(Topic ID: 60742)

how many = rare

By lladnip

10 years ago

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“top number of rare”

  • less than 10 47 votes
  • 11-500 150 votes
  • 500-20k 5 votes
  • anything under 1 million, and for sale 6 votes

(Multiple choice - 208 votes by 198 Pinsiders)

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#1 10 years ago

what would you consider as a prod# to mean a truely rare machine, IYO- seems to me about 80% of all machines being sold are "rare" (and the other 20 "hard to find" which seems a little high, like the seller. IMO

if you have a pic of a truly rare pin put it up- id like to see it.

#2 10 years ago

Tough to really quantify. Do you base it on production number? That's hard to go by since you don't know how many are still around.

#3 10 years ago

I voted 11-500.....maybe another option after that...since 500 to 20K is better big range. I know CL folks that don't know the hobby like to say rare no matter what they are selling.

#4 10 years ago

I always always always figure when something for sale is RARE, it translates into parts for it being very difficult to find.

#5 10 years ago

I think 'rare' is less about production numbers and more about how many are available for sale when you're looking to buy it.

#6 10 years ago

That's fairly open to interpretation. Earthshaker, for example, is not a rare pin. One with an original sinking institute? Fairly rare, 200 or so produced. One with an XR7 playfield? That's rare, less than 10 produced....

King Kong - 9 of those produced, they are rare.

But, they aren't as rare as say an Atari 4x4 - there were 2 of those produced.

#7 10 years ago

"Rare" in a for sale advertisement translates into "I'm asking an unrealistically high price for this table, and I need to justify that with a vague term that's not verifiable but makes it sound like you should buy it immediately."

#8 10 years ago

My number is 200. That's because that's about how many BBBs were made. I'd say it's rare.

#9 10 years ago

IMHO you have too much spread in each category.

Rare <20. Big Bang Bar, Loch Ness, King Kong, Krull, Kingpin, Bigfoot, etc. Typically games that never went into production.

Scarce <200. Mata Hari EM, Evil Knevil EM, Varkon, Ticket-Tac-Toe, Black Gold.

Very Low Production <500. Close Encounters, Asteroid Annie, Joust, Lucky Card.

Low Production <800. Eldorado City of Gold, Pop-A Card, Star Race, Spectrum, Joker Poker

Hard to Find <1,200 Safecracker, Cheetah, Flipper Fair, Surf Champ, Viper Night Drivin'

Average Production >1,200 but <3,000

High Production >3,000 to <10,000

Very High Production >10,000

Limited Production to me is skewed in that the manufacturer intentionally limited the production to a certain number of games. Addams Gold and Stern LEs are examples. It still drives up the price regardless.

#10 10 years ago

I have a very "rare" EBDLE project game that I will be selling in a couple months. It will be the only EBDLE I will sell. That makes the sales volume exactly ONE. How much more rare could it be? (The good one with the new playfield won't be for sale, making it common).

#11 10 years ago

I consider anything under 1,000 rare in the pinball world but, it really depends on the game. What makes it a rare commodity is when it is a keeper. I don't consider HULK very rare because I see them for sale all the time. I consider IM, AC/DC LE's and TRON LE's rare because I don't see them for sale very often at all. WOZ does not seem very rare even though less than 200 have been delivered.

Also, pinball is growing so the number will change over time.

#12 10 years ago

11-500 considering some of them may have been tossed off TNT's roof. lol

#13 10 years ago

interesting hearing all the opinions- somegood points include how many for sale at time, how sought after- ive been wathcing for a few machine that prod numbers were kinda high (severial thou)- and yet i never see them really in the market. not rare, i just cant seem to find one???

one funny story was i found an old machine hit the market, so i looked it up on the data base, and seen it and said self- its ok kinda cool lets get it. felt good knowing there was at least one other out there someplace. then when i got it home, starting looking close and giving the pf a cleaning & found it is the one on the data base--- oh

#14 10 years ago

Punchy the Clown is rare 103 produced

2.jpg2.jpg 23.jpg23.jpg 26.jpg26.jpg

#15 10 years ago
Quoted from Eddie:

Punchy the Clown is rare 103 produced

really cool! thats what i like to see- something awsome and new that i never seen befor- THX

#16 10 years ago

my definition of rare would be number of an item produced vs. the availability & demand for that item

stern has done a pretty good job by setting the number of their limited edition machines to a number that is typically sold out prior to launch or shortly thereafter.

what I really "love" is how term "limited edition" has no actual bearing on how rare something truly is.

case and point:
when halo 2 was produced for the xbox, at launch the company that I worked for at the time produced approx. 2.5M copies of the regular edition and 1.8M copies of the limited edition. when you look it at in those terms, the only thing that made it truly limited was that microsoft didn't produce any more limited editions (in a steelbook case) after launch.

in terms of being rare, it truly wasn't by any stretch

#17 10 years ago

Rare is tied to demand, if its rare and nobody wants it, its worthless, if you have both then you have something like BBB, which is not "rare" imho, I'd say you need to get down to 50-100 in the pinball world to have lasting rarity/demand for long haul.....

#18 10 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

BBB, which is not "rare" imho

The Capcom BBBs are most certainly rare. The IPB reproduction, remake, facsimile BBBs are not rare.

#19 10 years ago
Quoted from Eddie:

Punchy the Clown is rare 103 produced

I have Mystery Castle and Pistol Poker myself...Love me some Alvin G

#20 10 years ago
Quoted from Eddie:

Punchy the Clown is rare 103 produced

I think anything made by Alvin G aside from maybe Al's Garage Band Goes on a World Tour is rare. Generally, I think of anything under 1000 units to be pretty rare or at least 'uncommon'. Anything under 500 units I would consider rare without a doubt. Anything that never even saw production, like King Kong or Krull, I might consider ultra-rare. I don't count Stern LEs or even really prototypes of production games as there are comparable counterparts in high numbers.


#21 10 years ago

I go by the book definition, "rare" equates to being uncommon. It may be true that production numbers have a bearing on the possible existence of a certain game, but if someone produces 10,000 games and burn 9,999 of them, you now have a more rare game than a game where they made just 2.

I see Marilyn version Taxi's advertised as rare all the time. Unfortunately the fact that I see them all the time makes them common, and therefore not rare in my opinion.

#22 10 years ago

in general terms <250 is rare in the pinball world.

Most titles less than 250 and the average pinhead will rarely see/play one unless they know somebody or at a show.

Anything greater than 250 and almost all of us have played one on a regular basis.
Basically, anyone trying can find and play any of the new SternLEs so those are really not too rare.

Obviously demand plays into it. I have seen over 40 METLEs change hands post original sale so they are currently far from rare. Safecracker is another title that there are only a few stateside but I have seen 6 this year for sale, so not too rare.

#23 10 years ago
Quoted from wayout440:

I go by the book definition, "rare" equates to being uncommon. It may be true that production numbers have a bearing on the possible existence of a certain game, but if someone produces 10,000 games and burn 9,999 of them, you now have a more rare game than a game where they made just 2.
I see Marilyn version Taxi's advertised as rare all the time. Unfortunately the fact that I see them all the time makes them common, and therefore not rare in my opinion.

ive wondered the same on taxi a few times since the "rare" marlyn one seem to outnumber the lolitias by 4 to 1 at least (IM unscientific O...)

also want to be quick to diff between valuable and rare yes sometimes tied closely but very often not even though every cl and ebay stating the term rare seems to be useing it as a corrilation.

for the sake of this post i just ment rare as scarce, did not really want to get into the pinball prices are crazy arg.

i can see how production numbers can be really some missleading if something was hot at time of realeas- i see how 95% of them could have been played excessive and ran into the ground leaving few hear and now, well with out be bucket job restorations.

#24 10 years ago
Quoted from awarner:

My number is 200. That's because that's about how many BBBs were made. I'd say it's rare.


#25 10 years ago

There are a lot of EMs that are even more rare than BBB, such as the EM version of Evel Kneivel around 155 units (I only saw one ever), Bulls-Eye at 80 units, and Flower's child, 30 units. Probably many others but the production numbers are unknown.
For solid state examples:
Williams Thunderball - 10 units, Formula One - 3 units, Stern Lazer Lord - 1 unit.

#26 10 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

Safecracker is another title that there are only a few stateside but I have seen 6 this year for sale, so not too rare.

Played Safecracker at Pinballz, kind of cool, don't care about owning it though...

#27 10 years ago

I think safecracker changes hands so often becuase it is a novelty game and costs a decent amount. I absolutely love it but feel I would need a much bigger collection (or a perfectly sized room that could fit the mini footprint but not a regular sized game) in order to own one.

The higher price tag actually keeps them moving becuase people may get slightly bored of the novelty and it is easy to punt to buy something else...

#28 10 years ago

To me rare is in the 100 - 250 range. Zaccaria Spooky is rare. BBB too...
Very rare... less than 30. Verne's world for example.

#29 10 years ago

The spread in the poll is to wide. There are lots of games that had 400 to 1500 machines made. Fore rare, I'd be more incline to say 200

#30 10 years ago

To me, rare is the definition on how often you see them for sale.

#31 10 years ago

Very few games are actually rare. Harder to find, yes. But not rare.

#32 10 years ago

Check this out "ULTRA RARE!!!" It's a normal Cyclone (9400) produced, with japanese printed cards stuck in, totally normal run of the mill cyclone..... But, ULTRA RARE


#33 10 years ago

And just because things are rare is doesn't reflect in price. Market demand drives prices not production numbers.

#34 10 years ago

I can't see calling anything with less than 10 units produced anything other than a proto/limited production run.

Anything with up to about 500-1000 could be considered "rare."

I'd say something up to about 3000 is uncommon, over that is normal to high production.

Rarity and desirability aren't inherently the same thing, though. Important to make that distinction.

#35 10 years ago

I agree with this - AFM, MB, MM are all around 3000 production and wouldnt say they are common.

Quoted from Collin:

I can't see calling anything with less than 10 units produced anything other than a proto/limited production run.
Anything with up to about 500-1000 could be considered "rare."
I'd say something up to about 3000 is uncommon, over that is normal to high production.
Rarity and desirability aren't inherently the same thing, though. Important to make that distinction.

#36 10 years ago

Go to ipdb.org

Type in "Data East" (for example)

Click on the "Prod" column title.

Feel the shock and awe as you see 8 titles with 2 or less machines produced.

I saw one of the two Kabuki's for sale somewhere recently for ~$15k but I don't recall where.

#37 10 years ago
Quoted from jlm33:

Very rare... less than 30. Verne's World for example.

Verne's World is indeed very rare....and there may be less than 30 left, but we know they made at least 75 or so. The serial number range is up to about that now (I know of 8 of them currently) and mine is the second highest number known, at #63.

The majority of my collection is rare stuff, although I've gotten rid of a couple to start venturing back into more mainstream stuff (most recently, Mephisto left and turned into a TAF ). They're a lot of fun to track down, and surprisingly, most are very fun players. Io Moon is a good example of a very cool and fun game that they just didn't make many of. Only 3 known to exist currently.

#38 10 years ago

I have an early run TZ with green lock insert and white clock face. How many of those were made ?

#39 10 years ago
Quoted from Triumvirat73:

I saw one of the two Kabuki's for sale somewhere recently for ~$15k but I don't recall where.

The good one is on my website.

The other one was made up and not the original one given to the head of Namco.

Contact me if you want to get in touch with the seller.

LTG : )

#40 10 years ago
Quoted from Triumvirat73:

Go to ipdb.org

Type in "Data East" (for example)

Click on the "Prod" column title.

Feel the shock and awe as you see 8 titles with 2 or less machines produced.

I saw one of the two Kabuki's for sale somewhere recently for ~$15k but I don't recall where.

Yes, DE had lots of oddball ones, but nearly all of those were intentionally low production because they were made for specific reasons:

Arnon Milchan, Joel Silver, Aaron Spelling, Kabuki, and Baby In The Hole were all made as gifts for people. Richie Rich was made to be in the movie, and the 7 Michael Jordan pins were made to be sold for charity. Desert Storm came about as a platform for a new artist that wanted to get a job, to show his skills.

The only real game that just never made it was King Kong, due to licensing issues.

#41 10 years ago
Quoted from MattElder:

Yes, DE had lots of oddball ones, but nearly all of those were intentionally low production because they were made for specific reasons:

Or ones that never got made and became a different title. Like MAD.

And games like Tommy that had ten made for the movie and the production ones lost three of the six pop bumpers.

LTG : )

#42 10 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Or ones that never got made and became a different title. Like MAD.

Yep, that's one that I always thought would've been cool. Too bad it got the axe....

#43 10 years ago

Punchy the Clown twice in the same thread. Can't be too rare.


#44 10 years ago

I've played Punchy The Clown. It isn't rare enough, IMO....

#45 10 years ago
Quoted from SuS:

Punchy the Clown twice in the same thread. Can't be too rare.

Hehe, and Eddie even has two of them. I've got one as well, so between the three of us we're almost pushing 4% of the total made.

Where is the start button on yours? They made two different versions....one with the start on the left and the ticket dispenser high on the right, and another with the start on the right and a low dispenser. I've always wondered which there were more of. Mine has the start button on the left....

#46 10 years ago
Quoted from tamoore:

I've played Punchy the Clown. It isn't rare enough, IMO....

Hey now, Punchy isn't all that bad. I do like it for what it is, but it could've used a ramp though....

#47 10 years ago
Quoted from nighttaco:

Check this out "ULTRA RARE!!!" It's a normal Cyclone (9400) produced, with japanese printed cards stuck in, totally normal run of the mill cyclone..... But, ULTRA RARE
Ebay link

Actually, the Japanese version did not have the mystery wheel motor in the backbox. Instead it used lights to indicate what the prize was. As far as Cyclone goes, it is a rare version.


#48 10 years ago

Anything on ebay listed with "L@@k" and "RARE!" in the title has got to be rare.

#49 10 years ago

Was taf the pin which was build the most? 20k of them? Not sure, but something like that.

In my opinion, 20k is still rare worldwide with a population of 7 billion.

#50 10 years ago
Quoted from Plungemaster:

Was taf the pin which was build the most? 20k of them? Not sure, but something like that.

Ballyhoo buried TAF and EBD.

LTG : )

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