(Topic ID: 338341)

SANTAEATSCHEESE's Pinball Travels, Arcade Musings, and Pool Stuff

By SantaEatsCheese

1 year ago

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    There are 442 posts in this topic. You are on page 4 of 9.
    #151 10 months ago
    Quoted from poppapin:

    Not to be a downer, but leaves should be fun in the fall.

    It'll probably be covered by then, doofus.

    #152 10 months ago
    Quoted from beelzeboob:

    It'll probably be covered by then, doofus.

    Haha, suck it Boob!

    #153 10 months ago

    The recent storm we had, blew many leaves in our Bowie community pool behind the mansion. The life guards had a great device that worked from a garden hose to blow leaves on the bottom into a net.

    #154 10 months ago
    Quoted from Tophervette:

    The recent storm we had, blew many leaves in our Bowie community pool behind the mansion. The life guards had a great device that worked from a garden hose to blow leaves on the bottom into a net.

    Lucky for us my wife and I have 3 pool boys. We'll put em to work!

    #155 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    No swimming yet... gotta let the plaster and diamond Brite cure.
    [quoted image]

    Pat of installing a pool is arranging a "Wind Break"

    You might have noticed that most pools are surrounded by walls or a house to break the wind.

    You dont have to build a prison yard, just a sealed fence or wall here or there to limit the wind.

    You will get more use out of it if you can limit the wind, its more comfortable and secluded.

    Women like the privacy that fences or walls afford.

    Plus you can lock it up to keep kids safe.

    #156 10 months ago

    We have laws in Md that a 6 foot fence around a pool is mandatory, so that a child does not wander in and drown.

    #157 10 months ago
    Quoted from Tophervette:

    We have laws in Md that a 6 foot fence around a pool is mandatory, so that a child does not wander in and drown.

    Yes... we have up a temporary fence while we wait for the permanent one.

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    1 week later
    #158 10 months ago

    Things are finally happening again! Looks like I might get my patio today!

    It's been almost 2 weeks since they put plaster in and filled it up. Still have not been able to get it. They finally put chemicals in it yesterday. Once the patio is done we wait for grading, then a new fence, then I can start on the grass!

    Want to get in the pool a few times before it gets too cool. Have not been able to turn on the heat pump or salt system yet but we are getting close. I expect everything to be done by memorial day.

    Hopefully the grading they do on the way out will help a little with me getting pins in and out. On my short list to buy/sell/trade/temp trade for there are local Star Wars, TMNTs, and BKSORs calling to me. If its good I should be able to slowly start changing out 1ups for real arcades.

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    #159 10 months ago

    I sure hope it’s done by Memorial Day

    #160 10 months ago
    Quoted from Tommy_Pins:

    I sure hope it’s done by Memorial Day

    Me too... I mean Labor day.
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    #161 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    Me too... I mean Labor day.
    [quoted image]

    You have a tomato plant growing out of your gutter. Get your soon to be pool boys up there to clean them lol

    #162 10 months ago

    What is the deal with that giant tree growing diagonally in the background? haha

    I'm looking forward to seeing your pool in person eventually. Very cool you were able to get this done for your family.

    #163 10 months ago
    Quoted from poppapin:

    Not to be a downer, but leaves should be fun in the fall.

    Being from the East Coast (PA) the bigger concern is the amount of shade those trees are going to put on the pool. The season is short enough but without a heater, you're probably cutting another month+ out of the season as the water will be too cold. I know the OP said he's saving for one down the road, good idea!

    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    Lucky for us my wife and I have 3 pool boys. We'll put em to work!

    Like any kids that will wear off quick!

    SEC - Good luck with everything as it's a big project, a lot of work but all that goes away when it's 80+ outside.

    BTW that back corner of your lot is a nice place for an outside bar!

    #164 10 months ago

    Wicked nice pool. Who's going to be the 1st to try to hit it from the deck?

    #165 10 months ago

    We have a patio! Now all we need is the permanent fence, another week or so to let the pool chemistry settle, a crud ton of yard work, and to wrap some things up with the HOA I won't get into here until after we are all good.

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    #166 10 months ago
    Quoted from Mattyk:

    You have a tomato plant growing out of your gutter.

    Gutter tomatoes are a Maryland specialty.

    #167 10 months ago
    Quoted from fosaisu:

    Gutter tomatoes are a Maryland specialty.

    The gift that keeps giving

    #168 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    and to wrap some things up with the HOA I won't get into here until after we are all good

    uh-oh, famous last words

    #169 10 months ago
    Quoted from TreyBo69:

    uh-oh, famous last words

    You have no idea.

    #170 10 months ago

    Yeah I am waiting for the post where you were told "your pool exceeds the amount of gallons allowed per the HOA bylaws, we need you to take the pool out".

    #171 10 months ago

    Dear Santa,

    We require pinto bean shaped pools, and your kidney bean pool must be removed as it is a travesty and abomination to this communities genteel sensibilities.

    Further, your grass is 1/4 inch too short and you will be fined until it grows. Also please pay previous fines for the grass being 1/2 inch too tall or we will be forced to foreclose the property and sell it to the HOA president's grandson for peanuts.


    #172 10 months ago

    So pool is open! But we can't enjoy it yet. The kids can, but momma and poppa can't.

    So... it turns out that all the approvals our builder said they got from the HOA... they didn't actually get. We got a note from the HOA to stop work as they didn't have any of the applications or paperwork... after our pool was finished. So, I filled out the forms and sent them in last week. My wife and I are worried sick over this because they could very easily say "nope... gotta move it over to the left 2 feet" and we'd be screwed... like years of saving and planning screwed. I also still have to kiss the builders butt to get things finished and get the engineering paperwork we need from him for the pool permits with the HOA. The pool is pretty much done minus the fence. I can't put the fence in until I get HOA approval, and I need the fence before I can put grass down. Also can't turn the heat on until next month. So my pool build thread is turning into my pool purgatory thread. If the HOA doesn't approve things or there are costs involved there may be lawyers involved so I'm leaving the name of the pool builders out of this and have asked the admins to remove them where present so please don't name them if you know them.

    On the positive side the kids are loving the pool! Once we get everything straightened away with the HOA and the builders and have a yard in it will be a big relief and my wife and I will be able to have as much fun in it next year as the kids are this month.

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    #173 10 months ago

    What do you mean there’s no fence up?

    Looks nice! Really hope it works out well for you and the HOA doesn’t give HOA’s a bad name

    #174 10 months ago

    Good luck Santa, fingers crossed for you with the HOA. Hopefully they'll show a little mercy under the circumstances.

    #175 10 months ago

    Good luck hopefully they’re reasonable

    #176 10 months ago

    Best wishes on this mess.

    LTG : )

    #177 10 months ago

    Hoping your HOA isn't as bad as most are, run by egotistical control freaks that could not get elected in county elections.

    Our community pool is only open 2 more weeks. Labor Day.

    The good news is, my part time job starts next weekend at Renn Fest up in Crownsville. And its kids weekend, the get in free.

    #178 10 months ago

    The pool looks great!

    #179 10 months ago

    Good fortune to you on that stuff. About the trees and shade, if you have the coldest water in summer you're doin OK.

    #180 10 months ago

    Thanks for this post. Lots of great info for a newb like me. Just contracted a fiberglass pool from Riverpools Virginia. Excavation will commence in November. I’ll keep everyone apprised once things begin.

    #181 10 months ago

    Throughout the years, I've found it better to ask forgiveness than permission from the HOA (installing flag pole, landscaping/trees, patio extension, new roofs, house painting, fence painting, etc.) Finished my latest project about six weeks ago (a covered pergola & refinished patio in the backyard), and still awaiting the HOA notice to come in the mail for this one since I did not submit the project to them for approval.

    They really pissed me off several years ago when I was in the hospital and let my yard go an extra week without mowing, and I received a notice in the mail threatening a fine. I know they had no way of knowing I was in the hospital for a week and nearly died, but at the time I could drive up and down my block and the one next to it and point out a half a dozen houses who's lawns had been neglected for weeks or even months - over grown, covered with weeds, large dead spots, etc. while mine was manicured, no weeds, and green but about 3 or 4 inches higher than normal. That was the moment when I stopped caring about HOA rules and decided to fight them just for the fun of it every opportunity I had to do so.

    My suggestion is to do the bare minimum of whatever they require as cheaply as possible, get their approval, lay low for a few weeks/months, then remove whatever changes they forced you to make that you didn't want and see if they even notice.

    #182 10 months ago

    My .02$…..it one of the reasons I didn’t buy a home in a HOA. Stand your ground…so to speak.

    #183 10 months ago

    At my vacation rental, I have a few pins (and arcades) in the gameroom which is right off the pool area. I have a prominent “No wet suits!” sign in the arcade…may be a good reminder to set down ‘the law’ if your boys and their friends have potential to run back and forth between arcade and pool. May be over worried, but shudder at thought of dripping wet kids hanging over the pins and arcades.

    Anyway…good job on pool. Looks great. Hopefully the HOA concern is remedied quickly.

    #184 10 months ago
    Quoted from Nhpolarbear:

    My .02$…..it one of the reasons I didn’t buy a home in a HOA. Stand your ground…so to speak.

    This was our number one thing when we looked for a house, I would never live in a HOA. Why own your own property just to have other people tell you what you can and can’t do with it?? Sounds like a nightmare Santa I hope things go well for you, your pool looks great as well as your gameroom!

    #185 10 months ago
    Quoted from Parkshow30:

    This was our number one thing when we looked for a house, I would never live in a HOA. Why own your own property just to have other people tell you what you can and can’t do with it?? Sounds like a nightmare Santa I hope things go well for you, your pool looks great as well as your gameroom!

    Here's the other side of that coin -

    My sister and her husband had some people move in next to them that started a construction company out of their house. There were trucks and bulldozers going in and out of there for 20 years til the person died. Non stop fights. THAT was a nightmare.

    The nice thing about an HOA is your neighbors are kept in check. In my sub, you can only use vinyl fencing, so I don't have to worry about my neighbors 20 year old unpainted wooden fence falling over on my property. Or their 2 foot long grass or broken cars in the yard bringing down my values when I sell.

    HOA or not HOA, I would probably opt for the latter, but they aren't all bad is my point - they protect as well as inhibit.

    Having said that - Santa, hope it works out!

    #186 10 months ago

    If you haven't already...I would talk to a lawyer just in case. If you need a reference I can ask my neighbor. Her company manages 100s of HOAs around our area and I'm sure she would have a good referral. Good luck...hope it all works out.

    #187 10 months ago
    Quoted from MiniPinHead:

    What do you mean there’s no fence up?
    Looks nice! Really hope it works out well for you and the HOA doesn’t give HOA’s a bad name

    Quoted from fosaisu:

    Good luck Santa, fingers crossed for you with the HOA. Hopefully they'll show a little mercy under the circumstances.

    Quoted from Tommy_Pins:

    Good luck hopefully they’re reasonable

    Quoted from LTG:

    Best wishes on this mess.
    LTG : )

    Quoted from Tophervette:

    Hoping your HOA isn't as bad as most are, run by egotistical control freaks that could not get elected in county elections.
    Our community pool is only open 2 more weeks. Labor Day.
    The good news is, my part time job starts next weekend at Renn Fest up in Crownsville. And its kids weekend, the get in free.

    Quoted from RyanStl:

    The pool looks great!

    Quoted from StoneyCreek:

    Good fortune to you on that stuff. About the trees and shade, if you have the coldest water in summer you're doin OK.

    Quoted from Nhpolarbear:

    Thanks for this post. Lots of great info for a newb like me. Just contracted a fiberglass pool from Riverpools Virginia. Excavation will commence in November. I’ll keep everyone apprised once things begin.

    Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

    Throughout the years, I've found it better to ask forgiveness than permission from the HOA (installing flag pole, landscaping/trees, patio extension, new roofs, house painting, fence painting, etc.) Finished my latest project about six weeks ago (a covered pergola & refinished patio in the backyard), and still awaiting the HOA notice to come in the mail for this one since I did not submit the project to them for approval.
    They really pissed me off several years ago when I was in the hospital and let my yard go an extra week without mowing, and I received a notice in the mail threatening a fine. I know they had no way of knowing I was in the hospital for a week and nearly died, but at the time I could drive up and down my block and the one next to it and point out a half a dozen houses who's lawns had been neglected for weeks or even months - over grown, covered with weeds, large dead spots, etc. while mine was manicured, no weeds, and green but about 3 or 4 inches higher than normal. That was the moment when I stopped caring about HOA rules and decided to fight them just for the fun of it every opportunity I had to do so.
    My suggestion is to do the bare minimum of whatever they require as cheaply as possible, get their approval, lay low for a few weeks/months, then remove whatever changes they forced you to make that you didn't want and see if they even notice.

    Quoted from Nhpolarbear:

    My .02$…..it one of the reasons I didn’t buy a home in a HOA. Stand your ground…so to speak.

    Quoted from curban:

    At my vacation rental, I have a few pins (and arcades) in the gameroom which is right off the pool area. I have a prominent “No wet suits!” sign in the arcade…may be a good reminder to set down ‘the law’ if your boys and their friends have potential to run back and forth between arcade and pool. May be over worried, but shudder at thought of dripping wet kids hanging over the pins and arcades.
    Anyway…good job on pool. Looks great. Hopefully the HOA concern is remedied quickly.

    Quoted from Parkshow30:

    This was our number one thing when we looked for a house, I would never live in a HOA. Why own your own property just to have other people tell you what you can and can’t do with it?? Sounds like a nightmare Santa I hope things go well for you, your pool looks great as well as your gameroom!

    Quoted from pinzrfun:

    Here's the other side of that coin -
    My sister and her husband had some people move in next to them that started a construction company out of their house. There were trucks and bulldozers going in and out of there for 20 years til the person died. Non stop fights. THAT was a nightmare.
    The nice thing about an HOA is your neighbors are kept in check. In my sub, you can only use vinyl fencing, so I don't have to worry about my neighbors 20 year old unpainted wooden fence falling over on my property. Or their 2 foot long grass or broken cars in the yard bringing down my values when I sell.
    HOA or not HOA, I would probably opt for the latter, but they aren't all bad is my point - they protect as well as inhibit.
    Having said that - Santa, hope it works out!

    Quoted from PinHigh1:

    If you haven't already...I would talk to a lawyer just in case. If you need a reference I can ask my neighbor. Her company manages 100s of HOAs around our area and I'm sure she would have a good referral. Good luck...hope it all works out.

    Thanks all!

    I'm not really upset with my HOA (yet) so much as I am upset with my builder. We put the deposit down on this pool and provided the signed HOA forms to our builder in February of 2022 that he said he needed to attach his drawings to and send in to the HOA (he didn't). After confirming that "everything was good to go with the HOA, all the permits were pulled, all that good stuff" he proceeded to talk about changes to the placement of the pool that were needed to make the HOA happy. I would have been hounding those forms and babying the process around with the HOA for over a year if I had known that wasn't actually done so I wouldn't be in this mess.

    As to whats left and what I can do... I have not heard back from the HOA yet and don't want to bug them too much. I am debating just having the permanent fence thrown up now having filled out the forms and sent them in without yet receiving a response because I only have a temporary safety fence up around the pool (the orange one in the photos). I don't know how long the HOA will take and I cannot find any "teeth" that they may or may not have in the bylaws. I'll have to double check that.

    I have not talked to a lawyer yet, and am trying to do this without getting the expense of lawyers involved but if they say "move the pool" (impossible) or you "can't have it" there will be lawyers involved likely not only with the HOA but with the builder as well.

    The funny thing too is this is the local builder with the good repuation. At least one of the builders we talked to has gone out of business inbetween when we talked to them and when our pool would have been built.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.

    What do you guys think. Throw up the fence now (that I've already paid for)?

    #188 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    What do you guys think. Throw up the fence now (that I've already paid for)?

    Yes. And then send paperwork to the HOA asking for approval to do what's already done.

    #189 10 months ago

    Erect the fence and invite the directors of the HOA over for drinks and a swim. Enjoy the pool!

    #190 10 months ago

    I wouldn't put the fence up because now you officially know that you don't have the permits, so I would halt all work. It might also make them a bit more sympathetic to your issue vs moving forward with the rest of the project.

    #191 10 months ago

    I recommend that you panic and sell me your Swords of Fury at a deep discount. haha

    #192 10 months ago

    Hoping the best for you!!!

    It looks great.

    I can't believe that builder did that to you. Let's hope they actually have insurance in case you need to go after them.

    #193 10 months ago

    Seeing you have proof that you supplied the necessary information to the Builder, I would contact the HOA president directly and ask him to come over to your house (seeing he lives down the street). I would politely ask him in person, in front of the pool (without your kids in it), if you should (for safety of the community) erect a safety fence. He may say NO. He may say Yes. He may say, drain the pool so no one drowns in it, till a fence and the pool is approved.

    Down the Street here in Bowie, we do not have HOA, but the city code enforcement. He is strict. If he sees construction on his daily drives, he stops to look for permits from the county, and the city. They want their tax money. If you are found without the permit. You receive a Stop Order! You are fined. I have seen several additions and fences stopped for close to a year. If you continue to construct, the fines increase.

    Walk a very careful line and do not lose your temper with the HOA. The pool company will fold if sued.

    Best pinball wishes for a happy conclusion.

    #194 10 months ago

    Congratulations on the pool, looks great. We’ve had ours for about 2 years and love it. Good luck with the HOA. No HOA here but the County can be a PIA where I’m at.

    #195 10 months ago
    Quoted from Nhpolarbear:

    Erect the fence and invite the directors of the HOA over for drinks and a swim. Enjoy the pool!

    Make them an offer they can't refuse, and if there happens to be a poolside accident, we'll such is life.

    #196 10 months ago

    Why would the HOA ask you to move the pool, makes no sense. Anything I've ever done here in that last 2.5 years being in a HOA for the first time I send my own engineering plans. They don't really care unless you paint your house pink, have a boat in the driveway, or put in a fucking shed (yeah, we worked around that too with "It's not a shed".)

    #197 10 months ago
    Quoted from RyanStl:

    Why would the HOA ask you to move the pool, makes no sense. Anything I've ever done here in that last 2.5 years being in a HOA for the first time I send my own engineering plans. They don't really care unless you paint your house pink, have a boat in the driveway, or put in a fucking shed (yeah, we worked around that too with "It's not a shed".)

    No HOA here, but county code enforcement is about as bad. Just stupid shit, like someone parking their riding mower on the grass behind their house, code enforcement says they have 30 days to pour a concrete pad to park the mower on.

    WTF? You can drive the mower all over the grass, but you cannot park it on grass?

    #198 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    trying to do this without getting the expense of lawyers involved

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    #199 10 months ago
    Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

    So... it turns out that all the approvals our builder said they got from the HOA... they didn't actually get. We got a note from the HOA to stop work as they didn't have any of the applications or paperwork... after our pool was finished.
    [quoted image]

    That's what you get for changing your name, I just can't get used to it!

    #200 10 months ago
    Quoted from JohnnyPinball007:

    No HOA here, but county code enforcement is about as bad. Just stupid shit, like someone parking their riding mower on the grass behind their house, code enforcement says they have 30 days to pour a concrete pad to park the mower on.
    WTF? You can drive the mower all over the grass, but you cannot park it on grass?

    You have to be joking.

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