(Topic ID: 286786)

Precious Metals? Gold, Silver, Prospecting and Collecting.

By phil-lee

3 years ago

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#651 74 days ago

Also keep in mind stacking copper gets heavy and space constrained. It’s much easier to store gold and silver. Buy a bag of silver dimes if you want to have low denominations for bartering.

#652 74 days ago

Excellent response Balderdash. Perfect sizing up of the situation,I appreciate it.
Of course things could always change a little.

#653 74 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

Excellent response Balderdash. Perfect sizing up of the situation,I appreciate it.
Of course things could always change a little.

Approximately 48 silver dimes would equal $100 value. Imagine $4.80 face value in pre 64’ coinage is the same as $100 in 2024 paper garbage. Wow.

#654 74 days ago

Silver spiked to $48/ounce in 2011 over subprime mortgage crisis. what's happening now will be far greater price driver. $100 ounce easy within 2 years. That's a low risk triple from todays 28.86, where else you gonna get that? It's well documented silver/gold ratio on planet Earth is 19 to 1. Current exchange ratio is 83 ounces silver = 1 ounce gold. Based on rarity alone Silver is way undervalued. Of course it's more complicated than that but some of those complications look like fuel to the fire this time around. I like how Silver is setting up, could be one hell of a ride!

#655 72 days ago

Gold went up because of interest rates. China buying. Overbuying.
Gold went down because of lowered tensions in the Middle East.

I want the job of the person who makes this stuff up.
You see, there has to be a reason why the Stock Market rises, or falls.
The Official Bona Fide reason.

#656 72 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

You see, there has to be a reason why the Stock Market rises, or falls.
The Official Bona Fide reason.

Computer algorithms.

#657 72 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

Computer algorithms.

That and JP Morgan "Dark" trading desks.

#658 72 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

That and JP Morgan "Dark" trading desks.

Let’s remember the rules

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#659 72 days ago

Who is buying the pull back? How far does it drop before finding support?

#660 72 days ago
Quoted from ovfdfireman:

Who is buying the pull back? How far does it drop before finding support?

At or below $2000 gold and $25 silver with premiums is a steal in my opinion. That is a solid floor where I don’t think anyone would lose value. I’d be accumulating at those numbers. If someone is looking to start a position and dollar cost average in to a small holding I could see dabbling at $2200 and $26. Then add more if/when the price goes down.

#661 72 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

Let’s remember the rules

It's an election year, so put on the rose colored glasses and watch precious and gasoline prices, like reality, get managed accordingly.

#662 71 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

Let’s remember the rules
[quoted image]

Could be worse. Oh wait, this sounds familiar...

The Koopa Bank is a structure that appears on the boards in Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3. The Koopa Bank appears as both a space and a building on the board, and is owned by Koopa. When a character passes the Koopa Bank space, the characters are forced to deposit five coins into the bank. The coins are then stored in the bank and the amount in the bank increases as the characters deposit more coins. However, if a character lands on the Koopa Bank space, they receive all the coins in the bank.

#663 71 days ago
Quoted from Ghostfist:

I like how Silver is setting up, could be one hell of a ride!

Already has been the last few years.
Someone, somewhere, has determined the silver price must not go up.
The products that need it are essential to the well being of the World.
Therefore, it is not allowed to rise to its honest price.

Gold is a Wild Card. Leaps and bounds beyond the same manipulations silver are subject to.

#664 71 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

Someone, somewhere, has determined the silver price must not go up. Therefore, it is not allowed to rise to its honest price. Gold is a Wild Card. Leaps and bounds beyond the same manipulations silver are subject to.

My friend…

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#665 71 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

My friend…
[quoted image]

Know this saying well. It would apply if massive manipulation wasn't taking place.
Central Banks have been caught many times "Spoofing" PM prices up or down according
to whether they wanted to buy or sell.
2 of these dark traders went to jail and JPM paid millions in fines.
Yet it still goes on daily.

#666 70 days ago

Yet the actual cost to obtain physical silver has gone up due to premiums. Premiums are kind of the "free market price" to help correct for the spot manipulation. And although this manipulation has been ongoing for decades, you can't buy silver for the same price even 5 years ago now when it was $18 per ounce, much less 10/20/30. It has increased about $10 per ounce over spot since then, over 50%.

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#667 70 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

It would apply if massive manipulation wasn't taking place.
Central Banks have been caught many times "Spoofing" PM prices up or down according
to whether they wanted to buy or sell.

Mmm… manipulation. Well,

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#668 70 days ago

The dollar is a currency, completely different animal.
Just hate to see so many purchase silver thinking it has a fair chance of rising in value without interference.
People do not enjoy corrupt Sports or cheating Dealers in Vegas.
Yes, everything is manipulated to a degree, not a reason to just accept it and move on.

1 week later
#669 63 days ago

Dark Trader playing whack a mole with gold and silver.
Arm must be tired (or he's out of quarters) since its holding and rising again.
Glad I have the real metal instead of an ETF.

1 week later
#670 54 days ago

Surprise rise in silver was allowed to close high for the weekend.
Gold holding strong waiting for a new impetus to rise further.
Shopping for silver again, looking at a roll of type 1 Eagles.
Never say never in the metals, especially those called "precious"
American silver still the best choice for Americans even though its pricey.
Not so particular about small gold but has to be American for 1/4 and larger.

Still haven't found a silver round I can believe in.
Can anyone recommend their favorite silver round or bar?

#671 53 days ago

Do you have a favorite form of silver bullion?
Coins,Cast or Bars?

What is the best stack of silver to have?

#672 53 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

Do you have a favorite form of silver bullion?
Coins,Cast or Bars?
What is the best stack of silver to have?

10oz CNT eagle bars are beautiful .9999 and very shiny. Good weight and feel. Everyone should have 1oz Buffalo Rounds or Eagles and a good supply of junk dimes. The only true silver dollar by weight and specification in the Constitution are Peace and Morgan dollars so I like those as a replacement for Federal Reserve notes.

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#673 53 days ago

Good info Balderdash. Peace dollars are a favorite. Most are near uncirculated, keep them in a tube

#674 53 days ago

Copper prices still going up...............holding off on the trip to the scrap yard to see if it will bump even higher short term but with hurricane season approaching it may be time to dump this load.

Anyway..........just thought I's share these photos.

There is some big chunky stuff mixed in this pile. The place I take it to, we always agree on a price before I deliver. Nice to have that relationship.

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#675 53 days ago

WOW Lifefloat! If I had a horde like that it would justify one of those automatic stripper machines.
Tedious still but the profit margin close to doubles.

#676 52 days ago
Quoted from phil-lee:

If I had a horde like that

The problem with having a horde like this is my hands are killing me from ripping this crap out and installing the new stuff for decades on end.

But yea.....agree.....if it was clean bare bright #1 it would nearly double the $$ at the scrap yard. I just don't want to touch the stuff a 4th and 5th time so I get #1 insulated price which still isn't bad.

#677 52 days ago

Copper is up indeed, about $4.58 a pound. Just scrapped a couple of UPSes that were getting recycled at work, good weight in copper bearing transformers and lead acid batteries. I would dismantle more transformers and just turn that in as #2 insulated wire but many of them are wound so tight, you can't rip the wire out.

Tried to charge 3 of the batteries, they're completely shot. They won't pull more than a few hundred milliamps and the float voltage drops off massively the next day. When we replace UPSes for a client it's always because they beep and show a bad battery. I get a decent price I think per pound on those too. I also get some good copper wire, aluminum heatsinks, and of course the transformers inside them.

#678 52 days ago
Quoted from Crash:I get a decent price I think per pound on those too

I've got a bunch of lead batteries to scrap out. Maybe 100 or so. Not sure if you are referencing "lead" when you say you get a decent price but I'm curious what I'll get for all those batteries.

I've got tires too. You have to pay to get rid of those though. dammit

#679 52 days ago
Quoted from lifefloat:

Not sure if you are referencing "lead" when you say you get a decent price but I'm curious what I'll get for all those batteries.

I'm referring to whole batteries. I keep my old tickets for price reference. Last time I took in batteries they gave me $0.12/lb in June 2022. At that time, lead was going for about $2055/T. Now the price is $2236, roughly a 9% increase. So maybe I'll get a little more for the batteries this time. 13 cents!!

#680 52 days ago

Mmmm lead batteries. Fun to sell, not good to eat so I'm told.

I'll report my findings soon on my cashing those in. That'll be up in GA where my battery and tire cache is located.

Thanks for the feedback Crash

#681 52 days ago

My local Auto parts store pays more for batteries than the scrap yard. Not a Nationwide chain, just a small shop thats been here forever.

#682 49 days ago

Well well well, silver at a 10+ year high. I still have doubts but maybe this tanker is turning.

#683 49 days ago

Let's go!

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#684 49 days ago
Quoted from Ivan1496:

Well well well, silver at a 10+ year high. I still have doubts but maybe this tanker is turning.

If you buy more it will go down the next day, lol.

#685 49 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

If you buy more it will go down the next day, lol.

Like a brick! Been there more than once. My last purchase was 2018/19. Wait till you see what it does when I sell.

#686 49 days ago
Quoted from Ivan1496:

Like a brick! Been there more than once. My last purchase was 2018/19. Wait till you see what it does when I sell.


#687 49 days ago

30 dollars. woo hoo! Never say never.
Now it has to hit 39 before I break even from all that over premium covid era silver.

#688 48 days ago

If silver closes tomorrow at 30 plus and gold hits 2400 its on.
You read it here first.
Seriously doubt either will occur, I see white-knuckle efforts to squelch both.
Still, this is the time of the weird and anything is possible.

This weekend could bring Bank consolidations predicted the last few weeks.
I don't like it, its too quiet.

#689 47 days ago

Quiet in here for cracking $31 and rising...

Quoted from phil-lee:

Do you have a favorite form of silver bullion?
Coins,Cast or Bars?

Got these 10 years ago when I was into gold panning as a hobby for a little while, so I liked the prospector aesthetic.

Otherwise, junk quarters are my favorite for the feel and sound.

Got out of coin collecting nearly 20 years ago (final stage was ancient coins), but started around 7 years old, and some attachment to PMs never left, even if often not the best investment vs. other options.
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#690 47 days ago
Quoted from Medisinyl:

Quiet in here for cracking $31 and rising...

Sorry I was busy. Nice stack! IMG_2640 (resized).jpegIMG_2640 (resized).jpegIMG_2639 (resized).jpegIMG_2639 (resized).jpeg

#691 47 days ago

Not a typical PM to see, but the favorite of my collection. Wanted it in ounce form, but currently sold out from the only source I know of.

When against silver, the blue tone reveals itself.

Have some cheaper cubes as well (cobalt, chromium) to have a way to better appreciate the high density/weight in comparison.
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#692 47 days ago

Its on.

#693 47 days ago

Should of bought a couple more kilos.

#694 47 days ago
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#695 47 days ago

You called it ....

#696 47 days ago

Anyone think it will hit 40? I may sell some of my Peace dollars now.

#697 47 days ago
Quoted from golfingdad1:

You called it ....

Thanks, but not really. It was obvious PM were on a 10 year move up.
Now if a Bank or two closes this weekend..

#698 47 days ago
Quoted from pincoin:

Anyone think it will hit 40? I may sell some of my Peace dollars now.

Don’t! There’s no reason to unless you need the “money” (currency). That’s generational wealth you can transfer to your family tax free. Though, I’m always buying if you want to offload.

#699 47 days ago
Quoted from Ballderdash:

Don’t! There’s no reason to unless you need the “money” (currency). That’s generational wealth you can transfer to your family tax free. Though, I’m always buying if you want to offload.

I will advertise here if I definately decide to sell any

#700 47 days ago
Quoted from pincoin:

Anyone think it will hit 40? I may sell some of my Peace dollars now.

I do and here’s why. An almost $2 move in a day is very rare. To finish the day at its high speaks volumes. Why it’s moving? I have no clue. I track this stuff every day and specifics elude me. You can speculate all you like. There is twelve times as much silver as gold on the planet. That ratio means nothing in terms of price. Use platinum or palladium as examples. They’re far rare than gold and half the price. I have considered silver, and gold for that matter, pretty poor investments. I’ve been a fan, collected and watched it for 45 years. If I had bought pretty much any stock I would have done far better. Investing in this was way more fun. I have no regrets.

At $40 I start liquidating. Last time it was in this area (2012) there were plenty unloading and the $40 price wasn’t there long. Of course there were buyers too. I suspect there are plenty butt hurt from the extreme wait to get their money back. There will likely be a mass exodus for the door as before. History is my teacher and I don’t have time to wait for the next decade cycle. I hope I’m wrong, I’m seldom right! Remember this, there is a shitload out there. You could fill a battleship with Morgan dollars alone. I did this to profit (you know, buy low sell high). I had a blast doing it. I loved getting junk silver at auctions for $10 on the dollar. I could have bought monster box eagles for $8600. Silver has been too volatile for me to step up over the years. I was happier to buy in smaller quantities and dollar cost average when I could.

This is just my opinion and what makes sense to me. I am in no way encouraging others. If you’re young enough to sit on it than you should. Accumulating it was the best part for me. At these levels, I’m chomping at the bit to get paid and find something else to play in. When the prices come back down (they will) I’ll be back in the game. Below $18 I’m buying. At $38 $40ish I’m taking profits. Give me a dollar for every article I’ve read about it going $100, $200 or $500 an oz and I wouldn’t need to own it.

Best wishes to all my fellow investors, enjoy the ride! They don’t come often. As always, do your own due diligence. The long term graphs tell the tale.

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