Godzilla (Pro)


Godzilla (Pro)

Pinside Rating

This game received 460 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.798 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks 3rd in the game group "Godzilla". The group itself ranks #1 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.748

Artwork: 8.88

Sounds/Music: 8.416

Other Aspects: 8.923

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 4 of us have rated this game.


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This title is part of group: "Godzilla"

Found 169 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 169 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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8 months ago
Such a fun game with almost endless re-playability. I feel like the playfield is slightly stale, especially compared to the premium version, but the code still has so many similarities. Very fun machine, I just feel like they could have added some additional dynamic targets.
8 months ago
Love this game and is my favourite, so many awesome shots, callouts and gameplay is fantastic!!
9 months ago
The playfield Godzilla only being printed on cheap piece of plexiglass is pretty disappointing
9 months ago
I prefer the pro because of the flow and I really dig the Mechagodzilla spinner set up. Actually like the play on this more that the premium, but the premium's toys are pretty cool. I just don't like the interruptions with gameplay and the benefit did not equal the extra money in my book - reasonable minds will obviously differ. I also worry about all those fancy moving parts. Seems like a lot to go wrong. The loops and ramps flow like few games have and the modes on the game, while confusing at first, quickly become familiar turf. Not a huge fan of the endless menu, but that's probably because in 30 years of collecting, this is actually the first Stern I have owned and so I am just not familiar with their system. Really enjoy this newer addition to my meager collection.
Now that I’ve had it a wile, I like it even more. Getting the massive rule set under control. Once you clarify tasks it becomes a bit easier to move up into higher modes.
There are a couple of must do mods on my opinion:
1. The Stern shaker + the essential Pinball Life shaker limiter found here: https://www.pinballlife.com/stern-shaker-motor-limiter-board-assembly.html
2. Upgraded speakers. See this thread and search for Godzilla: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/improving-sound-quality-the-diy-route
3. Replace the skill shot gate with a magnetic reed switch (MRS) from Sonic at M&M at: https://pinside.com/pinball/biz/directory/1772-mampm-creations
4. Shooter lane fix. There are multiple versions of this that are easy to find. They improve, but do not eliminate the frustrating rattling ball launches.
Beyond that, there are endless well-made mods ranging in price from a few bucks to hundreds of dollars.
Ultimately, an awesome game!
10 months ago
Finally got a used Godzilla Pro. I now just regret that I did not get it sooner. On location I never liked it too much, but in the gameroom I love it. The Premium is of course better, but Pro is excellent on it's own. The king of all pinball Machines...... How can Keith Elwin ever top this?
11 months ago
Great game, very fun..one pop bumper, wish it had more!!
11 months ago
Pinball for me is about fun and having fun together with others. This is more a video game for 1 player. Goal is te get to the end. Town, monster, repeat 4x and planet. As this is impossible to mortals like me it seems most fun adding a bunch of 3D printer plastics and cartoons. But who adds a custom spoiler to a premium sportscar? A Bugatti? No one. So this machine can not be a top when it need so much pimping to improve. I have chosen the Pro because it is in our office and waiting for bridges and buildings (premium) which can also break is no joy. I like the silver ball and prefer playing with others. With Godzilla plays are to long to keep my interest when played with 2 or more.
Getting to the gameplay. To overwhelming for me. All lights that does not make sense on places that does not make sense. Buttons and codes that I do not (want to) understand. With the update choosing the Godzilla multiball song is nice als play with japanese callouts.

Fun thing is the battle. Left ramp, right ramp and get battle. Choose your battle, machine indicates what it expects you to do. Choose what fits you and go. If it does not work try later again. Super! Also fun are the multi balls. Just shoot balls up and see what happens. Mothra save is fab, And there are many other nice things in the play, spinners, building and more but all together its a little to much.
Spoiler is the drainable out of the building. Happy to make a nice shot and direct loose the ball. Why put this lane in at the first place?
11 months ago
Another quote recent NIB purchase that didn't really stand the test of time.

I really love the theme it's just so perfect in every way yet for some reason I found the game to be really unsatisfying. I can't put my finger on it but it's been like that with the last few Elwin games I have owned AIQ was another .
Maybe it's just that I prefer the more simple rules and I am one of these players that wants to finish a game rather than worry about scoring .

The machine is beautiful and the sound and light show is fantastic, my ten year old is a always a good indicator of if a game is good or not and he didn't bat an eyelid when this one left .

I hear a lot about the premium is the one you need so this review is based on the pro
11 months ago
Rented the pro for 2 month, was sad to see it leave. It’s definitely my favorite pinball of all time. I love watching the building collapse in the premium, but I do feel like I do better setting up/getting multi ball in the pro. Godzilla is definitely on my buy list.
12 months ago
Godzilla pro is a really fun game. Is it the best pin ever made? For me no, but I can see why it’s in the top 5. It has a lot of variety on the shots. This is a pin where the flippers really need to be aligned perfectly for the shots to be consistent. There is an issue with the game with the plunge shot being misaligned that I think should have been noticed before the game went into production - there are mods to fix it but it shouldn’t need fixing. The art and animations are great and fun. This game was made for a shaker motor - it adds a ton to the experience and is something I feel they should include from the factory. The modes are fun - the issue for me is that so many of them can be stacked, which is great for strategy and scoring but it also makes it hard to tell what shots need to be made if you are in a mode, so at times it can feel like too much is going on. The lighting is great when only one mode is active but I do wish the shots changed colors or something to indicate how many more times you need to hit a shot to complete it rather than looking at the lcd screen. Having played the pro and premium I feel like the premium is the better experience. The building dropping adds a nice variety to the gameplay with it rerouting the ball path but the biggest change is the mecha Godzilla shot. It’s such a huge difference between the pro and I greatly prefer the premium. On the pro the shot is much tighter and the premium mecha Godzilla toy has the added benefit of deflecting the ball back onto the habitrail which is really cool but also has the benefit of feeding back to the flipper.

Pro is really fun - premium is worth the extra.
1 year ago
The Pro model takes a lot of notable toys out, but the game design is strong enough to still make it a worthy addition to any collection.
1 year ago
Hello Earthlings.

I've owned my Pro for several months, and I have to say, I cannot and will not argue the standing #1 rating on the Top 100 boards. This game is flat out incredible, and I am not even remotely tiring of it. In fact, it's so deep and there are so many shots and play style options that I really feel like I'm just getting to know it. I'm not sure I'll ever master that left spinner shot! It's challenging but not brutal like some games, both from a shot and a rules standpoint. The second you think you get to know it, you watch a really good player on YouTube and learn something new.

The only area I can even think about dinging it points is on the toys. I know it's a pro model, but it looks a bit cheap out of the box. Fortunately, there are a ton of mods for the game, and I've had an absolute blast doctoring mine up to make it look as great as it plays. The lighting is stunning off the bat, with some really sweet light shows, strobe effects, and color to match mode moods. The art, videos, sound, everything is simply stellar.

Play it on route. Buy it and play it at home. Just find it, play it, and love it. Go Godzilla!
1 year ago
I owned Godzilla for a quite a while and couldn't wait to sell it! The last 5 months I owned it, I only played it like 3 times, lol. That's how much I enjoyed Godzilla. I won't miss it.

I'd played it on route several times (Premium and Pro) and it was OK, and I mostly bought it due to the great reviews/ratings and because it looks pretty cool. The Premium/LE has a few more toys, but IMO they don't change the overall play of the game, they just give a few gimmicks/tricks that might be cool or "wow" the first time you experience them. I didn't find a difference in fun factor between the models.

To me, the playfield layout was just a bad design, and there's no fixing it with software. Here are some reasons.

-Upper flipper really only has 1 shot (some games have multiples)
-Upper flipper missing ball guide above the flipper means a looped ball sometimes deflects from the top of the flipper bat
-Frequently punishes for missed shots (upper flipper hits the ramp? likely going SDTM!)
-Also punishes for perfectly made shots. Stern admitted this by later adding the ballsaver on the building loop!
-Too many SDTM from the right side spinner and behind the pop bumper.
-The mix of display animation styles isn't done well. It's like 5 different people with 5 different ideas worked on the animations.
-Blue Oyster Cult isn't one of my favorite bands - Not a reward to hear that song.
-Upper left ramp shot is extremely tight. I'm not the worst pinball player, and I can rarely make it (like 10%)
-Shooter is clunky and random on almost all Godzillas.
-The only Toy on the Pro - the Magnet - is a total dud. It isn't that interesting (previous magnets have been better used) and it doesn't even hold the balls correctly most of the time. Nice try... but I'd be surprised if it appeared in any future games ever again.

A lot of people praise the deep software, but I'm not a good enough player to see most of those layers. If you're a wizard, this might be a bigger deal to you.

Play it and see what you think. A lot of people love this game, but I found it to be a huge empty sack of over-hype.
1 year ago
The best pinball machine ever made. Never gets old
1 year ago
I didn't want to like this pin, absolutely hate the theme. That upper shot that you can loop for days sold me. If you can get past the lizard it is fun.
1 year ago
Just phenomenal. I wish I could understand the Japanese dialog.
1 year ago
When I first played it, I couldn’t stand it and thought it was extremely overrated. The examples I played were not good one so it wasn’t really a fair judgement. I was finally able to get on a well maintained game and it changed my opinion. I ended up ordering mine for our location and regret not doing it sooner.
1 year ago
Godzilla is a great game, and one of the best recent Stern games behind Iron Maiden. For me though, it simply is not the GOAT machine. It's excellent, but I was ready to be done with it after about 300 games.
1 year ago
I played this game on location and fell in love with it instantly. I bought the pro version as my first and only pin. Ive played several thousand games in it already. And still love to play it and not tired of it at all. The flow, layout, shots, layout, sound/ music, art, everything about this game i love. I never really cared about Godzilla before but this game has kind of made me a fan. I get why its rated as the king of the pins.
1 year ago
The play is fun and smooth, the theme's integration is excellent, and the rules are deep and satisfying. I was initially attracted to the theme, but fell in love with the gameplay. Even if you don't like the theme, I recommend trying this table -- its high rank is justified!

I've played both the Pro and Premium and I prefer the Premium with its toys, even though they do slow down the play somewhat. The Pro is still exceptional, so it comes down to personal preference and budget.
1 year ago
My favorite machine. Not only does it get the big things right, like shots and layout, it gets all the little stuff right too, like the music and the art and the code. Of particular note for me is the video screen, which on most pinball machines is just an expensive nuisance, being integrated seamlessly into the playing experience. You don't have to look at it to play the game but it makes it more fun when you do, without being distracting.

One of the most difficult things for a game to pull off is to be interesting to every skill level from beginner to expert. Godzilla hits the mark. There are lots of different ways to play, it's neither too hard nor too easy, and there's always something that seems juuuust out of reach that you know you can achieve with just one more game, no matter what level you're at. It keeps you coming back.

I mostly play the Pro version because that's what's available to me (I don't own any machines) but I've played the Premium too. The only thing I miss from the Premium is the moving building, which is one of the best toys in all of pinball. Other than that the gameplay is pretty much the same.

There are lots of pins I haven't tried yet and maybe I'll find one I like better, but it doesn't seem likely.
1 year ago
Only Deadpool is higher for me at this time
1 year ago
Amazing game ! I say this is the best pinball ever made awesome flow and shots , Giant monsters , fighting tanks and armies explosions , and music make it a killer game ! Ilove the premium too ! LOve Godzilla all my life ! Dream theme perfect 10 ! Go Go Godzilla ! And it has Blue Oyster Cult Godzilla !
1 year ago
This is a fun game to play and very easy to score high. The bldg in it is a fun reward but the pro model is really kind of bland for what’s in the playfield. A good amount of paths but not necessarily something you need at home since you can probably find these easily at your local pinball place.

If you ad mods this game would look great but still feels a little overpriced for what you get in the pro to start.
1 year ago
While I only have about 8 plays on Godzilla Pro I do not see what all of the hype is about. I find that it shoots fairly well with some satisfying shots. And I will say the magnet is very fun. I did not have a wow factor for this game. This also may be due to the fact that I do not particularly enjoy the theme. I have also heard that the premium version of this game does add a lot so I will have to try out the premium at some point. Others that I played with love this game while others still (Those with closer tastes to mine) find it "Meh" when compared to the hype it has drawn.

Like with all pins some will fit your style better than others. This one does not speak to me but it is a home run for many others.
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