(Topic ID: 321756)

Bond. James Bond. Stern 007 Hype Club!

By mrossman5

1 year ago

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#3301 1 year ago

How much is Bond Pro/Prem/LE? Look forward to seeing gameplay video.

#3302 1 year ago

Ended up getting an LE on Stern’s site. I was hitting refresh and was shocked to see the “add to cart” button lit up. I was guessing they would go quick, so I hoped my shipping information was good (after California tax sticker shock of over 1K) and, luckily, was able to complete the transaction. It definitely went fast.
My first new pin since LOTR 20 years ago.

#3303 1 year ago
Quoted from iloveplywood:

If you're surprised but you buy, stern was right and you were wrong about the market value if these machines.

Oh they are right this time, no doubt. They are no dummies. I hope to change my willpower and wallet next time tho.

#3304 1 year ago

Price bump for all pins or just Bond?

#3305 1 year ago
Quoted from fooflighter:

In Cart
Hard Pass at $14500

If I can point out a possible silver lining, and maybe I'm being naive, but maybe fewer flippers at this price since it's starting out so high?

Anyway, can you blame Stern for raising the price of the LE so much? They all sold out instantly (or well ahead of time). I'm not happy about it but it's the state of the hobby today.

#3306 1 year ago

I can't tell if this is going to be a fun game or not without real gameplay footage. Any word when I can tune into that?

#3307 1 year ago
Quoted from CryHavoc:

Price bump for all pins or just Bond?

For all pins as of Jan 1 is what I heard. 10K premiums lol

#3308 1 year ago

Well, I don't think the Stern Insider LE sellout after going for sale a minute early will stop people from buying Stern Pins...
...but not so sure about maintaining the renewals on the Insider subscriptions...

#3309 1 year ago

Those GameExchange estimates for shipping are a bummer if true. Very unlike Stern to release a game without shipment following shortly after.

#3310 1 year ago
Quoted from Randalsb:

Ended up getting an LE on Stern’s site. I was hitting refresh and was shocked to see the “add to cart” button lit up. I was guessing they would go quick, so I hoped my shipping information was good (after California tax sticker shock of over 1K) and, luckily, was able to complete the transaction. It definitely went fast.
My first new pin since LOTR 20 years ago.

Good for you. This story makes me happy.

#3311 1 year ago
Quoted from bemmett:

+1, I'm doing this one just cause I love Bond and game looks really cool but this may be my last LE at these prices. Hell even the premiums seem way overpriced now. Kind of a shame and hoping market cools down

I’ll wait and see on a Bond Premium. I was interested in Bond LE to have all my Sterns as LEs.
Congrats to those that did get one. Very nice looking game. Hope it plays as well as it looks.

But I hope Stern hasn’t jumped the shark here. $13k seems to be really pushing it. There is literally one potential title left that I’d consider that pricing. And if BTTF doesn’t happen, I’m not considering LEs (and probably not NIB games period).

#3313 1 year ago

Price hike means nothing without a coil count dammit!

#3314 1 year ago

Ok, someone answer …

When is the deadflip reveal? Tonight?

#3315 1 year ago

Game looks fun to shoot. Look forward to playing it.

#3316 1 year ago

I just dropped my LE reservation. It's very nice looking, but $13K is silly. Not even sure if the Premium is worth it over the Pro, will need to see gameplay videos to decide. Bond on a wand looks cumbersome and not very fun.

#3317 1 year ago
Quoted from andrewket:

Ok, someone answer …
When is the deadflip reveal? Tonight?

I hope there is something tonight or tomorrow, need to see more footage.They have to have games built and ready. The ones over in UK last week we’re ready to play.

#3318 1 year ago

I also backed out of my LE spot. 13k is dumb. These games are going off the rails.
Glad I already have a full game room of games I enjoy, I don't need anything new.

#3319 1 year ago
Quoted from VALIS666:

I just dropped my LE reservation. It's very nice looking, but $13K is silly. Not even sure if the Premium is worth it over the Pro, will need to see gameplay videos to decide. Bond on a wand looks cumbersome and not very fun.

The Pro looks like an absolute bargain at $7000.

#3320 1 year ago

I still am having difficulty understanding how they are tacking on shipping charges on top of MSRP? Seriously $400 to ship a $13000 game-sorry but I think that is BS

#3321 1 year ago
Quoted from VALIS666:

Bond on a wand...


Pro on this for sure

#3322 1 year ago
Quoted from pinmister:

I still am having difficulty understanding how they are tacking on shipping charges on top of MSRP? Seriously $400 to ship a $13000 game-sorry but I think that is BS

Given what shipping costs today - I'm shocked they hadn't done this before.

#3323 1 year ago

Bond on a wand-classic!

I thought Mick on a stick was clever-who knew?

#3324 1 year ago
Quoted from ezatnova:

Haven’t gotten to read all but the last few pages, but seems like the 60th anniversary edition has a bunch of stuff even the LE doesn’t have? It mentions a spinning hat and an in-playfield screen.
On a related note, people balked at me spending 13k for a Lebowski two years ago…now it’s the going rate for a stern-quality machine. Sheesh. Crazy.

Its an entirely different game

#3325 1 year ago

I couldn’t figure out where to do that so I just used (or tried to use) Apple Pay.

But the “Shop” service still sucks. Keep the product in the cart for a few minutes to allow the buyer to complete the transaction. Yanking something away without notice is ridiculous.

#3326 1 year ago

I was on the site just a couple seconds past 11:00 a.m. EST and was able to put the game in my cart. When I went to check out it was sold out. Then it was too late.... I'm glad to hear that someone was actually successful.

#3327 1 year ago
Quoted from pinmister:

I still am having difficulty understanding how they are tacking on shipping charges on top of MSRP? Seriously $400 to ship a $13000 game-sorry but I think that is BS

-Plus taxes that we did not used to have to pay-ouch

#3328 1 year ago
Quoted from TheLaw:Nice!
Pro on this for sure

The pro looks like a great shooter. I think I like premium but really, the bond thing is meh and the mech for ball lock... do I need that?

Also the scuba diving thing...looks like anybody with a 3d printer can make something to stick down there...

I am starting to see a big gap in the PRO-PREM and gameplay can steer me on the PRO direction really easily.

#3329 1 year ago

What's with the Dildo on the top left of playfield?
Nothing really that great with the art package on the 3 models
Guess a lot of after market cabinet decals will be soon available!

#3330 1 year ago

Countdown to the first LE listing on the marketplace for $16k....

I'm betting at 13k a bunch of distro spots open up, but from what I heard from the ones I reached out to, I expect they will fill right back up instantly. That is an absurd price jump, but I will give them credit on keeping the pro price down. Overcharging on cosmetic LE upgrades is reasonable - no one HAS to have an LE to fully enjoy the game. Premiums are getting pretty dear though; at this rate the theme is going to have to SING to get me to buy future games.

#3331 1 year ago

My distro just said I'm in the first batch of Premiums...expected delivery date early to mid November.

#3332 1 year ago

So I am looking at the pro flyer and features video, it seems there are only 2 interactive toys? The rocket and the car. Seems the building is just static. Debating on whether to sell my Ironman vault to get this.

#3333 1 year ago
Quoted from Squizz:

What's with the Dildo on the top left of playfield?

People keep saying that but it actually is going to be probably one of the best features in this game? Imagine the balls locked for multi-ball and red lights start blinking on and off and a siren sounds with missile launch type command. Could be stellar-time will tell
Hopefully my imagination will not disappoint

#3334 1 year ago
Quoted from Pin_Fandango:

I am starting to see a big gap in the PRO-PREM and gameplay can steer me on the PRO direction really easily.

Sad/funny part is I just made it to premium buying level...only to gladly go back to pro

#3335 1 year ago
Quoted from Grantman:

If I can point out a possible silver lining, and maybe I'm being naive, but maybe fewer flippers at this price since it's starting out so high?
Anyway, can you blame Stern for raising the price of the LE so much? They all sold out instantly (or well ahead of time). I'm not happy about it but it's the state of the hobby today.

Definitely fewer flippers. I don't blame Stern, they will charge as much as the market bears, however, while they are trying to spread pinball, they are at the same time closing the doors to potential buyers, the ceiling is coming quickly on the Premium model. The market of those willing to buy post MSRP LE scalper prices has to be dwindling. Even finding someone to pay $18k markup, only leaves $3500 profit for a lot of work and potential risk.

Is the hobby about collecting, playing, a combination? For me, playing is front and center, I don't understand the collector mentality for bragging or pure speculation/flipping. I can make a premium look 10x's better than an LE for less $. If it's bolted, for me, I can't justify bragging flex.

#3336 1 year ago

LE works for me...great looking game......did someone "call" for price on SLE? Scared to hear it, but curious......

#3337 1 year ago
Quoted from Squizz:

What's with the Dildo on the top left of playfield?
Nothing really that great with the art package on the 3 models
Guess a lot of after market cabinet decals will be soon available!

I thought the same thing as well!

Should be called 'James Dong' > the balls hit it and it flops around like a rubber dildo. lol

This is a hard pass for me.

Typical Gomez layout, clunky, and stop and go. Yawn at the Jet Pack. Reminds me of the hand in JM.

#3338 1 year ago

Did they say who was coding the game?

#3339 1 year ago
Quoted from Charliew65:

Did they say who was coding the game?

I think Nacho Libre is coding the SLE. Not sure about the other ones.

#3340 1 year ago

Bond is a top 3 grail theme for me.

The Thunderball LE is the cherry on top. Love the look, different from every other pin I’ve got.

Have fun playing the slot machines in Vegas.

The Elwin game with all Bonds will have to come home too

#3341 1 year ago
Quoted from GranpaDave:

I was on the site just a couple seconds past 11:00 a.m. EST and was able to put the game in my cart. When I went to check out it was sold out. Then it was too late.... I'm glad to hear that someone was actually successful.

In the end, you might be the big winner on this by missing out. 14K after shipping and taxes is beyond insane.

#3342 1 year ago

Chicago gaming LEs are now by far and away the best value in pinball…if they would only not take a year to ship.

#3343 1 year ago
Quoted from pinmister:I still am having difficulty understanding how they are tacking on shipping charges on top of MSRP? Seriously $400 to ship a $13000 game-sorry but I think that is BS

I paid $600 to ship a couch once.

$400 to ship a pinball machine is pretty normal.

#3344 1 year ago
Quoted from PiperPinball:

Typical Gomez layout, clunky, and stop and go

I would not discount Gomez. His designs are stop and go but they are unique and far from fan layout. Avengers is one of his best games made(once Hulk gets dialed in). I like the depth factor, the dual ramps, the missile(is cool imo), but the jetpack does look lame-a swing and a miss

#3345 1 year ago
Quoted from JSC:

Chicago gaming LEs are now by far and away the best value in pinball…if they would only not take a year to ship.

Just have to live long enough to enjoy one. Still waiting for LEs to hit the line on CCLE

#3346 1 year ago

Yeah, the layout has been pretty universally applauded. Also Gomez's reputation is stellar. People love his games. Deadpool and LOTR are two of my favorite shooters ever.

#3347 1 year ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

$400 to ship a pinball machine is pretty normal.

I am not questioning the cost-just spent $630 two days ago

What I am questioning is why charge shipping now in addition to? Do they not have enough already built into overpriced MSRP? This has been recent-like last year or so. Feel it is a little greedy and different from the way it used to be

#3348 1 year ago
Quoted from PiperPinball:

I thought the same thing as well!
Should be called 'James Dong' > the balls hit it and it flops around like a rubber dildo. lol
This is a hard pass for me.
Typical Gomez layout, clunky, and stop and go. Yawn at the Jet Pack. Reminds me of the hand in JM.

Agree, Easy pass for me as well.
Will wait for Jaws.

#3349 1 year ago

Looks like Lonnie is lead programmer on this one.

Quoted from Charliew65:

Did they say who was coding the game?

#3350 1 year ago
Quoted from pinmister:

Avengers is one of his best games made(once Hulk gets dialed in).

avengers is not one of the best anythings by anyone.

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