(Topic ID: 88425)

No Fear Club. Play better!

By KevInBuffalo

10 years ago

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There are 1,202 posts in this topic. You are on page 23 of 25.
#1101 1 year ago
Quoted from Apollon:

Couple of questions about No Fear….
It seems to use the knocker less than most of my other Bally Williams, 90s machines. It goes off of course when you get a high score or grand champion but it doesn’t go off when you get an extra ball or a replay or special like most of my others. I didn’t see a setting in which to change that? Anyone have any ideas?
The sound is not super out of the stock speakers. It sounds kinda crackly and not crisp. Would Flipper Fidelity speakers change that or just amplify the poor quality? Is there another sound issue if I’m getting poor sound quality? I know it’s from the 90s… but something’s up with it.

I’ve asked this question about the sound also. I had my sound board redone but, no difference . Mine sounds somewhat muffled. I don’t think upgrading speakers will help. Only thing I can think of is pinsound but I’d only use the stock soundtrack as the others suck imo.Doesn’t seem worth the $.

#1102 1 year ago
Quoted from Apollon:

Couple of questions about No Fear….
It seems to use the knocker less than most of my other Bally Williams, 90s machines. It goes off of course when you get a high score or grand champion but it doesn’t go off when you get an extra ball or a replay or special like most of my others. I didn’t see a setting in which to change that? Anyone have any ideas?
The sound is not super out of the stock speakers. It sounds kinda crackly and not crisp. Would Flipper Fidelity speakers change that or just amplify the poor quality? Is there another sound issue if I’m getting poor sound quality? I know it’s from the 90s… but something’s up with it.

Tantalum caps maybe going bad on the sound board.

#1103 1 year ago
Quoted from exnooyorka:

I believe you must be right, the manual must be wrong.
Here's what the manual says about that area of the playfield, but when I ordered that part it was wrong.
Only 2 holes in 01-12613 and even if I figured out how to fasten it to the bottom of my playfield sticking up through the hole, I don't think it is tall enough to do its job... At least not without scratching up the pinballs.
A web search for 01-13825.1 yields just about nothing... Anyone know someone who would stock something useful as a replacement?

Found another option if you’re missing the skydive deflector. Search “snubber bracket”

The one looks really close to the Williams part, no idea if it works tho.


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#1104 1 year ago

Just saw this if anyone is interested!

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#1105 1 year ago

Anyone know which NVRAM to install for this game? Is it 62256 or 6264? The existing chip on the board is currently labeled as LH5268A-10LL, so not sure which NVRAM chip I should replace it with.

#1106 1 year ago

Added a few mods to our HEP No Fear. It really is a beautiful game when decked out properly. Chrome trim with a beautiful flame cabinet looks hot. We chose mirror blades to match the chrome exterior. We chose the Boney flippers as well. In the process of making a long shaft Boney flipper for the jump ramp as well.

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#1107 1 year ago

I seen a cool Mod on FB of a rock climber, other than that mods are personal and I’m glad you like them

#1108 1 year ago
Quoted from joeaf:

Found another option if you’re missing the skydive deflector. Search “snubber bracket”
The one looks really close to the Williams part, no idea if it works tho.
[quoted image]

Thanks! I may just check that out.

#1109 1 year ago

I'm no the look out for a replacement Mountain. Any where have them that wouldn't require overseas shipping to the US? 3D printing an option?

#1110 1 year ago
Quoted from Seven9er:

I'm no the look out for a replacement Mountain. Any where have them that wouldn't require overseas shipping to the US? 3D printing an option?

It’s listed at Little Shop of Games as out of stock. Not sure if they'll get more but wouldn’t hurt to ask.

2 weeks later
#1111 1 year ago

I made new hex posts for my No Fear out of 316 stainless steel. These are the original dimensions along with a few small changes I made if anyone is interested in this to help ID what goes where.

Hex posts (resized).jpgHex posts (resized).jpg
2 weeks later
#1112 1 year ago

Boney flippers conversion finished. Main flippers are super easy. Making the upper right flipper was involved. Got it done and I couldn’t be happier. This game should’ve come with these.

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1 week later
#1113 1 year ago

On my no fear this #19 post that helps support and secure the upper ramp, has sheered off.

I have sourced the #19 post but now looking for which part number the post screws in to on the Playfield (where the post sleeve is). Any help would be appreciated!

PXL_20230504_132548185.MP (resized).jpgPXL_20230504_132548185.MP (resized).jpgno fear post (resized).pngno fear post (resized).png
1 week later
#1114 1 year ago

Does anyone know how to remove the skull head on the playfield. There’s a screw on top and rivets on the side. Removing the screw doesn’t do much. Thanks!!

#1115 1 year ago
Quoted from Jimmyhonda:

Does anyone know how to remove the skull head on the playfield. There’s a screw on top and rivets on the side. Removing the screw doesn’t do much. Thanks!!

Follow the directions in the manual on page 1-48

2) To remove the face, unscrew the small Phillips screw located at the top middle of the skull forehead. Carefully, stretch the right side of the face and pull it off of the base first, then do the same to the left side. When re-attaching the face, snap the left side on first, then the right side. Do not stretch both sides of the face at the same time, or the eyes will pop out.
4) To remove the base from the playfield, raise the playfield and unplug the connector going to the Skull Assembly,. Lower the playfield.
5) Remove the two hex head screws that hold the base to the playfield.
6) The front of the base is held down by a tab that slides into a slot in a metal bracket. Slide the base back so that the tab clears the slot.
7) Lift the base off the playfield.

skull (resized).pngskull (resized).png

2 weeks later
#1116 1 year ago
Quoted from cws204:

On my no fear this #19 post that helps support and secure the upper ramp, has sheered off.
I have sourced the #19 post but now looking for which part number the post screws in to on the Playfield (where the post sleeve is). Any help would be appreciated!
[quoted image][quoted image]

I don't know if this is what you're talking about. But I think you're looking for the "Mini-Post" or Bumper Sleeve Post [02-4659-1]. If you check the manual on ipdb, page 99/144 or 2-26 shows the posts for the game. Hope it helps!

#1117 1 year ago

What’s a really nice restored No Fear going for nowadays? New decals, really nice playfield, plays 100% etc

#1118 1 year ago
Quoted from DK:

What’s a really nice restored No Fear going for nowadays? New decals, really nice playfield, plays 100% etc

5 to 6k easily.

3 weeks later
#1119 1 year ago
Quoted from GregCon:

I made new hex posts for my No Fear out of 316 stainless steel. These are the original dimensions along with a few small changes I made if anyone is interested in this to help ID what goes where.
[quoted image]

Wow. Nice.

#1120 1 year ago

Just joined the club - wow this game absolutely ROCKS! Why aren't more people talking about this? I'd not played it (never seen one around) so had a test flip at the seller's house and was sold. I love a fast-paced game and this really does it for me. YEW!

I'm just doing the usual customisations like changing silicone to my liking, giving her a wax etc. Going to pop some illuminated star posts in as well and some mirror blades.

Oh one question I couldn't find in the game rules; how do you light video mode other than obtaining it as a random award in the tube shot? (edit think I worked it out, orbits right?)

#1121 1 year ago
Quoted from cws204:

On my no fear this #19 post that helps support and secure the upper ramp, has sheered off.

If you look at Note 2 on the chart I attached above, this is why the threads were changed to 8-32 from 6-32. The 6-32 is just too small for the task at hand...on my game, one was snapped off and the other was soon to snap off.

#1122 1 year ago

I've seen a few around the 3-4k range. I'm hanging in till low 3's. I don't have one yet, but it's on short list.

I have it on a virtual machine,and it is fun as hell.

I did see one in great condition 3k even about 4 months ago, was broke at the time.

#1123 12 months ago
Quoted from Good-Times:

Just joined the club - wow this game absolutely ROCKS! Why aren't more people talking about this? I'd not played it (never seen one around) so had a test flip at the seller's house and was sold. I love a fast-paced game and this really does it for me. YEW!
I'm just doing the usual customisations like changing silicone to my liking, giving her a wax etc. Going to pop some illuminated star posts in as well and some mirror blades.
Oh one question I couldn't find in the game rules; how do you light video mode other than obtaining it as a random award in the tube shot? (edit think I worked it out, orbits right?)

Your welcome Cameron

#1124 12 months ago

Oh hey Scott hahaaaa small world . Kids are loving it too man, this title really does sneak under the radar.

#1125 11 months ago

You can’t pull No Fear out of my dead and dying hands…..

3 weeks later
#1126 11 months ago

I was playing today and noticed that the metal plate just below the jump decal looks like it has two empty holes that jut out underneath the ramp plastic. I looked through the gallery for the machine and it looks like that's intentional?

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#1127 11 months ago

Hi guys,

I am working on a No Fear and I am missing a few pics.
Would anyone have some of their own disassembly/assembly?
Specifically the ramps and spacer that go with them

Many thanks in advance !

#1128 11 months ago
Quoted from daveyvandy:

I was playing today and noticed that the metal plate just below the jump decal looks like it has two empty holes that jut out underneath the ramp plastic. I looked through the gallery for the machine and it looks like that's intentional?
[quoted image]

Yes it’s supposed to be there. What’s more interesting is the small hole on the right side of your ramp. Pretty sure that only prototype versions had this for an opto.

#1129 11 months ago
Quoted from Nihonmasa:

Hi guys,
I am working on a No Fear and I am missing a few pics.
Would anyone have some of their own disassembly/assembly?
Specifically the ramps and spacer that go with them
Many thanks in advance !

No one?

4 weeks later
#1130 10 months ago

Hi guys,

I am close to finishing my No Fear, and still having one weird issue;
Aiming for the skull is not registered. It gives a few points but does not start a mode.
Going through the sky dive does start a mode.

So I thought the opto were inversed: nope, they seem ok.
And in sky dive mode, going through the sky dive is registered as it should.

Would anyone know what I am failing to understand?

#1131 10 months ago
Quoted from Nihonmasa:

Hi guys,
I am close to finishing my No Fear, and still having one weird issue;
Aiming for the skull is not registered. It gives a few points but does not start a mode.
Going through the sky dive does start a mode.
So I thought the opto were inversed: nope, they seem ok.
And in sky dive mode, going through the sky dive is registered as it should.
Would anyone know what I am failing to understand?

Check your subway

#1133 10 months ago

So a friend's No Fear we have been working on, the kick out lane is launching the ball maybe 5 out of 10 times to the loop around the skull, other times it's bouncing off the the post next to the loop for the right ramp. When they first got the machine they said the kickout was hitting that loop about 100% of the time. Cleaning it up and the lane, it's still doing it only half the time now. Any known issue with this or fixes?

#1134 10 months ago
Quoted from PanzerKraken:

So a friend's No Fear we have been working on, the kick out lane is launching the ball maybe 5 out of 10 times to the loop around the skull, other times it's bouncing off the the post next to the loop for the right ramp. When they first got the machine they said the kickout was hitting that loop about 100% of the time. Cleaning it up and the lane, it's still doing it only half the time now. Any known issue with this or fixes?

You can adjust the angle the ball kicks out via a screw to the right in one of the habi rails through one of the plastics. I also had to figure out the sweet spot of the outlane post, has to be tightened down just right and will often move over the course of many games played if not tightened.

#1135 10 months ago

You mean moving this stuff?

Screenshot 2023-09-03 101645 (resized).pngScreenshot 2023-09-03 101645 (resized).png
#1136 10 months ago
Quoted from dddanielll:

You can adjust the angle the ball kicks out via a screw to the right in one of the habi rails through one of the plastics. I also had to figure out the sweet spot of the outlane post, has to be tightened down just right and will often move over the course of many games played if not tightened.

Make sure that the kick back coil is actually soldered and not press connected. I believe there was a yellow electric type crimp fit on many No Fears. Loss of power IMO. The left ball guide will adjust the path of the launch. I’m 50/50 into the loop.

#1137 10 months ago

Orange Sling/Inlane Protectors. Better, Worse or Neutral? BTW Broken cave $10 plus shipping…

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#1138 10 months ago
Quoted from Gorgar666:

Orange Sling/Inlane Protectors. Better, Worse or Neutral? BTW Broken cave $10 plus shipping…
[quoted image][quoted image]

I like clear better, the skull looks weird in orange to me.

#1139 10 months ago
Quoted from yzfguy:

I like clear better, the skull looks weird in orange to me.

I sorta agree.

#1140 9 months ago

What is this No Fear worth?

Plays 100%
Cabinet done by Pinball Pimp about 10 years ago
New ramps
Mostly LEDed

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#1141 9 months ago
Quoted from DK:

What is this No Fear worth?
Plays 100%
Cabinet done by Pinball Pimp about 10 years ago
New ramps
Mostly LEDed
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

$5500 to 6k

#1142 9 months ago

Listed for $5,750 OBO on Marketplace.

#1144 9 months ago
Quoted from DK:

Listed for $5,750 OBO on Marketplace.

Was the cab completely restored/done? Or decal slap good.

#1145 9 months ago
Quoted from Gorgar666:

Was the cab completely restored/done? Or decal slap good.

inside and out?

#1146 9 months ago
Quoted from Gorgar666:

Was the cab completely restored/done? Or decal slap good.

Feel free to check out the listing.
Jeff Miller (Pinball Pimp) did the cab so bet that it was done the right way. He won’t half-ass a cab!

#1147 9 months ago

Tell us… too high, too low?

#1148 9 months ago

I liked the price fine for what it is, wallered out, planking, banged up units for 4k or a very nice example for a bit more? Seems fine.

Unrelated topic, I joined the club. Lol

1 month later
#1149 8 months ago

Wondering if 1956PINHEAD long shafted fipper could be used on the jump ramp flipper. His is 6 1/4" verses 6 1/2" factory. Sure could solve our issues with that flipper.

#1150 8 months ago
Quoted from JohnTTwo:

Wondering if 1956PINHEAD long shafted fipper could be used on the jump ramp flipper. His is 6 1/4" verses 6 1/2" factory. Sure could solve our issues with that flipper.

What is your issue with that flipper? New bats and bushings are available as far as I know.

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