(Topic ID: 246557)

PBR Pinball Resource - news updates

By jeffc

4 years ago

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    #51 3 years ago

    Sorry to hear about this, loved ordering from her, although she’d usually transfer me to Steve b/c of “part numbers”?

    #52 3 years ago

    She will be missed. My sincerest sympathies to Steve and to her family.
    20200803_160925 (resized).jpg20200803_160925 (resized).jpg

    #53 3 years ago

    Thanks for the photo, did you take it and do you know what year it was taken?

    #54 3 years ago

    It's funny how affected I feel over the loss of someone I never personally met and only spoke with on the phone. I absolutely adored her and had every intention of seeking her out at a show one day.
    She was yin to Steve's yang and my heart goes out him and all of her loved ones.


    #55 3 years ago
    Quoted from Mr68:

    It's funny how affected I feel over the loss of someone I never personally met and only spoke with on the phone. I absolutely adored her and had every intention of seeking her out at a show one day.
    She was yin to Steve's yang and my heart goes out him and all of her loved ones.

    You summed up my feelings exactly. I met Steve one year at a show but never got to meet Gloria in person. My favorite calls/orders were where Gloria would answer, but for some reason (my incompetence usually) would need to yell over to Steve to get guidance and advice on what I needed. I like ordering stuff online as much as the next person but there was always something special about dealing with PBR because of her and Steve. RIP!

    #56 3 years ago

    So sorry for your loss.

    #57 3 years ago

    My first pinball show was Expo '99 in Chicago. It was momentous to me because Steve and Gloria were there exhibiting for PBR. I actually picked up my latest order there and saved on shipping! I was 2 years new to the hobby focused on Gottlieb EMs and it was great to put faces to names that were only normally on the other end of the phone. Every subsequent order was like catching up again whether it was Steve or Gloria that answered and that never changed for 20 years.
    I was honored to have had the opportunity to meet Gloria in person and it was a pleasure to know her. The world is a lesser place in her absence. My condolences to you, Steve, and the PBR team.

    #58 3 years ago
    Quoted from jrpinball:

    She will be missed. My sincerest sympathies to Steve and to her family.
    [quoted image]

    Thanks JR for posting the picture to the voice on the phone.
    I got to talk to her many times...
    Truly going to miss Gloria.

    #59 3 years ago

    Gloria was always cool. Sorry Steve.....

    #60 3 years ago

    I talked to her on the phone a couple of times. I've never met either Steve or Gloria in person and in her case sadly I never will now.

    RIP Gloria and God be with you Steve.

    #61 3 years ago

    I met both Gloria and Steve at one of the first A-town shows that I attended (circa 2009 or 2010?). Also dealt with Steve other times when he would bring orders to the show.

    I recall ordering on the phone through Gloria back then, although when my orders got larger, I found it easier to just type it all into a Word table and paste into an email, rather that read each item over phone and have it repeated back.

    My energies go out to Steve and family.

    #62 3 years ago

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss...

    #63 3 years ago

    RIP Gloria

    #64 3 years ago

    Very sad news indeed, she was always a kind and a very wonderful human being. This is a great loss to everyone who knew her. Steve, I send my deepest condolences to you, and Gloria, may you rest in peace, you will be missed.

    #65 3 years ago

    I am saddened to read this.
    Gloria was always pleasant and helpful.
    I too , am affected by the loss of someone who i never actually met in person.
    My deepest condolences Steve.

    #66 3 years ago

    Rest in Peace Gloria. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Steve... I can still hear Gloria yelling at you to get on the phone and "answer this customer's question please"!

    #67 3 years ago

    My deepest sympathies. Rest In Peace Gloria.

    #68 3 years ago

    My condolences to you, Steve and your team at PBR.

    #69 3 years ago

    Sad news indeed! My thoughts and prayers go out to you Steve in these trying times. Gloria and I use to have some great conversations when I placed my many phone orders and at the Allentown shows.

    1 month later
    #70 3 years ago

    Latest update from http://www.pbresource.com/news.html is:

    01/13/21 Gottlieb® Stargate Horus Switch

    Limited new stock of the White Round Spot Target Smart Switch used in the Horus assembly.

    Part Number is GTB-31133Z+ $15.40ea

    #71 3 years ago

    Latest update from http://www.pbresource.com/news.html is:

    01/13/21 Gottlieb® Assembly Target Cam now available

    Got a Gottlieb® game that uses a Kicking Target Assembly? If so you will be happy to hear we have remade the Left and Right Target Cam, the part that normally breaks in the Kicking Target.

    The Kicking Target Assembly is used in many Gottlieb® games like Haunted House, Stargate, Gladiators, Tee'd Off, Caveman, Barbwire, Volcano, etc....

    The Right Assembly Target Cam is Part GTB-20209 $4.00ea
    The Left Assembly Target Cam is Part GTB-20494 $4.00ea

    These Assembly Target Cams are parts of bigger assemblies


    #72 3 years ago

    And LEG-31CA are now back in stock. Steve has yet to update the web site.

    #73 3 years ago
    Quoted from pinhead52:

    And LEG-31CA are now back in stock. Steve has yet to update the web site.

    Yep! I got confirmation that my order shipped yesterday

    1 month later
    #74 3 years ago

    Is it normal to constantly get a busy signal when I call PBR? Been trying for 2 days now!

    #75 3 years ago

    I sent an order 4 days ago, no news about Jimmy.....

    #76 3 years ago
    Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

    Is it normal to constantly get a busy signal when I call PBR? Been trying for 2 days now!


    #77 3 years ago

    Just send in an order via email today and got a "confirmed" from Jimmy a few hours later. It was a pretty small order though.

    #78 3 years ago

    They appear to have been accepting phone orders for a couple of months. I did orders in January and February and both times received bounceback that they were not accepting email orders temporarily.

    Hopefully they are back taking email orders.

    Quoted from kangourou:

    I sent an order 4 days ago, no news about Jimmy.....

    I would write again requesting confirmation. Or call.

    #79 3 years ago
    Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

    Is it normal to constantly get a busy signal when I call PBR? Been trying for 2 days now!

    Steve answers the phone right up to 6PM ET.

    #80 3 years ago
    Quoted from MikeO:

    Hopefully they are back taking email orders.

    Placed an email order Monday 3-22. Shipped yesterday and is set to arrive tomorrow 3-25.

    #81 3 years ago
    Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

    Is it normal to constantly get a busy signal when I call PBR? Been trying for 2 days now!

    Get on the phone right when tjey open or call at lunchtime. I've had good luck with those timeframes.

    #82 3 years ago
    Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

    Is it normal to constantly get a busy signal when I call PBR? Been trying for 2 days now!

    Yes. They operate old school style. A website with a cart to add and order would be great but they don't want to take that measure.
    I only order from them as a last resort for those reasons alone.

    #83 3 years ago
    Quoted from silver_spinner:

    Yes. They operate old school style. A website with a cart to add and order would be great but they don't want to take that measure.
    I only order from them as a last resort for those reasons alone.

    Interesting, I save a ton of money going the PBR route, but waiting for an open telephone line isn't for everyone.

    #84 3 years ago

    Ordering pinball parts is technical, I want to make sure the numbers are right, do not like surprises.
    Placed an order Monday night with PBR (by email).
    They responded with a few questions yesterday and the order shipped this afternoon.It will be right when I get it and the parts will be high quality.
    I will mail out a check when I receive the order.
    Simple as that Folks.

    #85 3 years ago

    I emailed an order on sunday night.
    Received the parts in tuesday mail.
    Mailed the check wednesday morning.

    #86 3 years ago

    I had a minor hiccup with my last order. I always order via email and usually get a "confirmed" email and then a "shipped" email. Never got the shipped email after several days. Called today and Jimmy was on vacation end of last week. Steve confirmed it was shipped and 30 minutes later the order was in my mailbox. Mailing check tomorrow.

    Always my 1st choice for parts for the last 20 years. Best prices on pinball parts even without a "cart".

    #87 3 years ago
    Quoted from tomdrum:

    I had a minor hiccup with my last order. I always order via email and usually get a "confirmed" email and then a "shipped" email. Never got the shipped email after several days. Called today and Jimmy was on vacation end of last week. Steve confirmed it was shipped and 30 minutes later the order was in my mailbox. Mailing check tomorrow.
    Always my 1st choice for parts for the last 20 years. Best prices on pinball parts even without a "cart".

    Yea my email to Jimmy went to the bit bucket too last week. Where was the bounce saying "nobody home". Finally ordered through Steve on Tuesday.

    #88 3 years ago

    Only issue I've ever had with a PBR order was a fingerprint indented on a signature pop bumper when ordering a set for my GTB Knock Out. If it was a $4 cap I wouldn't even mention it to him, but Steve took care of it right away for me and knows this happens from time to time during the curing process. I don't know what we'd do without him especially for the GTB EM's. My EM's are all held together with Steve Young's knowledge and resources. I know he's a little old school with the phones but call enough and you'll get through.

    5 months later
    #89 2 years ago

    Latest update from http://www.pbresource.com/news.html is:

    08/23/21 Millwax

    I have had many requests regarding the availability of Millwax these past months and am pleased to report as of today 8-23-21 Millwax is back in stock at our usual price of $12.85 per bottle. If you ask 100 pinball people how to clean and wax a playfield, you will get 110 answers. Millwax continues to fill an important gap in what is available to satisfy this need.

    The distribution model has changed completely; we are now one of the few master distributors for Millwax. As such, dealer pricing is now available for customers wishing to purchase in quantity for use or resale. I welcome wholesale inquiries which should be directed to me via the phone (845) 473-7114.

    #90 2 years ago

    Thanks for continuing to do this jeffc !

    #91 2 years ago

    Steve truly cares about the hobby and not the dollars. The one thing that I notice is he is never in a hurry to get me off the phone and will be happy to talk pinball and other things.
    Some pricing on parts is still the same as late 90,s
    The pinball knowledge and memory he has is amazing.

    #92 2 years ago

    I’m always amazed at the folks who can run a business and still have a love for the hobby which they support. It is so easy for one to ruin the other.

    #93 2 years ago
    Quoted from pinballplusMN:

    Steve truly cares about the hobby and not the dollars. The one thing that I notice is he is never in a hurry to get me off the phone and will be happy to talk pinball and other things.
    Some pricing on parts is still the same as late 90,s
    The pinball knowledge and memory he has is amazing.

    After my comment about getting busy signals I eventually go through just redialing every 5 minutes. Steve was great and as mentioned above, he was in no hurry to get me off the phone even though I said I wanted to finish up quickly so I don’t hold him up for others!

    Steve words: “when you’re on the phone with me, you have my undivided attention, the others can wait till it’s their turn too. You’re my customer at this moment”

    Amazing mentality from Steve. He also got angry with me when I requested “useless crap you don’t need” and he “suggested” (told) me what I should buy instead. It was like a 50 dollar difference. I’ve NEVER had someone yell at me demanding I pay them less money! Steve is one-of-a-kind.

    #94 2 years ago
    Quoted from Isochronic_Frost:

    After my comment about getting busy signals I eventually go through just redialing every 5 minutes. Steve was great and as mentioned above, he was in no hurry to get me off the phone even though I said I wanted to finish up quickly so I don’t hold him up for others!
    Steve words: “when you’re on the phone with me, you have my undivided attention, the others can wait till it’s their turn too. You’re my customer at this moment”
    Amazing mentality from Steve. He also got angry with me when I requested “useless crap you don’t need” and he “suggested” (told) me what I should buy instead. It was like a 50 dollar difference. I’ve NEVER had someone yell at me demanding I pay them less money! Steve is one-of-a-kind.

    Sometimes its hard to politely end the call with Steve

    #96 2 years ago

    If you haven’t listened to Nick B’s podcast interview with Steve Young, you should:

    Thanks bingopodcast

    #97 2 years ago

    I would love to tour that store!

    #98 2 years ago
    Quoted from jeffc:

    Thanks bingopodcast

    Thanks for listening! PBR is fantastic. Which reminds me... I need to place an order.

    #99 2 years ago
    Quoted from bingopodcast:

    Thanks for listening! PBR is fantastic. Which reminds me... I need to place an order.

    Mine just came in yesterday for Seawitch.

    20210826_055436 (resized).jpg20210826_055436 (resized).jpg
    #100 2 years ago
    Quoted from gdonovan:

    Mine just came in yesterday for Seawitch.
    [quoted image]

    gdonovan do you mind sharing the part number, quantity and price for the posts you ordered please?

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