(Topic ID: 297596)

Pinfest 2022 - buy, sell, trade, want (no hotel talk)

By shlockdoc

2 years ago

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    #2251 2 years ago

    We don’t need a lock we just need to throw out an activist who just made 5 consecutive posts trying to start a fight.

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these post show examinations of if anybody got sick or not. It’s useful info people want to know.

    The cable news talking points and tired attempts to turn this into The Five aren’t necessary.

    #2252 2 years ago

    I really like what Cointaker did at the show and all the new games they had, at normal pricing. It was nice to have different models of each title to compare.

    Show was great, packed on Friday when I went. Seemed like rain was hindering some machine sales. It kept me from buying anything.

    #2255 2 years ago

    I don't care how loony you think the other side is. We are all pinball fans here and can agree on that. Do not threaten violence on this site. Crazylevi and I (probably) don't agree on anything politically buy I still sought him out to meet and greet because we both like pinball. Forceflow was a pleasure to meet.

    #2257 2 years ago

    No one ever knows who got what from whom and when.....unless its a punch in the mouth, that's easy to figure out.

    I went through several bad outbreaks at work before I retired last summer with nary a sniffle, and then in March whilst barely going out, I popped a positive.

    The word has been passed for folks to take a test, lets carry on with the show.

    #2258 2 years ago
    Quoted from JodyG:

    Just a note...vaccination doesn't keep you from getting or spreading the virus, it just gives you a better chance of not having a severe reaction to it when you do get it.

    Not seeing this at work- The vaccinated and boostered are getting covid and its knocking them on their ass hard.

    I hesitate to call it a different strain as you would think that the test would then not work but not so. At the height a year ago we had a number of positive people who had no symptoms at all.

    Now, everyone who has tested positive has been brutally ill. Fevers, sweats, flu like symptoms. Very strange.

    (Edit: The vast majority of people here got the Pfizer "double shot" almost no one got the J&J)

    #2259 2 years ago

    The guy who spent the whole show volunteering and running the tournament? If you want to argue politics do it on Reddit. Endless arguments. Highly recommended.

    #2260 2 years ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    I don't care how loony you think the other side is. We are all pinball fans here and can agree on that. Do not threaten violence on this site. Crazylevi and I (probably) don't agree on anything politically buy I still sought him out to meet and greet because we both like pinball. Forceflow was a pleasure to meet.

    Agreed; we might not agree on everything nor will you have friends that do.

    Both are upstanding guys.

    #2261 2 years ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    The guy who spent the whole show volunteering and running the tournament?

    It has nothing to do with that, but let’s keep this thread on topic.

    I am not normally a fan of EM machines but I definitely played a lot more at the Allentown share this year than I ever have any other time. There were some really nice pieces there.

    #2262 2 years ago

    Hey guys I'm gonna be a total piece of shit and threaten to beat up a Mod over absolutely nothing...but hey let's just get back on topic and talk about woodrails!

    Seeya dude. Enjoy your vacation.

    #2263 2 years ago

    I said my peace, get over it.

    Do we have the dates for next year’s show yet?

    #2264 2 years ago

    I don’t need to hear anything else from sevenrites. Pretty amazing how a few bad posts can make me never want to read anything from them ever again.

    #2265 2 years ago
    Quoted from sevenrites:

    I said my peace, get over it.

    The issue is people don't want to have to look over their shoulder for people at a freaking pinball show.

    Seriously, look into Reddit to talk Vaccine and politics. Endless arguments with internet strangers you will never meet. Be civil with your pinball hobbyists that you will meet. Politics and religion don't work well with polite company.

    The Pinball community is not diverse at all (see show attendance) but all are welcome regardless of anything.

    No doxxing, no threats in a hobby where people need to meet up.

    #2266 2 years ago

    Everybody knows what I look like, and exactly where I was for about 20 total hours last weekend and, and I'm a "spineless coward."

    Not the anonymous "peace" of shit threatening to beat people up for absolutely no good reason without any provocation from behind a keyboard.

    Ain't that funny?

    This hobby attracts some absolute lunatics. But Hey who wants to talk about EMs? Let's get this back on topic!

    And yes, we know the dates for next year. It's the same goddamn weekend every year, the first weekend in May.

    #2268 2 years ago

    Literally no one:
    Sevenrites: Threatens violence against two well respected Pinside contributors.
    Also Sevenrites: So how about those cool EMs guys?

    Seriously dude, get help.

    #2269 2 years ago

    Dude... I went to bat to get waivers for a few folks that didn't want to get the Vax. I was in the Rona thread too. I totally get where you are coming from but threatening violence for someone who calls you a name is not the way. Reference fighting someone at a show and nobody will want anything to do with you on the site ever again. I would strongly suggest damage control if that is even possible.

    #2270 2 years ago

    Can we all agree to let that be the last word on that?

    Anyone want an Ultraman NIB for trade or cash? Ad in marketplace....

    #2271 2 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Everybody knows what I look like, and exactly where I was for about 20 total hours last weekend and, and I'm a "spineless coward."
    Not the anonymous "peace" of shit threatening to beat people up for absolutely no good reason without any provocation from behind a keyboard.
    Ain't that funny?
    This hobby attracts some absolute lunatics. But Hey who wants to talk about EMs? Let's get this back on topic!
    And yes, we know the dates for next year. It's the same goddamn weekend every year, the first weekend in May.

    Can you address the real elephant in the room? Where the fuck did all the Liquid Death come from? And how many people were very disappointed when it wasn't beer?

    #2272 2 years ago

    And were you pissed at all the randos walking up and just grabbing a case?

    #2273 2 years ago
    Quoted from grantopia:

    Can you address the real elephant in the room? Where the fuck did all the Liquid Death come from? And how many people were very disappointed when it wasn't beer?

    Our Streamer Marc P of Backhand Pinball pulled that off, amazingly getting us a pallet of that product to share with the entire show. We of course greased all neighboring booths with a couple cases immediately, you always want friendly neighbors especially when they have hand trucks, tools, and segways with giant tires.

    Some were worried we wouldn't be able to "get rid of it all" but come Saturday morning it was all gone. I secured a couple case to bring home for the memories!

    Quoted from Chalkey:

    And were you pissed at all the randos walking up and just grabbing a case?

    No, like I said we wanted it all gone and wanted to share the product. We did keep some cases under the desk / in the car for booth / TD use.

    #2274 2 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Our Streamer Marc P of Backhand Pinball pulled that off, amazingly getting us a pallet of that product to share with the entire show. We of course greased all neighboring booths with a couple cases immediately, you always want friendly neighbors especially when they have hand trucks, tools, and segways with giant tires.
    Some were worried we wouldn't be able to "get rid of it all" but come Saturday morning it was all gone. I secured a couple case to bring home for the memories!

    No, like I said we wanted it all gone and wanted to share the product. We did keep some cases under the desk / in the car for booth / TD use.

    Free (not tap) water at a pinball show? I probably drank a case myself over Friday and Saturday...super appreciated!

    #2275 2 years ago
    Quoted from jkashani:

    My wife tested positive on Monday. I had some mild symptoms and tested negative the same day. On Wednesday I tested negative with a rapid test and on Thursday a rapid was positive and my follow up PCR was positive as well. I feel OK, not great, my wife had it worse, lots of myalgias, fever etc. I was hoping Covid was in the rear view mirror, not so much. We both work in health care and I believe that she got it from work and brought it home to me.

    Sorry to hear that John. This thing just keeps on going. Both of my daughters just tested plosive today.

    #2276 2 years ago

    And on the subject of the Rona. I'm the only one in my family that has not gotten it. It is going around like crazy here and about 1/3rd of our office has gotten it in the past month. They just had us mask back up. It's going around everywhere so I wouldn't necessarily blame the show. I'm waiting in line to give blood now so I'm probably getting a test whether I want one or not but feel fine.

    #2277 2 years ago

    Oh man, sorry for that as well. Stay safe!

    Quoted from arcademojo:

    Sorry to hear that John. This thing just keeps on going. Both of my daughters just tested plosive today.

    #2278 2 years ago
    Quoted from jkashani:

    Oh man, sorry for that as well. Stay safe!

    Ya it's still everywhere when we went too the show most people wasn't wearing masks we did anyways u never know better safe I guess

    #2279 2 years ago
    Quoted from Williampinball:

    Ya it's still everywhere when we went too the show most people wasn't wearing masks we did anyways u never know better safe I guess

    Just want to point out there was neither a state nor show mandate to wear masks, so I think everybody knew going in that most people wouldn't be. I didn't wear a mask but some did and that was everybody's choice and I support anybody who did. Going on two plus years of this we are at a point where we know what to expect I think, and have enough info on deciding which events we want to attend and which precautions we want to take. The fact is, the only way to ensure you don't catch COVID at a pinball show is to not attend a pinball show.

    As far as I know, nobody involved in the tournament (playing or producing) has reporting getting COVID so far so that's good news. Maybe our proximity to the bathroom somehow rendered us immune!!

    For folks coming in from Canada, I totally understand extra precautions and care, as I think you are still required to get a test to return, right?

    #2280 2 years ago
    Quoted from arcademojo:

    Sorry to hear that John. This thing just keeps on going. Both of my daughters just tested plosive today.

    Is that worse than positive?

    #2281 2 years ago

    It implies a more explosive positive test

    Quoted from yzfguy:

    Is that worse than positive?

    #2282 2 years ago

    D'oh, missed some interesting chatter I see... Anyway, I'm "Vaxxed" (No boosters, second shot had me praying for a fast death), my buddy that was with me isn't (Vax could take him out due to lyme and other issues, so he's rolling the dice). We came out unscathed, but like I mentioned before, my wife is currently dealing with it for a second time. Definitely a weird virus...I was exposed consistently at work, tested weekly, nothing.

    Anyway, any eyewitness sightings of the low life dropping stink bombs at the show? The show has enough smell issues without adding a D-bag to the mix. That individual definitely could have used a "swirly"...

    #2283 2 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Just want to point out there was neither a state nor show mandate to wear masks, so I think everybody knew going in that most people wouldn't be. I didn't wear a mask but some did and that was everybody's choice and I support anybody who did. Going on two plus years of this we are at a point where we know what to expect I think, and have enough info on deciding which events we want to attend and which precautions we want to take. The fact is, the only way to ensure you don't catch COVID at a pinball show is to not attend a pinball show.
    As far as I know, nobody involved in the tournament (playing or producing) has reporting getting COVID so far so that's good news. Maybe our proximity to the bathroom somehow rendered us immune!!
    For folks coming in from Canada, I totally understand extra precautions and care, as I think you are still required to get a test to return, right?

    No we don't anymore here ,I have seen in Canada a lot of people are still wearing the masks we just haven't let go of that as of yet just a few are not but its up too your self for everyone

    #2284 2 years ago

    One of the highlights of the show for me was seeing this 78 year old guy finally landing his favorite game as a young man. He said he must have put $500 worth of nickels in it back in the day.
    He was like a kid on Christmas morning! It really was great to see, and after we helped him load it, he was heading to a tavern to celebrate with a few beers!

    Screenshot_2022-05-13-18-33-43 (resized).pngScreenshot_2022-05-13-18-33-43 (resized).png
    #2285 2 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    One of the highlights of the show for me was seeing this 78 year old guy finally landing his favorite game as a young man. He said he must have put $500 worth of nickels in it back in the day.
    He was like a kid on Christmas morning! It really was great to see, and after we helped him load it, he was heading to a tavern to celebrate with a few beers!
    [quoted image]


    #2286 2 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    One of the highlights of the show for me was seeing this 78 year old guy finally landing his favorite game as a young man. He said he must have put $500 worth of nickels in it back in the day.
    He was like a kid on Christmas morning! It really was great to see, and after we helped him load it, he was heading to a tavern to celebrate with a few beers!
    [quoted image]

    How cool is that

    #2287 2 years ago

    Yep, I was one of the maskless although I do not believe that I got it from Pinfest. I am triple vaxed and wear a mask all day at work, so I invited the freedom as I felt we were putting Covid in the rear view mirror. It's always to be safe and i commend you wearing a mask.

    Quoted from Williampinball:

    Ya it's still everywhere when we went too the show most people wasn't wearing masks we did anyways u never know better safe I guess

    #2288 2 years ago

    I wish someone who was wearing a mask at the show could honestly tell us if they smelled anything. Seems like a great experiment.

    #2289 2 years ago
    Quoted from Gotemwill:

    I wish someone who was wearing a mask at the show could honestly tell us if they smelled anything. Seems like a great experiment.

    Yeah I was wearing a mask, and I could smell everything (unfortunately).

    #2290 2 years ago
    Quoted from Irishbastard:

    My wife just came down with Covid for the second time. First time she took three "at home tests", all negative. Went to doctor, positive PCR. This time, took two home tests, negative. Saw her doctor, positive PCR. Had a few friends with the same situation. I hold zero faith in the home tests provided to us.

    And your right to have zero faith in the free test that were supplied.

    #2291 2 years ago
    Quoted from Scotty_K:

    Yeah I was wearing a mask, and I could smell everything (unfortunately).


    #2292 2 years ago
    Quoted from romulusx:

    And your right to have zero faith in the free test that were supplied.

    Positive results from self-tests are highly reliable.

    Negative results from self-tests do not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection. A negative self-test result may not be reliable, especially if you have symptoms associated with COVID-19.

    Invalid results from self-tests mean the test did not work properly, and a new test is needed to get an accurate result.

    #2293 2 years ago
    Quoted from electricsquirrel:

    I don't know if it's the same guy you're talking about, but there was someone (I won't mention his name)
    sleeping in a chair next to my machines. He had a raging case of pink eye!
    Really made me nervous.
    He should have stayed home.
    Hope you like the amp, JR. I expect a full report.

    I saw the fellow you refer to. He looked bad. Like he was really sick. It isn't unusual to see him napping. But wow. That pink eye was scary. His lower lid was drooping bad.

    #2294 2 years ago

    Yes it looks like I will try my best to attend the "york" show. Like I said earlier I never been to any of these shows before. I'm going for the Em's
    I'm curious guard & jrpinball how much the goldstrike, team One, sing along were going for?

    I have room for 1 more in my collection, so I will be using the York.show to try a whole lot of Em's from different decade eras to narrow down this lucky choice. So far gottlieb big hit is on my radar, we will see if it holds at the york show.

    Hopefully the stink bomb Jabroni won't be attending the York show or the Corona bug. Anyone attending
    "York" please do rapid test before going, they are free! If you are feeling off for whatever reason please do the right thing and please stay home

    Talk soon

    #2295 2 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    One of the highlights of the show for me was seeing this 78 year old guy finally landing his favorite game as a young man. He said he must have put $500 worth of nickels in it back in the day.
    He was like a kid on Christmas morning! It really was great to see, and after we helped him load it, he was heading to a tavern to celebrate with a few beers!
    [quoted image]

    Yes, he is very happy with it. He’s my friend’s father-in-law. I’m told he’s been playing it constantly all week. Thanks for helping him out! I recommended against the purchase, but he was committed to it.

    #2296 2 years ago
    Quoted from MRudowsky:

    Yes, he is very happy with it. He’s my friend’s father-in-law. I’m told he’s been playing it constantly all week. Thanks for helping him out! I recommended against the purchase, but he was committed to it.

    Yes. Doesn't his son-in-law help with the show, like at the doors?
    Glad he got it home ok and set it up and is enjoying it. It was a really special moment for me at the show.

    #2297 2 years ago
    Quoted from BRONX:

    I'm curious guard & jrpinball how much the goldstrike, team One, sing along were going for?

    "Team One" not for sale.
    Both copies of "Gold Strike" were pretty rough, and I believe around 1K each. Same with "Sing Along".
    No really good examples out of the three, but two sold pretty reasonable.

    #2298 2 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    "Team One" not for sale.
    Both copies of "Gold Strike" were pretty rough, and I believe around 1K each. Same with "Sing Along".
    No really good examples out of the three, but two sold pretty reasonable.

    Yeah TO was sold long before Pinfest It was the one i picked up we put in Free play. Held up
    Well i thought once he fixed the gummy BC unit .

    #2299 2 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Everybody knows what I look like, and exactly where I was for about 20 total hours last weekend and, and I'm a "spineless coward."
    Not the anonymous "peace" of shit threatening to beat people up for absolutely no good reason without any provocation from behind a keyboard.
    Ain't that funny?
    This hobby attracts some absolute lunatics. But Hey who wants to talk about EMs? Let's get this back on topic!
    And yes, we know the dates for next year. It's the same goddamn weekend every year, the first weekend in May.

    Dude you know if anyone messed with you at one of these shows (and a ton of other people on my pal list), they’d be getting these furious fettuccini fists, no hesitation.

    #2300 2 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    Yes. Doesn't his son-in-law help with the show, like at the doors?
    Glad he got it home ok and set it up and is enjoying it. It was a really special moment for me at the show.

    Actually, HE (Fritz) was working the doors at the show (he works a lot of the events at the fairgrounds). His son-in-law wasn’t there and texted (another friend and I were there) that Fritz was going to buy a game which took us all by surprise. He was really excited by it and couldn’t be persuaded not to buy. Just glad he’s so happy with it.

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