(Topic ID: 59172)

Houston Area Arcade Expo Nov 2013-Special guests-Steve Ritchie and Dirty Donny

By PinballManiac40

10 years ago

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    hercules GC.jpg
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    There are 312 posts in this topic. You are on page 6 of 7.
    #251 10 years ago

    Will be there around 6 P.M.
    Can't wait.

    #252 10 years ago

    Be there at 9pm, kids in tow. Will be a great pinball weekend!

    Any pics?

    #253 10 years ago

    Leaving Austin shortly. Time for a fun weekend!!!


    #254 10 years ago

    Some shots of my setup...

    HAAG 2013 (2).JPGHAAG 2013 (2).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (3).JPGHAAG 2013 (3).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (4).JPGHAAG 2013 (4).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (5).JPGHAAG 2013 (5).JPG

    #255 10 years ago

    awesome pix !!

    #256 10 years ago

    some of the games...

    HAAG 2013 (7).JPGHAAG 2013 (7).JPG HAAG 2013 (8).JPGHAAG 2013 (8).JPG HAAG 2013 (11).JPGHAAG 2013 (11).JPG HAAG 2013 (17).JPGHAAG 2013 (17).JPG
    #257 10 years ago

    some vintage parts and neon's for sale...

    HAAG 2013 (14).JPGHAAG 2013 (14).JPG HAAG 2013 (15).JPGHAAG 2013 (15).JPG HAAG 2013 (16).JPGHAAG 2013 (16).JPG HAAG 2013 (18).JPGHAAG 2013 (18).JPG
    #258 10 years ago

    uh oh...it never fails

    HAAG 2013 (10)-307.JPGHAAG 2013 (10)-307.JPG
    #259 10 years ago

    Decat's awesome Popeye topper...

    HAAG 2013 (9).JPGHAAG 2013 (9).JPG
    #260 10 years ago

    Marco has Star Trek...

    HAAG 2013 (20).JPGHAAG 2013 (20).JPG
    #261 10 years ago

    Trophies and awards...

    HAAG 2013 (12).JPGHAAG 2013 (12).JPG HAAG 2013 (13).JPGHAAG 2013 (13).JPG
    #262 10 years ago

    Sir King Ritchie is in the house

    HAAG 2013 (1).JPGHAAG 2013 (1).JPG
    #263 10 years ago

    The parts vendors room...

    HAAG 2013 (30).JPGHAAG 2013 (30).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (21).JPGHAAG 2013 (21).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (22).JPGHAAG 2013 (22).JPG
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    HAAG 2013 (24).JPGHAAG 2013 (24).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (25).JPGHAAG 2013 (25).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (28).JPGHAAG 2013 (28).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (27).JPGHAAG 2013 (27).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (26).JPGHAAG 2013 (26).JPG
    HAAG 2013 (29).JPGHAAG 2013 (29).JPG

    #264 10 years ago

    Anyone have a video of the Richie conference or can provide any info on what was discussed?

    #265 10 years ago

    Does that "Tron SE" have EL legs?

    #266 10 years ago

    more pix

    #267 10 years ago
    Quoted from RogerKlotz27:

    Anyone have a video of the Richie conference or can provide any info on what was discussed?

    No video but here are a few interesting tidbits from his speech.

    1. The Star Trek LE starfield projector is a beam that is refracted in a crystal that is in the apron. On the first test run the hole was larger and the starfield projected all over the backbox and the walls. Now they have the hole just large enough so it is only projected on the playfield. (Though he mentioned some creative modders could easily have it back to shooting everywhere, wink wink)

    2. New AC/DC code could take up to a year to get released. Metallica code will be next in line for an update.

    3. X-Men code update is very doubtfull but maybe. He chalked this up to "Team difficulties".

    4. When working on new pins he always starts with the LE version and then strips things down to the pro.

    5. His least favorite pin he made is Stellar Wars.

    6. New computer system should be in the next game released. He was supposed to have it for Star Trek but it did not get ready in time.

    7. The new boards for the next system are very small in the backbox and should have small LED lights on them as well to shine onto the translite. (He wants to be able to controll them via software so the backbox can blink again.)

    8. Not really news, but new displays are coming soon. If not on the next game then by the one after that.

    9. He also said he and somebody else high up want to do an original theme someday. Gary Stern, not so much.

    I'm sure there was a little more, but it is late and I am going to bed.

    #268 10 years ago

    The swap meet...

    HAAG 2013 (31).JPGHAAG 2013 (31).JPG HAAG 2013 (32).JPGHAAG 2013 (32).JPG HAAG 2013 (33).JPGHAAG 2013 (33).JPG HAAG 2013 (34).JPGHAAG 2013 (34).JPG HAAG 2013 (35).JPGHAAG 2013 (35).JPG
    #269 10 years ago
    Quoted from Marc:

    The swap meet...

    Thanks for all the play-by-play so far. Very cool.

    #270 10 years ago

    Sunday morning packing up with the kids to head back home. This is a great show and very family friendly. We had a great time. Special thanks to all of those who put on the show. Your efforts are appreciated. Thanks to The King of pinball, The Lord of the Sith, the guy with the Lamborghini, and all of you who brought games.



    #271 10 years ago

    Great pics - thanks for posting! I was so bummed I wasn't able to make it. ...

    #272 10 years ago

    Very cool show. I was the one who asked Ritchie about the XMen code. I'm a bit disappointed he said it was done but it is what it is. His presentation was very good.

    Marc, I played the heck out of your games. Sadly, I wasn't able to snag a magic token from you. That Orbitor 1 game was really cool and unique. Glad you brought it.

    #273 10 years ago

    It was a shame my game didnt make it through the first night. Went down around midnight and we didnt have any tools to get it back it up and running. Ah well, these things happen. It was fun to have a game at the show.

    #274 10 years ago

    Really wanted to meet you TigerLaw, and maybe I did and just did not know it.
    I was sitting in the front row so I could not tell who was asking what questions.
    But I was the one that for some crazy reason, Steve Richie all of a sudden in the middle of his speech, decided to walk over and ask how I was doing. Totally caught me off guard, but funny non the less.
    I was also the one he had repeating all the question to him since he can not hear very well.
    It was a great show and I will post photos later.
    I qualified for the Metallica tourney but got knocked out early as there were some big names playing against me in my bracket. But it was a blast.

    #275 10 years ago

    Just got home from bringing our games back from the show. Thanks to Captive_Ball for helping us with the loading and unloading of the games and thanks Mark from Dallas, hope you enjoy the Congo!

    #276 10 years ago
    Quoted from Arcade:

    Really wanted to meet you TigerLaw, and maybe I did and just did not know it.
    I was sitting in the front row so I could not tell who was asking what questions.
    But I was the one that for some crazy reason, Steve Richie all of a sudden in the middle of his speech, decided to walk over and ask how I was doing. Totally caught me off guard, but funny non the less.
    I was also the one he had repeating all the question to him since he can not hear very well.
    It was a great show and I will post photos later.
    I qualified for the Metallica tourney but got knocked out early as there were some big names playing against me in my bracket. But it was a blast.

    I was 2 rows behind you and Tigerlaw was right behind me. I thought you were one of Steve's buddies the way he singled you out in the front row.

    #277 10 years ago


    i was there & didn't meet any of y'all. maybe next time
    had lots of fun. really friendly crowd there.
    here's some random quick pix.

    2013 expo 4.jpg2013 expo 4.jpg
    2013 expo 3.jpg2013 expo 3.jpg
    2013 expo 2.jpg2013 expo 2.jpg
    2013 expo 1.jpg2013 expo 1.jpg

    #278 10 years ago

    Great show this year! The "B" titles were the ones that kept drawing me back. Four titles that come to mind as exceptional:

    1. World Cup Soccer - this game looked like it just came out of the box. This is the first time I've ever been able to truly play this game, and I loved it!
    2. Popeye - sure it's a goofy game, but this one was in fantastic condition and a fun change of pace.
    3. Star Trek Next Gen - Modded lighting and gameplay were fantastic.
    4. Bromley Little Pro - never seen it before, and it was a blast finally making it through the whole course.

    Special thanks to Marc for bringing the Safecracker. I scored my first ever magic token!
    and to Dirty Donny for signing my Met translite.

    #279 10 years ago
    Quoted from jkdblaze:

    Great show this year! The "B" titles were the ones that kept drawing me back. Four titles that come to mind as exceptional:
    1. World Cup Soccer - this game looked like it just came out of the box. This is the first time I've ever been able to truly play this game, and I loved it!
    2. Popeye - sure it's a goofy game, but this one was in fantastic condition and a fun change of pace.
    3. Star Trek Next Gen - Modded lighting and gameplay were fantastic.
    4. Bromley Little Pro - never seen it before, and it was a blast finally making it through the whole course.
    Special thanks to Marc for bringing the Safecracker. I scored my first ever magic token!
    and to Dirty Donny for signing my Met translite.

    Yep. The star trek lighting was very cool. Did you see the creature from the black lagoon with the video under the playfield next to star trek?

    The Little Pro was one of my favorites also. I was probably the guy playing it too long trying to get the perfect rotations. Interesting how shots to the left needed different offsets from the shots on the right. Was very fun.


    #280 10 years ago

    Thanks again to Marc for bringing his Hercules to the Expo along with the many other machines. Hercules seemed to be a constant playing machine. You helped to make this year's Expo EPIC !!

    #281 10 years ago

    That Creature was awesome! Very nice job.

    #282 10 years ago

    My favorite was easily the cow poke. Just a great aab with some great backglass animation


    #283 10 years ago
    Quoted from fish1975tx:

    Just got home from bringing our games back from the show. Thanks to Captive_Ball for helping us with the loading and unloading of the games and thanks Mark from Dallas, hope you enjoy the Congo!

    Great show. A pleasure meeting you and your wife. Thanks for working out a deal with me on the Congo, and for helping me load it on to my truck (many thanks to you as well Captive_Ball).

    Of the games I've never played before, Congo and World Cup Soccer were the ones I went back to the most.

    I really enjoyed ST even with the unfinished code. Orbitor 1 was quirky but fun.

    ColorDMD is awesome!!

    Met some great people. Hope to see some of you in March at the Texas Pinball Festival.

    #284 10 years ago
    Quoted from retired_user_101:

    Did you see the Creature from the Black Lagoon with the video under the playfield next to Star Trek?

    I did, but I already have a Creature with the MikeD video mod. It was interesting to see the other take on it though.

    #285 10 years ago
    Quoted from BooyaNY:

    Thanks for working out a deal with me on the Congo,

    That was one of the best playing Congo's I have played. I put several games on it; good pick up. His CSI stole the show for me. That game rocked, wish I had the space for it at the moment.

    #286 10 years ago
    Quoted from TigerLaw:

    That was one of the best playing Congo's I have played. I put several games on it; good pick up. His CSI stole the show for me. That game rocked, wish I had the space for it at the moment.

    That was a nice game. Only problem for me was the volcano ramp was a little harder to make than normal. Either a slightly weak flipper or my game was off a bit.

    #287 10 years ago
    Quoted from Arcade:

    Really wanted to meet you TigerLaw, and maybe I did and just did not know it.

    Next time! Jodester, Nevus, Speed, and a few other people from the show formed the nexus of a plan to have a small pinball gathering in Lake Charles. Perhaps we get a sanctioned tournament together.

    Quoted from retired_user_101:


    i was there & didn't meet any of y'all. maybe next time

    Yea, there were a lot of Pinsiders there, I met some but not as many as I had hoped. The fact that I forgot my cpu and ipad lead to me not being able to coordinate here with people. Was cool to see all the LSU fans there too.

    Quoted from PinballManiac40:

    Thanks again to Marc for bringing his Hercules to the Expo along with the many other machines. Hercules seemed to be a constant playing machine. You helped to make this year's Expo EPIC !!

    Yea, was awesome of Marc to bring all those games. That Orbiter 1 game really was cool. I don't believe I have ever seen one of those before and I never figured it out but it sure was fun to play!

    #288 10 years ago

    Great Show .
    Thanks to all who made it happen

    #289 10 years ago

    I made it to the show, and I also loved World Cup Soccer. Makes me want one. That Cow Poke was in wonderful condition, though a tough game. Loved the new Star Trek and the CSI. And I,had never even played AC/DC, so I spent a lot of time on the three examples there. I was underwhelmed with Mettalica, but I only played it a couple times, so I need to give it more of a chance. Glad I brought my earplugs, as the sound was deafening in there especially on Saturday. Fun time!

    #290 10 years ago

    Just posted a lot of show photos.
    Thought I was in this thread when I posted them, but I was in the Steve Richie thread.
    Instead of reposting them here, this is the link to the other thread.
    Enjoy the photos.

    #291 10 years ago

    Thanks for the kind words on creech, that would be mine right there. Wish you could have actually heard the attract mode as it played through it, its cool stuff to watch!


    #292 10 years ago
    Quoted from creyes82:

    Thanks for the kind words on creech, that would be mine right there. Wish you could have actually heard the attract mode as it played through it, its cool stuff to watch!
    » YouTube video

    JM2.JPG 693 KB

    You are welcome, and thanks for brining it. Makes me sad I ever sold mine.

    #293 10 years ago
    Quoted from PinballManiac40:

    Thanks again to Marc for bringing his Hercules to the Expo along with the many other machines. Hercules seemed to be a constant playing machine. You helped to make this year's Expo EPIC !!


    Mark's collection at the show was awesome... and it was super-generous of him to have the Safe Cracker loaded up with tokens.

    #294 10 years ago
    Quoted from BarrySanders:

    Great Show .
    Thanks to all who made it happen

    $155 for the Middle Earth?

    #295 10 years ago

    Thank you for all the compliments on my games. Hercules is a bitch to move but I do enjoy seeing people play it. And, it won the Grand Champion Best of Show so that was a nice way to close the show for me.

    hercules GC.jpghercules GC.jpg

    #296 10 years ago
    Quoted from Marc:

    Hercuels is a bitch to move...

    And a bigger bitch to spell!
    Congrats on the win!

    #297 10 years ago
    Quoted from Dmod:

    And a bigger bitch to spell!
    Congrats on the win!

    ^^^ bastard, spelled that right

    and a to make the above comment ok

    oh, and Thanks

    #298 10 years ago

    My pic with Steve Ritchie and I showing off our "Large" watches. Mine is small compared to his (my watch that is ) Also in the pic is my brother (Arcade) and my nephew. The other is great! It is Steve being held hostage after his announcement that X-Men might not get an update lol.


    #299 10 years ago
    Quoted from Marc:

    Hercules is a bitch to move but I do enjoy seeing people play it. And, it won the Grand Champion Best of Show so that was a nice way to close the show for me.

    Thanks again for bringing the game (and all your games in fact) and big congrats for winning best in show. Didn't it also win something at the TPF earlier this year?

    #300 10 years ago
    Quoted from TigerLaw:

    Thanks again for bringing the game (and all your games in fact) and big congrats for winning best in show. Didn't it also win something at the TPF earlier this year?

    At TPF 2013 Hercules won Best 70's electronic. Varkon won Grand Champion.

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