(Topic ID: 293455)

What is your favorite Stern pin from the last few years.

By zr11990

3 years ago

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    Topic poll

    “What is your favorite Stern pin from the last few years.”

    • Jurassic Park 49 votes
    • TMNT 13 votes
    • AIQ 17 votes
    • Led Zeppelin 6 votes
    • Deadpool 38 votes
    • Elvira House of Horrors 33 votes
    • Stranger Things 15 votes
    • Iron Maiden 62 votes
    • Metallica 22 votes
    • Guardians of the Gallaxy 1 vote
    • BKSOR 5 votes
    • Austin Powers 0 votes
    • Big Buck Hunter 2 votes
    • Aerosmith 3 votes
    • LOTR 18 votes
    • Star Wars 12 votes
    • Star Trek 8 votes
    • Beatles 0 votes
    • X-Men 1 vote
    • Batman 66 14 votes

    (319 votes)

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    #1 3 years ago

    Which one do you think is the best as far as code and playability and would never leave your house and why.

    #2 3 years ago


    #3 3 years ago

    Because that game is my dream theme and also every single game I play is intense and makes me smile

    #4 3 years ago

    Where's the poll because you know many will deviate from 3 years and say TSPP or LOTR.

    #5 3 years ago

    LOTR is my favorite. IDK if its longer then 3 years. Im going to buy a stern pin and Im using your opinions to decide which one. As of nor its JP

    #6 3 years ago

    JP is not for me. It is a clunk fest. I like AIQ premium the most.

    #7 3 years ago

    The best is yet to come. Godzilla and Rush are next ones that are supposedly due out this year.

    #8 3 years ago

    Out of the past three years mine would definitely be Deadpool. Second place would probably be AIQ.

    #9 3 years ago

    I haven’t played Elvira or AIQ yet, but JP is my favorite of the others. Deadpool is growing on me though. I’m not great at JP but something about the shots and combos feels so satisfying. I find I have more “wow” moments on that pin. Currently have a JP premium and TMNT pro on order. Really thinking about trying to find a DP nearby too though.

    #10 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    LOTR is my favorite. IDK if its longer then 3 years. Im going to buy a stern pin and Im using your opinions to decide which one. As of nor its JP

    Are these guys opinions worth 6 grand or more to you?

    You need to go out and play some games...especially if you dont know if LOTR was made in the past 3 years or not - it's almost 20 years old.......

    #11 3 years ago

    3 years I guess cuts Ghostbusters out. I would say TMNT premium / LE. Great world under glass, deep code, and multiple cool mechs. Very loaded, for a Stern.

    #12 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    Are these guys opinions worth 6 grand or more to you?
    You need to go out and play some games...especially if you dont know if LOTR was made in the past 3 years or not - it's almost 20 years old.......

    I am well aware that LOTR was made in 2003, I owned one and I wish I had never sold it. I sold it for a Spiderman and it is gone now. I will not base my decision solely on what you nutballs say but I will use it in making the decision. As of now Im looking at JP, AIQ and Turtles. I never thought I would consider Turtles but it is fun to play but so is AIQ and JP.

    #13 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    I am well aware that LOTR was made in 2003, I owned one and I wish I had never sold it. I sold it for a Spiderman and it is gone now. I will not base my decision solely on what you nutballs say but I will use it in making the decision. As of now Im looking at JP, AIQ and Turtles. I never thought I would consider Turtles but it is fun to play but so is AIQ and JP.

    Ok, well that's almost word-for-word what you said in your original post, which you have now gone back and edited...............

    These nutballs aren't all bad, good luck in your search, you'll end up with something fun. Didn't mean to sound dickish about the LOTR thing -


    #14 3 years ago

    My favorite is BM66 but only the 2019 or newer manufactured models, basicly catwomen edition or newer. Best coded Stern ive played, assets are the best, has actual interactive mechs, and the fun factor is there. Any BM66 made before Catwoman shot like shit and felt clunky until Stern did some upgrades to ramps/wireforms and cabinet.

    Ive had all 3 games your considering. TMNT pro, JP pro, and AIQ premium. Turtles was the most fun. AIQ was the best layout and JP was meh to me but i only played the movie code and wish I would of tried Sterns code. Just got a STh Pro and my initial thoughts is Medieval Madness and AFM with a shot or so missing and deeper code. My thoughts after just one session is its more fun then AIQ and JP but not quite as fun as TMNT. STh has a atmosphere from the sound package I havent felt before from any other pin.

    #15 3 years ago
    Quoted from Phbooms:

    Turtles was the most fun. AIQ was the best layout

    I'm curious - what made Turtles more fun if you thought AIQ had a better layout? Was it the audio/video/light show, etc?

    #16 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    Ok, well that's almost word-for-word what you said in your original post, which you have now gone back and edited...............
    These nutballs aren't all bad, good luck in your search, you'll end up with something fun. Didn't mean to sound dickish about the LOTR thing -

    I said nutball in a nice way, like when you call a friend nutball. And you didnt sound dickish. Its all good

    #17 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    I'm curious - what made Turtles more fun if you thought AIQ had a better layout? Was it the audio/video/light show, etc?

    Turtles has a lot of shit on the PF and a lot to do and the silliness makes it fun. Its fucking TURTLES, come on. AIQ is serious and its fast and furious. Turtles is just fun. Shit, I need to buy all three.

    #18 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    I'm curious - what made Turtles more fun if you thought AIQ had a better layout? Was it the audio/video/light show, etc?

    I love TMNT theme and Dwights code is excellent. Also the upper flipper shots i just loved hitting. It always gave me a adrenaline rush everytime i played it. I miss that game.

    AIQ code isnt the style i would consider fun but I really liked the raising disk subway on it, that is the best part of that game to me and if you go Pro your really really missing out on the most satisfying shot in the game. If Stern would of used the movie assets it would of been much better I feel.

    #19 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    it's almost 20 years old.......

    And it still kicks ass.

    #20 3 years ago

    Hey sorry to jump the thread anyone familiar with updating spike 2 system could u pm thanks I need a little help

    #21 3 years ago

    EHoH. It just has the perfect balance of everything. Great code, reasonable art, memorable moments, a good sense of humor, some nice toys by Stern’s standards and smooth shots. It’s a real winner overall.

    #22 3 years ago

    I can’t decide but it’s between these 3 LOL.
    SW PREM comic
    JP2 PREM

    #23 3 years ago

    So right now its JP, TMNT, or AIQ. Im trying to decide which game i will enjoy the most and not get bored of, which has the best code that I will enjoy for the long term. I need to play all 3 for about a week each but thats a lot to ask.

    #24 3 years ago

    JP, Avengers IQ, Maiden are all amazing. So is deadpool. Guardians i guess is 4 years old now...wow. love that as well.
    all the pro versions.
    as far as order idk, tuff call. maidens music bothers me.

    #25 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    So right now its JP, TMNT, or AIQ. Im trying to decide which game i will enjoy the most and not get bored of, which has the best code that I will enjoy for the long term. I need to play all 3 for about a week each but thats a lot to ask.

    What other games are in your lineup right now? I seen your GnR thread and how you went from this is awesome to this isnt exactly what i expected code wise and i feel the same way. Did that game make you notice you prefer a more story based code? If so Id go TMNT. That games code is excellent. I see others saying Deadpool but that games code is boring(sorry Esky).

    #26 3 years ago

    GnR is sold. The code sucked in my opinion. It was boring. I have MM IJ TZ WH20 STTNG WW ES CFTBL and CC. No Sterns. I want a stern that plenty to do and is fun to play and not a bare PF.

    #27 3 years ago

    That’s a big list to choose from. They are prolific manufacturers.

    My top 3

    Stranger Things

    All time favorites of Stern Pinball

    Spider Man
    Star Trek

    #28 3 years ago

    JP, Maiden, and.... I dunno. AIQ feels like chopping wood in the worst possible way. Completing a battle involves a bazillion shots. Not exactly fun. Love the layout though.

    What I am sure of is it's not LZ.

    Probably EHOH or BM66. Both pricey though

    #29 3 years ago
    Quoted from mikeflan:

    JP, Maiden, and.... I dunno. AIQ feels like chopping wood in the worst possible way. Completing a battle involves a bazillion shots. Not exactly fun. Love the layout though.
    What I am sure of is it's not LZ.
    Probably EHOH or BM66. Both pricey though

    Hey man
    , how have you been? Are you still a fireman

    #30 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    GnR is sold. The code sucked in my opinion. It was boring. I have MM IJ TZ WH20 STTNG WW ES CFTBL and CC. No Sterns. I want a stern that plenty to do and is fun to play and not a bare PF.

    Agree 100%! I hated the code also. Id recommend TMNT if your a turrtlez(as Bebop would call them) fan. I had a Pro but with your lineup id go premium/Le to have alittle more features. Just change the balls out day 1 to non magnetic balls.

    #31 3 years ago

    No one uses the crappy balls that come in a game.

    #32 3 years ago

    Star Wars

    #33 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    No one uses the crappy balls that come in a game.

    I use Sterns balls alot anymore when theres no magnets. They have gotten alot better. They use to come pitted and sometimes rust on them, lol. With TMNT the balls end up magnetized within 100 plays causing issues with the van lock multiball.

    #34 3 years ago

    I agree with your assessment of Spider-Man. I think it is a bit of a sleeper game that doesn’t get the respect it deserves.

    #35 3 years ago

    So, does anyone have all 3, JP, Turtles, and AIQ? its really down to those 3.

    #36 3 years ago

    I don't like ANY of the games the last 3 years.. I don't like hardly any of the themes.. and many are horrible games.. I did buy Stranger Things Premium and if the TKMB lock worked well I would give it the thumbs up.. code is pretty good and it has great theme integration..

    Stern did make a lot of great ones before then... MET Pro, Star Trek LE, AC/DC..Walking Dead Pro.. and of course LOTR..

    #37 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    So, does anyone have all 3, JP, Turtles, and AIQ? its really down to those 3.

    Don't have JP, but have Turtles and Avengers. Both are great games I can see in my collection for some time. For the full package, Turtles is great and will never leave! The sound, animation and modes IMO are much more diverse than in particular the very forgettable music in AIQ. I know its 'technically' not out yet, but maybe you want to wait a week or two and see how Mandalorian shapes out? Looks like a very full featured and unique pin - I can't wait for my pro to arrive.

    #38 3 years ago

    Ehoh>bm66>iron maiden

    #39 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    Hey man
    , how have you been? Are you still a fireman

    Still chugging along, considering my next game purchase as well. I have JP, Maiden, and Deadpool, and love them all (probably in that order as well).

    And yep, still a fireman. Got another 10 years or so before I retire. And then maybe I can get to working on some of the games in the garage

    Good luck with the next game. Sorry GNR didn't do it for you. It surely was not my my dream theme, but it sure was pretty. Maybe the code problems will be resolved soon: normally I love Keefer's coding.

    #40 3 years ago

    You can drive out to both Einstein's locations and play all the latest Stern games. Make a full day out of it. I can meet you sometime out there and get a few others out there as well.



    #41 3 years ago
    Quoted from mikeflan:

    And then maybe I can get to working on some of the games in the garage

    Still trying to get some time to help you out.

    #42 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    So, does anyone have all 3, JP, Turtles, and AIQ? its really down to those 3.

    I own every Stern LCD game except for GOTG and Aerosmith, and previously had TMNT on rental. JP2 or IMDN are my favorites, TMNT or GOTG my least favorite. TMNT was neat at first, but that game faded pretty sharply for me after about 50 plays. Nothing to do in the lower half, most of the shots feel the same, and I wanted to take a hammer to that spinning disc. Those are three really different games though so you really should just put a bunch of plays on them yourself to get an idea.

    #43 3 years ago
    Quoted from VALIS666:

    I own every Stern LCD game except for GOTG and Aerosmith, and previously had TMNT on rental. JP2 or IMDN are my favorites, TMNT or GOTG my least favorite. TMNT was neat at first, but that game faded pretty sharply for me after about 50 plays. Nothing to do in the lower half, most of the shots feel the same, and I wanted to take a hammer to that spinning disc. Those are three really different games though so you really should just put a bunch of plays on them yourself to get an idea.

    Thanks. That really helps a lot.

    #44 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    So, does anyone have all 3, JP, Turtles, and AIQ? its really down to those 3.

    Don't own all 3 but recently had a chance to play all 3 on location (premium / LE versions across all 3) and enjoyed them all. As an entire package I was most impressed by TMNT. TMNT hit with me on toys / features, ruleset depth, music, and callouts. JP was second and then AIQ a close third. The toys and features in JP are fun, there seems to be a good amount going on in the game. Callouts are just average, my only other complaint is shooting the awkwardly placed truck toy. Callouts in Avengers are downright terrible, as are the odd animations with pretty much static images flying all over the place. The layout on AIQ is great but the toys are just average in my opinion.

    A few days ago I ended up ordering a TMNT Premium, will be here early next week. I could have picked JP premium or AIQ premium but TMNT just ticked more boxed for me. The ruleset feels entirely objective based and less focused on points compared to AIQ (JP seems like a bit of both).

    I would check out the SDTM reviews of all 3 and if you can play each.




    #45 3 years ago

    If you like Iron Maiden’s music it’s Maiden by a wide margin IMO

    #46 3 years ago

    Elvira is No. 1 for me. Black Knight is a close second though.

    #47 3 years ago

    Iron Maiden for me.

    #48 3 years ago

    I'd go Jurassic park

    #50 3 years ago
    Quoted from zr11990:

    So, does anyone have all 3, JP, Turtles, and AIQ? its really down to those 3.

    I have AIQ Prem, JP Prem, and Turtles Pro. If we're limiting it to just these three, then to me AIQ is head and shoulders the best. It's really personal preference though and you should play them all, most people seem to prefer JP but that game didn't click with me nearly as much as Avengers.

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