(Topic ID: 260190)

Top 3 in your current collection / Why Your #1 Pin?

By Navystan

4 years ago

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#1 4 years ago

We all have different reasons for our favorite pins. Whether you have 3 or 50 pins, you probably have your top 3 and your #1.

Share your top 3 in your current collection and why you rate your #1 pin first in YOUR collection.

I have only 4 pins. Top 3: 1. GOTG. 2. Shadow 3. BM66

Why GOTG my #1?
- Love the theme
- Love the music
- Love the rocket recoil
- Fast and short games
- Did I mention I love the music?
- Never noticed how much I liked the colored plastic protectors. They not only protect, but add more emphasis light to the section they are protecting.

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#2 4 years ago

1) MB
it’s #1 because it is overwhelmingly the game I turn on first in the lineup, and if I only play one machine a night, it’s almost always that one. It boots fast and is ready in seconds

2) TZ. ‘Nuff said.

3) POTC or Houdini; these I play regularly but for wildly different reasons. Houdini is fun and so different from every other game; the shots are different, the rules are familiar but there’s always a twist. POTC is for when you’re able to put in a longer game. Never feels like chopping wood and it can get fast

#3 4 years ago

Top 3: GOT prem, Big Game, Grand Prix

Big Game is my #1. Just such a fantastic game that never gets old even having owned it for 5 years. Rippin spinners all day. Best bonus meltdown I’ve ever seen. So so good.

#4 4 years ago

Top 3. Original Medieval Madness, Hobbit, Monsterbash Remake.

These are my favorites because my customers vote with their money.

LTG : )

#5 4 years ago

1.DeadPool-So much to love about this game
2.GOT-The code update made this a HOF game for me
3.LOTR-So deep and immersive

#6 4 years ago

My top 3 are White water, Fish tales, Metallica pro. I've had Whitewater about 6 years and it never gets old. I just moved Metallica in, so that might be the current favorite.

#7 4 years ago

1- TZ always on top for 8 years so many fun shots and great theme.
2- Stern Star Trek - great fast pin
3- Avengers LE - newest pin and a fun unique pin. This pin is way under-rated like one of my other favorites Baywatch. I don't think a lot of people have played either.

#8 4 years ago

I'm down to four games at my house, so the list is easy.

1. MBr
2. Sttng
3. Rbion

But the game I have been playing non-stop is Nascar. It is the newest member of the family, but it is showing some real lastability.

#9 4 years ago

1. IMDN - I wanted this to be made since having Iron Maiden posters on my wall in high school, and when it happened decades later it was even better than I could have hoped and am still not remotely tired of playing it.

2. JP2 - Because dinosaurs and Keith Elwin, thats why.

3. Jack*bot - Pinbot was my first favorite pin, as well as my first purchased pin. Pinbot meets DMD and Vegas. Sweet.

#10 4 years ago

Jp pro, imdn, gotg

Best game of all time period.
Will only get even better with updates, mods, and hopefully a Cleland soundtrack.

#11 4 years ago

Top 3 as of today. Tomorrow it will probably different.

1. The Walking Dead LE - love the gun shot sound when you hit a walker. To me, this game never gets boring.
2. Deadpool LE - I like it for the 3 F’s: fun, fast and funny.
3. Dialed In - a nice change up from how a Stern plays. Nice rule set that is easy to understand. Nice looking playfield.

#12 4 years ago

1. Maiden prem
2. Scared Stiff
3. Metallica
Will never get tired of these 3, but maiden just has more goin on

#13 4 years ago

1. Jurassic Park
2. Deadpool
3. Metallica

Elwin nailed JP outta the park. Game has a good combo of easy and hard shots. The ruleset is fun and deep. It also has one amazing toy, just a blast overall. Favorite game of all time right now for me.

#14 4 years ago

1. AlienLE- terrible company, but the pin itself has everything...theme, unique layout, and a blast to play
2. TZ

Serious honeymoon phase for X-Men Magneto at the moment though......

#15 4 years ago

1. Quicksilver
2. Metallica
3. Iron Man

It’s my first classic Stern and my first solid state that really places importance on ripping a lit spinner on a regular basis. Also, it has two of them.

The flippers feel SO smooth and it’s fast as hell. It has a sweepable bank near the flipper that you can backhand into a spinner. The art and sound is amazing... great bonus burn when you get 5X and all the letters... etc...

The other two are because I sold them, missed them, and bought them again recently so just very happy to have them back

#16 4 years ago

#1 - JJP Pirates. Deep code, unique layout, challenging ruleset. I was blown away by it the first time playing it on route. It's an absolutely amazing and beautiful game. Not only #1 in just my collection, but definitely a top 3 for me in all of pinball. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get the opportunity to pick one up, but I lucked out and even though I got an amazing deal, I paid almost twice as much for it than I have ever paid for a pin before...and I don't regret it for a second! Game never gets old and I am still figuring out new things in the game all the time. An absolute masterpiece from Eric that will be hard to top.

#2 - RBION. Once again, deep code, unique layout and a challenging ruleset have kept me interested for years. I even love the theme which always helps. I remember seeing this originally in Gameroom Magazine and then finally being able to play it at the MN State Fair when it first came out and I was hooked. Never thought I would get to own one and I am so happy that I ended up grabbing one from a local buddy almost 10 years ago. It's the longest tenured game in my collection and I have no desire to trade or sell it. I can blow it up one game and get worked the next and it keeps me coming back for me.

#3 - XMLE. Game got a bad wrap from salty former owners who bought the game NIB with horrible launch code and the promise of $10k by Christmas. It's come so far since then. Great theme, challenging ruleset, fully featured and a stunning art package (Magento LE) that is beautiful to just stare at. This game at a sub $5k price tag for the LE is an absolute steal compared to the majority of the games being released today.

#17 4 years ago

I tend to like machines with quick ball times that require precision shooting and that can take your lunch money and give you a quick gut punch for good measure most of the time, where every now and then you get to stand up for yourself and do something about it.

Top 3: BSD, ACNC, Blackout

BSD takes #1 for sheer brutality, one of the best gimmicks of all time, and its ability to set the mood to match the theme.

#18 4 years ago

Number 1 for now.
DI - I play it a lot and hit the start button often I just love the rules and game play. It and MB r get me out of a pinball slump.

Woz and Hobbit right behind. They get lots of play.

Then Afm r and SM ve lots of fun and change of pace.

#19 4 years ago

1. Eight Ball Deluxe (1981) - This is classic Solid State Bally goodness. About as much fun and you can have in the Genre.
2. Centigrade 37 (1977) - A Classic Gottlieb Wedgehead single player game. Great art, drops and a neat feature of the rising thermometer warming up to 37C.
3. Star Trek LE (2013) A Stern Steve Ritchie masterpiece. I think this is the pinnacle of what an LE can be in a tiered model approach.

Fun topic! I like seeing what different people are passionate about in this hobby.

#20 4 years ago

Top 3 in my all-EM collection: Hot Tip EM, Target Alpha, and Grand Prix (although it’s tough to leave out Royal Flush).

#1 is Hot Tip. Has three of my favorite targets in one pin: drops, spinner, and captive ball, lots to shoot for and different strategy choices.

#21 4 years ago

1. Deadpool - It’s the total package; Art, Sound, Shots, Code, Rules, Variety, long ball times, short ball times, and fun whether it’s a short game or long game.


3. SW

#22 4 years ago

My top three favorite games in my collection are:
1. Iron Maiden dream theme of mine it's a great shooter with awesome code.

2. The Walking Dead I love fast playing games it has a great deep rule set very challenging game with cool toys.

3. The X-Files I love the theme it has shallow code but the shots are tight making it a bit challenging cabinet is a cool toy and I love the music.

#23 4 years ago


Metallica is just a rush to play. Great art, layout and rules.

#24 4 years ago

JJPPOTC - Everything about this game is unique and a joy to play.
TZ - Never seems to get old. One of our first DMD titles that is always a fun go to.
Deadpool LE - Always our go to as a fun but challenging shooter. IMO one of the best Stern has done since LOTR.

#25 4 years ago

#1 spiderman
#2 black knight
#3 creature from the black lagoon

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#26 4 years ago

#1 STTNG. Love the theme, flow and it’s just so much fun.

#2 Deadpool. This could also easily take my number one spot away from STTNG, and I’d almost say it’s a tie.

#3 GOTG.

#27 4 years ago

But I just sold two of my three pins. I guess they weren't my favorites. Looking for a collector's edition JJPOTC.

"I'm in the market, as it were."

1. The Big Lebowski
2. TBD
3. TBD

#28 4 years ago

1) 1969 Bally Cosmos;
2) 1978 Gottlieb Blue Note;
3) 1971 Bally Skyrocket.

If I am to include prewar and modern games only, the most played are:

1) 2018 The Beatles Gold;
2) 1933 Rockola World's Fair Jigsaw;
3) 1934 Rockola Army Navy.

#29 4 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

These are my favorites because my customers vote with their money.

Since most of my games are on location, here's my top 3 based on the last 6 months:

1. Star Wars LE
2. Deadpool
3. Iron Maiden

My personal top 3, though, would probably be:

3. Tron

Top 1 is probably stuck there, but the other two are rotating in and out.

#30 4 years ago
Quoted from oyvindmo:

Since most of my games are on location, here's my top 3 based on the last 6 months:
1. Star Wars LE
2. Deadpool
3. Iron Maiden
My personal top 3, though, would probably be:
3. Tron
Top 1 is probably stuck there, but the other two are rotating in and out.

It's tough to find a number one. My list changes too. Lately I've been playing paragon the most.

#31 4 years ago

1) Quicksilver
2) Star Gazer
3) Frontier

#32 4 years ago

1. Iron Maiden premium
2. GOTG premium
3. The Beatles

Added over 4 years ago:

Actually, upon reflection, I’d put Kiss premium at number 3

#33 4 years ago


In no particular order, though would give JP2 the edge at the moment.

#34 4 years ago

Iron Maiden - Best mode based pin ever produced. Layout and rules are exceptional.
Alice cooper - Best mini playfield, Sound and gameplay are brilliant. Most addictive.
Jurrasic park 2019 - Best all rounder. Massive game, something for all skill levels.

I dont play anything else in my collection.

#35 4 years ago

1. TZ. Beautiful pf with so much stuff going on. Loaded with toys. Lots of different shots. Toys. Great theme. Toys. Fun with the ceramic ball. Also, those toys

2. SS. Great theme, fun callouts and an interactive backbox, 'nuff said.

3. ToM. I love the art and sound package. Trunk is cool. Wives favourite so it will never leave the house just because of that.

#36 4 years ago

MET Premium
Spider-Man (2007)
Twilight Zone.

#37 4 years ago

Right now it would be:

1. JP2LE

#38 4 years ago

Lotr(epic), GBLE(beautiful), and MM(it’s a castle that explodes).

#39 4 years ago

Whitewater Black Rose and Banzai Run
All have their own fun factors ....

#40 4 years ago


#41 4 years ago

Fish Tales Star Trek Pro Juraasic Park
Fish Tales is my favorite as there are so many ways to play. I hate the theme, but I love the integration

#42 4 years ago

1. El Dorado - Drop target heaven, great layout, 4 flippers, beautiful chime sounds, elegant wedge head cabinet. I really love the challenge of picking off the drop targets. It's hard enough to do in random order but to try and only hit the lit ones for max scoring is really fun and rewarding (or frustrating depending on which way the evening is going). The only downside to this game is a mediocre art package (Target Alpha or Solar City are better).

2. Houdini - Unique shot layout, fun ruleset, beautiful art package, fantastic customer support from API, non-licensed theme. I know this one's not for everyone and there are a few clunky animations but what a great first game from a new manufacturer. BTW, people complain about how hard the narrow, right lane shot is but I can hit that one far more easily than the wide ramp shot. I guess it comes down to where the sweet spot on the flipper is.

3. Mata Hari - This is by far my wife's favorite game and so we play it a lot. It has wonderful flow and the shots just "feel" right. Not a deep game by any stretch of the imagination but it's classic old-school early SS pinball. I also like that it is one of the games that came out during the transition from EM chimes to SS rules and scoring. Sometimes I feel bad for the chime coils when we are on a scoring roll and the game is trying hard to keep up. It also has a beautiful and sexy art package and is one of my favorites from Dave Christensen.

#43 4 years ago

#3 TNA - Music and lights are best in pinball history and the game is so brutal, but you can't keep from pressing the start button
#2 Monster Bash - just amazing theme integration and a great layout with toys that have never been surpassed
#1 Tron - not the prettiest or most complex, but has a certain addictive quality about it and the whole package just "clicks"

#44 4 years ago

TWD Prem - Two ramps, three bash targets, four drop targets, two magnets, two spinners, moving crossbow and arguably the best code in pinball.

GB Pro - Original actor callouts combined with fantastic art and a unique layout.

IMDN Pro - Incredible art, awesome callouts and fast, flowy shots

#45 4 years ago

Mine changes with the weather it seems, but currently;

#1 - Volley - It challenges my entire skillset, from getting the damn plunge through the top lanes, trying to hit one drop at a time, flipper skills, nudging, tilt ends game, etc. It's always a challenge and has really helped me build my skills.

#2 - Ali - Because the damn thing kicks my ass every time, but when you actually build a 5x bonus and collect it in the scoop, the bonus burn is awesome. Even when you make a shot, the ball is completely out of control.

#3 - BM66 - There is always something different to do and so many ways to attack the game.

#46 4 years ago

AFM LE simple yet challenging, great flow and rules great art and classic thend.

Woz RR best looking, deep rules great theme and best light show.

Star Wars premium comic my newest addition still in the honeymoon but may keep this spot because best theme, great rules risk reward and best toy ever with hyper loop.

Runner ups TNA, Tron Pro

#47 4 years ago

1) Maiden Premium
This game got me back into pinball and was the first pin I bought NIB. Great code, great music, amazing callouts, and a ton of fun shots. Has more plays than any other machine in my collection and still the one I play the most.
2) Metallica Premium
My second NIB purchase. Deep code, great music, fabulous callouts, and can humble any player with the brutal outlanes. Has made me a much better player.
3) Eight Ball Deluxe
Simple game with amazing shots. Has that "one more game" appeal despite it's simplicity.

#48 4 years ago

3) Dialed In

#49 4 years ago

1) JJPPoTC - Everything that's already been said above. To me, this is the definitive pinball experience between the endless ways to play, build quality, amazing sound, looks...etc. If you are remotely into pinball, you need to play this game in a HOME setting.

3) JP2 Premium - this is the one that all people will enjoy.

#50 4 years ago

Love hearing everyone's story. Some expected results and some surprising ones. Click the "up vote" to show which ones capture your interest the most.

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