(Topic ID: 59172)

Houston Area Arcade Expo Nov 2013-Special guests-Steve Ritchie and Dirty Donny

By PinballManiac40

10 years ago

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    There are 312 posts in this topic. You are on page 7 of 7.
    #301 10 years ago

    My highlights of the show seem to be right in line with most others. Besides likeing the new ST here is my recap: I love what LED lights have done for pinball but none more than what I saw at the show on two titles. I think the LEDs brought World Cup Soccer and Theater of Magic to a whole other level. I used to own a WCS and was blown away with what I saw on this one. I also used to own TOM and was once again amazed at the way it was transformed with the new lighting.

    Creature was another standout. That updated speaker panel and video mod was sweet. My surprise hit, along with my brother, was the Williams Fire. What a well done game for its time! I would own that if I found one and had the $$ lying around. I was also enamoured with the Bromley LIttle Pro but I own a mini golf course so what can I say lol. The Cow Poke must be mentioned as well. Super nice and fun to play!!

    The show was a ton of fun. I think it would have been cool to run an "A" and "B" tournament but I know that takes more time and energy. I would also LOVE if the lights weren't so dim. I had a very hard time playing a lot of the titles with weak GI. WOZ was completely unplayable to me after the show lights went off. I also have mixed feeling about the music. I love it but when I'm playing I don't as I can't hear the machine. Music makes an event so I don't know what to say but that everyone needs to mod their machines with headphone jacks lol.

    Thanks for putting on such a fun show! I can't wait for next year!!!

    #302 10 years ago
    Quoted from KingNine:

    I also have mixed feeling about the music. I love it but when I'm playing I don't as I can't hear the machine. Music makes an event so I don't know what to say but that everyone needs to mod their machines with headphone jacks lol.
    Thanks for putting on such a fun show! I can't wait for next year!!!

    Agreed here. Music was nice but was way to loud in my opinion. It was nice to have but would have been much better if toned down a bit. Anyone try to play the Corvette pin that had a 4 foot tall speaker right next to it on full blast? I played one ball and left as it was uncomfortably loud.

    Not negativity, just something to make next year even better.

    #303 10 years ago

    I requested Abba's Greatest hits , but Keith refused. ( Although Im pretty sure I heard "Dancing Queen" late Saturday night)

    #304 10 years ago

    We brought our earbuds just in case.
    It was nice to jack into the Wizard of OZ.
    In my opinion a headphone jack is the best pinball mod and all my machines have them.
    We looked around the show for more, but never found any.
    I will certainly be bringing my earbuds to Dallas as well. Hopefully more machines will have them.

    #305 10 years ago
    Quoted from BarrySanders:

    I requested Abba's Greatest hits , but Keith refused. ( Although Im pretty sure I heard "Dancing Queen" late Saturday night)


    #307 10 years ago

    what are the odds of a random walk-thru the play area and you hear Abba instead of Temples of Syrinx?

    #308 10 years ago

    I know , I was joking with that ABBA post and then you posted the video and BAZINGA!!!

    #309 10 years ago

    I thought the Houston Arcade and Pinball Expo 2013 was a big success.

    The Good:
    A great selection of pinball machines to play from mid 60's e-m's to several new 2013 models.
    Everything seemed to run smoothly in general over the weekend.
    Steve Ritchie and Dirty Donnie (and others) were very nice to everyone the entire weekend.
    Played over a dozen pinball machines I had never played before.
    Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, R2D2, and Super Mario guys, all made appearances.
    Lots of door prizes, free gifts, trivia prizes given out through-out the weekend.
    Hotel staff did great, bathrooms were kept clean, parking was adequate, room rates were reasonable.
    The power glitch (on Fri afternoon) was repaired in a timely manner (power feed fuse replaced?).
    Great fun playing pinball with friends and going out to eat together at nearby restaurants.
    Quantity and types of restaurants, and close distance from hotel was perfect.
    TV was on in the hallway outside the gameroom for us to also watch college football games on Sat.
    Nevus even gave several of us free pizza to enjoy while watching football.
    Tear down on Sunday went well also imho.

    The Bad:
    Several machines broke down over the weekend, some got repaired, some did not.
    Some wacked out crazy dude seen on 5th floor and elsewhere around the hotel was a cause for concern.

    The Ugly:
    LSU got beat by Alabama.

    #310 10 years ago

    In related news , I hear the Crimson Tide got on the bus and just 90 minutes after they left the stadium , the LSU Tigers scored.

    #311 10 years ago
    Quoted from Pinball-is-great:

    Some wacked out crazy dude seen on 5th floor and elsewhere around the hotel was a cause for concern

    I may have played a few games with him on Fri night in the tourney area


    #312 10 years ago
    Quoted from way2wyrd:

    I may have played a few games with him on Fri night in the tourney area

    I believe we did. I kept expecting the crew from "Cops" to bust in and complete the episode!


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