(Topic ID: 284330)

** The Next Spooky Pin(s) **

By SantaEatsCheese

3 years ago

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“Will Spooky's Next Game In Production Be TNA 2.0?”

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#13401 3 months ago
Quoted from ultimategameroom:

He was very annoying! Fortunately I think he was the first character to get killed by one of the robots! It’s not to common that we cheer when a character gets killed in a horror movie but it was great to see him go!

Had to get a pack of smokes. That’s what got him.

#13402 3 months ago

SpookyLuke SpookyBug Just curious if the rights to The Rocky Horror Picture Show are even attainable from a financial perspective. I think it is a perfect theme for a machine from Spooky. I know there is/was a virtual pin of it.

I don't expect a real concrete answer but I love to hear anything y'all would like to share.

1 week later
#13403 84 days ago
Quoted from VoodooPin:

SpookyLuke SpookyBug Just curious if the rights to The Rocky Horror Picture Show are even attainable from a financial perspective. I think it is a perfect theme for a machine from Spooky. I know there is/was a virtual pin of it.
I don't expect a real concrete answer but I love to hear anything y'all would like to share.

Gonna have to settle for Rocky Horror on the Commodore 64 for now

#13404 84 days ago

You know who has A LOT of friends, Kevin Bacon. I don't know if stern has some exclusivity with Universal Studios since they just did Jurassic Park and Jaws and I bet King Kong happens soon. The two sleepers I would try to snipe from Universal are Tremors- cult classic, action, comedy, sci-fi, Kevin Bacon, Michael Gross, Reba McEntire. The other is Hollow Man- classic universal monster, action, sci-fi, Kevin Bacon, Elisabeth Shue, Josh Brolin, Greg Grunberg. It's a 2 pin deal harnessing the power of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon! Need a music pin add some Footloose to the deal. PS: I am not Kevin Bacon

#13405 78 days ago

Spooky should realllly think about trying to get the FALLOUT license for a future pin. The games are epic s d the new series is great.

1 month later
#13406 43 days ago

Season 2 is just as hilarious as the first, should be an easy get with their Adult Swim connections.

MV5BZjZlNzdjMDUtMzFlNC00ZTYxLTg4YzUtYTRjNTNkMjMxODYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM0MTUzNjA2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_ (resized).jpgMV5BZjZlNzdjMDUtMzFlNC00ZTYxLTg4YzUtYTRjNTNkMjMxODYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM0MTUzNjA2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_ (resized).jpg
#13407 43 days ago
Quoted from manadams:

Season 2 is just as hilarious as the first, should be an easy get with their Adult Swim connections.[quoted image]

I saw Mike and Rich from Red Letter Media do voices in season 2 but I don't know if their episode has aired yet.

#13408 43 days ago

Man the rights thing with the new Friday the 13th Jason verse nonsense makes it sound like licensing that franchise is going to be a nightmare as the film stuff is separated from the character for media usage? I can't imagine what this all means

#13409 43 days ago

goonies and/or gremlins

#13410 37 days ago

According to pinside owners about 64 people/locations own Looney Tunes and about 42 own TCM, is this just reflective of Spooky taking forever to make these things or are the sales really this poor?

Also slightly surprised that tcm isn't the bigger seller given it seems like it's what the design was originally intended for.

#13411 37 days ago
Quoted from stubborngamer:

According to pinside owners about 64 people/locations own Looney Tunes and about 42 own TCM, is this just reflective of Spooky taking forever to make these things or are the sales really this poor?
Also slightly surprised that tcm isn't the bigger seller given it seems like it's what the design was originally intended for.

A lot of people don’t put the game in their collection until they actually have it so I wouldn’t read too much in those numbers just yet.

#13412 37 days ago
Quoted from jfh:

A lot of people don’t put the game in their collection until they actually have it so I wouldn’t read too much in those numbers just yet.

counterpoint: https://pinside.com/pinball/machine/cgc-pulp-fiction-le

#13413 37 days ago
Quoted from jfh:

A lot of people don’t put the game in their collection until they actually have it so I wouldn’t read too much in those numbers just yet.

And to add to that, a lot of people on Pinside don't EVER add games to their collection and there are others that keep them private, via the settings. Also, there are tons of collectors that aren't even on Pinside. People put way too much stock in any of the numbers on Pinside.

#13414 37 days ago
Quoted from stubborngamer:

According to pinside owners about 64 people/locations own Looney Tunes and about 42 own TCM, is this just reflective of Spooky taking forever to make these things or are the sales really this poor?
Also slightly surprised that tcm isn't the bigger seller given it seems like it's what the design was originally intended for.

Spooky really seems to be coming into their own. I'd get a SD or LT if I could afford a NIB.

#13415 37 days ago

I hope Spooky is not struggling. Scooby was a huge hit and was followed up with TCM and LT which seem to be well received. I would assume right now the economy is starting to take it's toll and people are not rushing out to by Pinball Machines right now. These two machine have a limited run of 800+ each so I hope they do sell out and allow spooky to continue to release games each year.

With the used market prices being so high right now, I wouldn't touch anything that wasn't NIB. Spooky's prices are the best bang for buck there is. I just wish I cared about either theme.

#13416 37 days ago
Quoted from VoodooPin:

With the used market prices being so high right now....


#13417 37 days ago
Quoted from MattElder:

And to add to that, a lot of people on Pinside don't EVER add games to their collection and there are others that keep them private, via the settings. Also, there are tons of collectors that aren't even on Pinside. People put way too much stock in any of the numbers on Pinside.

It doesn't need to be stated that pinside doesn't account for every sale and an unknown multiple needs to be applied. It still seems low compared to say Labrynth that is currently at a little over 150 on pinside.

I think the games look fantastic, especially tcm, just a bit surprised.

#13418 37 days ago

I'm with TheLaw on this one. Used prices are the best they have been in many years since pre-COVID days. Tons of great deals out there on all manufacturers including Spooky.

#13419 37 days ago
Quoted from jazc4:

Spooky really seems to be coming into their own. I'd get a SD or LT if I could afford a NIB.

They definitely are. TCM/LT play great. I am still shocked to see people in Stern hype threads say things like "Spooky isn't on my radar at all". It is time they get on everyone's, and people start considering them as an option for their next NIB. I really hope they land a monster license (like Goonies) to bring in a bunch of new customers.

#13420 37 days ago
Quoted from stubborngamer:

It doesn't need to be stated that pinside doesn't account for every sale and an unknown multiple needs to be applied. It still seems low compared to say Labrynth that is currently at a little over 150 on pinside.
I think the games look fantastic, especially tcm, just a bit surprised.

Labyrinth started production last October and have built around 250 games? Spooky just debuted these in January? They are up to like machine #100 on LT per the invoicing. Unsure on TCM but likely comparable. Their direct sales online system says 99 LT and 155 TCM available (plus whatever allocation to distros). I think they're doing fine. Both look like great games. I'm in on a LT. I realize both themes are probably not A+by any means especially at almost $10k CE pricing. Spooky still likely best bang for buck NIB.

#13421 37 days ago
Quoted from stubborngamer:

It doesn't need to be stated that pinside doesn't account for every sale and an unknown multiple needs to be applied. It still seems low compared to say Labrynth that is currently at a little over 150 on pinside.
I think the games look fantastic, especially tcm, just a bit surprised.

Labyrinth was being made two to three months before TCM/LT was announced so makes sense there are more in peoples collections.

#13422 37 days ago
Quoted from cookpins:They definitely are. TCM/LT play great. I am still shocked to see people in Stern hype threads say things like "Spooky isn't on my radar at all". It is time they get on everyone's, and people start considering them as an option for their next NIB. I really hope they land a monster license (like Goonies) to bring in a bunch of new customers.

Spooky doing Goonies!

#13423 35 days ago
Quoted from oneballjab:

Spooky doing Goonies! [quoted image]

That would be my next pin for sure. Only ones for me that would top that would be a Pee-wee’s Big Adventure or a Dumb and Dumber

1 week later
#13424 28 days ago
Quoted from Rizmo:

That would be my next pin for sure. Only ones for me that would top that would be a Pee-wee’s Big Adventure or a Dumb and Dumber

Day 1 deposit for me (Goonies), I only have room for 2 pins and as much as I enjoy Zilla the big green lizard would be on the chopping block…

#13425 23 days ago

Next game is Beetlejuice. 100% money back guarantee. Per Kaneda. Christopher Franchi on art. Wish it was Goonies...

#13426 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

Next game is Beetlejuice. 100% money back guarantee. Per Kaneda. Wish it was Goonies...

what’s the timing on this? They still making Scooby and Tcms at the mo

#13427 23 days ago
Quoted from Evilroyrule:

what’s the timing on this? They still making Scooby and Tcms at the mo

This fall...around December.

#13428 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

Next game is Beetlejuice. 100% money back guarantee. Per Kaneda. Christopher Franchi on art. Wish it was Goonies...

Agree, Goonies is a great timeless movie that could convert to pinball in a big way. Beetlejuice is a decent movie but as for a pin goes Beetlejuice is Meh.

#13429 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

Next game is Beetlejuice. 100% money back guarantee. Per Kaneda. Christopher Franchi on art. Wish it was Goonies...

My guess is Evil Dead??

#13430 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

Next game is Beetlejuice. 100% money back guarantee. Per Kaneda. Christopher Franchi on art. Wish it was Goonies...

I'm putting down odds that it's not Beetlejuice...I'm with chad on his guess.

#13431 23 days ago

I really thought they had the Futurama license locked up a while ago, but I guess not. Good theme someone should do

#13432 23 days ago
Quoted from chad:

My guess is Evil Dead??

Yes, please make it based on Evil Dead 2 out of all of them .....pleeeeeaaaassseee.

#13433 23 days ago

Don't believe everything that gets thrown against the wall. If you throw 10 things at the wall eventually 1 will stick probably, but this isn't it. I've had my paws on the next game and he's wrong. Wish it was though ! What a cool theme ! Don't worry Spooky makes everything they do cool ! : )

#13434 23 days ago

My dude admits when he's wrong.

Beetlejuice not next...but still coming.

#13435 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

My dude admits when he's wrong.
[quoted image]

Boooo ....urns.

#13436 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

My dude admits when he's wrong.
[quoted image]

You really trust this guy? He just finds something revolving around a game and makes shit up. Like the Metallica remake.
Oh, it's the 40th anniversary of Ride the Lightning. Let me photoshop that date onto a lighting background and claim insider knowledge. Then he puts his pronstar hat on,, looks in the mirror and well, reads the replies whilst....

Pinside_forum_8202461_0 (resized).jpgPinside_forum_8202461_0 (resized).jpg

#13437 23 days ago

At least Kaneda shares the insider info he gets with us. Yeah it's not always right but alot of times it is. Nobody has a 100% track record.

#13438 23 days ago

A friend of mine has a really nice reel to reel set up.
Those are the best....

#13439 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

At least Kaneda shares the insider info he gets with us. Yeah it's not always right but alot of times it is. Nobody has a 100% track record.

Pee Wee has to keep making shit up to collect $5

Look at that pic. lol

Franchi punked him.

Beetlejuice. Good to hear a NO GO from PBstar

#13440 23 days ago

Come on Spooky……

#13441 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

At least Kaneda shares the insider info he gets with us. Yeah it's not always right but alot of times it is. Nobody has a 100% track record.

Fair enough, but I would be exhausted trying to keep up with his "rumor of the day", which he usually generated off pinside and adds some stuff. Anyway.

#13442 23 days ago
Quoted from PinballSTAR:

Don't believe everything that gets thrown against the wall. If you throw 10 things at the wall eventually 1 will stick probably, but this isn't it. I've had my paws on the next game and he's wrong. Wish it was though ! What a cool theme ! Don't worry Spooky makes everything they do cool ! : )

So he'll return the money?

#13443 23 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

At least Kaneda shares the insider info he gets with us. Yeah it's not always right but alot of times it is. Nobody has a 100% track record.

Well if you want to save $5 a month so does Knapp Arcade.

#13444 23 days ago
Quoted from PinballSTAR:

Don't believe everything that gets thrown against the wall. If you throw 10 things at the wall eventually 1 will stick probably, but this isn't it. I've had my paws on the next game and he's wrong. Wish it was though ! What a cool theme ! Don't worry Spooky makes everything they do cool ! : )

If I wanted to try to throw people who are guessing correctly off the scent, these are the exact words I would use.

#13445 22 days ago
Quoted from crujones4life:

At least Kaneda shares the insider info he gets with us. Yeah it's not always right but alot of times it is. Nobody has a 100% track record.

How many times has Kaneda f’ed Spooky sales? Why would anyone in the know at spooky share anything with him? Maybe they do…maybe he’s right…I just can’t figure out why Spooky would leak anything to him.

#13446 22 days ago

Cmon Spooky !!

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Just had an anniversary, new online video game
Sales a huge every Halloween (no pun intended)

Instinct CE buyer right here
To put with my CE Halloween (pun intended)


Any new fresh idea is also always welcomed

#13447 22 days ago

No , I don’t think it’s next but it’s an insta buy CE if it ever happens .

#13448 22 days ago
Quoted from TheCnyPinGuy:

Cmon Spooky !!
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Just had an anniversary, new online video game
Sales a huge every Halloween (no pun intended)
Instinct CE buyer right here
To put with my CE Halloween (pun intended)
Any new fresh idea is also always welcomed

My dream theme...

#13449 22 days ago
Quoted from TheCnyPinGuy:

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Killer Klowns from Outer Space would be a great choice. They could do so much with that theme.

That movie is not even a favorite of mine yet if done right I'd put it in my collection. I think people would gravitate towards that pin even if they've never watched the movie. Aliens pin, creepy clown pin, horror pin, cotton candy ray guns pin, all in one.

#13450 22 days ago

I've got my money on Mac & Me

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