With PIN2DMD Colorprism you get a pinball color dotmatrix display replacement solution using STM32F4 processor with the industry’s highest benchmark scores for Cortex-M-based micro controllers. It currently uses either the STM32F407 discovery board together with a shield PCB which forms a modular future upgradeable solution or a custom controller hardware (not modular).
Currently supported features are:
Real pinball machines:
- WPC/WPC95 real pinball input
- Stern real pinball input
- Whitestar real pinball input
- DataEast real pinball input
- Stern Spike real pinball input
- Gottlieb real pinball input
- Capcom real pinball input
- AlvinG real pinball input
- Spooky AMH
- DataEast 128x16
- Sega 192x64
- DotMation 192x64
Full colorization using
- Pinball Browser / SmartDMD color switching for full color Stern ROMS
- Frame colorization with PIN2DMD Editor by Steve for all pinball machines
Virtual pinball machines with support for
- Visual Pinball / PinMame USB input
- Future Pinball with DMD interceptor DLL
- Unit3d Pinball
- Ultra DMD (currently 16 shades)
- XDMD (full color)
- PinballX (full color with latest version)
- The PinballArcade
- PinballFX
- WCID Windows automated driver installation
The attached images are showing the two available options for hardware:
- EVO128x32, EVO128x16, EVO192x64, EVO256x64 custom board
- modular shield design using STM32F429 Nucleo-144 board
- modular shield design using STM32F407 Discovery board
All information how to build a pin2dmd can be found on pin2dmd.com and on https://github.com/lucky01/PIN2DMD
The shield designs can also be used with the go-dmd clock project from here
You can download the latest version here
To upgrade or install follow the instructions from here
When you start the device for the first time you get a unique ID displayed starting with #.
You have to request a activation key to make it work.
Members of the hall of fame and content contributors get the key for free by sending me a PM.
For the rest, we kindly request to send your UID and username with the donation link in my signature below.
You have to place the key file in your pin2dmd.exe directory or rename it to pin2dmd.key and copy it to your sd card.
evo128x32b (resized).jpgevo128x32f (resized).jpgevo128x16f (resized).jpgevo128x16b (resized).jpegevo128x16c (resized).jpegevo192x64b (resized).jpgevo192x64f (resized).jpgimage1-1 (resized).jpgimage2-1-768x576 (resized).jpgpin2dmd_discoveryV3 (resized).JPGpin2dmd_nucleoV4 (resized).jpg