(Topic ID: 243169)

POTC Code Change / Game Play Requests

By harryhoudini

5 years ago

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#1 5 years ago

*If this is not wanted, I'll drain it. I asked pinball_keefer if he would be ok with this but I didn't hear back.

I am suggesting we have a centralized location for requests of code change / game updates. They seem to be thrown in other threads and it feels like a single location would keep things more organized, prevent duplication and maybe (at least that is my intention) help JJP / pinball_keefer get really good feedback from people playing the game.

I'll start it off with things I've asked for or seen that sound logical. I was thinking using a numbering system would let us refer back to prior suggestions and add multiple per post so maybe if we can keep it going (continue your numbering where the prior post left off).

1. Add ball save timer for tortuga hole kick out
2. Add ball save timer for chapter start STDM drain
3. Fix map hole award announcement (via callout) before animation finishes (actually it happens before animation starts)
4. Additional lighting show and shaker motor triggering during sinking of Dauntless
5. Additional attract mode "pirate themed" show
6. Additional "Depths" usage/interaction/events
7. Additional "Bayou" usage/interaction/events
8. Option for ball launch triggered by action button
9. BP gate open/close logic fix (https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/jjp-pirates-of-the-caribbean-official-owners-and-fan-club/page/152#post-4945258)
10. Chapter complete callouts
11. Keep left post down when triggering On Stranger Tides Multiball during skill shot sequence (so skill shot can still be completed) if possible
12. Setting to allow multiple players to pick the same character
13. Don't trigger flippers when selecting character before game start.
14. For LE and CE owners, having a colored scene for game number.
15. Utilize Flying Dutchman triple cannon animation somewhere in related gameplay
16. Ability to skip animations playing when ball drains (by hitting both flipper)
17. Speed up end of ball delay, for some reason the game seems to hesitate for quite some time at various ball drain situations
18. Sometimes the bonus screen is just a black background, images for all?
19. Add callouts for locking a ball
20. Fix the map award callout that says "1 treasures"
21. As each chapter approaches its time limit, the callout “Shoot the Star Map for more time” is heard. But it shouldn’t be if Jack Sparrow is the only character remaining to be collected, when the Starmap shot ends the chapter instead of extending it.
22. Additional "feats" (for example sinking the dauntless multiple times during CPB MB) should have increased sensory feedback (audio, shaker, lighting) as further things are accomplished
23. Feature request: ability to supply my own movie clips for each chapter. Characters/titles remain the same, just the ability to put in a different clip in mp4 format or similar. Because, reasons. ( zaphX )
24. I'd like balls to be kicked out quicker when multiball ball saver is on. If I drain 2 balls I'll be lucky to get 1 back 5 seconds later PinballTilt
25. - removed
26. More gold awards jeffspinballpalace
27. Coin door ball save. jeffspinballpalace
28. Display game number. An attract screen shows machine number but not the game number entered in menu. Show game number instead.
29. Disable left post assist when Curse of the Black Pearl multiball is qualified but not active yet. Currently when you're playing a chapter that the post assist would be working for while Curse of the Black Pearl MB is qualified, if you hit the Port Royal shot that would start COTBP MB the post comes up and blocks the ball. The MB still starts, but it prevents the ball from going around the orbit and up into the Pearl. Since that initial trip onto the Pearl is really your only decent opportunity to get a super jackpot for COTBP that post stop is really costly.


Requests from an operator's view

1. Adjustment for the Black Pearl mini play field to only rock from side to side when there's a ball up and in multiballs. The wires under the pearl will break, if it would only rock when needed time to breakage will be extended.

2. Adjustment for the Black Pearl flippers. Flippers on the Pearl should only operate when a ball is up and in multiballs. The two flipper mechs produce a lot of black abrasion on the main play field. This can cause problems with optos.

3. Adjustment to show the player pictures more often in attract mode. Location players like this feature a lot, as it seems.

4. Custom message should get some love. At the moment it's only white font on a black screen.

5. Option to force the GI-RGB LED´s to stay white when a ball is in play.
In attract mode it should use GI color changing and during bonus count as well.
In some locations the house light situation is far from perfect, so GI lights are needed to see the balls on the play field.
In these locations a fixed to white GI illumination would be a big help.


If any of these are complete, impossible, undesirable I'll be happy to remove them.

#2 5 years ago

Go play some pinball and enjoy your games..

#3 5 years ago
Quoted from Bork:

Go play some pinball and enjoy your games..

You obviously haven't seen this post: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/guys-and-gals-i-have-a-problem-

#4 5 years ago

Thanks for creating this!

Don't trigger flippers when selecting character before game start.

Seriously, am I the only one that cares about this one?

#5 5 years ago

Flying Dutchman triple cannon animation!


#6 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

Thanks for creating this!
13. Don't trigger flippers when selecting character before game start.
Seriously, am I the only one that cares about this one?

Nope, I hear you and also thought it was weird. I think the reason for this is that you can plunge the ball without confirming a character selection so the flippers are active for that. But I suppose maybe the shooter lane switch could just be used to detect when the ball leaves (like TOM) and activate them then.

There, I numbered it for you.

#7 5 years ago
Quoted from Psw757:

Flying Dutchman triple cannon animation!

Is this a movie thing? I'm unfamiliar... I've only watched the first one (blasphemy?)

#8 5 years ago

For LE and CE owners, having a colored scene for game number. Hobbit and WOZ had these and were a nice touch. Right now on Pirates, it’s just a black screen with text

#9 5 years ago
Quoted from GrandFireball1:

For LE and CE owners, having a colored scene for game number. Hobbit and WOZ had these and were a nice touch. Right now on Pirates, it’s just a black screen with text

Yes! #14

#10 5 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Is this a movie thing? I'm unfamiliar... I've only watched the first one (blasphemy?)

Yeah his ship the Flying Dutchman has the coolest cannon.

Three barrels that rotate as they fire cannon balls, it’s called the triple cannon.

Need this in the game!

#11 5 years ago
Quoted from Psw757:

Yeah his ship the Flying Dutchman has the coolest cannon.
Three barrels that rotate as they fire cannon balls, it’s called the triple cannon.
Need this in the game!

Do you have a specific idea of how it would be implemented? I mean, I'm all for betterment but that seems to me like a somewhat basic change compared to the other requests which are mostly about gameplay.

#12 5 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Do you have a specific idea of how it would be implemented? I mean, I'm all for betterment but that seems to me like a somewhat basic change compared to the other requests which are mostly about gameplay.

Well I believe they are shown in the scene where the pearl and Dutchman are battling it out in the maelstrom so somehow maybe tied to that, not sure.

Maybe a missed super jackpot or something not sure.

I was also racking my brain on how the depths and bayou could be a little more exciting and integrated.

At the moment in most games it’s very underwhelming.

#13 5 years ago

I'd love to be able to skip the end of chapter animation when you drain (hitting both flippers, like the bonus count-up). It just seems to take way too long if you drain during a chapter (which, yes, I do often) and sometimes I'll pay a 4-player game by myself just to burn through a lot of balls and get warmed up. It's rather noticeable.

#14 5 years ago
Quoted from JordanB:

I'd love to be able to skip the end of chapter animation when you drain (hitting both flippers, like the bonus count-up). It just seems to take way too long if you drain during a chapter (which, yes, I do often) and sometimes I'll pay a 4-player game by myself just to burn through a lot of balls and get warmed up. It's rather noticeable.

YES! Just the delay after ball drain in general, if possible.

#15 5 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

Nope, I hear you and also thought it was weird. I think the reason for this is that you can plunge the ball without confirming a character selection so the flippers are active for that. But I suppose maybe the shooter lane switch could just be used to detect when the ball leaves (like TOM) and activate them then.
There, I numbered it for you.


Actually, as CRAZY as it sounds, it makes the game feel cheap to me if you can believe it because it’s 100% unnecessary for the flippers to trigger when a silver ball isn’t in play...

#16 5 years ago

At the risk of being a hypocrite, as I have been told my request #2 sdtm ball drain after star map chapter select does not require a fix, I question #1. With the tortuga hole you can just unscrew the top screw of the deflector and point it further up the left flipper. So since there is a mechanical solution, I don’t believe this needs a software solution. You can also hit the tortuga hole 5 times in rapid succession, so this could be used as a strategy for linking ball saves. People could take advantage of this. Also heaps of games have kick outs like this one, no s/w save.

The thing that makes the star map different from the tortuga hole is that the chapter select is a less frequent occurrence by its very nature and that no hardware adjustment is available to reduce the amount of drains.

As stated previously, unless you are in the middle of a multi ball, watching chapter select is like waiting for a bingo call. You watch the ball sling around expectantly and all the canons flying on the screen. When the chapter is selected, you watch the short clip and take stock of the targets you need to hit. You get ready the gate drops, the magnet kicks it lazily back up and the ball goes sdtm. Nothing I can do. Not all the time. It’s a random thing. May not get it for a day. Yesterday got it 10 times in 30 games. Gets me so cross I restart. Happened in my only 1 million plus game. My table is completely level.

A 2 second ball save needs to be configurable so purists who don’t want it can turn it off. It will not impact the game and cannot be stacked. Ball saves are used to give people a chance to have fun. That’s why we have them at the start of multiballs. A player should not accomplish all these tasks and then have the reward taken away because of a cheap sdtm. So too with the chapter select.

#17 5 years ago

#3 is the one I want from that list. Stop spoiling the surprise!

#18 5 years ago

when you allow the game to automatically select the character you are to play, post the rules for the character.

#19 5 years ago

Sorry to ask again, how do you pull up all the character abilities again?

#20 5 years ago
Quoted from zaphX:

#3 is the one I want from that list. Stop spoiling the surprise!

I guess do map award, and release ball from depths and then announce chapter? Or hold onto ball until map award done and announcement made. I wonder if they were trying to rush announcements together so ball isn’t held onto for too long? Maybe not a problem if it’s in there for a second or so longer.

#21 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

Sorry to ask again, how do you pull up all the character abilities again?

Hold a flipper button down

#22 5 years ago

I've added some btw.. I'm guessing JJP hates me by now.

#23 5 years ago

I dont think a ball save needs to be added on #2,yes sdtm do happen occasionaly
What they could do to fix it is pulse the spinning map disk to create some randomness

#24 5 years ago

Stern made potc.

#25 5 years ago
Quoted from Gibo:

I dont think a ball save needs to be added on #2,yes sdtm do happen occasionaly
What they could do to fix it is pulse the spinning map disk to create some randomness

It happens more than occasionally for me. If it is configurable you can turn it off. See everyone would be happy. 4 others in the owners club post have seconded this.

#26 5 years ago
Quoted from gumnut01:

It happens more than occasionally for me. If it is configurable you can turn it off. See everyone would be happy. 4 others in the owners club post have seconded this.

And If the map disc was to pulse on chapter select nobody needs to configure anything

#27 5 years ago
Quoted from Gibo:

And If the map disc was to pulse on chapter select nobody needs to configure anything

So a ball that correctly was falling to the flippers now gets redirected by the spinning map to sdtm. Good one. The spinning map is meant to be a hindrance not a helper. The map suddenly spinning when it did not use to is going to piss more people off. Ball savers are there to stop an unfair drain which the player has no control over. Same as end of Strobe Multiball in AFM.

#28 5 years ago
Quoted from gumnut01:

So a ball that correctly was falling to the flippers now gets redirected by the spinning map to sdtm. Good one. The spinning map is meant to be a hindrance not a helper. The map suddenly spinning when it did not use to is going to piss more people off. Ball savers are there to stop an unfair drain which the player has no control over. Same as end of Strobe Multiball in AFM.

Sorry mate but I dont think you know what your talking about,on most chapter select releases the map disk spins already just doesnt spin on all of them

#29 5 years ago
Quoted from Gibo:

Sorry mate but I dont think you know what your talking about,on most chapter select releases the map disk spins already just doesnt spin on all of them

I have not noticed that. According to the rules in the manual, the map spins for a short time when you hit a map letter. When all map letters are lit the disc spins until the map hole is hit. This is according to page A22 of the manual. Whether you are right or not and it does come on for some chapters, making it come on for all will impact the flow of the ball during the start of all chapters which could cause problems. I believe a ball saver would have less impact. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

And I’m not your mate.

#30 5 years ago

So I’ll keep playing, but I’m PRETTY SURE I have never SDTM from Chapter Select area yet.

#31 5 years ago
Quoted from Gibo:

Sorry mate but I dont think you know what your talking about,on most chapter select releases the map disk spins already just doesnt spin on all of them

So I believed what you said even though I had not experienced this nor found this behaviour in the rules. You sounded so sure of yourself that I thought I would check to see if I misunderstood the game. I tested without hitting map targets the following chapters being started after hitting the star map:

All must divide
Proper mermaid
El matador del mar
Brilliance or madness
Where’s jack
Governor’s pardon
Proving ourselves
The Trojan horse
Captain’s daughter

Funny thing is none of these chapters initiated a disc spin. Weird! Maybe my pinball is broken, and that’s why I’m draining now and again from star map.

Can you please point me towards which chapter the map spins for?

Neither at worlds end or stranger tides Multiball will start the disc spinning (I did not check the others).

The only thing that will cause the map to spin whilst I have been playing (bar wizards, I have not tested them yet) is hitting the map targets.

I think you mistakenly had hit the map targets before you hit the star map. Easy to make the mistake. Shots may be a bit tricky for you and I guess it’s a bit confusing with all those things going on in the playfield.

Check your facts before you call someone else wrong.

#32 5 years ago

I am not going to go through to many but I just tried "the black spot" using tia darma so I could wait for any phantom map target hits and it spun for me.Not realy interested in getting into a pissing contest with you,if you dont like my rule change suggestion so be it,màate

#33 5 years ago
Quoted from Gibo:

I am not going to go through to many but I just tried "the black spot" using tia darma so I could wait for any phantom map target hits and it spun for me.Not realy interested in getting into a pissing contest with you,if you dont like my rule change suggestion so be it,màate

Well this is really weird. Took the glass off and fired up a green chapter with Tia Dalma and the chapter came up as “the black spot”. No disc spin.

Then I thought maybe it happens after so many chapters in a row to try and make the wizard harder.

Nope. Did all these in the same game, all part of Dead Mans Chest:

I am the sea
Something to trade
Caged up
A touch of destiny

None of them spun.

So you are reporting behaviour which I am not experiencing. So your suggestion will not solve my problem. And it would be adding in a spinning map when it should not. This would cause more harm than good.

I can only think you have triggered something else beforehand, or one of your map leaf switches is overly sensitive and is being triggered by star map vibrations which in turn causes the disc to spin. That would explain why it does not happen all the time for you. Either that or we are on different versions of code. I am on 0.99.

I apologise for my previous rant and if I caused offence.

#34 5 years ago

Just a thought, how many people have had to reduce the following coil settings:

1) sling strength. We know slings are causing air balls and contributing to playfield damage. I think a lot of people have turned them down to 16.
2) flipper strength, straight out of the box people are getting a lot of air balls from lower left and right.
3) BP VUK. Balls should not go THUNK as they are delivered onto upper playfield. Opto can break and playfield is getting hammered behind the ships spinning sails.

I think JJP should review their defaults. I have a lot more dimpling because some of these defaults are too strong. They should at least give a warning to check these. All it takes is 50 games for the damage to show. This is manageable damage and it could have been avoided.

#35 5 years ago
Quoted from gumnut01:

Just a thought, how many people have had to reduce the following coil settings:
1) sling strength. We know slings are causing air balls and contributing to playfield damage. I think a lot of people have turned them down to 16.
2) flipper strength, straight out of the box people are getting a lot of air balls from lower left and right.
3) BP VUK. Balls should not go THUNK as they are delivered onto upper playfield. Opto can break and playfield is getting hammered behind the ships spinning sails.
I think JJP should review their defaults. I have a lot more dimpling because some of these defaults are too strong. They should at least give a warning to check these. All it takes is 50 games for the damage to show. This is manageable damage and it could have been avoided.

Yes to all.

#36 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

Actually, as CRAZY as it sounds, it makes the game feel cheap to me if you can believe it because it’s 100% unnecessary for the flippers to trigger when a silver ball isn’t in play...

I’m afraid pinball_keefer is in a bit of a quandary here. I think it’s been a pinball industry standard, since flippers were invented, for flippers to be active when the ball is on the table (without tilt). Lots of people flip flippers to get a feel for a game (or just for the hell of it) before putting the first ball into play. Killing that could be confusing or off putting to many players, casual and other.

That said, there are some things that could be done. First, make the character selection
cyclefairly rapidly when either flipper button is held, after a brief delay. (Surprised no one has suggested this.). Delay and cycle speed could be menu configurable/defeatable. One flipper press (with well-timed release) to get to your preferred character, instead of up to 11. Okay, add a second flip if you miss.

If, against the odds, that’s not enough to silence the clamor, then other non-default configuration options could be added, possibly including reliance on shooter lane switches, or holding down the action button. Seems unnecessary to me, but could make sense for a mostly home-use market. Different strokes...

My thoughts. Steve. (Also my first post ever, BTW.)

#37 5 years ago

Fix the map award callout that says "1 treasures"

#38 5 years ago

As each chapter approaches its time limit, the callout “Shoot the Star Map for more time” is heard. But it shouldn’t be if Jack Sparrow is the only character remaining to be collected, when the Starmap shot ends the chapter instead of extending it.

#39 5 years ago

Added those to the list.

#40 5 years ago

This is going to seem sort of trivial but I had thought I accomplished quite the feat when I sunk 3 ships during a single curse of the black pearl mb and other than the super jp callout....nothing exciting.

The fanfare/choreography should escalate a bit as you accomplish things like this. Need a little more excitement or drama. Just saying, that was hard as shit!

#41 5 years ago
Quoted from Psw757:

This is going to seem sort of trivial but I had thought I accomplished quite the feat when I sunk 3 ships during a single curse of the black pearl mb and other than the super jp callout....nothing exciting.
The fanfare/choreography should escalate a bit as you accomplish things like this. Need a little more excitement or drama. Just saying, that was hard as shit!

Agreed, and I think this falls under the same concept as bigger fanfare when sinking the dauntless anytime. That's specifically #4 above but I'll add what you noted as well. I think there is definitely room for some "polish" to the interactivity and sensory feedback as you accomplish additional feats.

#42 5 years ago

I like the animation but it would be cool if there was some progression to the clips for sinking ships.

There were plenty of ship battles to pull footage from without infringing on the whole character issue.

From a scoring perspective I thought it would have earned a bit more as well.

Really don’t know if it’s worth the effort as is, lol.

#43 5 years ago

I thought it was over 10k per super jackpot. Tortuga and other multiballs gross me far less. Extra footage would be nice plus that shaker!!!

#44 5 years ago
Quoted from gumnut01:

I thought it was over 10k per super jackpot. Tortuga and other multiballs gross me far less. Extra footage would be nice plus that shaker!!!

Really not sure what it scored but it isn’t easy to do 3 times during a multi ball.

#45 5 years ago

I've only ever done one. To do 3 you have accomplished quite a feat!

#47 5 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

I have done zero.

I have done zero as well. I can keep the ball on the ship just fine, but STRUGGLE to load the cannon.

#48 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

I have done zero as well. I can keep the ball on the ship just don’t, but STRUGGLE to load the cannon.

I've been attempting to get all the balls up there so I don't have to try and worry about the others.

#49 5 years ago
Quoted from harryhoudini:

I've been attempting to get all the balls up there so I don't have to try and worry about the others.

Haha.. that would be impressive. My gf managed to get 2 up there and they both instantly cams down the ramp.

I have yet to get 2 up there...

#50 5 years ago
Quoted from gumnut01:

I've only ever done one. To do 3 you have accomplished quite a feat!

Seemed like quite the feat but thought something dramatic was going to happen!

To be honest, I don’t even think you get the regular ship sunk animation during the MB because it is cancelled by the super jackpot call out. Really minor in the big picture but this is a prime example where additional choreography can be added to further enhance the crazy depth of everything.

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