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2 hours ago
Excellent machine and my new favorite Steve Ritchie design. Let's see how it rates category by category...

Playfield Layout: Decent 4/6. Wait what?? Yes it should be 6/6, because the layout is excellent! However, this category also includes placement of parts and the middle rivet on the right side of the metal portion of the piano ramp cinches it down and creates a kink on the right side of the ramp. Check it out next time you play. This causes any ball hit on the right side of the ramp to be slowed down so it dies halfway up the ramp. How many times have you said, what the heck, my shot was perfect, why did it die?! Well that's why. Couldn't they have put a small spacer under the metal sheet and use a longer rivet to raise that spot enough to smooth it out making the entire ramp entrance usable and not just the left side? I hope they didn't notice and ignore this issue during play testing, because it greatly affects gameplay since this ramp is so crucial to progressing through game goals.
Game Rules: Good 5/6. JJP succeeded in striking the right balance of depth and ease of understanding. Just because current tech allows you to have an ultra deep ruleset, doesn't mean you should.
Toys and Gimmicks: Good 5/6. Elton and his piano is really excellent. The curved LED marquee on the side with 500 or so individually controlled RGB's is just outstanding. Then you've got a crocodile that rocks back and forth sometimes, a spinning tiny dancer and rocket that lights up.
Gameplay: Good 5/6. Yes harkening back to layout, this could be a 6/6 because the flow is unbelievably good. The piano side ramp issue stops the flow on certain combos though and it's frustrating. But I want to focus on the positive, because there's so much. For one, this playfield design encourages action shots which I love! It's so satisfying to correctly time a shot without cradling. Also this machine allows you to keep the ball moving in a variety of ways. There's over 20 different 3-shot combos! This game is a blast to shoot, especially with unexpectedly peppy flippers!
Playfield: Excellent 6/6. Christopher Franchi did an amazing job with this artwork package. It represents Elton's vibe so perfectly.
Backglass: Excellent 6/6. see notes above.
Cabinet: Excellent 6/6. The sparkly radcals are beautiful. Everything about this game is beautiful.
Animations: Decent 4/6. Videos! This machine would've benefited from actual concert footage.
Sounds and Speech: Excellent 6/6. The sounds accompanying the pops in certain modes are great and the callouts are just the right amount. Her british accent is fitting. There's other cool sounds too but I want to move on.
Music: Excellent 6/6. You choose the song at start of game but it changes eventually as you progress and go through different modes and multiballs.
Quality: Excellent 6/6. The stock sound system is outstanding!! Stern needs to step up their game with this category.
Variation: Good 5/6. Some well-known upbeat songs were left off the playlist.
Game Lighting: Excellent 6/6. Finally the over-the-top JJP lighting matches the theme perfectly!
Lastability: Good 5/6. Definite one more game appeal, but the lighting is so intense it's hard to play more than 3 or 4 in a row before I get eye strain. Maybe there's a setting I can adjust. Also only time will tell if the 1300 or so LED's will last for 20 years.
Theming: Good 5/6. I hate this category because it's so subjective. I like Elton's music but I'm not a huge fan. However the designers, coders, artists, etc all did such a great job I added it to my stable.
Fun: Excellent 6/6. Oh this game is off the charts fun! Easily a top-20 game for me. Fix the ramp issue and it's top-5. If you take it all in when you step up to the machine, turn up the volume and just play, very few games are better. It's an experience and it's dynamite. JJP nailed it and then some. Thank you thank you!!
9 hours ago
Excellent art package, cool theme. Will get old in a small collection as few alphanumerics are as deep as today's pins or DMD pins...it has odd layout in many ways - and that's the allure of it. It really could have used another shot or cool toy to put it at the level it's cousin Whirlwind enjoys perhaps, but as it stands - one of the more memorable sys11's , but scarce.
10 hours ago
I love this game. Humor, world underglass, cool toys, easy to understand. What to excpect more ?
12 hours ago
Way underrated game that is really a lot of fun when you get into it. Glad I waited to grab one and happy I did now.
19 hours ago
If you like MM or MB chances are very high you’re going to like this. How this game isn’t in the top 100 is beyond me. Guess there are too many people buying modern machines and trying to vote them to the top to influence market prices.

All shots are very satisfying, they way the game plays and the rules feel, reminds me so much of MM and MB, however there aren’t as many shots. The rules are simple however more shallow, which is a shame. As someone who plays pinball since 5 months I beat the whole machine the second time I played it. It’s just too easy. A beginners game imo.

The ramps behind the flippers are thrilling. Multiballs are fun as balls are easy to keep and the shots are easy to internalize. Theme integrated very well and production quality is very high!
21 hours ago
I got to play John Wick Pro tonight. At first I wasn't impressed, but after 8-10 games I got hooked. The game is FAST. One of the fastest orbits of any game I've played if not the fastest. The 3 ramps are all satisfying to hit. The far right is the hardest to hit. This game has a very nice flow to it once you are able to hit the ramps. You can link ramp combos together and want to do it over and over and over. The artwork is well done on this machine. The buildings look cheaply made, but the playfield art is colorful and nice.
The music and callouts are fantastic. The upbeat Techno and Gunfire goes well with the blistering speed of the game. There's not a lot of cheap drains to the side. Most them go down the middle and they are fair. If it drains, it's most likely because you didn't hit it all the way up the middle ramp or it's coming out of the pop bumper area and you weren't prepared. I think with Code updates and some added animation this is going to be like Bond and just keep getting better. Sure it would be nice if there were guns on the artwork, but it doesn't affect the game. Give it a try and I think you'll reallyl enjoy it after a few games.
22 hours ago
I really really wanted to love this game as I grew up with a huge hot wheels collection and a major car freak

played at two different places and just didn’t feel right to me…doesn’t have the “it” factor.

who knows, could end up in the collection amongst a bunch of other games but for a small collection or to garner my money on location not a top choice
22 hours ago
Of the bots….#1 on looks and #3 on game play. Runs out of steam for me after playing a while.

Love her though!
30 hours ago
I am on LW number 5 or 6. Not sure why I love this game, but I do. It's shallow but sometimes you need that.
Ramping out, killing the orbits and shooting the criminals.
Light show is awesome. Sound package is top notch.
Next to TFTC this is the best Data East had to offer.
30 hours ago
This game is very slow and beginner friendly. Layout doesn’t have any thrilling or satisfying shots to offer and is very symmetrical. I could draw it on a napkin in 30 seconds. It doesn’t feel like it had any form of development. All shots are very easy. To me this game is a snooze fest even though I love lord of the rings. It’s basically impossible to lose a ball. The game really tried to make use of the theme but it just doesn’t feel immersive at all. It feels really pasted on. The dragon looks like it had a seizure. The figures popping out constantly don’t feel special or distinct from another and it just doesnt feel rewarding to hit them. Production value is outstanding though!
31 hours ago
This game is a lot of fun to shoot. It’s tough to rate the game this early on as the code still feels relatively lacking, but spooky has been good and consistent about code updates from past titles. I left a favorable rating because I feel the team deserves credit for making a quality product that everyone will enjoy.

What I would like to see is more modes. This thing needs to be overloaded with episodes/modes. Add some variety to the modes. Example - add a mode where you have to register enough switch hits and then hit the crate, etc. the current modes feel a little too much like a stern coded game currently. I like variety in modes and I think that’s why ACNC is my favorite spooky game. Very creative modes and rules.

There needs to be a little more added as well other than modes. This feels like foo fighters when it first launched where everything is very static and everything centered around modes. Constructive criticism but I feel like this game has a lot of potential and can be in the top 10 if some more rules/code/features are added.

Solid build out of the box with no issues. Fantastic quality.
33 hours ago
First game from Keith and it still rocks, even after 6 years. Variety of shots and a flow from heaven with the loops. Hard left ramp as said by others of course so it is almost impossible to get two combo ramps in a raw but it changes from all the fan layouts we are all sick of.

No stops and goes, really fast game and plays well so easy to go with then stop if you want. To be put in a gameroom with other pinball machines with deep code and a slower play so that you can mix depending on your wishes of the moment. And it is still a keeper with good rules.
37 hours ago
The "ramps to nowhere" get a lot of grief and rightfully so. As theme integration mimicking a rescue ladder they make sense but from a gameplay perspective they're awful. They'd probably be criticized less if the rest of the layout was good, but it's pretty dull. It's close to symmetrical and there aren't interesting things to shoot at. The theme is interesting but the theme, art and layout never come together into a worthwhile experience for the player.
2 days ago
Mark Ritchie is back!
2 days ago
Amazing game ! Love it all ! Play , music , shots !
2 days ago
Ok. Here is a 57 y.o, slightly above average skilled, players review. My heyday was System 11, through first generation, DMD pinball machines. So go in with the thought, that I will not disect, every aspect minuchia. The game seems to me(a Pro)to have more than adequate stimulation to keep a Wick fan, or a young or older pinball player, interested enough to drop in several dollars per visit. The code will develop as it always does with SPI, so this licensed title is pretty damn good, and I have to assume will be better with code advances.
Bear in mind that Art, Music(including call outs) and Playfield graphics, are pedestrian to me. I was able to play 7 games(granted on free play) in a span of 47 minutes, and the game play was intriguing enough, to where I would pay to play! Enough Playfield volume on a Pro, to where an operator or a homeowner, would like to own this pinball machine. There was a Premium and an LE in the box, but this thesis is only on the Pro, which is what I played. Reminded me of some of the Ritchie games of the early 90's. That is a good thing!
2 days ago
Jaws LE is great. Love the game & theme. Plays well and the 3D mode is a neat addition.
2 days ago
A new company making complex games that seems to have created a winner on their first try. I'm not necessarily a fan of the source material even though I came of age in the 80s, but the theme integration is wonderful, the playfield design is interesting, and it just plays...different. It's not an overly-candy-sparkle float fest like JJP decks and it's not an every-shot-is-a-quick-hazard fist fight like some of the newest Stern decks. It has some truly unique things about it and encourages you to try many different things and mostly rewards you for it. I played about 13 games on it, in a spot that featured over 40 machines of all eras, and every other game on a different machine, I found myself wandering back to Labyrinth. I wanted to see what other surprises it had, and was rarely disappointed. I was only able to pass about 49 million, but I feel like the game did enough to show an experienced player different ways to improve my scoring. I can't wait for the next one they make.
2 days ago
Fantastic game! It almost feels like you’re playing a Stern. Great song selection. Have only played the CE. Love it.
2 days ago
Venom stands to be one of the greats, if not for the many haters of Stern pricing. I get that people are disgusted, because all their games since JB have been overpriced. But it’s really unfortunate that Brain Eddie a top designer and Dwight Sullivan a top coder have to suffer because of people taking out their hate for Seth Davis, on a stellar game like Venom. After playing this diamond of a game, it’s clear this is the only issue, because the game itself has none.

Everything from the art to the code is the best pinball has to offer. Truly a one of a kind game, that I would have never appreciated until finally being introduced to its brilliance. More on that later. Give it a chance and you’ll love it too. Can’t think of any game that’s as well done as this, except GZ, its that good!
2 days ago
Love MM, but it gets old quick compared to deeper games we have today. Still prefer MM over Attack From Mars.
3 days ago
I've got about 2 dozen plays on the Pro. It's a fun game with lots of stuff to do. The scoop is very difficult to hit which starts the modes. Quite a deep ruleset. I really like the art. It is missing the cool features from the premium like rotating spinner section and the bridge which collapes, but it's considerably cheaper than the premium.
3 days ago
A very hard game with short ball times. Any bricked shot seems to drain. Great music and sound. The gimick of the turret is cool but unsafe.
3 days ago
A pin with great music, shots and animations!

Definetly give this pin (any of the versions) a shot!
3 days ago
North Star is a great pin, I decided to pick one up on a whim because you just don't see this pin up for sale often. Now I understand why you never see them, once people play North Star it stays with them. The layout and concept of this game are great. The objective is simple collect all shots of one color to light special and advance your scoop values by 100 points for each color completed. The action created by the pops is great and the occasional lucky bounce from the pops into the scoop is very satisfying. The top most shot for the green and yellow colors seems impossible to hit with the tiny flippers, but when you actually hit that shot it is very satisfying as it completes the U-turn into the pops. I've played some 2" flipper games that feel unfair, like the flippers are pointless. North Star doesn't feel this way. At times you even have the feeling of control while playing, which seems odd. The slings and posts are a fun combination next to the flippers that really help you work on your nudging skills. Everything about the layout just works and makes you want to play more.

The art is great, but this is the first time, I've ever been blown away by pinball posts. The posts on this pin are undoubtedly my favorite posts on any pinball machine. They are metal and really catch and draw your eyes to them.

If you encounter this rare gem, play it. If you are even luckier to find one for sale...buy it.
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