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45 minutes ago
First game from Keith and it still rocks, even after 6 years. Variety of shots and a flow from heaven with the loops. Hard left ramp as said by others of course so it is almost impossible to get two combo ramps in a raw but it changes from all the fan layouts we are all sick of.

No stops and goes, really fast game and plays well so easy to go with then stop if you want. To be put in a gameroom with other pinball machines with deep code and a slower play so that you can mix depending on your wishes of the moment. And it is still a keeper with good rules.
4 hours ago
The "ramps to nowhere" get a lot of grief and rightfully so. As theme integration mimicking a rescue ladder they make sense but from a gameplay perspective they're awful. They'd probably be criticized less if the rest of the layout was good, but it's pretty dull. It's close to symmetrical and there aren't interesting things to shoot at. The theme is interesting but the theme, art and layout never come together into a worthwhile experience for the player.
17 hours ago
Mark Ritchie is back!
17 hours ago
Amazing game ! Love it all ! Play , music , shots !
21 hours ago
Ok. Here is a 57 y.o, slightly above average skilled, players review. My heyday was System 11, through first generation, DMD pinball machines. So go in with the thought, that I will not disect, every aspect minuchia. The game seems to me(a Pro)to have more than adequate stimulation to keep a Wick fan, or a young or older pinball player, interested enough to drop in several dollars per visit. The code will develop as it always does with SPI, so this licensed title is pretty damn good, and I have to assume will be better with code advances.
Bear in mind that Art, Music(including call outs) and Playfield graphics, are pedestrian to me. I was able to play 7 games(granted on free play) in a span of 47 minutes, and the game play was intriguing enough, to where I would pay to play! Enough Playfield volume on a Pro, to where an operator or a homeowner, would like to own this pinball machine. There was a Premium and an LE in the box, but this thesis is only on the Pro, which is what I played. Reminded me of some of the Ritchie games of the early 90's. That is a good thing!
27 hours ago
Jaws LE is great. Love the game & theme. Plays well and the 3D mode is a neat addition.
28 hours ago
A new company making complex games that seems to have created a winner on their first try. I'm not necessarily a fan of the source material even though I came of age in the 80s, but the theme integration is wonderful, the playfield design is interesting, and it just plays...different. It's not an overly-candy-sparkle float fest like JJP decks and it's not an every-shot-is-a-quick-hazard fist fight like some of the newest Stern decks. It has some truly unique things about it and encourages you to try many different things and mostly rewards you for it. I played about 13 games on it, in a spot that featured over 40 machines of all eras, and every other game on a different machine, I found myself wandering back to Labyrinth. I wanted to see what other surprises it had, and was rarely disappointed. I was only able to pass about 49 million, but I feel like the game did enough to show an experienced player different ways to improve my scoring. I can't wait for the next one they make.
28 hours ago
Fantastic game! It almost feels like you’re playing a Stern. Great song selection. Have only played the CE. Love it.
29 hours ago
Venom stands to be one of the greats, if not for the many haters of Stern pricing. I get that people are disgusted, because all their games since JB have been overpriced. But it’s really unfortunate that Brain Eddie a top designer and Dwight Sullivan a top coder have to suffer because of people taking out their hate for Seth Davis, on a stellar game like Venom. After playing this diamond of a game, it’s clear this is the only issue, because the game itself has none.

Everything from the art to the code is the best pinball has to offer. Truly a one of a kind game, that I would have never appreciated until finally being introduced to its brilliance. More on that later. Give it a chance and you’ll love it too. Can’t think of any game that’s as well done as this, except GZ, its that good!
34 hours ago
Love MM, but it gets old quick compared to deeper games we have today. Still prefer MM over Attack From Mars.
46 hours ago
I've got about 2 dozen plays on the Pro. It's a fun game with lots of stuff to do. The scoop is very difficult to hit which starts the modes. Quite a deep ruleset. I really like the art. It is missing the cool features from the premium like rotating spinner section and the bridge which collapes, but it's considerably cheaper than the premium.
46 hours ago
A very hard game with short ball times. Any bricked shot seems to drain. Great music and sound. The gimick of the turret is cool but unsafe.
2 days ago
A pin with great music, shots and animations!

Definetly give this pin (any of the versions) a shot!
2 days ago
North Star is a great pin, I decided to pick one up on a whim because you just don't see this pin up for sale often. Now I understand why you never see them, once people play North Star it stays with them. The layout and concept of this game are great. The objective is simple collect all shots of one color to light special and advance your scoop values by 100 points for each color completed. The action created by the pops is great and the occasional lucky bounce from the pops into the scoop is very satisfying. The top most shot for the green and yellow colors seems impossible to hit with the tiny flippers, but when you actually hit that shot it is very satisfying as it completes the U-turn into the pops. I've played some 2" flipper games that feel unfair, like the flippers are pointless. North Star doesn't feel this way. At times you even have the feeling of control while playing, which seems odd. The slings and posts are a fun combination next to the flippers that really help you work on your nudging skills. Everything about the layout just works and makes you want to play more.

The art is great, but this is the first time, I've ever been blown away by pinball posts. The posts on this pin are undoubtedly my favorite posts on any pinball machine. They are metal and really catch and draw your eyes to them.

If you encounter this rare gem, play it. If you are even luckier to find one for sale...buy it.
2 days ago
I loved this game & I am not really a Wizard of Oz fan. It is one of the best "World under glass" displays I have ever seen, the rules were easy to understand and the shots were easy to follow and well marked. And the way the game played just kind of makes sense based on the movie. Also for someone just trying this game out it is easy to get sucked into.

There are some really cool lock balls, toys & mecs that keep you locked into this game and if you are trying to get your wife into pinball, start here.
2 days ago
The game is fun, but a little on the repetitive side. I'm not really a fan of the tight U-turn ramp up close and dead center of the playfield. Art would probably be cooler if they would have been able to secure the Mad Max license instead of making it a generic clone.
2 days ago
Upfront: these ratings are based on newer 3.0 code and post-flipper mod for bigger caps. Current game has character, feel, and is one helluva show.

Positives: Music tracks are great; external sub and enhanced speaker kit (pinsound and/or external) are needed to do the theme justice. Ripping the center spinner (guitar pick) can be really satisfying. I swear the scoop gets smaller when you’re on 2nd or 3rd encore and you get to end of song collect.

With recent software fixes my list of drawbacks (w/ mitigations) would be: 1. Poorr shooter lane w/ limited visibility and uneven drain out angle (little bit of Velcro can even it out); 2. Slash solo mode (at least you don’t lose a ball now w/ 3.0 code); 3. Lots of Multiball (can reduce via config tweaks); 4. It is a bit of a show pony as a full (great) experience requires a dialed-in and well-maintained machine; I haven’t seen many GnR running well in the wild.
3 days ago
I tend to rate everything a little high but played this multiple times on location and hard to summarize a subjective reaction but visually its very nice and felt the topper was amazing.

The flippers were upgraded on my last visit so that improved my experience.

I put a lot into comparing with games of same era and cost. Its not a theme that resonates (although I do love Bowie)

Play one yourself and decide -
3 days ago
Love this game, bolted to the ground at my house.
3 days ago
We have owned ours for a little over a month and have put on close to 500 play in a line up of 6 pins. The RGB lighting throughout is great, well programed for the modes (spinning for the cleaners is awesome) Art /sculps work are fantastic and create a world under glass. Definitely one the best toppers for the money, we literally cut a whole in our ceiling to accommodate the height, we ordered it knowing it was to big for our space. The dancing and commentary made it a must. It's a fun shooter with some tight shots and the ramps feel satisfying. It also has a deep ruleset that will keep you challenged for a long time with13 orbs (completed modes) needed to reach the final wizard mode.
3 days ago
I've owned this for about a month (had played probably 20-30 games prior). Ultimately this one was my wife's choice, but never going to argue when given permission to buy a new pin! :-)

I was skeptical of how well this would hold up in terms of playability as a home game, but have been pleasantly surprised with the depth of the code and rules. I will say, the rules are absolutely not intuitive, but if you read up and build an understanding they're super satisfying. There is a ton of depth to strategy given the variety of characters and modes, so it will take a while to figure out.

The game, as most others have pointed out, plays very fast. That said, I tend to think most have the playfield angle set too agressively, I had mine close to 7.5 which may play OK on a pro, but makes the ramp shots tough and the Deatstar ramp in particular almost impossible to hit. Moving it to 6.7/6.8 has slowed it down to the point where the ramps are more reasonable, while maintaing good overall flow/speed. I think there are some well executed shots and modes, the Hyperloop is a very cool touch and I think the Asteroid video mode is fairly well executed (I'm not always a big fan of video modes in general).

The art, music, and A/V assets are all very well done, zero complaints there. Everything from the music to the playfield toys are executed nicely and fit the theme perfectly. I will nitpick the lighting a bit as I feel like more could've been done to make the Premium/LE stand out a bit more. I've never added Pinstadium (or similar products) to a pin, but would strongly consider on this machine.

I'll finish by saying that I completely understand the frustration some people have expressed with the rules, if I was pumping quarters into one of these without reading a strategy guide or a rules sheet, I would probably be pissed at the number of sub 2-minute games I got out of it. It's a much more enjoyable experience once you get some clarity on the code and start to play with a real strategy.
4 days ago
This isn’t a pinball machine
4 days ago
The NBA junkie in me adores this otherwise mediocre game. Fun backbox toy
4 days ago
Imagine if they made Uber pinball
4 days ago
I can’t not think about constantly moving the shot multiplier. This layout wants to flow but it is programmed very stop and go. No mechs/toys but all the assets I guess. Maybe if I cared about Star Wars I’d be more disappointed. Otherwise it’s just fine
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