(Topic ID: 249926)

Why are new Stern LE’s with such low plays going for so cheap!?

By MJR8peanut

4 years ago

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    #110 4 years ago

    Just a discloser before I post. Most all my games are LE's so that being said; I wouldn't take a bath, just keep them. It's like my older games. X-Men LE or Dark Knight (Not a LE) Spiderman (Older not comic), Big Buck Hunter and so on. I don't sell these games. Why? They are mint condition and lows play. Your right when I bought them before the crazy 7K to 8K plus showed up, I didn't pay that. However, why would I let my Spider-man go that is just as beautiful go for 5K or less and not have anything to replace it with. I dis-like pros because they are so bare bones. So I just keep the older games to play and enjoy. I can't replace them for that price tag later. I had a BM66 Premium for sale on here for $6999. Plus, hundreds in it. The topper was $499 new. People want to pay less and offer 3 or 4 hundred less. Why? Would I take that deal? I know a Catwoman is going to cost them $7699 plus a topper if they want it. So why would I do that? I'll keep it before I ever did that. Now, I understand health issues and getting out sometimes for whatever reason might make you drop lower but thank goodness I am not there. The famous shipping kills the deal, "Hogwash" you pay shipping every day on pinballs. That's just my two cents.

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