
Pinside member


March 28th, 2011 (13 years ago)

June 3rd, 2024

callmesteam last donated to Pinside (2018-09-20)

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Background story

Brief background

“Picked up my first pin, a Bally Odds and Evens, in early 2008. Since then we've had close to 30 pins, with about a dozen in our collection right now. Started in 2008 to meet other pinheads in the Albuquerque area, and began co-hosting The   ... continued here”


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callmesteam's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

callmesteam has not uploaded gameroom pics yet.

callmesteam's top 10

favorite games

Judge Dredd
1. Judge Dredd

Bally, 1993

Theatre of Magic
3. Theatre of Magic

Bally, 1995

Road Show
4. Road Show

Williams, 1994

Attack from Mars
5. Attack from Mars

Bally, 1995

6. Whirlwind

Williams, 1990

Twilight Zone
7. Twilight Zone

Bally, 1993

Metallica (Pro)
8. Metallica (Pro)

Stern, 2013

Medieval Madness
9. Medieval Madness

Williams, 1997


callmesteam's collection, wishlist and history

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