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10 hours ago
I tend to rate everything a little high but played this multiple times on location and hard to summarize a subjective reaction but visually its very nice and felt the topper was amazing.

The flippers were upgraded on my last visit so that improved my experience.

I put a lot into comparing with games of same era and cost. Its not a theme that resonates (although I do love Bowie)

Play one yourself and decide -
13 hours ago
Love this game, bolted to the ground at my house.
13 hours ago
We have owned ours for a little over a month and have put on close to 500 play in a line up of 6 pins. The RGB lighting throughout is great, well programed for the modes (spinning for the cleaners is awesome) Art /sculps work are fantastic and create a world under glass. Definitely one the best toppers for the money, we literally cut a whole in our ceiling to accommodate the height, we ordered it knowing it was to big for our space. The dancing and commentary made it a must. It's a fun shooter with some tight shots and the ramps feel satisfying. It also has a deep ruleset that will keep you challenged for a long time with13 orbs (completed modes) needed to reach the final wizard mode.
15 hours ago
I've owned this for about a month (had played probably 20-30 games prior). Ultimately this one was my wife's choice, but never going to argue when given permission to buy a new pin! :-)

I was skeptical of how well this would hold up in terms of playability as a home game, but have been pleasantly surprised with the depth of the code and rules. I will say, the rules are absolutely not intuitive, but if you read up and build an understanding they're super satisfying. There is a ton of depth to strategy given the variety of characters and modes, so it will take a while to figure out.

The game, as most others have pointed out, plays very fast. That said, I tend to think most have the playfield angle set too agressively, I had mine close to 7.5 which may play OK on a pro, but makes the ramp shots tough and the Deatstar ramp in particular almost impossible to hit. Moving it to 6.7/6.8 has slowed it down to the point where the ramps are more reasonable, while maintaing good overall flow/speed. I think there are some well executed shots and modes, the Hyperloop is a very cool touch and I think the Asteroid video mode is fairly well executed (I'm not always a big fan of video modes in general).

The art, music, and A/V assets are all very well done, zero complaints there. Everything from the music to the playfield toys are executed nicely and fit the theme perfectly. I will nitpick the lighting a bit as I feel like more could've been done to make the Premium/LE stand out a bit more. I've never added Pinstadium (or similar products) to a pin, but would strongly consider on this machine.

I'll finish by saying that I completely understand the frustration some people have expressed with the rules, if I was pumping quarters into one of these without reading a strategy guide or a rules sheet, I would probably be pissed at the number of sub 2-minute games I got out of it. It's a much more enjoyable experience once you get some clarity on the code and start to play with a real strategy.
28 hours ago
This isn’t a pinball machine
28 hours ago
The NBA junkie in me adores this otherwise mediocre game. Fun backbox toy
28 hours ago
Imagine if they made Uber pinball
28 hours ago
I can’t not think about constantly moving the shot multiplier. This layout wants to flow but it is programmed very stop and go. No mechs/toys but all the assets I guess. Maybe if I cared about Star Wars I’d be more disappointed. Otherwise it’s just fine
28 hours ago
Fun ass kicker
28 hours ago
Best drum track in pinball history
28 hours ago
Love the layout but the rules kill it. Great background music and callouts ruined by the flipper sound effects
28 hours ago
Might actually be my favorite Lawlor DMD
28 hours ago
I like the layout but the ruleset just kills it for me. Audio callouts don’t help either.
28 hours ago
Good layout with a dud theme and barely present ruleset. Looks nice I guess
28 hours ago
The mechs are neat the first few times. Then you’re just left with an unbalanced ruleset with dated stereotypes to beat up
28 hours ago
I for one welcome our Pinbot overlord
28 hours ago
People who endlessly soft plunge should be thrown overboard
28 hours ago
The JPop DMD game with the worst layout but the best rules. Go figure
29 hours ago
The pinball machine called me a bitch… and I liked it
29 hours ago
I think the reception to this game would have been very different if they just slapped the Sim City logo on it
29 hours ago
Just frustrating
29 hours ago
Hey it’s that Steve Ritchie layout again, but with actual toys this time
29 hours ago
The encounters are not fun and I don’t like how certain features take over the game at times.
29 hours ago
Why is there a manual plunger?
29 hours ago
Love everything about it except for shooting it

You can see 90% of the game within a few plays.
There are 56,071 ratings (that include a comment). Currently showing results page 1 of 2,243.

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