(Topic ID: 222766)

Deadpool owners club. Free chimichangas for all.

By Ericc123

5 years ago

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#7201 3 years ago
Quoted from ABE_FLIPS:

Time to learn the "Air Defence". Really nice if you know the ball will be released and you shoot another ball at the SDTM ball. Very satisfying especially if you know it would be a 100% drain.

I agree and do try to do that. The big problem is when you drain your only other remaining ball and then the captured ball releases... SDTM!

#7202 3 years ago

Lil Deadpool arrived hope this doesn’t become a reoccurring problem

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#7203 3 years ago
Quoted from Sluggo39:

Lil Deadpool arrived hope this doesn’t become a reoccurring problem
[quoted image]

I'm at 3200+ games and have never had an issue with mine, so there is hope!

#7204 3 years ago

Would a dab of some epoxy keep the problem from happening?

#7205 3 years ago

Is the plastic paper thin? I cant imagine why it would ever shear off...

#7206 3 years ago

New High Score, but still didn't get to the end!

IMG_9226 (resized).JPGIMG_9226 (resized).JPG
#7207 3 years ago
Quoted from awesome1:

New High Score, but still didn't get to the end!
[quoted image]

How is that even possible??? I reach the Final Battle with under 1 billion.

#7208 3 years ago
Quoted from WizardsCastle:

How is that even possible??? I reach the Final Battle with under 1 billion.

I rarely play for score, just try to progress through the game to get to the Final Battle, but big scores on this game are pretty easy to come by if you start a mode + 4x or 5x playfield + Ninja Multiball. I had a game where I went from something like 200 million to 1.5 billion with that quick stack.

#7209 3 years ago
Quoted from beergut666:

I rarely play for score, just try to progress through the game to get to the Final Battle, but big scores on this game are pretty easy to come by if you start a mode + 4x or 5x playfield + Ninja Multiball. I had a game where I went from something like 200 million to 1.5 billion with that quick stack.

How do you get the multiplier up? I usually only have 2X going.

#7210 3 years ago
Quoted from WizardsCastle:

How do you get the multiplier up? I usually only have 2X going.

Keep hitting SNIKT target until 5X and don't drain.

#7211 3 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

Keep hitting SNIKT target until 5X and don't drain.

That sounds easy

#7212 3 years ago

If your game is set up correctly it is a very makeable shot.

#7213 3 years ago
Quoted from WizardsCastle:

How is that even possible??? I reach the Final Battle with under 1 billion.

Snikt Multiplier shot definitely helps, especially if you can stack modes with it and/or have 2 or more team ups (especially Collossus and Wolverine) in Battles.

In my 3 Billion game I did get the multiplier up to 5X during a Ninja multiball which I rarely get the multiplier over 2 or 3 normally. (wish DP would let us know high scores for different modes... I know I sound like a broken record!) My previous high score was 2.9 Billion...

My last ball was really short - started 2nd Sabertooth and had basically a couple bounces and quick drain unfortunately.

I had completed both Quests and the first 3 battles, Sauron and then beat MegaKrakaladonus Rex for a total of 500 million in that mode. I had the 2x going during Mega Rex because at that point I was over 100 weapons.

I try to go for the Snikt shot anytime I can in a multiball. Keep firing from the left flipper, hopefully get a Snikt or Wolverine if you miss.

#7214 3 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

Keep hitting SNIKT target until 5X and don't drain.

How temporary is that?

#7215 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

How temporary is that?

I goes back to 1X when you drain. I only got 5x a couple times because I suck. I get 3X fairly often though. The SNIKT target is a super important shot in this game. Gomez the designer said that if you're not going for that shot, you're not playing it right. So make sure that target is adjusted and functioning correctly

#7216 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

How temporary is that?

All of the Snikt mulitpliers time out, I believe the higher the multiplier, the quicker it times out. The 2X, 3X etc, will start flashing faster and faster before it goes out.

#7217 3 years ago
Quoted from awesome1:

All of the mulitpliers time out, I believe the higher the multiplier, the quicker it times out. The 2X, 3X etc, will start flashing faster and faster before it goes out.

OK, I didn't ever have that happen because I drained before it occurred. Obviously, I'm no Deadpool guru!

#7218 3 years ago

Playfield X can range from 2x to 5x. Playfield X has a “base” component that starts at 1x, but can be increased by completing Lil’ Deadpool Bounce (for the rest of the ball), or by every 100 weapons collected (for the rest of the game).

Playfield X can be boosted temporarily by rebounding off the “SNIKT!” standup target up through the right katana ramp, and the timer can be extended by a few seconds with any shot to the SNIKT! target. The higher your temporary Playfield X is, the quicker it times out. At 5x playfield, the SNIKT! combo will only increase the timer.

Example of base vs. temporary playfield X (starting at 1x):

Complete Lil’DP Bounce -> 2x (+1 base).

Hit the SNIKT! combo -> 3x (+1 base, +1 temporary).

Collect 100 weapons while 3x is running -> 4x (+2 base, +1 temporary).

Hit SNIKT! again -> 5x (+2 base, +2 temporary).

SNIKT! Playfield X’s time out -> 3x (+2 base)

Ball drains, assuming it’s not your last -> 2x (+1 base from the 100 weapons, Lil’DP base is lost)

Source: http://tiltforums.com/t/deadpool-rulesheet/4311

#7219 3 years ago

Join the club two weeks ago I've had a lot of great pinballs most of the A titles but I must say right now Deadpool Pearl takes the crown... It's just so fun to play the shots the music the call outs it has it all...

#7220 3 years ago

I did a search on the group but I couldn't find anything. Who has installed the knocker kit? Anyone have a link to who sells it? Thanks

#7221 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

I did a search on the group but I couldn't find anything. Who has installed the knocker kit? Anyone have a link to who sells it? Thanks

Pinball life has it

I have not installed it

#7222 3 years ago

if I buy LED flipper buttons and the knocker kit, what do I need in terms of power adapters?
I see boards and Y splitters....

I know how to do it on my old AC/DC but that's a SAM?
and DP is a Spike2?


#7223 3 years ago

Lighted flipperz plug into a spare led socket on the coin door. No adaptor.

#7224 3 years ago
Quoted from awesome1:

I'm at 3200+ games and have never had an issue with mine, so there is hope!

Top half of my Lil DP popped off after 2 years of play. Used epoxy glue and its good as new.

#7225 3 years ago

Just joined the club today! It's been on my want list for a while now. It's got cliffys on it and side art, but I think it's pretty stock otherwise. Any must have mods that I should get? Is a shaker worth it?

#7226 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Just joined the club today! It's been on my want list for a while now. It's got cliffys on it and side art, but I think it's pretty stock otherwise. Any must have mods that I should get? Is a shaker worth it?

I really like the addition of a shaker and recommend it!

Make sure you have a cliffy or a washer under the front bolt for the Katana ramp guide by Lil Deadpool, otherwise the guide will bite into the clearcoat.

#7227 3 years ago

I also recommend color mod for the multipliers, battle/quest and BOOM lights. They look much better than the bright white. PinMonk Pinmonk offers these.

#7228 3 years ago
Quoted from awesome1:

I really like the addition of a shaker and recommend it!
Make sure you have a cliffy or a washer under the front bolt for the Katana ramp guide by Lil Deadpool, otherwise the guide will bite into the clearcoat.

Same for the wall under the small triangle to the left of the rollover lanes up top. See my post this week about replacing the spinner there.

#7229 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Just joined the club today! It's been on my want list for a while now. It's got cliffys on it and side art, but I think it's pretty stock otherwise. Any must have mods that I should get? Is a shaker worth it?

Yeah shaker is great on Deadpool, when all hell breaks loose it’s great having that extra feedback.

#7230 3 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Yeah shaker is great on Deadpool, when all hell breaks loose it’s great having that extra feedback.

And works well with BOOM.

#7231 3 years ago

Ok, so shaker in the cart. Anyone replace the plastics of the figures with action figures or is that too lame?

#7232 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

Same for the wall under the small triangle to the left of the rollover lanes up top. See my post this week about replacing the spinner there.

I'll have to take a peek to see if anything is going on up there.

Also, cant seem to hit the super skill shot. It tends to go to the right orbit instead. It feels like my flippers are just a hair droopy, but I cant tell as it looks like its aligned with the alignment dots. Play better or tweak the flippers?

#7233 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

I'll have to take a peek to see if anything is going on up there.
Also, cant seem to hit the super skill shot. It tends to go to the right orbit instead. It feels like my flippers are just a hair droopy, but I cant tell as it looks like its aligned with the alignment dots. Play better or tweak the flippers?

Play better!!! LOL. per Steve's quote on AC/DC

#7234 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Ok, so shaker in the cart. Anyone replace the plastics of the figures with action figures or is that too lame?

There are some for sale.....so people are doing that

#7235 3 years ago

Does anyone have the game features pdf link that shows what Pro LE features are included?

#7236 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

I'll have to take a peek to see if anything is going on up there.
Also, cant seem to hit the super skill shot. It tends to go to the right orbit instead. It feels like my flippers are just a hair droopy, but I cant tell as it looks like its aligned with the alignment dots. Play better or tweak the flippers?

Deadpool is a funny game at first it feels like the geometry is off, to be honest it felt like that with BM66 and Avengers so maybe it’s just a Gomez thing, but once you get it tweaked and perfectly level and find the pitch sweet spot it’s a shooters dream.

Check your side to side levelling and check the left orbit wall make sure its landing on the left flipper in the same area of the flipper you would shoot the katana ramp from during gameplay, takes a lot of tweaking like most Gomez games but once dialled in its a top 5 for me.

#7237 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

Does anyone have the game features pdf link that shows what Pro LE features are included?

#7238 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Ok, so shaker in the cart. Anyone replace the plastics of the figures with action figures or is that too lame?

1/2 the reason I went with a Pro vs. Prem was to avoid those. lol. I find little figurines on PFs kind of lame I guess and really don't mind the consistency of the flat plastics on this one. But obviously, each to their own.

On my Pro I'm going with TiltGraphics artblades, shaker from PBL, and I will probably add a couple of spotlights on the slings and an LED strip on the apron above the flippers for a bit more GI lighting. Comet sells a kit but it's cheaper to source the parts yourself.

Oh, and I bought some better speakers too, though I have to say this game actually sounds really decent with the stock setup on the Pro.

I'd recommend protection on the outhole, shooter lane, and as noted in previous posts raise and protect the entrance to the ninja lock "ramp".

#7239 3 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Deadpool is a funny game at first it feels like the geometry is off, to be honest it felt like that with BM66 and Avengers so maybe it’s just a Gomez thing, but once you get it tweaked and perfectly level and find the pitch sweet spot it’s a shooters dream.
Check your side to side levelling and check the left orbit wall make sure its landing on the left flipper in the same area of the flipper you would shoot the katana ramp from during gameplay, takes a lot of tweaking like most Gomez games but once dialled in its a top 5 for me.

One thing I love about this game is the way it shoots. It really rewards you when you make a shot - made shots feel fantastic!
...and it really punishes you when you miss, "clunk" and often a pretty stalled/dead ball as a reward.

Pulling off the "Ninjapocalypse" combo (right loop to ninja lock) is awesome!

#7240 3 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

[quoted image]

I was trying to see if a real knocker was I included on LE or Prem....
I'm wondering how adding a knocker coil works. Just seems odd to add a feature for it in the code and not put it in the machine

#7241 3 years ago
Quoted from pinbuoy:

I was trying to see if a real knocker was I included on LE or Prem....
I'm wondering how adding a knocker coil works. Just seems odd to add a feature for it in the code and not put it in the machine

I don’t remember the last time Stern included a real knocker on any trim level... they cut it well before Deadpool I’m pretty sure.

You also should verify if the hellhouse scoop protector is a genuine Cliffy or not as it ships with a stock protector that has been reported to fail as it is not as robust as Cliffy’s. I mistook the one on mine as a Cliffy and have a Cliffy on the way... 4 Cliffy references in two sentences!

#7242 3 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Deadpool is a funny game at first it feels like the geometry is off, to be honest it felt like that with BM66 and Avengers so maybe it’s just a Gomez thing, but once you get it tweaked and perfectly level and find the pitch sweet spot it’s a shooters dream.
Check your side to side levelling and check the left orbit wall make sure its landing on the left flipper in the same area of the flipper you would shoot the katana ramp from during gameplay, takes a lot of tweaking like most Gomez games but once dialled in its a top 5 for me.

This is 100% accurate lol. I just put up a 600 Mil game, which I'm sure is just ok, but the shots felt a lot better than even a few games ago. The right orbit is a bit clunky, which is due to no rail I'm sure, but everything felt really smooth. I'm having trouble finding the shot for the center spinner, but that's on me.

The Ninja lock rail has a Cliffy underneath it, and same with the scoop. I did just put in an order for the shooter lane protector, but not the outhole. The tapered design seems like it's working to reduce chances of clearcoat chipping.

And an external sub with this game is a definite must-have!

#7243 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

I'm having trouble finding the shot for the center spinner, but that's on me.

And an external sub with this game is a definite must-have!

Backhand the Wolverine spinner with the left flipper... wait just a hair longer for the Snikt shot. Wolverine spinner can also be made with right flipper, but not as easy.

Yes, I have upgraded speakers and external sub as well, sounds great!

#7244 3 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Ok, so shaker in the cart. Anyone replace the plastics of the figures with action figures or is that too lame?

I added the LE/Prem characters (stupidly expensive) which will stay for sure.

Also added a DP in the hammock and Colossus which I go back and forth on. If I keep Colossus I will add a small chrome ball (likely a Christmas ornament) to his open hand to match the flat plastic.

20200927_112823 (resized).jpg20200927_112823 (resized).jpg
#7245 3 years ago
Quoted from Aquapin:

I added the LE/Prem characters (stupidly expensive) which will stay for sure.
Also added a DP in the hammock and Colossus which I go back and forth on. If I keep Colossus I will add a small chrome ball (likely a Christmas ornament) to his open hand to match the flat plastic.
[quoted image]

Where did you get your truck from? Looks like one of the better truck mods I’ve seen, looks really good! Love that hammock Deadpool very cool!

#7246 3 years ago
Quoted from J85M:

Where did you get your truck from? Looks like one of the better truck mods I’ve seen, looks really good! Love that hammock Deadpool very cool!

Truck is from Mezel Mods.

Hammock is Playmobil. Character is a DP magnet that was heated/curved into the hammock (painted eyes too to get rid of the hearts).

#7247 3 years ago

I’d also recommend getting some sort of protector for the left ramp plastic. I make a metal replacement piece, others make a plastic protector. Regardless of what you get, I’d get something because with the power from these flippers (and no way to adjust), it will crack/break at some point.

#7248 3 years ago

Need some help, I moved my Deadpool to a new spot and the bubble for pitch is all the way to the top. I need to lower it so the back legs are flat. I only moved it 5 feet. Does anyone else have their levelers flat on the back? Seems to play super slow

#7249 3 years ago
Quoted from Happy81724:

Need some help, I moved my Deadpool to a new spot and the bubble for pitch is all the way to the top. I need to lower it so the back legs are flat. I only moved it 5 feet. Does anyone else have their levelers flat on the back? Seems to play super slow

Download the "PinGuy" app for your phone and measure! I'm at 6.9 and it plays perfectly but I know a few others like it steeper.

#7250 3 years ago
Quoted from hawkfanz:

Download the "PinGuy" app for your phone and measure! I'm at 6.9 and it plays perfectly but I know a few others like it steeper.

Thanks, I did it and found out that level holder for the Bubble popped up a little bit. Pushed it down in place and it aligned with what PinGuy showed. Weird it would do that but it’s all good now

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