(Topic ID: 153490)

PIN2DMD - LED color DMD for all resolutions (128x32, 128x16, 192x64 and 256x64)

By lucky1

8 years ago

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#1 8 years ago

With PIN2DMD Colorprism you get a pinball color dotmatrix display replacement solution using STM32F4 processor with the industry’s highest benchmark scores for Cortex-M-based micro controllers. It currently uses either the STM32F407 discovery board together with a shield PCB which forms a modular future upgradeable solution or a custom controller hardware (not modular).

Currently supported features are:

Real pinball machines:

- WPC/WPC95 real pinball input
- Stern real pinball input
- Whitestar real pinball input
- DataEast real pinball input
- Stern Spike real pinball input
- Gottlieb real pinball input
- Capcom real pinball input
- AlvinG real pinball input
- Spooky AMH
- DataEast 128x16
- Sega 192x64
- DotMation 192x64

Full colorization using
- Pinball Browser / SmartDMD color switching for full color Stern ROMS
- Frame colorization with PIN2DMD Editor by Steve for all pinball machines

Virtual pinball machines with support for
- Visual Pinball / PinMame USB input
- Future Pinball with DMD interceptor DLL
- Unit3d Pinball
- Ultra DMD (currently 16 shades)
- XDMD (full color)
- PinballX (full color with latest version)
- The PinballArcade
- PinballFX

- WCID Windows automated driver installation

The attached images are showing the two available options for hardware:
- EVO128x32, EVO128x16, EVO192x64, EVO256x64 custom board
- modular shield design using STM32F429 Nucleo-144 board
- modular shield design using STM32F407 Discovery board

All information how to build a pin2dmd can be found on pin2dmd.com and on https://github.com/lucky01/PIN2DMD

The shield designs can also be used with the go-dmd clock project from here

You can download the latest version here

To upgrade or install follow the instructions from here

When you start the device for the first time you get a unique ID displayed starting with #.
You have to request a activation key to make it work.
Members of the hall of fame and content contributors get the key for free by sending me a PM.
For the rest, we kindly request to send your UID and username with the donation link in my signature below.

You have to place the key file in your pin2dmd.exe directory or rename it to pin2dmd.key and copy it to your sd card.
evo128x32b (resized).jpgevo128x32b (resized).jpgevo128x32f (resized).jpgevo128x32f (resized).jpgevo128x16f (resized).jpgevo128x16f (resized).jpgevo128x16b (resized).jpegevo128x16b (resized).jpegevo128x16c (resized).jpegevo128x16c (resized).jpegevo192x64b (resized).jpgevo192x64b (resized).jpgevo192x64f (resized).jpgevo192x64f (resized).jpgimage1-1 (resized).jpgimage1-1 (resized).jpgimage2-1-768x576 (resized).jpgimage2-1-768x576 (resized).jpgpin2dmd_discoveryV3 (resized).JPGpin2dmd_discoveryV3 (resized).JPGpin2dmd_nucleoV4 (resized).jpgpin2dmd_nucleoV4 (resized).jpg

#2 8 years ago

I rather like that design!
How much does he sell them for?

#3 8 years ago

in what you base? They are serious to release without further charges.

I always support free trade in similiares prodructos , they do not violate copyright .

for lovers of pinball it is good to have several options and competitive prices


#4 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

I rather like that design!
How much does he sell them for?

However much you want to flush down the toilet since it's not supported.

#5 8 years ago

Not supported by pin2dmd, but I can put my own firmware on there.

#6 8 years ago

I will admit, I'm a little curious... (Honestly confused.)

If everything was open source (was..), then what's the exact issue?

#7 8 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

I will admit, I'm a little curious... (Honestly confused.)
If everything was open source (was..), then what's the exact issue?

Open source does not automatically mean free for commercial use. It looks like the issue is that pinballsp may be selling it as a commercial product.


The summary of the open source license agreement for PIN2DMD: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


#8 8 years ago

As a product I see it as beneficial. Makes for a cleaner installation. It should be sold without the software though.

#9 8 years ago
Quoted from dung:

As a product I see it as beneficial. Makes for a cleaner installation. It should be sold without the software though.

I just read through the summary on their facebook page. I'd have to agree with you there.

Personally, I'm a bit confused on how to deploy and install the current PIN2DMD solution, since there are so many bits and pieces to it.



You trials with DMD based on pin2dmd Led.

Although my card (DMD ST32) have not yet received the, I hope in a week, wanted to try the firmware, panels and power supply.

The source is a switched 5v 10A, which is optional, if you prefer to put your own source or already have. It is possible that the fixing frame also allows ballasting the source to the own frame, it's something I have to do yet.

I have made some corrections and modifications to my plate, hence to be delayed a bit, but no more than one week is here, join, burn the firmware and ready. I will put photos and videos of real pinball testing and virtual pinball (visual PinMame).

As I said my card integrates everything in one panel, unlike hardware pin2dmd project, which consists of board Discovery + adapter plate + plate reader + SD + cable RC filter data plane. Besides my plate pricked directly to the bus connector panel led, no wires, the plate shall be machined with 8 holes to fix it to the panel led with the hardware itself connecting the frame to the panel, leaving the plate between the two sandwiched , I put pictures upon receipt and assembly.

In addition I will study the adaptation for large screens 192 * 64 for SEGA. The project pin2dmd think right now does not yet support such displays, and they will know if and when, so I decided to start making my own adaptation since sources in the public domain. As I lack the video card using those pinball, Orlando friend I will pay for the tests, the CPU if I have it failing to record a Rom for the game.

Redesigned almost ready to send to the factory. As stated it is a plate for DMD Led compatible with pin2dmd.

Unlike the design of original hardware of this project with this board we have everything in one panel, no need to Discovery or adapter plate or plate with RC filters or flat cable to connect the panel or plate reader SD cards.

The plate includes mini USB connector, micro SD card socket, round power jack, filter RC s for optimum performance with real pinball, miso-Mossi selection, output connector 4-pin power panels with estadar cable supplied by the manufacturer.

In addition the plate is machined with 8 holes that match the pressure with Led panel.

Click on the panel, set the firmware and run immediately. You can work as a screen for virtual pinball, with all the options of colored images or as a screen for real pinball with generating pseudo-defined colors (each brightness level is replaced by a different color, the effect is quite achieved, and we out of the monotony of a single color at a reasonable price).

Soon it will be available, both single plate as the assembly set (panels led, controller board, clamping frame and even source of 5v 7 / 10A), to provide screens DMD Led with far superior performance to standard and at a price more economical.

[edit]: From what I'm reading on their facebook page among all the comments seems to be that the board is compatible with pin2dmd, but might not actually ship with that software installed on it. The product is still in pre-production, so I'm not clear on all the details. If anyone can confirm or correct me on this, the floor is yours.

#10 8 years ago

We often discussed a design like that which is not to hard to realize, but so far we don´t know which potential future changes make it necessary to add something to or change the hardware design. That´s why we decided to keep it modular until we run out of ideas or ports. That way you only have to swap the low cost shield to add new hardware features without throwing away the complete hardware.

#11 8 years ago

Life would be so much more fun if more projects just used the WTFPL license: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL

#12 8 years ago

I don't see the issue, lucky1. While you use PinDMD (Russ') copyrighted code, which is intended for commercial use only with authorization (open source not withstanding), and you are now selling your 'Pin2DMD', which also violates our trademark (PinDMD™), you're right up there with Pinballsp!

You only care when it happens to you?

#13 8 years ago

How far can you copyright a schematic? When you use the similair cpu connections but redraw and redesign the schematic, does that count as a copyright or a CC license violation ? It is not a patent, so you not protecting an implementation.
I have not seen the schematics, so don't know how similar they are. But my feeling is that pinballSP does not violate any copyrights.
And certainly the PCB is his own work, so you can never claim copyright on that.
On the other hand I not agreeing what pinballSP is doing morally, but that is something else.

#14 8 years ago
Quoted from ForceFlow:

Open source does not automatically mean free for commercial use. It looks like the issue is that pinballsp may be selling it as a commercial product.

Okay, true.. However, I tried to read that pinballsp's page, and didn't see any reference to commercial use? (Granted, however, I used a translate service, since my Spanish is no bueno.)

#15 8 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Okay, true.. However, I tried to read that pinballsp's page, and didn't see any reference to commercial use? (Granted, however, I used a translate service, since my Spanish is no bueno.)


#16 8 years ago

Your very right their Noah im pretty sure i should have about 50% shares in pin2dmd

Joking aside i genuinely would like to have a play with that board. Looks nicley layed out, Hope he makes a few!

#17 8 years ago

Thanks, but as far as I can tell, that does not answer my question about the "pinball" site.

#18 8 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Thanks, but as far as I can tell, that does not answer my question about the "pinball" site.

You asked what the definition of commercial use was. And pinballsp is selling their products. Selling a product counts as commercial use.

#19 8 years ago
Quoted from ForceFlow:

You asked what the definition of commercial use was. And pinballsp is selling their products. Selling a product counts as commercial use.

Wait - how are they selling? I mean, I paid Sash1 for his shield, which came with Lucky's firmware on an ST board. How is that different?

And I didn't ask for the definition of 'commercial use'. I asked how PinballSp was considered commercial. Especially, re:, my above question, right above this paragraph.

No, I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm tryin' to understand.. I must have missed a key puzzle piece..

I game Sash (I think that was his handle) on VPF money, extra money, to give me his shield and lucky1's ST board and FW together. It looks (to me) the exact same thing this PinballSP is doing?

#20 8 years ago

Difference is that UncleSash is a private person and not running a business. He organizes a group buy of shields and solders them as a private service for the community. Pinballsp is clearly a business as stated on top of their facebook page, which needs to make money of his products.
Steve and I also do the codeing just for fun and not for personal profit. The only thing I ask for is a small donation for our charity project I like to support. So if somebody thinks that the money he paid is adaquate to the private time we invest, he should really step back, think twice and have a look at the prices for other products which are commercially sold out there.

#21 8 years ago
Quoted from lucky1:

Difference is that UncleSash is a private person and not running a business. He organizes a group buy of shields and solders them as a private service for the community. Pinballsp is clearly a business as stated on top of their facebook page, which needs to make money of his products.
Steve and I also do the codeing just for fun and not for personal profit. The only thing I ask for is a small donation for our charity project I like to support. So if somebody thinks that the money he paid is adaquate to the private time we invest, he should really step back, think twice and have a look at the prices for other products which are commercially sold out there.

#22 8 years ago

for me, do not carry Whenever including the program included not see any problem . It is selling a plaque made ​​by the .

It is not a company . It is a fan of pinball seeking solutions to problems. for example creating for Spanish cpu machines, with one plate manufacturer has included all the models and choose your model.

Now in a testing phase dmd LED with selectable color an approximate price of 100€ , if all goes well , will create one for sega , finishing well with the biggest problem of these machines .

I'm not part of one or the other , I just think that all options are good for lovers of pinball.

that would be interesting to come here and explain his point of view.



#23 8 years ago
Quoted from lucky1:

Difference is that UncleSash is a private person and not running a business. He organizes a group buy of shields and solders them as a private service for the community. Pinballsp is clearly a business as stated on top of their facebook page, which needs to make money of his products.
Steve and I also do the codeing just for fun and not for personal profit. The only thing I ask for is a small donation for our charity project I like to support. So if somebody thinks that the money he paid is adaquate to the private time we invest, he should really step back, think twice and have a look at the prices for other products which are commercially sold out there.

Okay, that's what I was trying to figure out. My translate never said anything about a business, just "we" (with no definition of who "we" was..)

#24 8 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Okay, that's what I was trying to figure out. My translate never said anything about a business, just "we" (with no definition of who "we" was..)

You are right. For the given price "we" could also have produced the shields by children in china and make big money.

#25 8 years ago



pinballs has written on this subject, apart from presenting a version improved its board
I have not yet received the plate DMD DMD ST32 for Led screens, and already preparing the version 2. The first version, as I said I should arrive this week, it is already way by DHL.

This new version adds a WIFI module to configure the display from the mobile phone with an App.
It also adds two buttons on board, to set up the display from a displayable menu on the screen itself, rather than having to use software from the PC via USB.

Both improvements allow greater comfort when setting options display, as its brightness, boot mode, etc ...

As for the firmware, one of these days I will speak at length, because some "people" non-Spanish speaking, seems to confuse the bacon with the speed, the computer-electronic slang hardware with software. I have never said that DMD ST32 will go to market with some third party software pre-loaded, either Open Source or not

original text

Todavía no he recibido la placa DMD ST32 para las pantallas DMD Led, y ya preparando la Versión 2. La primera versión, como ya comenté me debe de llegar esta semana, de camino ya está por DHL.

Esta nueva versión añade un módulo WIFI para poder configurar la pantalla desde el teléfono móvil con un App.
También añade dos pulsadores en placa, para configurar la pantalla desde un menú visualizable en la propia pantalla, en vez de tener que usar un software desde el PC por USB.

Ambas mejoras permitirán una mayor comodidad a la hora de configurar las opciones del display, como su nivel de brillo, modo de arranque, etc...

En cuanto al firmware, un día de estos hablaré largo y tendido, porque algunas "personas" de habla no hispana, parece que confunden el tocino con la velocidad, en el argot informático-electrónico el hardware con el software. JAMAS he dicho que DMD ST32 vaya a salir al mercado con algún software de terceros precargado, ya sea Open Source o no


#26 8 years ago

WiFi, Android apps, whooooo!

#27 8 years ago

I always confuse the bacon with the speed.

#28 8 years ago
Quoted from ViolinSteve:

I always confuse the bacon with the speed.

that is a Spanish expression , it is said when things that have nothing to do with each mistaken if

#29 8 years ago

When will this board be available. And I think we should all thank lucky1 for bring this board to our attention as I had no idea it even existed lol.

#30 8 years ago

No problem ! Welcome !

#31 8 years ago
Quoted from the_barto:

As for the firmware, one of these days I will speak at length, because some "people" non-Spanish speaking, seems to confuse hardware with software. I have never said that DMD ST32 will go to market with some third party software pre-loaded, either Open Source or not

It seems that his first post on facebook together with the picture of a display with our logo on it gave a wrong impression. Now that he made things clear, that he is only making and selling the hardware without the pin2dmd firmware on it, there is absolutely no legal problem with this and obviously not a violation of our license. So any private person who is want´s to try this hardware with pin2dmd is free to do so and will get a key from us.

#32 8 years ago
Quoted from lucky1:

It seems that his first post on facebook together with the picture of a display with our logo on it gave a wrong impression. Now that he made things clear, that he is only making and selling the hardware without the pin2dmd firmware on it, there is absolutely no legal problem with this and obviously not a violation of our license. So any private person who is want´s to try this hardware with pin2dmd is free to do so and will get a key from us.

I'm glad that everything has been a misunderstanding and this all cleared

pinballsp people as lucky and make greater our love of pinball

#33 8 years ago
Quoted from the_barto:

I'm glad that everything has been a misunderstanding and this all cleared
pinballsp people as lucky and make greater our love of pinball

Thanks for helping

#34 8 years ago
Quoted from lucky1:

Thanks for helping

a pleasure to collaborate, but knowing after talking to those involved it was all a misunderstanding.


#36 8 years ago
Quoted from the_barto:

that is a Spanish expression

I am definitely going to use that one! In English, 'speed' is a common word for metanfetamina.

#37 8 years ago
Quoted from lucky1:

It seems that his first post on facebook together with the picture of a display with our logo on it gave a wrong impression. Now that he made things clear, that he is only making and selling the hardware without the pin2dmd firmware on it, there is absolutely no legal problem with this and obviously not a violation of our license. So any private person who is want´s to try this hardware with pin2dmd is free to do so and will get a key from us.

OK, fine, seem finally everybody happy, and no problems. Like said my friend Barto all was a misundertanding.

At any rate if you may share if your new firmware version will modify pinout of DMD input/output ports and if you plan add WIFI or buttons. I have prepare already my new hardware version design (not yet manufactured) that add a WIFI (optional) with ESP8266 ESP12 in UART4 (PC10/PC11) and two new buttons in PE10/PE11 to may config device with a config menu in display (something similar to MM remake) instead of or besides to use USB. By WIFI also may upload config/palettes files to micro SD card or even upload new firmware if program a bootloader instead of directly a firmware. Will need develop an Android Cell phone App to upload files wireless.

Because of my board do not install programmer to save money, there is a jumper to use internal Bootloader of STM32F407 to upload any firmware by DFU USB with software provided by ST (for free). Also may use ST-Link programmer with JTAG SWD to program or to do Debug.

At any rate if need support to develop any hardware I may help about it, I have experience with PIC32, STM32, Freescale, Raspberry and Beaglebone black, tools Eagle, Altium and IDE/compilers Eclipse, XC32, QT Creator. Any PCB available in one week with professional look.

I hope assemble this week my first version of DMD ST32 board, and will test with my own firmware and with pin2dmd. If somebody want it, its an ALL in one board, connect direclty to led panel (do not need flat cable), load firmware and thats all, board provide empty no firmware pre-loaded, but very easy to load by USB.

My full assembled product also include power supply directly attached to frame plate with an Iron L shape and 4 screws, so do not need to think about where to put the power supply, product is full compact and clean installation. I will put pictures when available my board DMDST32, assembled and connected to led panels with power suply.

And like said Barto, Im not a company, I choose Pinballsp name to this activity about develop electronic devices.

Kind Regards.



#38 8 years ago

I have been playing with the esp8266 recently, great little board cant beleave you can get wifi for $2 lol. How do you plan on using it with your firmware? Just for dfu? Or will you use it for uploading new colour data etc.

Not having to open your machine to replace a sd card or connect a usb cable for firmware updates is a huge advantage to your design.

Are you manual routing your pcb or using auto router? I much prefer manual routing as i love doing it and think you end up with a cleaner design at the end.

#39 8 years ago

Also noticed on your design (what looks like usb micro? On the far left) is this a vertical connector? How do you plug cable in with it in center of pcb? Same with the sd card does it open up or something and you place the card in and close it? Because a standard slide one wouldn't work? Sd card would hit the components?

Also noticed the right cap on your crystal has a trace going straight through it to the dmd connector. Its best not to have any high speed data lines near and certainly not through or under your Crystal as they can upset it.

#40 8 years ago

This looks like the board to have. Assuming it works, good work guys.

Does the in-house firmware support frame by frame colouring and pinball browser? If not, is it in the roadmap?

#41 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

I have been playing with the esp8266 recently, great little board cant beleave you can get wifi for $2 lol. How do you plan on using it with your firmware? Just for dfu? Or will you use it for uploading new colour data etc.
Not having to open your machine to replace a sd card or connect a usb cable for firmware updates is a huge advantage to your design.
Are you manual routing your pcb or using auto router? I much prefer manual routing as i love doing it and think you end up with a cleaner design at the end.

About WIFI, I plan use it first to upload wireless config and palettes from Cell phone and in next modification I will add option to upload also full firmware, but to do it I will must to add a bootloader to erase and write flash with new firmware and recompile firmware with special link script to relocate firmware to specific address in flash.

About PCB routing, some manually, some auto. I always route manual coupling capacitors 100nF for MCU and Quartz, rest auto. Yes manual routing is better, but when complex design require a lot of time, so only manual routing sensible components.

#42 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

Also noticed on your design (what looks like usb micro? On the far left) is this a vertical connector? How do you plug cable in with it in center of pcb? Same with the sd card does it open up or something and you place the card in and close it? Because a standard slide one wouldn't work? Sd card would hit the components?
Also noticed the right cap on your crystal has a trace going straight through it to the dmd connector. Its best not to have any high speed data lines near and certainly not through or under your Crystal as they can upset it.

Yes its a vertical USB connector, but I put Mini USB type B, not micro USB. About USB cable, I use a 90 angle degree, so connect right for vertical USB connectors. I have put it because of if horizontal USB connector can not connect correclty standar USB cable because of cable connector contact with frame plate because of PCB is under frame plate. When I put pictures with all assembled will see what I mean.

My micro SD card socket is ok, no problem about it. I have use it already in many of my designs, may put SMD components in front and SD card connect perfecty, do no hit components. Attached pictures about this socket in one of my designs with GSM and ESP8266 ESP12.

About trace trough capacitor, I do not have send PCB yet to manufacture, I must check it and modify something to improve it, thanks I will put some restrict rules to avoid that autotrace place tracks close or through those components of oscillator.



#43 8 years ago
Quoted from rubberducks:

This looks like the board to have. Assuming it works, good work guys.
Does the in-house firmware support frame by frame colouring and pinball browser? If not, is it in the roadmap?

Thanks, today I will receive my first PCB version about DMDST32, will assemble it, test and will put pictures about it.

Yes, my firmware will support frame by frame colouring with keyframe and multiple palettes, and I think I will may provide already it in first version of product. Also I will add config with two buttons in board and config menu in display to select bright level and start mode instead of use USB and pc software. Next will be add WIFI support for config and update firmware, with an App in cell phone.

Also I want to test new Raspberry 3, to see if may even apply colouring to pixel level by frame, instead of replace bright level by color. This is a powerful board, 10 times faster than first Raspberry pi, so do not need FPGA to apply replacement of full frame by new colorized pixel by pixel. I will consult with my lawyers to see if some legal problems about patent, but I think no problem.

#44 8 years ago

Yeah i saw the new raspberry pi the other day it has built in wifi and bluetooth which is cool. I almost went down the raspberry pi zero route instead of a custom pcb. But they are near impossible to get hold of so pointless for a commercial product.

Ah i see so as long as you just have some small passives in front of that sd card your ok its like slighty risen

Yeah i spent a good few hours routing just the display header on my design and then reconfiguring the pinout so it matched my hardware so the traces where as short and direct as i could get them. Hardly had to jump layer either ill find a pic later.

I just love manual routing its insanely therapeutic (even complex designs)

Regarding the esp8266 do you just talk to it using uart with its standard AT firmware or do you put your own firmware on it?

I think i enjoy the hardware side of things more then writing the firmware designing pcbs and connecting different modules together making them communicate etc... Im coding all day at work so makes a nice change

#45 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

Yeah i saw the new raspberry pi the other day it has built in wifi and bluetooth which is cool. I almost went down the raspberry pi zero route instead of a custom pcb. But they are near impossible to get hold of so pointless for a commercial product.
Ah i see so as long as you just have some small passives in front of that sd card your ok its like slighty risen
Yeah i spent a good few hours routing just the display header on my design and then reconfiguring the pinout so it matched my hardware so the traces where as short and direct as i could get them. Hardly had to jump layer either ill find a pic later.
I just love manual routing its insanely therapeutic (even complex designs)
Regarding the esp8266 do you just talk to it using uart with its standard AT firmware or do you put your own firmware on it?
I think i enjoy the hardware side of things more then writing the firmware designing pcbs and connecting different modules together making them communicate etc... Im coding all day at work so makes a nice change

About ESP8266 I have use it with AT commands, but I want try also to program it with LUA, seem easy.
Hardware - software, I was first professional software programmer for about 22 years, and about electronic design I think all my life, and years ago mainly to design and program microcontrollers based circuits, also some with RPY and Beaglebone Black.

Well, today I have receive first version of PCB for DMD ST32 controller board, this do not include yet WIFI, buttons for config menu and boot option, but its ok for first tests, load firmware, connect to led panels and full assemble product. I will assemble it between today and tomorrow.

Also I have receive PCB boards I have design for an Autocalibrated Eddy sensor, main circuit and printed coil. This do not need adjust never, itself calibrate each time that connect power supply.

And third board is for a friend that need it to connect inside an Xbox gamepad to control a big electric motor and up to 12 microrelays according with several data signals from gamepad.


#46 8 years ago

How do you assemble the smd parts? do you solder them by hand or put down solder paste and use some sort re-flow oven?

Those boards look pretty cool. whats with the crazy shaped one lol??

#47 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

How do you assemble the smd parts? do you solder them by hand or put down solder paste and use some sort re-flow oven?
Those boards look pretty cool. whats with the crazy shaped one lol??

I have two reflow oven, T962 and T962A and one stencil printer to apply solder paste. I order always stencil for each board, even some times I panelize boards to apply solder paste to several at time. So assemble prototypes is always very fast and easy. Also to solder THT I have a big solder pot. And some time I hope order a chinese Pick and Place machine, like this in picture attached, then will may even assemble some quantity of boards.

Last board has a special shape, because of its to put it inside an Xbox gamepad, and its the internal shape. I made so to may place all components, because of cliend added each time more and more components, last was a LIS331 accelerometer, more micro-relays and some SMD Leds.


#48 8 years ago
Quoted from pinballsp:

Thanks, today I will receive my first PCB version about DMDST32, will assemble it, test and will put pictures about it.
Yes, my firmware will support frame by frame colouring with keyframe and multiple palettes, and I think I will may provide already it in first version of product. Also I will add config with two buttons in board and config menu in display to select bright level and start mode instead of use USB and pc software. Next will be add WIFI support for config and update firmware, with an App in cell phone.
Also I want to test new Raspberry 3, to see if may even apply colouring to pixel level by frame, instead of replace bright level by color. This is a powerful board, 10 times faster than first Raspberry pi, so do not need FPGA to apply replacement of full frame by new colorized pixel by pixel. I will consult with my lawyers to see if some legal problems about patent, but I think no problem.

I think the holy grail would be something like this with all these features, and a custom OLED display - which should be possible for a reasonable price in 2 or 3 years.

#49 8 years ago

wow your properly setup for making these boards have all the gear! I have to send my designs off for assembly as i just dont have the time or patients to assemble them my self hehe. Also the parts are just to damn small!!!!

How well do the stencil / re-flow ovens work? Is it pretty much stencil pcb, place your parts, reflow it and out pops a working pcb? or do u have to rework them a bit?

#50 8 years ago
Quoted from russdx:

wow your properly setup for making these boards have all the gear! I have to send my designs off for assembly as i just dont have the time or patients to assemble them my self hehe. Also the parts are just to damn small!!!!
How well do the stencil / re-flow ovens work? Is it pretty much stencil pcb, place your parts, reflow it and out pops a working pcb? or do u have to rework them a bit?

Final result with reflow oven is perfect if place correctly solder paste, its very important or will produce some shorts between pins in TQFP chips, though later may remove shorts easily with solder wick and soldering station. Also I check always TQFP chips with microscope.

To assemble prototypes and medium quantity of boards its perfect and cheap. For big quantities (more than 100 pcs) I send it to assemble to a company.


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