(Topic ID: 260761)

*NEW* TPN: Triple Drain Pinball Podcast Ep 51: John Wick Reveal & Travis’ TED Ta

By ZMeny

4 years ago

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    #651 4 years ago

    From what I gather, delt isn’t angry at anybody.

    He’s just disappointed.

    #652 4 years ago

    The pinball show most recent episode was great! Well done.

    #653 4 years ago
    Quoted from jgentry:

    Good lord, if only the rest of the world thought as highly of you as you do yourself. Do you actually believe half the arrogant nonsense you post?


    #654 4 years ago

    Listened to The Plumb yesterday. Just some honest feedback. Krystle G seems very intelligent and also very knowledgeable about pinball. What I don't understand is why was there a 15 minute episode of just "this is who I am and this is what the show is going to be about", but no actual show? I do realize it's good to have some background info, but for a first episode, it wasn't really an episode. Not a criticism, just an observation. I will certainly tune in to future episodes to hear more about the folks who organize shows, TD tourneys, run leagues, etc.

    #655 4 years ago

    TPN podcasters should stop posting in this thread. The more they post the more I lose repsect for them. Just take the high road and ignore the peanut gallery because it's a no win situation. Kaneda being kicked off Pinside has likely helped his show since he cannot engage in conversations on here (whether positive or negative).

    #656 4 years ago
    Quoted from Darscot:

    I think a pinside guest segment would be a lot more interesting...a guest is way easier with a talented host...I think a lot of pinsiders would be great guests

    Quoted from stpcore:

    the knowledge and personalities residing on Pinside could add tremendous value and entertainment. You just gave me an idea for something!

    rather than just have a single guest, which would result in only two perspectives like the old "point counterpoint" segment of 60 minutes, a better idea would hold a round table discussion with several pinsider pinlebrities bouncing things off each other in real time - like "the view" is for women.

    theview (resized).jpgtheview (resized).jpg

    could be the same lineup time and again and/or a group chosen for their insight on the current topic at hand. imagine how funny/entertaining this could be given the personalities available on this site, especially if you managed to get a few characters with opposing points of view.

    check it out in this example where the host moderates a roundtable discussion on "streaming".

    #657 4 years ago
    Quoted from greenhornet:

    throw us a BONE.[quoted image]


    TROLL HUNTIN (resized).pngTROLL HUNTIN (resized).png
    #658 4 years ago

    That video is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen hahahahah!

    #659 4 years ago

    The view! Where is that grinder at?

    #660 4 years ago
    Quoted from ZMeny:

    The first submission for Off The Record Pinball Podcast. Congrats Matt and Liz, very interesting takes and Liz will make y’all blush. ...

    Just listened to this salty episode last night. Interesting game perspectives. Particularly from Liz - who seems surprisingly knowedgable about pinball for someone who "doesn't care" about it.

    A couple of minor comments:

    1. Some initial intro/background info regarding who you are would have been helpful. Took me a while to figure out this is Matt formerly of Slap Save and that Liz is (apparently) his wife or girlfriend. I'm assuming anyway.
    2. No mention of ACNC in your coverage of 2019 games?! It deserves better.

    Thanks for the podcast! I hope to hear you two again after Liz gets some time in on some other quality games.

    UPDATE: This is Matt Morrison - NOT Matt Koenen formerly of the Slap Save podcast.

    #661 4 years ago
    Quoted from Tuna_Delight:

    Just listened to this salty episode last night. Interesting game perspectives. Particularly from Liz - who seems surprisingly knowedgable about pinball for someone who "doesn't care" about it.
    A couple of minor comments:
    1. Some initial intro/background info regarding who you are would have been helpful. Took me a while to figure out this is Matt formerly of Slap Save and that Liz is (apparently) his wife or girlfriend. I'm assuming anyway.
    2. No mention of ACNC in your coverage of 2019 games?! It deserves better.
    Thanks for the podcast! I hope to hear you two again after Liz gets some time in on some other quality games.

    It’s not Matt Koenen from the Slap Save podcast. It’s Matt Morrison from North Carolina and his girlfriend Liz. He was on the TWIP podcast a few times

    #662 4 years ago
    9F6E681D-42F3-4C66-8E75-23581CAB9E3C (resized).jpeg9F6E681D-42F3-4C66-8E75-23581CAB9E3C (resized).jpeg
    #663 4 years ago
    Quoted from Coz:

    It’s not Matt Koenen from the Slap Save podcast. It’s Matt Morrison from North Carolina and his girlfriend Liz. He was on the TWIP podcast a few times

    Ah hah. Well there you go then - I rest my case re: the need for id info.

    I knew that voice was somehow familiar. Thanks for the clarification!

    #664 4 years ago

    I listened to about half of the Guest Spot episode with Matt and Liz, and it's definitely a nice effort by them, but not necessarily engaging or entertaining.

    It reminds me of standing in line at a baseball game or event, and you try to make polite conversation with the person ahead, just saying hello, and then you get a lengthy back and forth that just goes on and on, and you'd rather walk out of line and lose your spot then continue on.

    Like I droned on about yesterday, opinion based podcasts or episodes are really challenging to pull off in an engaging way. They either have to be informative in some capacity or have a really dynamic and interesting back and forth between the hosts.

    For this show, it sounded mostly like Matt was interviewing a female Bart Simpson with barely any interjection back and forth between the two hosts, just lots of "what do you think of this" style volleys. Which at that point, it's just someone's opinions, which isn't really compelling. Chemistry is the most essential part of any conversation dynamic, and this largely felt like a conversation between a couple that I don't know or don't really feel enthusiasm to listening in on.

    I'd also maybe suggest capping these user submissions at around 30 minutes. Without literal content, it feels more fatiguing than fun.

    That said, I do appreciate the effort of these two, and look forward to new submissions as well.

    #665 4 years ago
    Quoted from Fytr:

    I think as a condition of entry you should have to have something positive to share about pinball. It can't just be the guy that shits on everything because "he's no shill". lol.

    Pinball consumer ambassadorship seems positive.

    #666 4 years ago
    Quoted from LOTR_breath:

    Listened to The Plumb yesterday. Just some honest feedback. Krystle G seems very intelligent and also very knowledgeable about pinball. What I don't understand is why was there a 15 minute episode of just "this is who I am and this is what the show is going to be about", but no actual show? I do realize it's good to have some background info, but for a first episode, it wasn't really an episode. Not a criticism, just an observation. I will certainly tune in to future episodes to hear more about the folks who organize shows, TD tourneys, run leagues, etc.

    I am looking forward to hearing the next episode, but I was surprised when this first one ended. I was like, "Okay. She's finished with the background and introduction, time to get to the...hey wait-a-minute, it's over?" We'll see what episode 2 brings. Because the idea of a pinball podcast from the perspective of route operators and event organizers sounds like it could be interesting. Certainly different from the norm.

    #667 4 years ago

    Silverball chronicles by far my fav so far, really looking forward to future episodes. Also find the BUY BUY BUY thing quite funny lol.

    It’s also quite obvious the Zack dude does not give a fuck what any one on here thinks/whines about lol.

    #668 4 years ago
    Quoted from ZMeny:

    The Plumb with Krystle Gemnich Episode 1 is now up! Many of you will appreciate her vision for the show. She will be focusing on and speaking to those that help run pinball trade shows, location arcades/barcades, and tournaments, many of which haven’t been heard from before. It will be great to hear from location operators and show runners. Nice job Krystle!
    You can search ‘The pinball Network’ on your favorite podcatcher to find all of these different podcasts.[quoted image]

    Good 1st episode. Looking forward to more.

    Thanks Krystle!

    #669 4 years ago

    The Pinball Show Episode 3: Eating Crow and Wishful Thinking

    - Stern's Heavy Metal

    - What's On The Mind Of Keith Elwin

    - Rick & Morty Landings

    - Pinburgh Sell Out

    - Pinball Market Trends

    - NEW SEGMENT: Eating Crow

    - Non-pinball machines in the gameroom

    - Upcoming Louisville Arcade and Pinball Expo

    Email: [email protected]


    #670 4 years ago

    I didn't realize there was so much drama around TPN until I listened to episode 2 of the pinball show. Am I missing something? Isn't this just an effort to get a lot of podcasts under one roof to make it easier to find/search for? Don't like it, then don't listen to it, right? I have listened to a few of them so far and am figuring out the ones that I will continue to listen to. My only advice is to cut some of the run time down. Try to cap at 1 hour...sometimes off-topic conversations can go on too long. Other than that, I can't think of any real criticism.

    #671 4 years ago

    Episode 3 was really good. Enjoy that these guys can take criticism and keep rolling.

    #672 4 years ago

    Good show although I can't be the only one that wished that Zach would have just ordered a %$#@ third topping and let the poor kid get on with his shift.

    #673 4 years ago
    Quoted from PismoArcade:

    Good show although I can't be the only one that wished that Zach would have just ordered a %$#@ third topping and let the poor kid get on with his shift?

    Or just get double of one of the toppings.

    #674 4 years ago

    Also noticed that Zach mentioned they are now offering free shipping on STERN'S from Flip N Out.

    #675 4 years ago
    Quoted from fooflighter:

    Also noticed that Zach mentioned they are now shipping STERN'S for Free from Flip N Out.

    Free pinball machines. Too cool.

    That Zach. He's amazing.

    LTG : )
    Disclaimer : Zach, I'll take a JP premium please.

    #676 4 years ago
    Quoted from PismoArcade:

    Good show although I can't be the only one that wished that Zach would have just ordered a %$#@ third topping and let the poor kid get on with his shift?


    #677 4 years ago
    Quoted from PismoArcade:

    Good show although I can't be the only one that wished that Zach would have just ordered a %$#@ third topping and let the poor kid get on with his shift?

    I know right? God forbid Zach should have a vegetable on his pizza!

    #678 4 years ago

    Not much going on for episode 3, but on the bright side Zach only whined about being bullied on pinside three times. I like tuning in for market trends and Cromwell, but other than that not much reason to tune in.

    #679 4 years ago

    Should update post #1 with

    #680 4 years ago

    Good episode and I'll be a weekly listener if episode 3 stays consistent like this one was. Nice job.

    #681 4 years ago
    Quoted from Crile1:

    I didn't realize there was so much drama around TPN until I listened to episode 2 of the pinball show. Am I missing something? Isn't this just an effort to get a lot of podcasts under one roof to make it easier to find/search for? Don't like it, then don't listen to it, right? I have listened to a few of them so far and am figuring out the ones that I will continue to listen to. My only advice is to cut some of the run time down. Try to cap at 1 hour...sometimes off-topic conversations can go on too long. Other than that, I can't think of any real criticism.

    Alot of pinsiders love to take shots at people and then Jack Danger started his dumb shit about no women podcasters....I suppose he will demand gay podcasters and people of color next probably since Zach did in fact let a couple of very feminist women be on TPN.

    I think what Zach is doing is kind of a good thing though for people that listen to a lot of pinball podcast. It doesnt really affect me personally since I pretty much only listen to Kanedas podcast and that's it but who knows maybe when I'm bored I will listen to another one and now I know where to find them at.

    Just typical pinside babies stuff, nothing new here to see. Zach is not going to be the guy who ruins pinball, it's going to be the politically correct crybabies that are jealous of Zach that will, at least for me anyways. Some people just need to man up and shut up.

    #682 4 years ago

    Do you know what they call Brazil nuts in Brazil? Nuts.

    Do you know what people will call behavior and communication that respects people for their contributions regardless of their gender/race/sexual-orientation when all of the toxic people so concerned about upsetting the established apple-cart have moved on? Humanity.

    I hope we get there one day. But Who-Dey 's comment above is just... disappointing.

    #683 4 years ago
    Quoted from dontpanicflip:

    Do you know what they call Brazil nuts in Brazil? Nuts.
    Do you know what people will call behavior and communication that respects people for their contributions regardless of their gender/race/sexual-orientation when all of the toxic people so concerned about upsetting the established apple-cart have moved on? Humanity.
    I hope we get there one day. But who-dey 's comment above is just... disappointing.

    This place is full of that shit you kinda just have to let it slide off. The more you speak out the more people will pile on and give him the thumbs up, the site generally turns a blind eye to it especially for a select group of posters, basically an old boys club.

    #684 4 years ago
    Quoted from dontpanicflip:

    Do you know what they call Brazil nuts in Brazil? Nuts.
    Do you know what people will call behavior and communication that respects people for their contributions regardless of their gender/race/sexual-orientation when all of the toxic people so concerned about upsetting the established apple-cart have moved on? Humanity.
    I hope we get there one day. But who-dey 's comment above is just... disappointing.

    Yeah it's really disappointing that I have the balls to call out people and all of the stupid BS in this world that we live in now isnt it? What's even more disappointing is we have a society that is afraid to speak up about how stupid we have become because we are afraid of offending someone.

    #685 4 years ago
    Quoted from PismoArcade:

    Good show although I can't be the only one that wished that Zach would have just ordered a %$#@ third topping and let the poor kid get on with his shift.

    He started telling the story and I was wondering why I was wasting my time listening to this pointless shit. 3 minutes later I was ready to crash my car into a Pizza Hut to teach them a lesson. Zach was totally correct there (other than the fact it's obviously a product placement shill for Dominos )

    #686 4 years ago

    I hate to take away from all the insulting but I'm finalizing our next Silverball Chronicles Podcast episode. The first one went pretty well!

    The next topic is Stern Electronics from the late 70's and early 80's. I was wondering if I could get some comments/feedback on the following topics. I'd like to add the comments to the podcast.

    Stern Electronics - Company
    Sam Stern/Gary Stern - Owners
    Chicago Coin - Company
    Steve Kirk - Designer
    Harry Williams - Designer


    9 Ball
    Seawitch (and the Beatles Remake)
    Flight 2000

    #687 4 years ago
    Quoted from Who-Dey:

    Alot of pinsiders love to take shots at people and then Jack Danger started his dumb shit about no women podcasters....I suppose he will demand gay podcasters and people of color next probably since Zach did in fact let a couple of very feminist women be on TPN.
    I think what Zach is doing is kind of a good thing though for people that listen to a lot of pinball podcast.

    Will you ever stop complaining about the disenfranchised straight white male minority in pinball?

    #688 4 years ago
    Quoted from TheLaw:

    He started telling the story and I was wondering why I was wasting my time listening to this pointless shit. 3 minutes later I was ready to crash my car into a Pizza Hut to teach them a lesson. Zach was totally correct there (other than the fact it's obviously a product placement shill for Dominos )

    I know you dont listen to podcasts so I'm pretty stoked that you gave us another listen.

    #689 4 years ago
    Quoted from stpcore:

    I know you dont listen to podcasts so I'm pretty stoked that you gave us another listen.

    I was just ah, looking for that krisel dude or whatever

    #690 4 years ago

    Is flip n out not streaming tonight? I need my Monday night pinball!

    #691 4 years ago
    Quoted from T3quila:

    Is flip n out not streaming tonight? I need my Monday night pinball!

    I'm not feeling well so Flip N Out stream is rescheduled until Friday as Zach Meny will be in town streaming with myself and Steve.

    #692 4 years ago
    Quoted from TheLaw:

    I was just ah, looking for that krisel dude or whatever

    Aren't they all (searching for Dennis)?

    #693 4 years ago
    Quoted from stpcore:

    I'm not feeling well so Flip N Out stream is rescheduled until Friday as Zach Meny will be in town streaming with myself and Steve.

    Thanks, and I hope you feel better soon!

    #694 4 years ago

    @stpcore and @zmeny

    Episode 3 was a lot of fun to listen to... thanks guys. Eating crow segment was hilarious. Keep up the entertaining shows!!

    #695 4 years ago
    Quoted from stpcore:

    I'm not feeling well so Flip N Out stream is rescheduled until Friday as Zach Meny will be in town streaming with myself and Steve.

    Hope you feel better soon! Even being sick, you still managed to pull off another good podcast for episode 3!

    #696 4 years ago
    Quoted from RandomTask:

    I hate to take away from all the insulting but I'm finalizing our next Silverball Chronicles Podcast episode. The first one went pretty well!
    The next topic is Stern Electronics from the late 70's and early 80's. I was wondering if I could get some comments/feedback on the following topics. I'd like to add the comments to the podcast.
    Stern Electronics - Company
    Sam Stern/Gary Stern - Owners
    Chicago Coin - Company
    Steve Kirk - Designer
    Harry Williams - Designer
    9 Ball
    Seawitch (and the Beatles Remake)
    Flight 2000

    My feedback is that you forgot the best game of the bunch. Big Game!

    #697 4 years ago

    Zach Meny, for the love of God, STOP SINGING! I keed, I keed. No really, stop singing.

    Hell Bruce Nightingale sings better and he can't ever get the words right. LOL

    #698 4 years ago
    Quoted from Who-Dey:

    Alot of pinsiders love to take shots at people and then Jack Danger started his dumb shit about no women podcasters....I suppose he will demand gay podcasters and people of color next probably since Zach did in fact let a couple of very feminist women be on TPN.
    Some people just need to man up and shut up.

    Pinball needs more diversity. It needs queer podcasters and players, transgender podcasters and players, women podcasters and players, PoC podcasters and players. Your attitude is the thing that makes this hobby look like a boys club. I am a transgender player, and would love to hear podcasts give a perspective I can relate to, and your insensitive and inane comment clearly demonstrates that you could care less who gets into the hobby as long as you can dunk on people behind a keyboard. Jack Danger raised a valid point, and TPN told their side of the story, and welcomed diversity in their venture in the same breath. as one of the so-called "politically correct crybabies who is jealous of Zach" I'd ask to to reframe that mental image. I have no ill will towards Zach or TPN, but I do think that as the largest pinball media production they should strive (and they do) for diversity and inclusion in a hobby I begrudgingly share with dimissive and hurtful people like you.

    #699 4 years ago

    I understand and appreciate the effort behind TPN. Thank you to all who are putting in the work.

    If TPN's objective is to grow interest in pinball at large and listenership for the individual shows on the network, in my humble opinion this could be done better. As a daily podcast listener (of which a few are about pinball) I'm missing two things: control over my episode feed and pictures.

    What I like about TPN is the exposure to shows I haven't heard before. However after trying a new podcast and finding it not for me, each of their episodes now litter my feed and make it more difficult to see newly published content that I know I want to listen to. This discourages me from sifting through TPN's feed and makes me more apt to listen to another podcast outside the network.

    This is also happening at https://www.thepinballnetwork.net/ but in a worse way since each episode published also includes the show notes. That presents the user with a wall of text making it difficult to see if that-show-you-liked-that-one-time has any new content. The website also doesn't utilize it's platform. Meaning, who is a part of the network? Right now if someone asked me I would point them to the first post of this Pinside thread.

    So my feedback for the website is - landing page with pictures of each show and their schedule that link to separate pages with their episode feed. I find Radiotopia's site to be very clean and effective. https://www.radiotopia.fm/

    As for TPN through a podcast app, I would love to see the ability to add a show's rss feed so that after learning about a new show through TPN, I can add just their feed to my app. In addition to that it would be helpful if each episode published under TPN's feed could use an episode image. This however is far more difficult since it matters what app someone is using and even then it may come down to individual user settings. More about why this is difficult here: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/michael-dell/podcasting-tech-coach/e/56109632

    For any iPhone users who may care, I use the Overcast podcast app and can't recommend it enough. Apple's Podcast app sucks. https://overcast.fm/

    #700 4 years ago

    I enjoyed the latest show.
    Keep em coming.

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