
Pinside member


Raleigh, NC

September 7th, 2011 (13 years ago)

December 26th, 2023

robertmee last donated to Pinside (2019-08-22)

Account verification: Basic Address (What does this mean?)

Background story

My Story of my sickness

“Started Collecting in 2002 with my first pin, a sadly wornout Comet. My next purchased consisted of four machines from a retired operator. A grand total of 1,000$ for a High Speed, Secret Service, Road Kings, and Laser Wars. I sold everything but   ... continued here”


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robertmee is following 1 Pinsider.


Stats and feedback

3 Pinsiders have left feedback about robertmee.

robertmee's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

robertmee has not uploaded gameroom pics yet.

robertmee's top 9

favorite games

Scared Stiff
3. Scared Stiff

Bally, 1996

Black Knight
5. Black Knight

Williams, 1980

Tales from the Crypt
6. Tales from the Crypt

Data East, 1993

Bram Stoker's Dracula
7. Bram Stoker's Dracula

Williams, 1993

Diamond Lady
8. Diamond Lady

Gottlieb, 1988

High Speed
9. High Speed

Williams, 1986


robertmee's collection, wishlist and history

15 games listed in robertmee's collection.

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