(Topic ID: 233025)

Confessions of a pinball collector

By EvanDickson

5 years ago

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    There are 168 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 4.
    #1 5 years ago

    Sometimes I don't actually play pinball for almost one day in a row!

    #2 5 years ago

    Sometimes I like to just stand there and gaze upon my beautiful games

    #3 5 years ago

    Sometimes I buy them because I’m f’ing sick in the head

    #4 5 years ago

    more hours spent reading Pinside than playing

    #5 5 years ago

    overpaid for some of the games I wanted

    #6 5 years ago

    I have nobody to play pinball with............Joey

    #7 5 years ago

    Sometimes I turn 'em on just cause I like...
    the lights.

    #8 5 years ago
    Quoted from TecumsehPlissken:

    overpaid for some of the games I wanted

    Same here! got lucky with my safe cracker though! Probably my favorite one right now. Noticed you have one as well. I just noticed my token slot on my coin door is on the right instead of the left, I guess because it's a German reimport.

    #9 5 years ago

    Bought my first pin, LOTR, in December, 2018. Like Gandalf, ensnared by the Balrog's whip, I feel like I'm being dragged into the pinball abyss.

    #10 5 years ago

    I still like my Deadpool......

    #11 5 years ago

    "I like fun." ~R. Wiggum

    #12 5 years ago

    I browse on pinside more than I play pinball.....

    #13 5 years ago

    I enjoy fixing and working on games more than I enjoy playing them.

    #14 5 years ago

    I can draw and fire my Windex bottle faster than Jesse James could shoot his six gun.

    #15 5 years ago

    Sometimes I find myself thinking...boy, that refrigerator takes up a lot of space, and what good is it? It just keeps stuff cold.

    #16 5 years ago
    Quoted from Breaking_Dad:

    I have nobody to play pinball with............Joey

    Just do what I do and put a full-length mirror next to one of your other machines. It'll seem like somebody else is playing too.

    Just kidding, I don't really do that...

    #17 5 years ago

    I refuse to buy toppers, color DMDs and blades. I feel like if I go there, I would have let the sickness win.

    #18 5 years ago

    I get really really pissed at cheap drains.

    #19 5 years ago

    I've gone to a pinball show for three days and not played a single game.

    #20 5 years ago

    I lie to my friends about how much money I have in them cause I don’t want them to think I’m an idiot.

    #21 5 years ago
    Quoted from thedarkknight77:

    I refuse to buy toppers, color DMDs and blades. I feel like if I go there, I would have let the sickness win.

    Same here. If I buy for one game, then they all will want one. Same with Leds. Owned pins for 18 years and just put my first leds in 2 years ago. Now changing all to leds.

    Quoted from TractorDoc:

    I enjoy fixing and working on games more than I enjoy playing them.

    I play one or two evenings a week. Work on games 3 to 4 evenings a week.

    #22 5 years ago

    I hate pinball shows

    #23 5 years ago

    One third of my collection are projects that don't work. Doesn't matter. They still LOOK good.

    #24 5 years ago

    They never fail to make me smile, when I walk by them.......

    #25 5 years ago

    Sometimes I wish they were all gone.

    #26 5 years ago

    I bought a property with a 4K sq ft work shop just so I could buy more games. 1/2 of them don't even work and the place is pretty full.

    The max I would pay for any game was $500 for years. Then I bought a NIB Rob Zombie.......

    I refuse to buy mods.

    #27 5 years ago

    I get mad when I look at the “Post pictures of your Game Room” thread and see mofos with 15+ pins. I think to myself, “STOP HOARDING GAMES YOU RICH BASTARDS AND FIND ANOTHER HOBBY!”. But the truth is, I just want them to sell their games so I can hoard them.

    #28 5 years ago

    Shaq is still in my collection. It's been there a really long time.

    #29 5 years ago

    I own more pins then everyone in the league I'm in combined.
    Came in last place this past season.

    #30 5 years ago
    Quoted from TractorDoc:

    I enjoy fixing and working on games more than I enjoy playing them.

    This sounds like me! I actually really don't play much pinball at all and I pretty much suck when I play but I love bringing "junk" back from the dead!

    #31 5 years ago

    I have bought parts for games I do not even own. . . just in case I acquire one someday.

    #32 5 years ago

    I have a WWE Wrestlemania LE.

    And I like it.

    #33 5 years ago

    I'm out of space now but thinking if i get rid of that cabinet in the basement bathroom i could fit a pin in there

    #34 5 years ago

    I think daily that I should really quit the hobby and get rid of all my pins. And then my next thought is what my next 5 pins will be that I will buy. And then the next 5 after those and so on... Until I go full circle and think that I really need to quit this hobby and its money drain.

    #35 5 years ago

    Sometimes I know I should sell some games, but won’t because I’m paranoid that I’ll miss having that pin, even though I never play or turn it on.

    #36 5 years ago

    Hi...my name is John....and I'm a pinaholic...help me please!

    #37 5 years ago
    Quoted from thedarkknight77:

    I get mad when I look at the “Post pictures of your Game Room” thread and see mofos with 15+ pins.....

    I just want to be their buddy so I can come over, hang out, and play said games. Unfortunately all we have to offer in return is 1 pin, a ping-pong table, a sauna, a hot tub, and a nice view deck. And unfortunately the sauna and hot tub are a level of friendship higher than casually hanging out with pinball buddies...


    #38 5 years ago

    I take the games I like and want to keep apart and leave it in pieces for years so my wife can’t talk me into selling it.

    #39 5 years ago

    I removed duct work in the basement to add space for two more games. Now the room above it is now cold in the winter and warm in the summer.

    #40 5 years ago

    I have spent countless hours on Pinside, maybe hundreds...... and this is my 3rd post.

    #41 5 years ago

    I think gottleib strikes n spares music is good.

    #42 5 years ago

    I miss a few of the games I’ve sold over the years in that when they come up for sale I have to find ways to talk myself out of owning them again so that I don’t end up being “that guy”.

    #43 5 years ago

    Moved 3 pins today, didn't even turn them on afterward.

    #44 5 years ago

    I can't get my fix...

    #45 5 years ago

    My OCD refuses to accept Credit Dots!

    Drives me Crazy!

    #46 5 years ago
    Quoted from OLDPINGUY:

    My OCD refuses to accept Credit Dots!
    Drives me Crazy!

    I gave up that fight.

    #47 5 years ago

    I've bought two pins in my current collection 4 times each.

    #48 5 years ago

    I fixed everything on all my pins over the holiday break....now, when I turn my games on and don’t hear the “bong, bong, bong” service alerts, it feels like something is missing.

    #49 5 years ago

    I wanna get "pinned" by this Japanese wrestler.

    6611957 (resized).jpg6611957 (resized).jpg
    #50 5 years ago

    I think pins are meant to be played and I have no problem if kids whack away on my games while having fun and don't care if I accidently scratch a cabinet or break a plastic.

    Purple GI is goofy as hell to me but you do do you! You like it? Slap it on your game - life is too short to care what other people are doing to their games (and I'll still play it when I come over) .

    There are 168 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 4.


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