(Topic ID: 153490)

PIN2DMD - LED color DMD for all resolutions (128x32, 128x16, 192x64 and 256x64)

By lucky1

8 years ago

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#1251 2 years ago
Quoted from Gritty:

Just picked up a Goofy Hoops made by Romstar (Capcom). Does anyone know if the 256x64 display would be a good replacement?

Very cool game, never heard of it! Looks like the replacement part is is a DP00100 and the only other game my quick google searches turn up that appear to use this part number is Capcom's Flipper Football... curious to hear what lucky1 says on whether he thinks it'll work.


#1252 2 years ago

The size of the capcom 256x64 display is different and capcom mode is not implemented due to missing logic analyzer recording of the data structure.

1 month later
#1253 2 years ago

New to Pin2DMD here but excited to try it out! I was wondering if anyone could share their recent experience with PCBWAY? I put in an order for 10 of the EVO boards and the assembled price per board was a bit over $125 each! I was thinking it would be much much cheaper than that. I can get an ST board for around $25 and a shield for the same or less. I used all the files in the very excellent documentation. Just wanting to see what others were experiencing. Thanks!

PCBWAY Order (resized).pngPCBWAY Order (resized).png
#1254 2 years ago

You can thank the pandemic for that. The STM chips are crazy hard to get right now, and pcbway is passing on this exponentially higher cost to you. Either we need to wait for the costs to come down or have a new version of hardware developed with something cheaper.

#1255 2 years ago
Quoted from BrewNinja:

You can thank the pandemic for that. The STM chips are crazy hard to get right now, and pcbway is passing on this exponentially higher cost to you. Either we need to wait for the costs to come down or have a new version of hardware developed with something cheaper.

Yes, I think that's it! I just looked at the build sheet and saw the chip is $83.51 !!

It would be sooo awesome if someone could design a shield that is just like the EVO board, but you could just pop the ST Nucleo board right on it. Would eliminate the need for a frame/shield/dc converter combo.

It would basically be the EVO-Lite!

#1256 2 years ago
Quoted from KCMike:

New to Pin2DMD here but excited to try it out! I was wondering if anyone could share their recent experience with PCBWAY? I put in an order for 10 of the EVO boards and the assembled price per board was a bit over $125 each! I was thinking it would be much much cheaper than that. I can get an ST board for around $25 and a shield for the same or less. I used all the files in the very excellent documentation. Just wanting to see what others were experiencing. Thanks! [quoted image]

I paid $675 for 5 HD boards including $200 shipping (ouch) a couple months back.

(So $95 for each populated board at the time)

#1257 2 years ago

Anyone got a Pin2DMD 128x16 they are looking to sell? Looking for one for my DE Star Trek.


#1258 2 years ago
Quoted from KCMike:

Yes, I think that's it! I just looked at the build sheet and saw the chip is $83.51 !!
It would be sooo awesome if someone could design a shield that is just like the EVO board, but you could just pop the ST Nucleo board right on it. Would eliminate the need for a frame/shield/dc converter combo.
It would basically be the EVO-Lite!

Ask them to order here


That should bring the price down.

#1259 2 years ago

I have an extra pin2dmd display that I don't think I'll ever use. If anyone is looking for an assembled setup, please let me know.

Added over 3 years ago:


#1260 2 years ago

Still out $14,000 Euro from German Gaming. received an email last week stating a refund would be sent last Friday and would take 1-2 Banking days to receive, No refund and no Products received Still. and no reply to many emails sent.

#1261 2 years ago
Quoted from Ballypinball:

Still out $14,000 Euro from German Gaming. received an email last week stating a refund would be sent last Friday and would take 1-2 Banking days to receive, No refund and no Products received Still. and no reply to many emails sent.

14K, I'd get legal involved. GGS has nothing to do with Pin2DMD, so that reply is a bit out of place in this thread. I got burnt by GGS too, and eventually he made things right. That's a massive chunk of change and I hope it all works out. Luckily, he's not the only seller of Pin2DMD hardware.

Pinash I sent you a PM about the display.

#1262 2 years ago

lucky1 Thanks for this information! They repriced my order and I was able to complete it for a more reasonable price. Now I will wait patiently (and excitedly) for the boards to arrive.

Thanks again!

#1263 2 years ago

Please don´t use that part from LCSC. Although it would generally work, I just recognized that the memory may be too small for larger colorization projects and just recently the project size got larger through the usage of 64 colors.

use only this instead

It has 1MB of flash memory

Sorry for the inconvenience

1 week later
#1264 2 years ago

Good morning,

I'm trying to list the Stern SAM colorization available using the new technique (ie PAL/FSQ, not using Pinball browser)

So far I've found:
- World Poker Tour
- Family Guy
- Pirates of the Carribean

all done by vbobrusev

Any other I would be missing ?

I scrolled through the VP Universe thread on "PIN2DMD Colorization - WIP", but could not find any other, unless I missed them


#1265 2 years ago
Quoted from Ashram56:

Good morning,
I'm trying to list the Stern SAM colorization available using the new technique (ie PAL/FSQ, not using Pinball browser)
So far I've found:
- World Poker Tour
- Family Guy
- Pirates of the Carribean
all done by vbobrusev
Any other I would be missing ?
I scrolled through the VP Universe thread on "PIN2DMD Colorization - WIP", but could not find any other, unless I missed them


#1266 2 years ago

I am looking for something to replace my Game of Thrones Pro screen with that is color. Would this work for GOT? Its a Sam system.

#1267 2 years ago
Quoted from Jecco74:

I am looking for something to replace my Game of Thrones Pro screen with that is color. Would this work for GOT? Its a Sam system.

yup… I put one in the GOT I had. There is no colourization done for GOT mind you. I went with a yellow colour rather than the red and didn’t mind the look of it.

If you want full colourization you will need to step up to the ColorDMD or do the colourization yourself.

2 weeks later
#1268 2 years ago

Hi all, a friend with Pin2DMD in his Addams Family has asked me to help him out. I'm not familiar with it, but trying to do some research. He showed me some frames in the game where the color changes (I'm guessing these were missed frames in the colorization process). Is this something you need to wait to be fixed in a code update? He said it's software version 4.09.


#1269 2 years ago
Quoted from ahdelarge:

Hi all, a friend with Pin2DMD in his Addams Family has asked me to help him out. I'm not familiar with it, but trying to do some research. He showed me some frames in the game where the color changes (I'm guessing these were missed frames in the colorization process). Is this something you need to wait to be fixed in a code update? He said it's software version 4.09.

First thing make sure there is no credit dot. A credit dot will cause issues with some frames.

version 4.09 will be the PIN2DMD firmware version. It is an old version, looks like the latest is V4.26 https://github.com/lucky01/PIN2DMD/blob/master/firmware/latest/EVO128x32_EVO128x16/PIN2DMD.upd will get you to the firmware for the EVO board. Assuming he has that board. If unsure check the board type first before loading the update. Failure to check may leave you with a bigger problem.

To load the update, turn off the game, eject the SD card, put the downloaded file onto the SD card, install the SD card and turn on the game. If all goes well you will see something like "updating" on the PIN2DMD.

Updating the firmware may not fix the issue you are seeing as that may be in the colorization files - check that the files are the latest from Netzwerg, when your friend paid for the files he should have got a google drive link to the colorization files so you can downlaod and install the latest.

If your problem remains, you will need to report the problem to Netzwerg.

#1270 2 years ago
Quoted from SteveNZ:

First thing make sure there is no credit dot. A credit dot will cause issues with some frames.
version 4.09 will be the PIN2DMD firmware version. It is an old version, looks like the latest is V4.26 https://github.com/lucky01/PIN2DMD/blob/master/firmware/latest/EVO128x32_EVO128x16/PIN2DMD.upd will get you to the firmware for the EVO board. Assuming he has that board. If unsure check the board type first before loading the update. Failure to check may leave you with a bigger problem.
To load the update, turn off the game, eject the SD card, put the downloaded file onto the SD card, install the SD card and turn on the game. If all goes well you will see something like "updating" on the PIN2DMD.
Updating the firmware may not fix the issue you are seeing as that may be in the colorization files - check that the files are the latest from Netzwerg, when your friend paid for the files he should have got a google drive link to the colorization files so you can downlaod and install the latest.
If your problem remains, you will need to report the problem to Netzwerg.

Many thanks! Some great info here. Have forwarded this to my friend and will help him work through these points.


#1271 2 years ago

Ugh. Mine has been sitting on the bench for months now. Maybe I can get Seawitch wrapped up for Pintastic this week and get the EVO activated so I can install in DE Star Wars.

4 weeks later
#1272 2 years ago

Pcbway gave me a price for the ST-chips of $94.
Sure hope the shortage is over soon ....

#1273 2 years ago

Data East guys, here is a handy guide for you.


20211208_130147 (resized).jpg20211208_130147 (resized).jpg
#1274 2 years ago

a rather idiotic question...but I still have a little doubt. if I use STM Chips of model STM32F407VGT6 to build the EVO board, can I get activation and correct functioning of the boards in 64 color mode?
my question is because the pin2dmd site informs that the STM32F407 models are obsolete and the activations were until 31.12.2020...or for manufacturing EVO boards with this STM chipset model there is no such problem?

#1275 2 years ago
Quoted from Barboza:

because the pin2dmd site informs that the STM32F407 models are obsolete

You have to read closely . Not the CPU models are obsolete only the discovery board based designs are obsolete.
The discovery board and the shield design has some technical drawbacks like SPI based SD card access and pin usage
collision with discovery onboard circuits which are avoided on the newer Nucleo and EVO designs.

1 week later
#1276 2 years ago

Does anyone have the files for a pin2dmd that they wouldn't mind sharing? I am will to make a donation

#1277 2 years ago
Quoted from kba78:

Does anyone have the files for a pin2dmd that they wouldn't mind sharing? I am will to make a donation


#1278 2 years ago

Can somebody comment on if the following is expected?

I ordered a pre-configured Pin2DMD EVO for my party zone. It arrived with firmware version 4.10. The installation was simple, and the color appeared to work fine. After playing for a short while, though, it seems like there is some kind of lag in the colorization that is *REALLY* distracting/annoying. Here is a gif showing the bonus multiplier wipe across the display at the end of the ball. On a normal display, you can make out the multiplier. On the Pin2DMD there is a weird separation of yellow and blue, making it nearly impossible to read the multiplier value.


#1279 2 years ago

Scene is not triggered or working correctly. This is a bug and needs to be fixed by the author.

#1280 2 years ago
Quoted from Pwedge:

Can somebody comment on if the following is expected?
I ordered a pre-configured Pin2DMD EVO for my party zone. It arrived with firmware version 4.10. The installation was simple, and the color appeared to work fine. After playing for a short while, though, it seems like there is some kind of lag in the colorization that is *REALLY* distracting/annoying. Here is a gif showing the bonus multiplier wipe across the display at the end of the ball. On a normal display, you can make out the multiplier. On the Pin2DMD there is a weird separation of yellow and blue, making it nearly impossible to read the multiplier value.
[quoted image]

Not caused by it but update to the latest firmware is also recommended (4.30)

#1281 2 years ago

Party Zone, following...

#1282 2 years ago
Quoted from Pwedge:

Can somebody comment on if the following is expected?
I ordered a pre-configured Pin2DMD EVO for my party zone. It arrived with firmware version 4.10. The installation was simple, and the color appeared to work fine. After playing for a short while, though, it seems like there is some kind of lag in the colorization that is *REALLY* distracting/annoying. Here is a gif showing the bonus multiplier wipe across the display at the end of the ball. On a normal display, you can make out the multiplier. On the Pin2DMD there is a weird separation of yellow and blue, making it nearly impossible to read the multiplier value.
[quoted image]

Gottliebs do this as well with a lot of their transitions. The reason this one sticks out so bad is because of the blue "foreground" numbers and the yellow "background" transitional number effects. If they transition effects were maybe a slightly darker blue, it would look better in my opinion.

1 month later
#1283 2 years ago
Quoted from Ballypinball:

Still out $14,000 Euro from German Gaming. received an email last week stating a refund would be sent last Friday and would take 1-2 Banking days to receive, No refund and no Products received Still. and no reply to many emails sent.

What was the conclusion of this? Did you get your money back? That guy is banned on here and many horror stories throughout the forums unfortunately.

2 months later
#1284 2 years ago

I'm finding the process of ordering the controller board from pcbway a bit much for my skill level. Is it OK to ask if anyone is making a bulk order to sell me one or more?

#1285 2 years ago

Apparently there is some shortage of the STM chip on the controller board. Having said that, I am in the market to buy one or two Pin2Dmd complete displays with the controller board. TIA.

#1286 2 years ago
Quoted from DavidLee:

I'm finding the process of ordering the controller board from pcbway a bit much for my skill level. Is it OK to ask if anyone is making a bulk order to sell me one or more?

Right now the STM32 MCU used on the pin2dmd is out of stock or very expensive due to silicon shortages. You may be looking at $30-$90 per MCU if they can source them. Other parts are likely to be out of stock or long lead time. It might be better to order a complete pin2dmd rather than trying to source the components.

Lucky1 did a video guide on how to order form PCBway with SMT assembly.

Anything you're particularly stuck on?

#1287 2 years ago
Quoted from Planet866:

Right now the STM32 MCU used on the pin2dmd is out of stock or very expensive due to silicon shortages. You may be looking at $30-$90 per MCU if they can source them. Other parts are likely to be out of stock or long lead time. It might be better to order a complete pin2dmd rather than trying to source the components.
Lucky1 did a video guide on how to order form PCBway with SMT assembly.
Anything you're particularly stuck on?

Thanks Plante886. I found that video, but the PCB website has changed. I was able to find the "Assembly" picture, but then I was asked to answer to provide a bunch of specifications which I could not figure out. The next questions are in the attached screenshot.

It looks like the price of the STM32 MCU is down to just above US$ 20. I found this one... is this right?

I'm thinking the best option for me would be to purchase a complete pin2dmd... where can I do that?

Thanks for your help!

PCBWay Pin2DMD config (resized).PNGPCBWay Pin2DMD config (resized).PNG
#1288 2 years ago
Quoted from DavidLee:

Thanks Plante886. I found that video, but the PCB website has changed. I was able to find the "Assembly" picture, but then I was asked to answer to provide a bunch of specifications which I could not figure out. The next questions are in the attached screenshot.
It looks like the price of the STM32 MCU is down to just above US$ 20. I found this one... is this right?
I'm thinking the best option for me would be to purchase a complete pin2dmd... where can I do that?
Thanks for your help![quoted image]

That is not a STM32 chip, but a development board.
PCBWAY can't use that for assembly.

You should be able to "Add to cart" from this project : https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/PIN2DMD_EVO128x32_RGB_LED_Dotmatrix_Pinball_Display_Controller.html
Not 100% sure if it's updated with the latest files, though ?

#1289 1 year ago

If you are anyhow sourcing parts I recommend 3-pitch panels in combination with a remake speaker panel.

pin2dmd large (resized).jpgpin2dmd large (resized).jpg
#1290 1 year ago
Quoted from Kobaja:

If you are anyhow sourcing parts I recommend 3-pitch panels in combination with a remake speaker panel.
[quoted image]

If you use the remake speaker panel I would rather go for the PIN2DMD HD and set it to Scale2X for smoother scaling.

#1291 1 year ago
Quoted from lucky1:

If you use the remake speaker panel I would rather go for the PIN2DMD HD and set it to Scale2X for smoother scaling.

That is some epilepsy-inducing flickering in that movie .. I hope this isn't how it looks IRL ?

#1292 1 year ago
Quoted from Zigzagzag:

That is some epilepsy-inducing flickering in that movie .. I hope this isn't how it looks IRL ?

Of course not . That is just the interference between the camera frequency, the light frequency and the panel frequency.
Here is another video with less flickering

#1293 1 year ago
Quoted from Kobaja:

If you are anyhow sourcing parts I recommend 3-pitch panels in combination with a remake speaker panel.
[quoted image]

I've been meaning to try this too. Is that a CGC remake speaker panel? Where did you get that? Curious how much they are. I think I'll just modify a wood one though.

A dark translucent panel over the complete opening would really improve the look and also the display contrast.

#1294 1 year ago
Quoted from HighVoltage:

Is that a CGC remake speaker panel?

Yes it is and they are "available" at planetary pinball. The dark glass is in the making by out local glass guy, but they are having lead times of a few weeks.

#1295 1 year ago
Quoted from Kobaja:

Yes it is and they are "available" at planetary pinball. The dark glass is in the making by out local glass guy, but they are having lead times of a few weeks.

The quotes on available must mean why I can't find it in their store. I did come across in stock ColorDMD though, now $514 - WOW!

What cable did you use between the board and panel, just a regular M-F ribbon cable? I remember previously trying this and used a 90-degree M-M angle adapter along with ribbon cable and couldn't get it to work. Plugged the P3 directly to the board, and there was the display! I assumed the signal must be too weak for the cable & adapter or something, and never got back to it.

#1296 1 year ago
Quoted from HighVoltage:

What cable did you use between the board and panel, just a regular M-F ribbon cable?

I used a normal 16 pin ribbon cable extension of ebay. Had no issues.

1 week later
#1297 1 year ago

lucky1 I see there's someone selling Pin2Dmd with Geehy microcontroller instead of STM.
Googling this I find mention that the Geehy microcontroller might not be 100% compatible with the STM one and therefore frame drops occur.
Is this something you can say anything about ?

#1298 1 year ago
Quoted from Zigzagzag:

lucky1 I see there's someone selling Pin2Dmd with Geehy microcontroller instead of STM.
Googling this I find mention that the Geehy microcontroller might not be 100% compatible with the STM one and therefore frame drops occur.
Is this something you can say anything about ?

He just posted about this on VPU https://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/4196-ordering-evo-pcbs-at-chinese-manufactures-questions-and-help/?do=findComment&comment=63145

There are a few companies making STM32 clones Gheey, GigaDevice, WCH. They are both based on the same ARM core and probably have 99% of the same register/pin mappings.

#1299 1 year ago

GigaDevice is not binary compatible and WCH is not tested.

I made some adjustments to make it work on Geehy and STM with the same binary and so far it looks good.

1 week later
#1300 1 year ago

I am looking to purchase a New Pin2DMD for my Theatre of Magic. Do these displays come pre-configured for your particular machine or do you do it yourself? If you have to do it yourself, are the colorization files available for Theatre of Magic and where do you get them?

Thank you

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