(Topic ID: 105549)

Where to go for more depth after LOTR and TSPP?

By JosiahCox

9 years ago

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#1 9 years ago

So I finally have TSPP in house and a nice HUO LOTR coming at the end of the month and now I find myself wondering what other titles I should look into for depth as I continue to build my collection. I am finding out I really want my DMD games to have long legs with lot's of stuff to do.

I really like having multiple things that I can work on at the same time. I also enjoy the journey more than the high score at the end of the game. I have read a bunch of the other threads on Pinside regarding depth but they almost always center on TSPP/LOTR and for very good reason.

I really don't dig TZ that much so let me put that out there right away as a title I am not super interested in.
So that being said, what would you Pinsider's recommend that I look into and why?
Cheers and thanks for your opinions!

#2 9 years ago

I would sy FGY or RBION from the games I've owned.

EDIT: FGY is great cause the journey to sperm attack is so great. Tons of things to do at different points of the game and multiple objectives to reach sperm attack.

RBION has a ton to do with multiple end goals. Great deep ruleset.

#3 9 years ago

Wizard of Oz


#4 9 years ago
Quoted from HighNoon:

Wizard of Oz

My wife would love this, my bank account on the other hand.......
I'd really like to keep the $$$ under 5K and closer to 4K if possible.

#5 9 years ago

I was going to say ACDC until I read this:

Quoted from JosiahCox:

I also enjoy the journey more than the high score at the end of the game.

The depth is in maximizing the scoring more than taking a journey.

WOZ might fit the bill, but that's based on forum chatter - I haven't played it enough to really know what I'm doing yet.

WPT gets a lot of love for a deep ruleset also.

#6 9 years ago
Quoted from Eskaybee:

I would sy FGY or RBION from the games I've owned.

RBION is in the running for sure. Fun game, I just need to play it more to get a better feel for it. The wife likes it so that's a plus.

FGY - Think I have played a single game on this title so I'll make it a point to seek it out and log some time on it.
Thanks Eskaybee!

#7 9 years ago

I think this thread is going to turn into: "list all the games that are considered deep for a normal pinball game, but pale in comparison to LOTR and TSPP".

#8 9 years ago

WOZ, RBION, and The Shadow have a lot of depth.

#9 9 years ago
Quoted from JosiahCox:

RBION is in the running for sure. Fun game, I just need to play it more to get a better feel for it. The wife likes it so that's a plus.
FGY - Think I have played a single game on this title so I'll make it a point to seek it out and log some time on it.
Thanks Eskaybee!

As a former owner of FGY...I will admit it is a fun game and there are fun things to shot for....the one problem you will eventually see....if you want to get to wizard mode....you have to spin the spinner on the right...and then the scoop, rinse repeat. The only way to progress from mode to mode is to spin the spinner...more times to start each mode. Though there are other things to do, if you want to progress through, this must be done....sorry for being repetitive.

I got tired over having to focus on the spinner ALL THE TIME. Still love the game....but for the price it commands, I had to move on....MET Pro is much more fun...as there are more shots needed to progress...my 2 cents

Good Luck in your search

#10 9 years ago

That it might do Ryan. But that's a risk I am willing to take.

Never played a WPT but it's a hard sell for me as poker is just not my jam.

TS - Wife would love this. Seems like it can have pretty short ball times, or maybe that's just my lack of skill or not knowing the shots very well.

#11 9 years ago

Shadow has almost no depth, you literally shoot the same 2 way combo shot for 30 minutes and watch as your score cracks 6 billion.

RBION has a lot of depth and is truly a great game (and Family Guy as well), but it's just not on the same level of stackability and craziness as TSPP. If you want games with a similar feel to TSPP, you could try WPT (nice and cheap, also another Keefer ruleset) or WOZ (basically everything is stackable, and "everything" entails a lot).

#12 9 years ago

I think WOZ and ACDC are the places to look for crazy code depth.

#13 9 years ago

WPT if you can get over the artwork and theme is fun, deep and cheap

#14 9 years ago

With AC/DC...I find myself shooting for score most of the time....I have never even come close to completing all the songs....for encore mode. I believe 6 songs finished is the best I have done. And my score wasn't close to the high score list. Still love it though

#15 9 years ago

WPT.......man, I know it gets love for the rules but I'd really need to spend some time on one to get my head past the looks and the theme. That being said gameplay rules supreme for me so maybe I'll have to try and find one. Never played this title yet.

Quoted from Pdxmonkey:

fun, deep and cheap

I do like the sound of that though.

#16 9 years ago
Quoted from WesleyCowan:

WOZ, RBION, and The Shadow have a lot of depth.

I don't think The Shadow is a really in depth game compared to TSPP.

Just as (KevinDDR) says. The combo shots over and over again. But somehow, it ends up being a very fun game just not a very in depth one.

#17 9 years ago
Quoted from Jean-Luc-Picard:

I don't think The Shadow is a really in depth game compared to TSPP.
Granted it may be fun but all you really do is Sanctum + Mini-Playfield + Ramps and repeat.

Actually all you do is vengeance the whole time. Hard game though if you are going other routes.

#18 9 years ago

Just thinking out of the box a little bit, have you ever played a Stargate? It's a strategy game with 7 goals, 6 modes, 3 wizard modes, drop targets, reverse drop targets, etc... and is cheap compared to your estimated budget.


#19 9 years ago

^^^unless his collection is not up to date on Pinside...he already owns it

#20 9 years ago

Ha. That's what I get for being at work where none of the link buttons work on my ancient IE7, so I didn't even check. Nevermind... go play your Stargate!

#21 9 years ago

Given your stated budget, I would recommend an X-Men Pro. 8 Hero modes (including a multiball), 7 Villain modes (2 more multiballs), great combos, and 2 really awesome wizard modes (Danger Room and Dark Phoenix).

I've had mine for almost 2 years now, and have only gotten to Danger Room twice. Never even sniffed Dark Phoenix yet.

Add in great comic book art and a ton of unique voice call-outs, and you've got what is in my opinion a fantastically deep game.


#22 9 years ago

i have TSPP, LotR, WOZLE and AC/DC Premium in my current collection. i find that i spend most of my time on WOZ and AC/DC lately (probably because they are newer) I understand that WOZ is over your budget, but you can probably find one in the $6000 range for HUO. If you think that TSPP and LotR are deep, they are only a hill next to a mountain when compared to WOZ.

#23 9 years ago

How about STTNG?

Until LOTR, it was the most immersive game I had played. Like LOTR, each mode is fun, challenging and you are rewarded for doing well in them.

Great sound and overall package.

Note: I own LOTR and TSPP and STTNG is still one of my favorites. Like you, I prefer games that get their depth by revealing something new versus getting their depth with complex scoring rules (like AC/DC).

#25 9 years ago

HUO Metallica Pro would fit the bill nicely. It may be my imagination, but MET feels deeper than LOTR me (I have both).

#26 9 years ago

+1 for X-men

#27 9 years ago

metallica, indy

#28 9 years ago
Quoted from swampfire:

HUO Metallica Pro would fit the bill nicely. It may be my imagination, but MET feels deeper than LOTR me (I have both).

Amen on MET brothers

#29 9 years ago

I agree that AC/DC is a lot about shooting for score, but it's crazy deep in terms of all songs being a bit different. So finding a right strategy and approach for each song will take forever, let alone getting to Encore.

If journey is your goal, then maybe AC/DC is not it but if depth (i.e. lot to do, lots of rule nuances) then it might just fit the bill

#30 9 years ago

I just cannot get into STTNG. I don't get it, I love the theme, the look of the pin......but I just don't like it that much. So that one is off the list for sure.

So mental note: play more MET, RBION, Xmen, FG and WPT.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and feel free to keep em coming.

#31 9 years ago
Quoted from swampfire:

HUO Metallica Pro would fit the bill nicely. It may be my imagination, but MET feels deeper than LOTR me (I have both).

I concur.

#32 9 years ago

Xmen for sure. Crazy depth in that one.

#33 9 years ago

Spider-Man can have depth if you shoot for the modes. It's a blast to play and can be had for you price range. Rfm has lots of modes and is a blast.

#34 9 years ago

I have lotr, tspp and RBION. RBION is very deep, but not to the level of the other two. It is very very hard, though. Spelling R I P L E Y is no easy task. There's some kind of frog frenzy mode, never seen it. I like the game a lot, games tend to be shorter than in tspp and lotr. Setting the outlanes wide really shortens the game.

#35 9 years ago

I'm picking up a WPT at york. Good to hear everyone echoing that it has a lot of depth

#36 9 years ago
Quoted from EchoVictor:

Given your stated budget, I would recommend an X-Men Pro. 8 Hero modes (including a multiball), 7 Villain modes (2 more multiballs), great combos, and 2 really awesome wizard modes...

I've heard so many great things about XMEN (I call it NORT), but it's ususally drowned out by the louder complaints (from the minority) about callouts. Too bad it overshadows what seems to be an otherwise great pin package.

Never got to play one thought - maybe someone will add it to their collection?

To the OP: after a while you're find playing 20, 30, 40 min games to be ... well, time consuming. You might want to consider some fast, challenging games to compliment the long, challenging ones like TSPP, LOTR, XMEN, TZ, WPT... Pins like IM, TRON, MET, ST are less deep but can be just as difficult to complete.

#37 9 years ago

I hear hell has 9 circles. That's pretty deep.

In all seriousness though, that would be a pretty bad-ass pin.

#38 9 years ago
Quoted from thedefog:

I hear hell has 9 circles. That's pretty deep.
In all seriousness though, that would be a pretty bad-ass pin.

Dante's Inferno theme would be amazing

#39 9 years ago

Ripley's and XMEN both have a lot to do in them. Both games are fun to play.
I also think both games are a great value in todays market. Proof is in the lineup.

#40 9 years ago

IJ is a candidate as well

#41 9 years ago

For depth and fun, I will have to throw out America's Most Haunted.

#42 9 years ago
Quoted from KingPinGames:

If you think that TSPP and LotR are deep, they are only a hill next to a mountain when compared to WOZ.

Not a coincidence. And they're all keefers... uhh, I mean "keepers"


#43 9 years ago

XMen is as deep as anything out there. RFM has a lot to do but appears to be repetitive due to the video and being structured progression.

#44 9 years ago
Quoted from JosiahCox:

Where to go for more depth after LOTR and TSPP?

#45 9 years ago
Quoted from JosiahCox:

I just cannot get into STTNG. I don't get it, I love the theme, the look of the pin......but I just don't like it that much. So that one is off the list for sure.

Hmmm, in that case so is the rest of the list.

#46 9 years ago
Quoted from KevinDDR:

Shadow has almost no depth, you literally shoot the same 2 way combo shot for 30 minutes and watch as your score cracks 6 billion.

That's really disappointing to hear. I've been really wanting to pick up The Shadow but I didn't realize it had such a shallow rule set.

#47 9 years ago

Shadow isn't deep, just difficult to complete. I have been to the final battle once and it was the first week I owned the game. I am glad I couldn't complete it as I end up losing interest in a game once I "beat" it.

#48 9 years ago

RBION is fantastic,deep rules,lots to complete....tough....play it and I think you will agree!

#49 9 years ago

WPT is crazy deep, I like it better than my Lotr Le, Woz is crazier deep.

What's the common denominator? Just wait for TH next and you'll another Keith special

#50 9 years ago
Quoted from Glarrownage:

That's really disappointing to hear. I've been really wanting to pick up The Shadow but I didn't realize it had such a shallow rule set.

I wouldn't stress on "shallow" or not, it has a great mix of gameplay with so many different ways to play.

I bought mine on the idea that it was so deep and was surprised within 2 days on hard I was at the final battle, however beating it is another story. If you time out the modes its fairly easy to get to final battle. 50+ final battle attempts, never beat it, got down to 1 shot to go, drove me nuts.

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