(Topic ID: 219525)

Aliens LE - SOLD

By animator_pin_fan

6 years ago

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#1 6 years ago

Hey gang, my apologies, I usually don't post here (longtime lurker) but a great many of the fine folks here have gotten to know me over the years of going to pinball shows, playing in league, and parties & events.


I'm sure many of you already know most of the backstory of this tragically under-produced game, and the much talked about end of Heighway pinball. As a brief addendum to Aurch's Aliens story, I'm the animator/motion graphics artist on the game. When Aurich brought me on in 2015, I too was working on a royalty basis for all assets I created. However, when my wife was on maternity leave with our 2nd daughter, I had an opening in my schedule which allowed me to work on the game full time from home. After a great deal of negotiation, I had agreed to work for half my wages up front with the promise of royalties to make up the difference when the games finally shipped. Sadly, we all now know the outcome of how this ended.

I am truly grateful that the investors were to still able to honor this part of my agreement. And I'm also super proud of the work we did on this game- A/V and rules, this is a complete package. It was an honor to work with such an amazingly talented team! Like many of you, this game was my dream theme to work on. Unfortunately, as much as I would LOVE to hold on to this game forever, due to many circumstances, I MUST sell.

With that said, I've never sold a pinball machine before, let alone ever owned a rare one to offer. I'm really not sure what the value of this game is? I know Aurich had some luck with his: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/price-check-what-s-my-nib-alien-le-worth

As a full-time freelance animator with a family, I would hope that I might be able to get enough to make up for some of the loss in compensation. I'd love to find someone who is also passionate about this game/theme. Bonus if you're local, and would be open to letting play the game once you've got it setup (the only time I actually got to play the game was at EXPO 2016). Hopefully you guys can help me find the right home for this game?

The game is still sealed NEW IN BOX, and still on the pallet it was shipped with. Mine, along with Aurich's were among the last 3 games to leave the factory before the doors closed. Also note, I had requested the game have custom Black trim rather than slime green. I'm open to any private offers, feedback, or suggestions before I have to list it in the marketplace. Once it goes, I'll be sure to make a donation to Pinside. Thanks!

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#2 6 years ago

The last one sold in an hour. Just keep bumping your post till you get an offer you like.

#3 6 years ago

Around $13k-15k I would think (maybe more). Last one in US and one of the last to go off the line which means it has all of the latest hardware. People were paying $20k for Magic Girls that didn't even fully function...

#4 6 years ago

Mograph guy here... just wanted to say you absolutely crushed it with the entire package, and the animations are by far my favorite aspect of the game. You deserve so much more than the proceeds from the sale, and it's a huge bummer more folks won't have the opportunity to appreciate your work. Your stop motion stuff rules btw

#5 6 years ago

Trade it and throw in another 20 grand and you could probably get yourself a Supreme. Now that's a game that certainly works and is a real collectors item!

#6 6 years ago
Quoted from o-din:

Trade it and throw in another 20 grand and you could probably get yourself a Supreme. Now that's a game that certainly works and is a real collectors item!

Hey Odin, ha ha. Supreme is actually 2 blocks away from where I live. Supposedly this year they were only doing lottery online for new product sales, but there's still always an inexplicably long line down the street days before they open. Maybe I should have camped out with the kids while I was waiting for my game to arrive

#7 6 years ago
Quoted from GorillaBiscuits:

Mograph guy here... just wanted to say you absolutely crushed it with the entire package, and the animations are by far my favorite aspect of the game. You deserve so much more than the proceeds from the sale, and it's a huge bummer more folks won't have the opportunity to appreciate your work. Your stop motion stuff rules btw

Thanks for your kind words!
Maybe someday I'll get to work on my other dream theme - using stop motion!

#8 6 years ago

$20k by midnight!

Kidding aside, I played the Aliens at the GSPF in Lodi and I absolutely loved it. The artwork, animation and gameplay were all bad ass. I’m with you, I hope it stays local. Price wise, I keep hearing the LEs are trading for $13-15k. I’m guessing your NIB should bring at least that. The customized side rails and connection to the design team could also help.

GLWS when you do list it!

#9 6 years ago
Quoted from o-din:

Trade it and throw in another 20 grand and you could probably get yourself a Supreme. Now that's a game that certainly works and is a real collectors item!

That's silly, noone would make that trade.

#10 6 years ago
Quoted from animator_pin_fan:

Thanks for your kind words!
Maybe someday I'll get to work on my other dream theme - using stop motion!

I am still waiting for a Ray Harryhausen themed machine, maybe someday... BUMP for your Aliens LE and good luck with a sale!


#11 6 years ago
Quoted from MrArt2u:

$20k by midnight!
Kidding aside, I played the Aliens at the GSPF in Lodi and I absolutely loved it. The artwork, animation and gameplay were all bad ass. I’m with you, I hope it stays local. Price wise, I keep hearing the LEs are trading for $13-15k. I’m guessing your NIB should bring at least that. The customized side rails and connection to the design team could also help.
GLWS when you do list it!

The saddest thing about all of this is that, before this game was discontinued, and the company no more, the original plan was to put this thing for free-play in a certain private (but well visited) undisclosed pinball parlor that you may know of

#12 6 years ago
Quoted from Jvspin:

noone would make that trade.

Of course he would! He is a rich pop star with good taste.

220px-Peter_Noone (resized).jpg220px-Peter_Noone (resized).jpg
#13 6 years ago
Quoted from jellikit:

I am still waiting for a Ray Harryhausen themed machine, maybe someday... BUMP for your Aliens LE and good luck with a sale!

If a Harryhausen game ever happens, I better be working on it!!! I was actually at his 90th birthday party at the BFI before Ray passed away : http://www.bfi.org.uk/films-tv-people/4fc75e0644f9c

At the after party, I had asked one of the speakers seen above take my photo with Ray and his wife. When he handed me back my phone, I realized he smirkingly cropped the top of my head out of the picture on purpose!

#14 6 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

The last one sold in an hour. Just keep bumping your post till you get an offer you like.

Yup. And after mine sold people were asking me about this one.

As with all expensive things, it's about finding the right buyer, but I doubt it will take long to move.

#15 6 years ago

How have the LEs shot up to $13k-$15k so quickly? It surely can’t be just because they were the last off the line - why would there be such a price discrepancy? I think it’s a great game (I own a standard), I’m just a little taken back by this new higher price zone.

#16 6 years ago
Quoted from JoinTheCirqus:

How have the LEs shot up to $13k-$15k so quickly? It surely can’t be just because they were the last off the line - why would there be such a price discrepancy? I think it’s a great game (I own a standard), I’m just a little taken back by this new higher price zone.

Supply and demand I suspect. People want them and they aren't making them anymore.

#17 6 years ago
Quoted from JoinTheCirqus:

How have the LEs shot up to $13k-$15k so quickly? It surely can’t be just because they were the last off the line - why would there be such a price discrepancy? I think it’s a great game (I own a standard), I’m just a little taken back by this new higher price zone.

Because there are very very few LEs in the US (<20?) and most of the LEs made by HP were late in the production cycle...meaning most of the early bugs on the standards are not present on the LEs.

#18 6 years ago
Quoted from Damonator:

Because there are very very few LEs in the US (&lt;20?) and most of the LEs made by HP were late in the production cycle...meaning most of the early bugs on the standards are not present on the LEs.

This was the biggest factor in making my decision to jump on one for 13k. That and the fact it was new in box made it an easier decision to make. Buying an orphan Alien that had a billion plays on it wasn't even on my radar.

#19 6 years ago
Quoted from JoinTheCirqus:

How have the LEs shot up to $13k-$15k so quickly? It surely can’t be just because they were the last off the line - why would there be such a price discrepancy? I think it’s a great game (I own a standard), I’m just a little taken back by this new higher price zone.

The collection my game went into was for a buyer who got burned by the Heighway collapse, dunno what money they lost, but they were in for a game. They wanted the game still, they could afford it, and they were willing to pay for it. Because if you want one, where are you going to get it? This is the end. The game isn't gonna get made again, what's out there is what you get. There is no stash of LEs sitting new in box, this game probably literally the last one now.

I know the one I sold was opened, because we opened it before it was loaded on the truck. My box was a little trashed, the game was just fine. Kelly's box is in better shape than mine (it was on the same truck that delivered mine) so I'm confident his is cherry.

#20 6 years ago

I’ve watched Alien, and the drama, from a distance. This individual one will be worth more than an original BBB, so wish I had the cash! GLWTS.

#21 6 years ago

Surprised this hasn't already been snatched up.

#22 6 years ago
Quoted from Wolfmarsh:

Surprised this hasn't already been snatched up.

On the other hand I didn't expect mine to move in only an hour, so hey. I know he's talking to people, just a matter of someone pulling the trigger with the right offer.

I personally think Kelly set a new bar for how to use movie clips in a game. Not a glorified laser disc player, he really edited the crap out of things to keep the fast paced and cohesive. Whoever owns this will have a good little story as people are watching them play.

#23 6 years ago
Quoted from Aurich:

On the other hand I didn't expect mine to move in only an hour, so hey. I know he's talking to people, just a matter of someone pulling the trigger with the right offer.
I personally think Kelly set a new bar for how to use movie clips in a game. Not a glorified laser disc player, he really edited the crap out of things to keep the fast paced and cohesive. Whoever owns this will have a good little story as people are watching them play.

It's a fantastic game, just a shame the story ended the way it did.

#24 6 years ago

So, just to clarify, I didn't post here to feel out the price of the game so much as WHO might be interested.

I'm of course hoping to get a good price, but I would honestly prefer the game go to someone who really loves it. It would also be great if the buyer was local, but that's probably asking too much. And finally, who ever is gets the game needs to be easy to deal with, and someone who other people here can at least vouch for.

With that said, any silent offers I get will be considered within reason. If I wanted a fast sale, I already have that on offer.

I'll probably feel it out till the weekend, but maybe longer if that's what it takes to find the right home. I'm in no hurry.

#25 6 years ago
Quoted from animator_pin_fan:

The saddest thing about all of this is that, before this game was discontinued, and the company no more, the original plan was to put this thing for free-play in a certain private (but well visited) undisclosed pinball parlor that you may know of

The original-original plan was to put it in MY house!


#26 6 years ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

The original-original plan was to put it in MY house!

It probably would have scared Josie

#27 6 years ago
Quoted from Aurich:

On the other hand I didn't expect mine to move in only an hour, so hey. I know he's talking to people, just a matter of someone pulling the trigger with the right offer.
I personally think Kelly set a new bar for how to use movie clips in a game. Not a glorified laser disc player, he really edited the crap out of things to keep the fast paced and cohesive. Whoever owns this will have a good little story as people are watching them play.

Played this at my friend’s house in Rochester. This statement is 100% accurate. The integration of this theme into the machine is best I have seen. I lost more than a few balls looking at the screen and I didn’t even care. I am sad that I won’t get to play it again and I hope JJP or stern see’s the talent here and picks you up in the future.

#28 6 years ago

I don't see the value of LE being more than standard with beacon lights, shaker and lit interior blades added plus powder coated glass top frame. Consequently if LE's are going for 12-13k, so should an upgraded standard. A standard machine should be $11-12k imo. This is one case where an LE can be created from a standard + $500 to $1k.

#29 6 years ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

I don't see the value of LE being more than standard with beacon lights, shaker and lit interior blades added plus powder coated glass top frame. Consequently if LE's are going for 12-13k, so should an upgraded standard. A standard machine should be $11-12k imo. This is one case where an LE can be created from a standard + $500 to $1k.

I get the impression that LEs are right at 15k, but Aurich could weigh in on what his sold for.

I see on other groups that Kelly has his listed for 16.5k. As I noted before, this game is in BBB and MG territory from a collectors perspective.

Somewhere between 100-150 games built?
Of those probably 50 of the more recent built ones which are what you would want as a collector
Better theme than BBB or MG
Actually works (unlike MG)
Unlikely to ever be remade (unlike BBB or MG)
Best gameplay of the 3 by far

If BBB and MG sell for 15-20k, then I have to think a NIB AlienLE is in that same territory (if not now, then it will be after the last few change hands)

#30 6 years ago

Le can be bought for $10k and standards $9k

Sure once all sold prices will increase

#31 6 years ago
Quoted from Ballypinball:

Le can be bought for $10k and standards $9k
Sure once all sold prices will increase

does that include shipping to US and import fees? If not, then tack on another 1500 to your price.

Also, toss your morals out the window for anyone wanting to buy from such a company.

#32 6 years ago
Quoted from Whysnow:

does that include shipping to US and import fees? If not, then tack on another 1500 to your price.
Also, toss your morals out the window for anyone wanting to buy from such a company.

A game is a game, last time I checked I wasn't a mass murderer, shipping by air is between $600 to $800 depending on state
Even if you say $11500 still way under $15k

#33 6 years ago

Thank you everyone for reaching out. It was great to connect with so many of you that are so passionate about the theme, and LOVE this game.

I've found a great home for it! The GAME IS SOLD. Thanks again.

#34 6 years ago

Congrats Kelly! It is a good home, let someone else announce it, but lots of people will get a chance to play it now, makes me happy.

#35 6 years ago
Quoted from animator_pin_fan:

The saddest thing about all of this is that,...

The game isn't that fun to play.

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