Elvira's House of Horrors (Blood Red Kiss Edition)

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This game has received 22 approved Pinsider ratings. 28 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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Found 12 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 12 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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15 days ago
Such a nice layout! Great game!
67 days ago
For me, the most beautiful of all machines: the kiss red version is a true work of art. I sold my premium for this version. The gameplay is great, fthe music, the lights... We're having a lot of fun on this machine...
85 days ago
Overall this is by far my favorite pin! I only wish that quality control out of the box was taken into consideration. This is a game that has been on the market for several years now and still has a large appeal leaving the makers room to make an even bigger profit. Sadly out of the box, many tweaks had to be made, adjusted, and fixed for stable play. Nothing to serious that could not be fixed. This is just very unfortunate, considering the years in the making and the significant price increases over the years. That being said, the game has many offerings that make is unique and worth it all! All the frustrations of having to adjust and tinker to get the game to play continuously became easily forgotten once you get a good game going/multiple runs in. I would still highly recommend this game and version to any pinhead and those who just like the occasional one off play. The theme is spot on, the hilarious call outs, and the different game play variations not only make it entertaining for everyone, but also make it extremely challenging for novice and expert players. The fun and last ability always want keep me returning. I hope others find the immense joy I find in playing it!
4 months ago
I just purchased this game a d hope to play and learn it better.
Out of the gate JURASSIC PARK and CACTUS CANYON REMAKE Are way better out of the gate
4 months ago
The most beautiful pinball game I have ever seen. absolutely unbelievably beautiful just to look at. It must be experienced live.
6 months ago
I've had Elviras HOH BRK for about 3 weeks now. Game play is great, but it keeps breaking. So far had to fix rear house ball diverter. bottom of coffin to narrow to accept balls, crypt vuc, stairway ramp lifter, plus more. On top of that there are several must mods to keep the ball from instantly draining. Left loop and cellar can shoot the ball right down the center. This is a No No on a game that can take 30+ minutes to finish all story lines. Having said that Artwork and Gameplay is fabulous. movie screen clips can get a little monotonous and I wish they were a little more random. I wish Pinside would add a rating for build quality.
6 months ago
This is the best looking pinball Stern has ever created and it’s really not close. It seems like a worthy tribute to Lyman’s last game. I am not a huge Elvira fan but theme is so well integrated. It’s a big score / little score game. Many games go by in seconds but when you hit the big one it’s so worth it. This game would have been perfect if the stand ups were drops - creating less outlane drains.

Favorites: art package, black glitter powder coat, the house lighting, accessibility (game is great for beginners and experts), Santa conquers martians
Cons: hungry hungry outlanes and sdtm from the bumpers
6 months ago
The most beautifully sunning pinball ever made.
6 months ago
This version of EHOH is absolutely stunning to look at! It truly is hard to appreciate its beauty until you see it in person. Combined with Elvira’s fun gameplay, cool mechs, and slightly risqué humor, this game has quickly moved to the top of my list of favorite Stern’s all-time.
6 months ago
Elvira Blood Red Kiss Edition House of Horrors is undoubtedly the most impressive art package and aesthetic I have seen on any pinball machine. This is the first Elvira I have owned and the layout and code are both very enjoyable. I was under the impression that fan layouts are too easy, but this pin quickly erased that narrative. I've reluctantly moved the outlanes to their easiest setting and I lowered the slingshot strength. These outlanes are insatiable.

The one drawback to this pin is it has been in production for a long time, yet the same production issues that existed in the beginning still persist. Be prepared to take the glass off and fix things on this pin. You will have to take apart the house.

Once you have a strong understanding of these rules, you really begin to appreciate this game.

I've never been a big fan on House of Horrors, but this pin was too beautiful to pass up. If you have a chance to be one of the 500 people to own this, don't hesitate.
7 months ago
For many years ACDC LUCY was my perfect machine for Gameplay and Art Package. But this blows it away. This new Elvira has been a favorite to play and I was waiting for a new premium run. Then this BRK version came out. Absolutely the most stunning game I have ever seen!!! Take a great game and make it look stupid beautiful and for me you have the best game there is. I love Godzilla but this is just more fun for me as my top favorite of all time. Great Gameplay, fun screen scenes and Elvira interactions topped off with good music at the right times.
7 months ago
There are 12 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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