(Topic ID: 339279)

Centaur confirmed as the next haggis remake

By kineticist

1 year ago

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#51 1 year ago

A lot of “immersion” going on in the release spiel that’s for sure

#52 1 year ago

Those toppers are dreadful.. but I think the game looks beautiful as I have come to expect with Haggis. The price in Australia is actually before tax so the Beast edition is $16500 AUD which is up around what I paid for my Pulp Fiction LE and it's hard to see good value on the Centaur based on that. Would love to play one in the flesh tho and never say never!

#53 1 year ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

But why? It's stupid that they have to be drilled in from the top at all. Put a threaded wing INSIDE the apron and secure the apron from the underside so the apron surface is CLEAN.

Honestly - who TF cares about the apron bolts. I don't. The build quality and attention to detail on Fathom Mermaid is higher than any of the other 100 pinballs I've owned. The playfield on Fathom is also more beautiful than any other pinball I've owned.

Fathom Mermaid knocked it out of the park for $10k shipped...but I'm on the fence at $12k shipped for Centaur.

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#54 1 year ago
Quoted from simbob:

Those toppers are dreadful..

Blows Stern $3K toppers out of the water though, dollar for dollar

#55 1 year ago
Quoted from Cobray:

I don't trust that if I buy a 1 in 50 game now and pay up front, wait 2 years for delivery, that at that point they won't again announce that what I thought I was getting as a limited release actually will now be offered to others that want it.

Nor should you trust that, at this point.

#56 1 year ago

Am I in the minority when I say I don't want toppers or RGB lighting or even 2.0 code? I just want my Centaur to be Centaur.

#57 1 year ago
Quoted from rennervision:

Am I in the minority when I say I don't want toppers or RGB lighting or even 2.0 code? I just want my Centaur to be Centaur.

TBH I think you are right and they missed a big opportunity to make a 'pro' level version of the game and could have made it essentially a pure reproduction of the original game and priced it a few thousand less.

#58 1 year ago

I’m on the fence for the beast version at 250 units. Other is just way too expensive. So prob two yrs to ship and any other $2000 in shipping air?

Fake Rammstein soundtrack?

#59 1 year ago
Quoted from beltking:

I’m on the fence for the beast version at 250 units. Other is just way too expensive. So prob two yrs to ship and any other $2000 in shipping air?
Fake Rammstein soundtrack?

Pretty sure it said free shipping to a company in the USA and then you would just have road freight from there

#60 1 year ago
Quoted from simbob:

TBH I think you are right and they missed a big opportunity to make a 'pro' level version of the game and could have made it essentially a pure reproduction of the original game and priced it a few thousand less.

They did that with Fathom so I’m guessing there isn’t much of a market for it.

#61 1 year ago

So, $10,000 US Dollar plus the $2,000 air shipping, unless you want to believe you can wait for boat shipping which puts your delivery on forever hold. And if you do hold, then maybe that limited game all of a sudden is tanking in the pinball market here after they announce a standard version with all the "LE" upgrades that were supposed to be limited.

That's $12,000 US delivered to the door in the United States. When I see a bunch of Haggis Fathoms, which I consider a much better game, on the market here for $1K-$2K less (maybe more) and Fathom is THE better game of the two, Centaur is a tough buy IMO.

Not to mention that you can get a pretty good restored Centaur for way cheaper.

#62 1 year ago

Jesus Christ that's embarrassing.

Perfect treatment for a B&W classic; Clown Puking!

But I appreciate them making a Topper worse than CPRs at least

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#63 1 year ago

We're right at the peak of pricing, so they may still be able to pull off selling 300... Pretty iffy right now though. Centaur is awesome, but not that awesome.

I never thought I would like centaur in color, but it actually looks pretty bitchin'. Good luck to Haggis.

#64 1 year ago

#65 1 year ago

That music is horrific

#66 1 year ago
Quoted from Ive:

That music is horrific

I like the music

#67 1 year ago

Well done Haggis !

You guys Rock !

Excellent choice.

@ pinside Robin, mods ?

Why is Haggis not listed ???

Please update

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#68 1 year ago
Quoted from rennervision:

Am I in the minority when I say I don't want toppers or RGB lighting or even 2.0 code? I just want my Centaur to be Centaur.

I find the colored playfield dreadful, nice it is optional.

#69 1 year ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

The lack of attention to the style cues of the original machine and details on the remake (especially the Orblivion at $17k) are just crazy.
WHY are there stainless steel hex screws in the apron at the trim on the left and right side (in the middle AND the corners)? There was NO OTHER WAY to secure that apron? And even if there wasn't, they couldn't put a BLACK SCREW AND WASHER there so it doesn't stick out so hard? I mean, c'mon.
Also, that screen printed apron is boring and an explosion of design dissonance. Too many colors, too many fonts, too little thought. On the 17k machine I want something that makes me go "wow!" That apron should have been black grained leather with premium leather jacket-type stitching and chrome studs where the white dots are right now. The FAO and Haggis logos should have been embossed and/or embroidered in black or dark gray. Make me think $17k is a bargain.
[quoted image]

Have to agree with this regarding screws and the too many fonts. Plus, all the fonts look like they're squeezed horizontally. Is there no other font they could've used that looks like it was supposed to fit there and not shortened as an afterthought? Same thing on that Fathom a few posts lower. Hopefully, it's just the picture that's squeezed, but it doesn't look like it.

It is nice that they've already LED-skittled everything for you! /s

#70 1 year ago

Roughly $10000 and $170000

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#71 1 year ago
Quoted from Daditude:

This is intriguing to me as Centaur is a wishlist game. I'm sure it will come down to price/wait time.
I've played the Haggis Fathom, so I have no doubt the quality will be there.

It looks like I was right about the quality. It seems like a stunner!

That price though! Oof!

15,000 AUD (just over 10,000 is US dollars)
25,000 AUD (16,683 US dollars as of today)

At those prices, I will be "re-visiting" the original Centaur...not the Haggis version

#72 1 year ago

I think it looks fantastic and love the music. Price is a wee bit more than I am willing to pay for either. The color playfield looks great and if you can afford either than the choice is yours. Should be able to pick one up second hand in a few years at a reasonable price hopefully. We'll done Haggis.

#73 1 year ago

First, let me say that I really enjoy my Haggi's Fathom mermaid Edition which is outstanding. I will pass that one because of (1) space (2) waf factor ( miss really dont like it, I wonder why ). Still up for the EBD if it ever pop s up.

#74 1 year ago
Quoted from Daditude:

At those prices, I will be "re-visiting" the original Centaur...not the Haggis version

There is a market for certain classic games reissued, but I think they just banged through the price ceiling.

#75 1 year ago
Quoted from DrDoom:

I like the music

Sounds like rip off of "Du Hast"

#76 1 year ago

Those toppers…..

#77 1 year ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

There is a market for certain classic games reissued, but I think they just banged through the price ceiling.

Yeah after two years of waiting, Haggis is still nowhere near complete on shipping the Fathom games and now they release a new game. I am waiting on my Fathom and got in very late, so not expecting it until December or later. So what is the deal with the new game announced and taking $$$? Obviously there are two possibilities. First is they need to grab cash to finish the Fathom build. Second is they are going to start producing two games simultaneously. That second possibility is basically not possible and would really, really piss off a lot of people who are waiting on their games. I have always given Haggis a major break because the got caught in the worst possible time with Covid and still are slowly but surely coming through. So even though this is obviously a cash grab and no buyer will see their Centaur in 2023, I am ok with it.

I hope Haggis can up the production rate by at least double soon and wish them the best of luck. I am sticking in there for my Fathom, but I will be passing on Centaur.

A few of notes for people who have not followed the Fathom thread(s):

First is the container shipping they promised. This has not happened...yet. The games have released so slooooooow that people opt to pay the $1800 for air freight to the US. So the few people who don't want to pay the big bucks are waiting for a container to fill. And waiting. And waiting.

Second is a lot of people bought thinking this was the next FOMO and not only didn't it happen, there is literally no buzz for Fathom. As the first games were tricking out flippers were trying to sell them for $20000-30000 (US) and nothing but crickets. Now they are available in the US for less than they cost NIB plus shipping. So this is not the next flipper's dream, it is more like the next Halloween.

Third, the games are stunning beautiful. The build quality is great, but there are software bugs and software updates are slooooow to come. Haggis also used to release video status reports and that ended a long time ago. Good luck getting them to answer emails too...though they seem to be getting better in that department.

#78 1 year ago
Quoted from Cobray:

Can't wait to hear Damian's voice on the new code- "Bad move human" and DESTROY CENTAUR!! -with an Australian accent!

Lol, that's why I won't buy Fathom..

#79 1 year ago

I love Centaur and for 42 years it has captivated my attention. The simplicity of the game and playfield in black and white color scheme with only a hint of green and red via inserts. But this proposed remake is covered in clown vomit colors. The topper featuring the woman is misdirected, as the game focuses 100% on Mr Centaur. I don’t see this offering as improved on any avenue. At almost 3x the price of a restored Centaur, it is overpriced. So far I have ignored whom is making it, but I will never buy a nib game from Haggis. If I wanted to be ignored and treated like shit I can still buy from CGC and they won’t offer an overdesigned and overpriced pinball machine.

#80 1 year ago
Quoted from Pinball-Wiz:

So, $10,000 US Dollar plus the $2,000 air shipping, unless you want to believe you can wait for boat shipping which puts your delivery on forever hold. And if you do hold, then maybe that limited game all of a sudden is tanking in the pinball market here after they announce a standard version with all the "LE" upgrades that were supposed to be limited.
That's $12,000 US delivered to the door in the United States. When I see a bunch of Haggis Fathoms, which I consider a much better game, on the market here for $1K-$2K less (maybe more) and Fathom is THE better game of the two, Centaur is a tough buy IMO.
Not to mention that you can get a pretty good restored Centaur for way cheaper.

Stupid question time.

So it's roughly $12K shipped to your door? Or is their another shipping charge once it arrives on US soil?

Also, is the total amount due upon ordering or upon delivery?

Questions might be moot because while this is a wish list title, that's a steep price to pay. All in at $10K total but $12K plus buys multiples of other games i'd like to have.

#81 1 year ago

It looks cool but at these price points the game will be DOA. I think at $7500/$10K USD for the 2 different models would have been where they needed to be. I wouldn't be interested either way though. I had a restored Centaur and the gameplay didn't hold up for me. It's a top 5 Bally in terms of looks but the gameplay/rules are lacking for me even with aftermarket roms. Multi-ball feels kind of pointless because the rules of the game don't change. Maybe the 2.0 rules will improve this? I would have rather seen an improved version of the game with spinners/ramps and modern code with a heavy metal soundtrack.

#82 1 year ago

Toppers seems so out of place on these older games...

#83 1 year ago

Good point about the sound system. The nice restored Centaur making the shows 5-10 years ago had big speakers, a subwoofer and big sound that impressed everyone within 50 feet. This model should have that too and be accompanied by a heavy metal track. I think this element would add value, enhance game play and overall be considered a good move, human.

#84 1 year ago

I'm interested to learn more about the 2.0 rules. I'm curious about how they added another multiball to a game that is already multiball heavy

I hope to see the captive ball and inline drop target shot utilized more. Seems natural for some sort of jackpot/super jackpot type progression.

#85 1 year ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

Good point about the sound system. The nice restored Centaur making the shows 5-10 years ago had big speakers, a subwoofer and big sound that impressed everyone within 50 feet. This model should have that too and be accompanied by a heavy metal track. I think this element would add value, enhance game play and overall be considered a good move, human.

Upgraded Bally sound board with any call out & music you want is available as is stereo output.

#86 1 year ago
Quoted from Bohm:

Stupid question time.
So it's roughly $12K shipped to your door? Or is their another shipping charge once it arrives on US soil?
Also, is the total amount due upon ordering or upon delivery?
Questions might be moot because while this is a wish list title, that's a steep price to pay. All in at $10K total but $12K plus buys multiples of other games i'd like to have.

If you took the airfreight option, it would be $12k to your door. If you elect to wait until they fill a container to get the free shipping, it is free shipping to Planetary Pinball, then your cost from there.

For Fathom, it was payment of deposit, then payment of balance when your game is ready to be produced. For Fathom the wait after you paid the final balance was 4ish months (maybe more - not sure what it has been recently).

#87 1 year ago
Quoted from MikeS:

It looks cool but at these price points the game will be DOA. I think at $7500/$10K USD for the 2 different models would have been where they needed to be.


As much as I like classic Ballys and own several once you hit $7500-$10,000 I'm looking at new Sterns like Foo Fighters.

#88 1 year ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

I'm interested to learn more about the 2.0 rules. I'm curious about how they added another multiball to a game that is already multiball heavy
I hope to see the captive ball and inline drop target shot utilized more. Seems natural for some sort of jackpot/super jackpot type progression.

The rules of Centaur are half the reason I love the game. Here’s a synopsis of how the game can be played. 1) Knock down orbs drop targets in order and earn an instant extra ball. Every completion of orbs drops in any order registers 1 ball to jackpot counter, up to 4 and it resets between every ball. Get the 1234 targets down in order once to light jackpot target in top right. Hit that target to start mb with # balls being 1-4 jackpots you have qualified with that ball. 2) drop in-line targets to light queens chamber jackpot on top left standup. 3) collect top rollovers to increase multiplier and repeat to get multiplier higher. Use flipper buttons to unlight a rollover. Lots of star rollers to collect but they don’t count for much. This all occurs on a single level too.

#89 1 year ago
Quoted from jeffspinballpalace:

The rules of Centaur are half the reason I love the game. Here’s a synopsis of how the game can be played. 1) Knock down orbs drop targets in order and earn an instant extra ball. Every completion of orbs drops in any order registers 1 ball to jackpot counter, up to 4 and it resets between every ball. Get the 1234 targets down in order once to light jackpot target in top right. Hit that target to start mb with # balls being 1-4 jackpots you have qualified with that ball. 2) drop in-line targets to light queens chamber jackpot on top left standup. 3) collect top rollovers to increase multiplier and repeat to get multiplier higher. Use flipper buttons to unlight a rollover. Lots of star rollers to collect. This all occurs on a single level too.

There's also the add a ball on the inlane inserts. Feels great to add-a-ball while draining.

I also love the bonus collect shot where you have to time it with a moving X value lamp

OG Centaur is great

#90 1 year ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

There's also the add a ball on the inlane inserts. Feels great to add-a-ball while draining.
I also love the bonus collect shot where you have to time it with a moving X value lamp
OG Centaur is great

Forgot about the inlane inserts, and yes they are instrumental to the strategy. I should have labeled them as 4).

The other half reason I love Centaur is the layout and art. The layout begs for nudging and each side has an outlane drain where the ball can be nudged back into play. With everything but the score being reset between balls, each ball stands alone. This means you can have two crappy balls and then one spectacular ball and win it all. Any one ball by anyone playing can win the game. But it is not luck that let’s one win, it is skilled play with focus and understanding of the simple rules that allows it to happen. In a nutshell, you must earn the victory and it can be done in a single turn. The art is weird and great.

#91 1 year ago

Big Rammstein vibes on the music in that video. Can we get a Rammstein pin pls?

#92 1 year ago
Quoted from skink91:

Confirmed… by Kaneda… mmm-hmmm…

Sour grapes

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#93 1 year ago

I wonder if there will be selectable options to implement some of the fixes that were put in by Oliver's custom Centaur Roms or if these will run the stock Bally code? The stock code is too easy to exploit the game and have endless multi-ball as well as the the inability to reset your bonus count after each ball.

#94 1 year ago

Jesus ,that Orblivion looks like a kids first set of titties . Glorious ! Too bad I can’t play in this ballpark as the pricing of top end pinball is going to force me to start looking to closing arcades for future purchases . Best to those getting these I’m extremely jealous

#95 1 year ago

Yes on the Rahmstein pin !

#96 1 year ago

and 9INs

#97 1 year ago

Just ordered from Zack at Flipnout the beast model. He is exclusive usa distributor. Also only $1000 deposit and he holds funds not haggis. $9999 total plus shipping estimate around $1200. Rock music is more my speed than Fathom.

#98 1 year ago
Quoted from beltking:

Just ordered from Zack at Flipnout the beast model. He is exclusive usa distributor. Also only $1000 deposit and he holds funds not haggis. $9999 total plus shipping estimate around $1200. Rock music is more my speed than Fathom.

Do you have a rough estimate on expected date of delivery?

#99 1 year ago
Quoted from beltking:

Just ordered from Zack at Flipnout the beast model. He is exclusive usa distributor. Also only $1000 deposit and he holds funds not haggis. $9999 total plus shipping estimate around $1200. Rock music is more my speed than Fathom.

Well, it says non-refundable but at least it isn't going to Haggis right away.

#100 1 year ago

I like smaller companies making cool games but what the hell is up with their price increases. The fathom mermaid game was announced two years ago and was way cheaper.

Two editions of Fathom 'Revisited' will be built as part of the Haggis Classic Series

Classic Edition ($9,500 AUD ($10450 incl. Australian GST)/ $7,360 USD)


Mermaid Edition ($11,500 AUD ($12650 incl. Australian GST) / $8,900 USD)

So the special edition on Centaur is 16700? So they doubled their prices over two years? I'm I seeing that correctly?

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