(Topic ID: 112646)

Lexy Lightspeed - Escape From Earth progress

By gstellenberg

9 years ago

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#51 9 years ago
Quoted from Zitt:

I'd like to see a "website" hosted on the P3. This website would give us RO access to the high score menu... and maybe a synopsis of the setting (Profiles) of a given machine.

Implementation details aside, developing a network-connected game that can track player statistics and not making those statistics available to the player would be an embarrassing omission.

Quoted from frolic:

Gerry, I've noticed in your videos the upper playfield seems kind of dark. I'm not sure if that is a video artifact with the LCD or if there is not a lot of light.

It's some of both.

- The playfield LCD completely overwhelms the video camera, making the upper p/f appear MUCH darker than it really is. I've gotten a few emails about this, but I don't remember a single person ever saying the upper p/f is too dark after playing the game. However, many have said we need more flash effects - see below.

- We haven't developed a lot of light-shows and flasher effects for the upper p/f yet. As is our normal dev sequence, we focused on game functionality before flash and polish. More exciting lighting effects are coming.

Regardless of the above, our new playfields support 15 additional lighting elements. We plan to use some of them, and we'll likely leave some for modders to use (ie. to highlight their mods).

- Gerry

#52 9 years ago

Cool, well all I can ask is your open to it and explore the possibilities.

Maybe during one of your open houses you can do a "dark room" demo, how it plays with no ambient light.

I'm convinced a game like WOZ was never tested this way and only after release did people realize if there wasn't enough light it was super dark and in fact the inserts were blinding when there was no ambient light.

#53 9 years ago

As a reference, this is my game room. So you can see why it would matter . Only light generated is from the games and some black light.


1 month later
#54 9 years ago

Listening to the C2C Pinball Podcast lately really has me thinking about the P3 Platform in a weird way. Most of the discussion has been from the competitive side and that has been leading into watchability of pinball and broadcasting. The long ball times keeps coming up as an issue. Only the real pinball enthusiast would sit there and watch a 60 minute game of Spiderman, the casual observer would have to be bored to tears, haha.

The P3 platform kind of solves that problem with the mini-game features or just jumping into certain modes. I have never played competitive pinball but, in my simple mind, it seems like that would work. Haha.

BTW, I'm very excited to be coming to TPF this month. I plan on spending a good amount of time at the P3 booth.

#55 9 years ago
Quoted from mikeatsparkys:

Listening to the C2C Pinball Podcast lately really has me thinking about the P3 Platform in a weird way. Most of the discussion has been from the competitive side and that has been leading into watchability of pinball and broadcasting. The long ball times keeps coming up as an issue. Only the real pinball enthusiast would sit there and watch a 60 minute game of spiderman, the casual observer would have to be bored to tears, haha.
The P3 platform kind of solves that problem with the mini-game features or just jumping into certain modes. I have never played competitive pinball but, in my simple mind, it seems like that would work. Haha.
BTW, I'm very excited to be coming to TPF this month. I plan on spending a good amount of time at the P3 booth.

Whether or not fixed minigame-style pinball events make it into regular tournaments is yet to be seen, but it's an interesting idea for sure.

I think the P3 makes watching pinball a lot more accessible, particularly for someone that isn't familiar with the ruleset or even pinball in general. The on-screen instructions and dynamic graphics are pretty great.

The thing that struck me in the coast to coast podcast was the lines they drew between pinball and golf. Why do people watch golf again? The more I think about it, the more similar golf and pinball seem. Even down to the target audience.

#56 9 years ago
Quoted from Law:

Whether or not fixed minigame-style pinball events make it into regular tournaments is yet to be seen, but it's an interesting idea for sure.
I think the P3 makes watching pinball, particularly for someone that isn't familiar with the ruleset or even pinball in general. The on-screen instructions and dynamic graphics are pretty great.
The thing that struck me in the coast to coast podcast was the lines they drew between pinball and golf. Why do people watch golf again? The more I think about it, the more similar golf and pinball seem. Even down to the target audience.

I love watching golf. And watching pinball. Might be a correlation. I can tell you in all certainty though, my wife and most everyone else in my life hates watching both...

#57 9 years ago
Quoted from T-800:

my wife and most everyone else in my life hates watching both...

Count me in too
I hate watching golf and I tolerate watching pinball. I actually like it when it's a tutorial and/or a great player.

Notable exception is WOOLY, of course. I love it no matter what

#58 9 years ago

Curious if anyone has first-hand accounts of Lexi from SXSW this past weekend. I figure most info will come out of TPF, but I'd be interested in some early impressions if anyone made it.

Ryan Claytor
Elephant Eater Comics

#59 9 years ago

Manufacturing prototype looked fantastic, played great and I even put my personal best high score on it! I swung by a couple times when I was around the convention center and there was always a line of three or more people. SXSW gaming isn't a pinball expo by any means, but there seemed to be a lot of very interested people. The gamer crowd gets it.

I mentioned that I felt one of the flippers was a bit sticky. I probably just flubbed my flip timing and blamed it on the flippers, but they took it seriously and voila! 30 seconds later brand-new pair of flippers. Awesome!

Actually, the p3 was probably the coolest thing at the expo, although I'm biased. There were a ton of VR companies all doing basically the same thing with varying levels of haptic integration, bunch of new board/card games, etc. Other than the panels (and maybe the cosplay) LLGG was the coolest thing around.

#60 9 years ago
Quoted from Law:

The gamer crowd gets it.

I agree with that. You know who else gets it? Kids. Even those who had never played pinball before (and there were a lot of them) knew what to shoot and understood the virtual enhancements. Those who had played pinball before were equally impressive to watch. The dynamic playfield graphics drew them in like I've never seen before.

The MFG proto held up really well to 3 eight-hour sessions of non-stop play. There are still some minor mechanical things to adjust and some software bugs to fix, but considering the entire machine was re-engineered from the ground up (for reasons that will soon become obvious - some at TPF, some later), the machine performed as well as we could have hoped an MFG proto would. We literally started putting the machine together (from an empty cabinet) less than 3 weeks ago.

I've attached some pics from the event.

BTW - If you're on our pre-order list and planning to attend TPF this year, look for an email from me tomorrow. We're doing something special for you at the show. (There's still time to get in on this if you're interested in one day owning a P3 - just fill out and return the no-risk form at http://www.multimorphic.com/index.php/p3-pinball-platform/pre-orders#).

- Gerry

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#61 9 years ago

Wow! Great response. It must be very satisfying to see kids flock to the game like that. Thanks for the pics.

I like the last one where everyone is watching the kid play via the overhead screen like it's a tournament.

#62 9 years ago

Ushering in a new generation of pinball fans.

#63 9 years ago

Looks like a great response! Love that image of the 5 boys crammed around the machine. You can barely tell who's flipping! Ha-ha! Congrats on the turn-out and best of luck gearing-up for TPF at the end of the month!

Sooo wish I could be there! (Tour Michigan soon!),
Ryan Claytor
Elephant Eater Comics

1 week later
#64 9 years ago

Can't wait to see this in person. Easily one of the most exiting projects in pinball right now!

#65 9 years ago
Quoted from callmesteam:

Easily one of the most exiting projects in pinball right now!

No doubt. If they can just get to production, I really think they can start killing it. They need to break through and get the system on the field, but after that, there really could be a swell of new material on this platform. With the developer kits and ability to design your own game or even write code for an existing layout, this could be really big.

#66 9 years ago

I got to put a few games on it at SXSW, have to say it was fun. The "virtual targets" on the screen are really interesting, and there are some unique rules and game modes.

Having a hurry-up that literally pops out of the playfield was cool too. Makes it pretty obvious what one needs to do.

The flippers are definitely different, but you get used to them quickly. I also believe they may have been a bit tired after a couple days of continuous use.

Jerry also mentioned that there would be practice modes, which I think could be totally awesome. Very exciting project.

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