time I'm going to mention it in this thread, so please try to keep responses there.

2 weeks later
#1175 5 years ago
Quoted from Nevus:

Color would be great and I would be in for one.

If you want one, I would suggest getting on the pre-order list as mentioned in the other thread.

I may order a few more than the pre-order quantity, but getting on the list would guarantee you have one with your name on it.

#1177 5 years ago

Open the coin door. Look on the right side. There should be a sticker. The last three digits are the production number.

20190316_093216 (resized).jpg20190316_093216 (resized).jpg
#1179 5 years ago

That's cool!

1 month later
#1202 5 years ago
Quoted from dung:

My ghost center is facing left. Guessing I need to take him apart and have him face forward for center? I see no adjust for the ghost in the menu, elevator, spot targets, and door. Am I missing something?

Does your ghost move? If not, the servo is likely dead. Servos burning up is a common fault. If it DOES move, there is not a center position adjustment, only a min and max. You would have to disassemble and center the ghost mounting adapter on the servo hub.

Likewise for the other servo controlled stuff. Only the endpoints are adjustable.

#1220 5 years ago
Quoted from Tsskinne:

Huge shoutout to herg for the tips on improving the scoop. I just swapped out for the latest model from Pinball Life and using his 3d printed switch bracket and wonky star post was able to get this AMH #62 playing the best it’s ever played I think. I dropped the subway down 3/4 of an inch to match up with the scoop eject as well and had no issues at all through a game with the glass off and then 3 with the glass on. If anyone else is having scoop issues I strongly suggest giving this fix a try. For about $100 you can elevate $6k worth of headache.

I'm really glad it helped you, but I can't take credit for the scoop replacement idea. Crile1 did it before I did. It really does make a great game work as well as it deserves.

#1238 5 years ago
Quoted from desertT1:

What is Bumps in the Night?

It's a mini-wizard mode. It's also VERY cool, so try to get there if you can.

« Spoiler! Click to reveal.Light Multiball Complete, Photo Ace, and Minion Master to start it. »

3 weeks later
#1282 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

First, the high scores do not save.

That's weird. Your AV firmware is different than nearly everyone else since you're running my Pin2DMD custom build. What PIC version are you running? I really don't know if an older PIC code with new AV would cause scores to not save. If you don't figure it out by this weekend, I can try installing my Pin2DMD and test that code. There are really no changes involving high scores vs AV v23, though.

Maybe try resetting high scores via the menu. There isn't any setting to prevent them from saving.

#1284 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Thanks herg!
I'll try resetting the high scores tonight. If PIC version is firmware version then v23.
Do you know where the high scores are saved? Memory card or EEPROM or??? Just curious.

Yeah, firmware version is the PIC. Since you have the Pin2DMD display, you should have v23 and v91 for firmware and AV.

High scores are stored in the EEPROM.

#1286 5 years ago


Oops! The high scores not being saved WAS my fault. I have put an updated version of firmware on my website that will get it working for you. You won't see the firmware version anymore, and the first video sequence will have messed up color, but your high scores will work.

Long version:
The Pin2DMD splash screen takes longer than the Chroma-Color startup. I didn't want to ask lucky1 to change that.

By the time the splash screen is done, the firmware version screen has already finished being displayed, and the first video sequence has started. The Pin2DMD firmware missed the first palette, so the first video will have incorrect colors.

So, in the v91 firmware, I made the firmware version screen display longer. This fixed the above issues, but it also meant that when the PIC tried to read the high scores from the EEPROM, the AV firmware wasn't ready. I will spend a bit more time to try to properly fix this, but for now, v92 will get you up and running. Sorry for the trouble.

#1288 5 years ago
Quoted from herg:

I will spend a bit more time to try to properly fix this, but for now, v92 will get you up and running. Sorry for the trouble.

...and the version posted now (v93) does fix this. It's still possible that the weird palette could happen for that first video sequence, but I tried 10 startups and it worked fine.

#1298 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Any chance of getting the file for this? I tried a couple washers but they worked loose. Was going to buy some clothespins next.

Sure. I'll post it this evening.

#1301 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Any chance of getting the file for this? I tried a couple washers but they worked loose. Was going to buy some clothespins next.


#1307 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Here are a few pictures.[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Whoa! That post on the left of the scoop must make it really tough to hit. Lots of times mine bounces in from the side.

#1311 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

So herg... going through this thread I see you added an LEDOCD board to your game. Think it makes a big difference? I replaced all the stock LEDs with anti-ghosting LEDs and it's made the stock flicker better... but it's still kinda noticeable. I'd love to be able to totally eliminate it.

I do think it makes a big difference, but I don't have any of the Spooky boards left, and I don't plan to build more. What I do have is some custom code that increases the PWM frequency by changing how the rows and columns are ordered, call it OCD-lite, if you want. It doesn't use any extra CPU time because it's only reordering the row/column transitions.

The custom code that I run on my game has this alternate driver as an option, among other enhancements. I promised Ben I wouldn't distribute it, though. The code for the lamp driver is posted somewhere around here, and you could compile it into the v22 code if you wanted. The v23 code was never officially released.

#1325 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

didn't realize v23 was unofficial

The firmware release IS Ben's official release. It's just that the source wasn't released along with it.

Quoted from JeffF:


It was really designed more for RZ than for AMH. It plugs directly into the board, and the connectors are placed differently between AMH and RZ. You would have to add cables and Z-connectors to get it to install properly.

Quoted from JeffF:

thank you for sharing your 3D files for the Wonky Star Post and the Clothespin Ramp Spacer

I'm glad to be able to. I agree that the ramp is no problem with the "clothespin" installed. When the shot is hit solid, it makes the jump. I even had to put a roof on my landing area because the ball would sometimes take flight and hit the left cabinet wall.

#1327 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

What is this clothespin mod?

Betelgeuse did it first using an actual clothespin. I copied his idea using a 3D print. It adjusts the end of the ball guide and also extends it a bit to avoid having the ball hit the end of the ramp wall.

fc08c24b103b4137aff1ca658d85b145d4219157 (resized).jpgfc08c24b103b4137aff1ca658d85b145d4219157 (resized).jpg
#1329 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

as long as I find one.

Good luck. If you are willing and able to assemble a board with SMD parts, I'll give you a bare board. It would still need programmed, though.

3 months later
#1373 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Finally got around to installing the LED OCD I purchased a couple of months ago. While it doesn't officially support AMH(I assume because the main PCB is physically laid out different from other Spooky games), it wasn't too bad an install really.
And after messing with the settings for about 45 mins I can honestly say it improves the LEDs appearance tenfold on this game. That extremely annoying flicker is almost 100% gone!
I can't wait to play around some more with this great kit! Next thing I want to try changing from non-ghosting bulbs to normal bulbs. In reading about the LED OCD I see those are supposed to be better since you can control them over a wider range. Sounds good to me.
Man I love this game![quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Nice, creative install. It looks much nicer than mine.

#1375 4 years ago

If you've already used the software to tweak the lower end brightness, I'd say the difference is minimal. I almost always change the bulbs, myself, but I also like to play with color choices.

2 weeks later
#1387 4 years ago

Granted, this is the REV7 design, but the lamp matrix really did not change between the two:

Which bulbs are the problem? This is what I have for the column that includes the scoop flasher:
61,Upper Left Flasher
62,Hell Flasher
63,Scoop Flasher
64,Photo Hunt
65,Army Ghost
66,Bar Ghost
67,Spirit Guide
68,Basement Camera

Have you tried single lamp test within the game or test mode using the LED OCD software?

I also have a Siegecraft lamp matrix tester and harness that is great for determining whether the driver or wiring is at fault. If I could be assured of getting it back, I could lend it to you.

#1390 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Just looked at that page, nice. I ended up buying one since I love gadgets and it was only ~$20 shipped.

It's a great tool and well worth the money. I've used mine to test thousands of boards, so I've definitely gotten my money's worth, but even for tracking down a single lamp matrix issue, it will pay for itself in time saved. The only issue is having to build your own harness for it, but judging by your installation, you've got that whipped.

#1392 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Just putting a diode in the socket resulted in the same nutty results.

Hmmm... Something's wrong there. If a lamp matrix diode is installed properly, it needs the lamp to complete a circuit. It should look like this:

Column wire ------- ->|- Diode--------Lamp-------- Row wire

The diode needs to be used to prevent the reverse flow of current through the lamp matrix. If you install it like you would for "normal" flasher/coil circuit, it won't work correctly for this lamp matrix flasher configuration.

#1394 4 years ago

I was going to take a picture of mine, but when I opened it up, I found that mine is attached to GI4 rather than the lamp matrix.

Then, I looked at the code, and sure enough, it is using GI4 to control that flasher.

Anyway, here's a picture of how mine connects.

20191027_110204 (resized).jpg20191027_110204 (resized).jpg
#1396 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:Just so I understand... if you go into test mode and choose GI4 your scoop flasher lights. If you choose scoop flasher then nothing lights?

That is correct. GI4 lights my scoop flasher.
Lamp #42 lights nothing.

Mine is production #1, and I have found some weird wire colors on mine as well.

4 months later
#1410 4 years ago

I spoke with him a few times when he was planning to start on it. He wanted to send me a sample scene to confirm the process, but I haven't heard anything from him since then. I suspect life happened.

2 weeks later
#1412 4 years ago

If I knew it would get the project moving again, I'd buy a drive and ship it to Ben. Hell, this one is only $48.

#1417 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

That is extremely nice of you to offer!

Eh, I feel bad about running out of steam on the coloring, plus I want it for my own game. A drive is on its way now.

Whether Malenko decides to take over or not, I figure it's more likely to happen, regardless of the artist, if I help it along.

#1418 4 years ago

Getting involved in this as a courier has also rekindled interest in a project I had been thinking about. The audio in the game has always seemed a bit "off" and had a good bit of noise in the background. I think I even heard Ben mention once the possibility of using an external DAC to improve over the Propeller's internal one. Well, that's what I did.

I bought a cheap PCM5102 DAC board from Amazon, hacked up an old SD card adapter to get access to enough I/O to control it, and wrote some firmware. I'm pretty happy with the results. It's still a hackjob, and I'm trying to decide how much work to put into cleaning it up.

20200319_183507 (resized).jpg20200319_183507 (resized).jpg

You can kinda tell from video how much it has cleaned up the audio, but I think the stock audio sounds worse here than in person.

...and here's the audio from the external DAC.

#1421 4 years ago

Looking at prices, I can barely buy the parts for what the DAC board costs. I decided to just make an adapter board and use the DAC board as-is.

Starting with an open source Sparkfun design and modifying for our needs, these are probably the easiest board I've ever designed. They're also really cheap at 3 for $12 at OSHPark. I should have this order in a couple of weeks. After testing, I'll have a couple of extra, and I'll share the design on OSHPark so that others can order direct from them.

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#1422 4 years ago

Ah, crap! I was just looking at some of the files on the drive from Ben, and I noticed in a picture that the second SD card slot wasn't populated on the board.

At first, I thought the picture might have been an early board, but it seems like all of them in this thread, other than mine, are also missing this card slot. The board in the previous post won't be as easy for you guys as I hoped. It should be great for me though.

The DAC should still be workable, but I don't see a way for you guys to use it without having to solder something to your board. It could be the SD slot, or wires attached to the pads and staked in place.

#1429 4 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Oh wow you're bit banging DAC into an external device? That's crazy cool! I'd love to know more how you did it.
Most AMH only have one slot populated. Why not just solder wires to the empty pads directly to the DAC?

Yeah. Basically, I have a "left justified" driver running on one of the unused COGs, and ROY_DAC feeds samples to both the Propeller DAC and the other COG. I was just barely able to get it to run at 22kHz by highly optimizing the code. I'll send it to you.

Quoted from benheck:

Oh wow you're bit banging DAC into an external device? That's crazy cool! I'd love to know more how you did it.
Most AMH only have one slot populated. Why not just solder wires to the empty pads directly to the DAC?

Agreed. It would not be hard to solder wires to those pads, you just want to make sure to stake (glue) the wires so they don't end up pulling the pads off the board. I only used 3 of the 4 signals, and I'm getting 5V from the 5V connector on the upper right of the PinHeck board.

#1433 4 years ago
Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

I be interested in this for sure count me in if you sell

I do not plan to sell anything, but I will post instructions on how to do it. Keep in mind that it is not as easy as plug and play. As mentioned above, you're going to have to solder directly to the PinHeck board. That is, unless you're lucky enough to have the unused second SD card slot like mine does.

Quoted from JeffF:

I ordered a PCM5102 DAC from Amazon this morning.

I hope you got this one. It will make things much easier for you since it will match my instructions.

#1436 4 years ago

Mine is AMH #1, and I've run into a number of minor differences with it.

#1438 4 years ago

There are two different code files used in AMH. One is game rules, the other is the AV kernel. What we're talking about here is the AV kernel.

Neither of the latest is actually open source, but Ben has been gracious enough to allow me to change the AV kernel, previously for the colored DMD mod. Now that I'm writing it, I realize he hasn't blessed the DAC mod, so I probably shouldn't post a build unless he does.

To make things a bit more convoluted, there will have to be separate builds based on which DMD is in your game; the stock XPin, my colored DMD mod, or a Pin2DMD.

Ben has not approved of any changes to the the game code, so you would continue to use the released v23 for that.

#1439 4 years ago

Ben did tell me "You should totally make a kit of this.", so I took that as permission to share the custom AV kernel builds. JeffF installed his DAC today, and he seems happy with it. His game has a Pin2DMD, so that tests that firmware build. The one remaining untested is for a stock XPin DMD. If anyone would like to install the DAC in their game and it still has a stock display, send me a PM.

#1442 4 years ago

Now that we know my game is likely one of only a few with the SD slot populated, this may be of no interest. It's gotta be better than more bad news, though.

Because the only option from OSHPark was 62 or 31 mils thick, I had to get a 31 mil board and shim the thickness a bit. It works great, though.

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#1446 4 years ago
Quoted from taimaster2005:

All of the audio clips sound much clearer now.

Quoted from JeffF:

Have either of you two noticed you can hear Ben breath at the end of one of his outtakes at the end of the game?

I've noticed a lot of little things that I couldn't hear through the game previously. I have listened to the files on a PC before, and that's just as good, maybe better. It is still all 22kHz audio, so there are things that are a bit rough. I notice it most with S's. Sounds like ssstatic or a sssnake hissssing.

Quoted from benheck:

Have you considering making a PCB with castillated edges?

Yeah, I was thinking about it yesterday while installing my faux-SD. I've made castellated boards a few times before, mostly to use an IC in a smaller package on a larger footprint. Luckily, I'm still working a regular schedule from home, so not a lot of free time. That, and there's not as much motivation with my game modded and cleaned up already.

#1449 4 years ago

Now that all three cases have been tested, I suppose it's time to share with the masses. I threw together a page on my website with instructions and the necessary files.


1 week later
#1459 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

these PCBs(are replacement even available?)

Not readily available, as far as I know, but I do at least have the files to remake them. It wouldn't be cheap, but it would be better than a dead game.

#1460 4 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Have you considering making a PCB with castillated edges?

I just couldn't get this idea out of my head, so here it is. It's untested, so use at your own risk.


AMH_Top (resized).pngAMH_Top (resized).png
#1462 4 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Why did I just order this? LOL. It reminds me of the good old Wii hacking days I guess so I couldn't pass it up. That and it really seems like a slick solution!
Thanks herg!

Must be the same compulsion that made me design it, even though I can't use it.

#1466 4 years ago

The new board is just a slightly easier way to install the DAC. You would have to solder this board directly to the main board, rather than wires. If you're nervous about it, don't do it. This is not a case where you want to be unsure of your abilities because the PinHeck board is not easily replaceable.

Pinheck_Carrier (resized).PNGPinheck_Carrier (resized).PNG
#1470 4 years ago

It would look nicer with an integrated board. Why I decided to stick with an interposer board rather than putting the ICs on it:

-The design would have taken a little more time.
-Assembly would have been more complex. I can hand solder TSSOP parts, but most people would not be able to.
-Using someone like Macrofab for assembly would make it more expensive. You'd also want to gang all of them into a single order for quantity discounts.
-The DAC board is available for less already assembled than I can get the DAC IC for.
-No matter how it's designed, it will still require soldering directly to the Pinheck board.

Doing it this way means that anyone who is capable of installing it is also capable of assembling it, the cost isn't increased unnecessarily, and I don't have to get involved in buying and reselling anything for others.

#1477 4 years ago

Using the files that Ben sent, I added some color to the War Fort videos. I still hope that someone better at coloring than I am will be able to finish the other modes and improve on what I've done, but at least these are something.

Update files for owners with color displays are here:

#1479 4 years ago

There's certainly nothing all that impressive here, but in trying to make the most of my Adobe trial (ends tomorrow), I sprinkled color on Prison mode as well.

New files are posted on the website.

...and just one more. The main attract video was bugging me. If you downloaded last night, you have the option of getting it again.

1 month later
#1486 4 years ago

Sigh. It really seems like updates fail way more often than they should.

After emailing you, I downloaded the files from my website (didn't use the local ones on my PC), purposefully corrupted the AV firmware on my game, and used the recovery program with a newly built SD card. All the files from the website, including the recovery program are confirmed working.

I wish you hadn't jumped into removing the board, since it's very unlikely that would be the cause of any problems. It attempted to update, so it was still able to read the card on the first pass.

1 week later
#1489 4 years ago

Yes, that is the correct board. It says it arrives in August, though.

2 months later
#1498 3 years ago

If you're not very methodical about building the SD card, you can easily trash the contents of the EEPROM that stores your AV firmware. Worse, you need a working firmware to be able to read the contents of the SD card. Once you corrupt it's contents, you can no longer recover it by flashing code from the SD card.

There are instructions on my website that describe how to load code over USB that will allow you to reprogram your EEPROM. See the bottom of this page:

You still have to get the SD card right, though. Format the card first. I've seen a number of people corrupt their AV firmware, and it seems like it's always the same story. I tried to update, it didn't work a few times, then it finally did, and now my game is dead. My suspicion is that people don't get the files in the right places, they keep writing files to the card until they do, but they don't reformat the card each time. If there is ANY fragmentation on that card, you are screwed. Format the card EVERY time you copy files to it.

Worst case, if you can't recover it, I can program a replacement EEPROM and mail it to you. It really shouldn't come to that, though.

#1502 3 years ago

If you turn your game on now, does it say SFX ERROR, or does it still show the green dots of static? If it says SFX ERROR, your EEPROM is confirmed fixed, and your card still has issues.

There's nothing magical about a new card, and I would still format it right out of the package. If your old card is truly dead, then yeah, a new card would be necessary.

I'm starting to wonder if using full card images rather than individual files would be more reliable. It's a higher barrier to entry, but it would prevent getting files in the wrong places. This problem is far too common.

#1504 3 years ago

Well, I'm just going to have to man up and take my lumps on this one. It was bugging me, so I tried to reproduce what you did, and I ended up finding that I had posted the wrong file for XPin games. Try this one instead. My apologies.


#1506 3 years ago
Quoted from spandol:

I found this bug at the end of my ball during Bumps in the Night, the final score is jumbled on the screen like it’s out of focus. This has happened 3 times to me. Not sure if Ben even wants to look into it, but thought I’d mention it.

Do you think it's possible to get a picture or video of this? It might be a bug related to the color display. Occasionally, it does have glitches due to SD card reads failing. I've tweaked that as much as I can, I think. That shouldn't be mode specific though, so if BitN is causing it repeatedly, it might be something else.

3 weeks later
#1511 3 years ago
Quoted from spandol:

That’s awesome! A lot of fun.
I tried filming the bonus screen, but the problem never occurred, as I mention above. I did see it another time but not after Bumps in the Night.

There is a known issue where an SD card read can fail and cause garbled fonts and/or colors until the next scene caused a reload. Luckily, it is rare. That also seems to line up with what you're talking about. I've tweaked that code so much that I don't think I can really do any better. The Extreme Pro card does it less frequently than the stock card, but the color code is reading the card so much more often than stock code that it does run into issues, even with a fast card.

2 weeks later
#1524 3 years ago

Are those sold as AMH art blades? ...and they didn't pre-cut for the LEDs?

1 month later
#1559 3 years ago

I added a knocker to mine, but I had to write the code for it myself. I'd be glad to share, but I have not gotten approval to share modified game firmware.

My hardware installation is pictured here:

2 weeks later
#1564 3 years ago

If you see SFX ERROR, you have working firmware, but a problem with the card. Either files are not in the correct locations, they aren't named correctly, or the game cannot read the card. It can be super picky, and it is easy to mess up, even when you think you're doing it right. If you think it would be easier, I could post a card image rather than separate files that you could write using something like Win32diskimager.

Maybe post pictures of your directory structures so we could verify.

#1566 3 years ago

So, it can read the card. The video image shown has an offset like if a file was fragmented. SFX ERROR is aligned properly, so it's not a problem with the display link. The audio files aren't properly detected, which also points toward a card filesystem issue. I'm making an image now.

#1570 3 years ago

Most of the time, you can get away with a quick format, but it's much more reliable if you full format. The image is uploading (slowly) now.

In your case, I do not think a recovery is necessary. It seems like it is booting and running, but doesn't read the files from the card correctly. Just to get that image on the DMD, it is doing a lot that gives me clues about what all is working.

1 month later
#1608 3 years ago
Quoted from locustgrovepin:

Doesn’t seem to matter if I’m at zero or nine I can’t tell a difference in flipper strength.

My curiosity got the better of me today, and I took a look at this. I found a bug where the flipper pulse length does get shortened, but it then sees a combination of hold coil plus EOS switch open and incorrectly assumes the flipper got knocked back down. Really, the flipper just hasn't finished it's travel yet. It immediately turns on the high power coil again, so it ends full powered until hitting EOS.

I fixed this and tweaked the power control method a bit. Ben, if you ever decide to release a new build, I have a few bug fixes like this.

#1609 3 years ago

Uh, I'm not sure how I missed this, but the code for v23 is on github. It has been there for 4 years. I thought I looked for it, but...

Anyway, I created pull requests including my changes.

#1613 3 years ago

I would recommend this scoop from Pinball Life. The downside is that it comes with optos and the switch does not mount without some modification.

Here's a post showing how I mounted the switch. It's not pretty, but it's actually still working great.

1 week later
#1625 3 years ago

If you can't find one, I could print one for you. I have limited colors of filament, so if you want a particular color, it may cost more to cover a spool. Does anyone know what material Spooky used? I use PLA most of the time, but PETG may be preferable for that piece.

#1631 3 years ago
Quoted from Rascal-911:

I made my last door out of PLA and it is standing up good.

The readme says ABS, but I don't mess with that stuff. I used PETG and did 100% infill. Shipping to Timfenske11 today.

I printed a couple extra while I had the filament and bed swapped out, so if anyone else is in need, let me know.

#1633 3 years ago

The extra door arms have been claimed. If anyone else needs one, I'm still willing to help, but there are none just laying around now.

#1635 3 years ago

If you can't find one of the LCD color kits, check into the PIN2DMD version. The hardware is easier to get your hands on, but it is a bit more DIY.

#1638 3 years ago
Quoted from Timfenske11:

How many LCD kits did you produce?


2 weeks later
#1651 3 years ago

I found that when I replaced mine with a new Pinball Life one, the kickout got much more reliable. I think it's worth the money.

6 months later
#1757 2 years ago

You keep saying that, but I don't think you really need to qualify it. IMO, AMH is the finest ghost-hunting pinball machine.

#1775 2 years ago
Quoted from dnapac:

Servo replaced! Made the door work much better. Two questions.
1). The ball (2nd ball, 1st is in the gobble hole) occasionally gets the door open enough to get stuck in the gobble hole with the first ball and pinned by the door. Good news is that ball search will clear it now (before the servo was so weak the door couldn’t open to let it clear). Is there a way to prevent this? If not, I can live with it. Like I said, it will clear with ball search.
2). I know Ben has added an adjustment for the servos (like the door). I’ve gone into the service menu and to servos, but it doesn’t let me “adjust” them, just makes them work…kinda like a coil or switch check. Am I missing how to adjust them.
Thanks for you help. Love this game. A ton of fun to play and built like a classic car. Built well, and the owner can easily service them. I kinda like servos (sorry Ben). No soldering to replace them, just a couple screws and a plug.

1. If you try to move the door by hand with the game on, does it have play? I'm wondering if the round servo mount that attaches to the door arm (or something else) might be loose and allowing the door to move, even when the servo is trying to hold it closed.

2. There are options for the open and closed positions. I think it's called SERVO DEFAULT, or something like that. There are not power settings, if that's what you're asking.

#1784 2 years ago

There really are only a few possibilities I see for the door getting pushed back and not returning.

1. The servo could be broken. You've addressed that by replacing it.
2. The servo to bushing interface could be slipping. You've replaced the bushing, but I'd still check by hand to see if it slips.
3. The door arm could be broken. That should be easy to see.
4. The door could be rubbing something and binding up when trying to return to closed. You would be able to hear the servo buzzing and feel a vibration if this were the case.
5. Some weird software issue that is triggered by a broken opto or something like that. This seems like a longshot because the servo is always driving to a target location, and the only targets I know of are open, closed, and the wiggle when you hit the door. None of these target locations would drift over multiple hits.

#1787 2 years ago

That definitely looks to me like the bushing is slipping. It never returns to fully open after that, right? Not even if you turn the game off and on again?

#1789 2 years ago

If it does return to fully closed, that's likely not the problem. I can't think of what the problem would be, but it's not likely it would just slip back into place. Hmmm...

On second thought, once it decides to open, it might be forcing the door to slip back. Then, when it closes again, it's aligned close to correctly on the servo gear.

#1791 2 years ago

I tried to edit, but was too slow.

#1793 2 years ago

The left flipper auto flipping is a setting, something like "Doctor Ghost Attract" that is intending to let you know to look for a ball coming down the left ramp. It also has a bug in it that will blow the fuse if you hold the left flipper button while it happens. If you disable that feature, you likely get two items fixed easily.

Making sure the bushing is a good fit sounds like the best action. I'm skeptical that it's code related.

#1796 2 years ago

Not more sensitive, but I did change the code to make the flipper power settings work, along with some other changes. There is not any official build that includes my changes, nor would I recommend anyone who is not comfortable with embedded software and messing with their game to try any of it.

I submitted pull requests with my changes on Ben's github project. If you don't know what that means, I would recommend sticking to the official v23 build.

Must do adjustments? Other than making sure everything works, the thing that I feel affects gameplay the most is the scoop kickout. The scoop weldment changed a bit during the build, and the early ones tend to either kick out too hard, knocking down the right flipper, or the ball rattles around and doesn't get kicked out. Replacing the scoop with a new one from Pinball Life totally changed my game for the better.

#1798 2 years ago
Quoted from Betelgeuse:

Originally, I made the part out of a modified clothes pin, but there was also a 3D printed version available at one time, if I remember correctly.

I should probably post the 3D pint file on Thingiverse, but it's available here:

#1805 2 years ago
Quoted from Betelgeuse:

Would you be able to point me to the scoop you picked up? I wouldn't mind updating mine.


That's the scoop I used. I had to rework the switch mount a bit, though.

2 weeks later
#1815 2 years ago
Quoted from Timfenske11:

Okay life has slowed down so I have time to address the dirty pool issue before my mod set gets here. I replaced the optos. It seems to be the double opto that is still the problem. Is there a way to source or print replacement boards for the double opto? Also why are these wired in series rather than parallel?
Thanks for the help

Have you verified whether the emitter is lighting? Have you went into switch test to verify which opto(s) are not working? Here's a post with some videos showing how I would narrow down the cause.


2 weeks later
#1822 2 years ago

Are you seeing default scores all the time, or are there real scores that aren't being overwritten when you beat them? Both settings and scores are saved in the same EEPROM, so it seems that the hardware is fine (settings are saved). I would suggest resetting scores to try to ensure there isn't some EEPROM corruption keeping them from being loaded or something like that.

#1824 2 years ago

AV version 91 is a modified version required for the color display. You do not want to revert to v23, and I would recommend against reprogramming v91 unless you exhaust all other options. The score in the billions does sound like an issue reading the EEPROM. It's an 8 pin IC in a socket, upper right of the board. I'd make sure that is seated well. I doubt that's the root of the problem, though because the AV firmware also loads from that EEPROM, and you would have much bigger issues.

#1825 2 years ago

...and I had to go back and read my own posts to refresh my failing memory. There was a timing bug in my v91 firmware that could cause high scores to not load, and I fixed it a couple of years ago. You actually WILL want to update the AV firmware. The files to use with a color display are here:

You will want to make sure to get the correct firmware for the display you have. If it's an LCD, it's the Chroma-Color one. If it's a colored LED grid, it's a Pin2DMD.

#1829 2 years ago
Quoted from spandol:

Hmm, I don’t remember if I updated your code in the display I purchased from you. Is there a way to check what version I have? Do I just take out the SD and see if the updated file is on it on a computer?

The software versions are displayed when you boot the game.

#1831 2 years ago
Quoted from spandol:

I didn't remember it displayed your display code. Mine is at 87. Guess I should update right? The Chroma color one is the one you sold?

If you're not having any issues, I personally would just leave it. Yes, though, Chroma-color are the kits I made and sold. PIN2DMD is a DIY approach that I only wrote firmware to support.

#1834 2 years ago
Quoted from spandol:

Ok, cool. Only issue I have at times is the screen goes unreadable when it counts down your bonus. It looks like when your on a tv channel you don’t pay for.

I do very infrequently see some corrupted display. I'm almost certain it is due to failed SD card reads, and faster cards seem to help. If you're seeing it often, a faster card could help. I would not expect much difference in firmware versions, though updating wouldn't hurt unless you run into issues with the updating process. You do have to make sure to closely follow the update process, or risk bricking the AV firmware. There are recovery processes, but they're not the most straight forward.

1 month later
#1843 2 years ago
Quoted from PaulCoff:

Come in Steve, your fired

1 month later
#1862 2 years ago

You can see code version at startup.

Don't assume that everything about the game is like all other DMDs, though. While the game is great and worth the extra effort, it does have some rough edges. As Ben mentions, the software update process is not as easy as just putting it on a thumb drive. You can mess it up and have the game not detect the problem.

#1866 2 years ago

There were 150 total, so 102 should be pretty good as far as build updates go.

v23 firmware is the latest release.

1 week later
#1902 2 years ago

Ticking sound? It's kinda hard to say without hearing an example. I will say that the audio is not the greatest, even when it's all working properly. As Ben mentioned, the source is 22kHz, so that's already affecting it. The stock DAC output on board is also not as good as what you may be expecting from modern audio equipment.

2 weeks later
#1924 2 years ago

Can you measure the voltage across only the emitter? That would tell you the part itself is pulling current and should be working. My phone camera can also see the emitter light.

Edit: I just noticed Betelgeuse recommended the phone camera before I did.

#1934 2 years ago
Quoted from Timfenske11:

Across the emitter I am getting nothing. Will update with the new ones. Hopefully this weekend.

If you're seeing nothing, as in 0V, that's odd regardless of whether they're the correct emitters or not. I forget exactly where all the parts sit, and where wires run, but if power is connected to the emitter, you would only see 0V if it were shorted.

You may have already seen this, but this post has a bit of info on troubleshooting the optos.

3 months later
#1936 1 year ago
Quoted from Timfenske11:

If the design for the board is available I would like to get some new ones printed.

Is this the correct one? If so, it's so simple that I can't hardly believe that anything would go wrong with it. Still, it's so cheap from OSHPark, that if you suspect it, you might as well try.

emitter (resized).pngemitter (resized).png
#1937 1 year ago

I have struggled with GI flicker since I first got my AMH. Since it was only certain bulbs, I thought it was bad connections in the sockets. I replaced all of the slingshot and inlane guide sockets, but I still had flicker.

The bulbs also seemed dimmer than they should be, even knowing that it's a 5V source. This weekend, I measured the voltage, and I was only getting 4.35V to my bulbs. Considering the LEDs I'm using are designed for 6.3V, it's no surprise that they are having issues.

After some digging, I found that the transistor used to control the GI is a TIP102, and I measured a 0.72V drop across it. I decided to replace it with an IRL540, and it has definitely helped the dim lamps. It seems to be helping with the flicker as well, but it will take some time to be certain. The lamps are still only at around 5.05V, so pretty low compared to the 6.3V the bulbs are designed for.

Edit: The flicker is not gone, unfortunately. I guess that the bulbs are still shifting in the socket or something to cause intermittent connection. I squeezed them for a tight fit, and none of my other games have this problem. A problem for another day.

3 weeks later
#1944 1 year ago

Even after adding a dedicated DAC, it's still 22kHz source material, but it's greatly improved. Since you already did the display upgrade, you're already running the updated AV firmware. You would "only" have to do the hardware portion of the mod.

#1946 1 year ago
Quoted from icyjones:

Can I run and install the dedicated DAC without having the color dmd installed? I have thought about the color upgrade, but do kind of like the green as I think it fits with the "night vision" aspect of ghost hunting. Upgraded sound would be great though.

Yes. Use the files under item 1. at this link.

#1948 1 year ago

I really don't know what people are mostly doing. I would suggest using the adapter board, but I will also say that I have not seen any pictures of it installed. My game already had a SD card slot installed in the second location, so I did not use the same adapter for mine.


2 weeks later
#1954 1 year ago

The base is a pretty easy question. That's a standard Williams base.

If you have to replace the coil stop as well, that's a bit more tricky. It sure would be nice to have a published BOM.

#1956 1 year ago

Yes, it does matter. Different stops will affect the travel of the flipper. My best guess would be a A-12390, but that's just based on the most commonly used stop on WPC games. Do you have calipers to measure the height of the cylinder portion?

From Marco's A-12390 description:
"Overall length of bracket is 1-1/4in, overall width of bracket is 1-7/16in, overall depth of bracket is 7/8in, distance from screw hole to hole measures 7/8in, and core length is 5/16in."

4 months later
#1982 1 year ago
Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

Failed no sound out any ideas firmware was done b4 I did the mod.[quoted image]

What AV firmware version does it report when you boot? Since you are still getting audio from the stock port, that means you have some good firmware loaded. We need to confirm it's the right firmware, though.

Hardware looks OK from what I can see. Could you post some close pics of the installation?

It's also possible you just got a bad DAC board.

#1984 1 year ago

It looks like jumper 3 might be connected to L, but I can't tell from the pictures because the details are blurry.

Two dots, like a colon? V70 is correct if you have the green Xpin DMD. It should say "A/V FIRMWARE: 70"

#1986 1 year ago
Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

Now its just showing 1 dot at boot.

I'm confused as to what's going on there. If that's on the version display screen, it would be abnormal.

Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

I think i just need to change the jumper 3 to fix.

I would agree, based on what I can see. Make sure there are no copper jumpers built into the PCB. If you end up shorting H to L, it would not work, and it may even damage the DAC board.

3 weeks later
#1995 1 year ago
Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

Need help installed pin2dmd this what I get it also takes long time boot up the pinball. When the pin2dmd boots up it says spooky but then goes to this screen. Also sound stopped working. I discovered i used the files that were not for the ver with the sound mod and now wont update i just get that screen. I tried to recover but i have a mac and kinda works but does not seem to update the chip.
[quoted image]

If you got the files from my website, they do support the sound mod. I don't even have non sound mod files posted.

You're seeing SFX ERROR, and it is the correct color, which means you have working firmware for your display, but it can't find the sound data on the SD card. The most common problem is the card wasn't formatted before copying files to it. Do a full format, not a quick one.

That would also explain why trying to use the recovery isn't working. It still requires that it can read the firmware file from the SD card to program it.

#1998 1 year ago
Quoted from 2Kaulitz:

What i mean by non sound files is i 1st used the files under the pin2dmd color dmd page not the ones under the sound upgrade page. I thought maybe they are different.

The sound mod runs in parallel to the stock sound. There were already three different versions for the three different displays, which is unfortunately unavoidable. I didn't want people to have to choose from six possibilities, so I removed the versions that don't support the sound mod. I'm glad you got it working.

4 weeks later
#2019 1 year ago

I used to, but I changed to clear to let more light through.

4 months later
#2055 11 months ago
Quoted from ULEKstore:

Hello and thank you for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, It doesn't do anything. It won't show either the right sling OR the trough being activated.

Maybe the switches are bad, or not making contact. You could connect a continuity meter (with the game off) and try closing them by hand. The sling firing could have vibrated enough to unstick the trough switch, but now, it's truly dead... maybe.

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